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An essay for internet authors. Produce quality, not quantity. |
An Overview To Writing Keyword Articles Writers who have deigned to the mass production of brief, poorly researched and undocumented SEO keyword articles for the sole purpose of generating online traffic and advertising revenue have given the entire corps of contemporary digital authors a bad name and have cheapened the process of SEO, or search engine optimization. In essence, they have become the blood-sucking leaches and junk bond salesmen of the internet writing community. Some American authors have actually compared them to the greedy people who have "flipped" house after house in the real estate market and contributed to the crash of housing values. Because of those who mass-produce, or flip, keyword articles, the advertising revenue for the worthy, well-written articles has plummeted. The writing of keyword articles involves the futile use of search engine optimization- the continuing process of making an article or website more likely to be placed near the coveted and highly visible top of search engine results. This is most commonly attempted through the diverse placement of popularly searched words or terms called keywords. MICHELLE L. DEVON, a helium.com authoress, has written "On the internet, where content is king, you are competing with every other website that has ever used those keywords you have used in your article or content." The more occurrences of keywords throughout an internet article's beginning, middle and end, the higher will be the probability that the article will appear near the beginning of a search engine result. This tactic is known as keyword density, or the "text-to-keyword" ratio, and is a major factor taken into account by the proprietary search software employed by major search engines. KIM KUNANIEC, a prolific helium.com writer, explains that "Putting good keywords near the front of your article is not only a good way to get it to show up on the Helium search, it will also help you rank higher on Google and Yahoo. Paying attention to key words and phrases is the essence of SEO, and will help your earnings dramatically." Advertisers are convinced that their messages will have a higher likelihood of catching someone's attention, and thus make a sale, if their advertising or the websites on which they advertise rank highly on the first page of search results. Keyword authors are convinced that this will increase the revenue they earn from advertisers when they receive remunerations based on the 'pay-per-click' arrangement. Unfortunately, undereducated keyword article writers claim that they can produce three or four articles an hour on virtually any subject with negligible research or fact checking because the subject matter is always of such a common sense nature. They claim that they need not learn about the subject on which they are writing! The disheartening fact is that most of what keyword article writers produce is not qualified to be published, yet they continue to vomit masses of underliterate product. V. KUMAR, in a helium.com article under the site title of "An overview to writing keyword articles", further explains that "Keyword articles need to be straight to the point, without wasting too many words on developing the background. They do not indulge in excessive elaboration or literary jugglery, yet they need to have an attractive literary flavour that keeps the reader tied down just enough to take him till the end of the short article." Would you buy a used car from an author who espoused such a sentiment? Numerous keyword authors also claim that they MUST produce articles in such a manner in order to make the task pay. The sites which accept online articles or look for keyword article writers only pay a few dollars for each article. Writers claim that spending hours on any particular keyword article which pays a paltry $3 is simply a waste of writing time. These writers neglect to consider the fact that reading those malnourished articles leaves the audience fasting and quite unsatisfied. Why would they return to XYZ website for future information if all they ever get is the recycled hearsay of "common knowledge" and the tired, reworked material from existing internet articles? Many readers instantly recognize the name of an anemic writer and immediately return to their search results page for a site with more meat. Readers are not fooled when authors change their pen names or write under several, different names. Their sickly articles are easily recognizable. SHANE GREENHOUGH, in an article entitled "Content Writing As Writing" on helium.com, reiterates this point quite eloquently by stating "We all write to be read and to continue being read. Keyword-stuffed content might bring us readers through search engines, but it is quality writing that will build a loyal following of interested readers who will return to continue reading." Oh, just imagine the richness of internet articles if all keyword article writers would espouse such high values! Authors of keyword articles make use of purveyors of contextual ad targeting, of which Google AdSense is the most popular because it has much of the world's internet search traffic. Contextual ad targeting matches ads to the content of a writer's website and earns the author a fraction of a penny whenever thousands of internet visitors click on the advertisements. Popular sources include: Triond AdSense Searchfeed RevenuePilot MarketBanker BidClix Chitika AllFeeds Adhearus Clicksor Bidvertiser Cpase Adsonar Adbrite Kanoodle Brightads Azoogle In short, by all means write and contribute keyword articles to the public internet. Use all of the earning tools I have listed if they apply to your writing and any others available to you in order to profit from your efforts. Just remember that most individuals who perform internet searches are looking for substance and greatly appreciate the citation of sources and references after the conclusion of the articles. When you are actively searching for articles to plagiarize for your keyword articles, don't you look for richly referenced articles? Sources give your keyword article and you, as an author, credibility. Also, instead of the submission of a large quantity of soupy keyword articles which will become obsolete in short order, consider a smaller volume of keyword articles which will stick to your ribs and stand the test of time. Sources: http://www.google.com/services/adsense_tour/index.ht ml https://www.google.com/adsense/login/en_US/ http://www.johntp.com/adsense/ http://www.helium.com/items/995480-the-negative-side-of-seo-keywords?search_resu... http://www.helium.com/items/204713-using-keyword-density-to-optimize-traffic-to-... http://www.helium.com/items/607816-search-engine-optimization-seo-a-copywriters-... http://www.helium.com/items/887436-web-content-writing-is-legitimate-writing?sea... http://www.helium.com/items/1131568-keyword-articles-overview-of-keyword-article... |