Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1575197-untiltled
by Max
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #1575197
Seems cliche with her being from another world, but what if she wasn't with the good guys?

“Get them!!”

“Don’t let them escape!” Two ladies desperately ran from the men chasing them. One was old with age. She was carrying a child, only 3 years old. The other was a young lady, her beautiful face showing extreme distress. They ran along an unknown, dark alleyway. The large men behind them were closing in on them dangerously. Then suddenly they turned to a dead end. The child cried loudly, scared, afraid of the unfamiliar surroundings. They were surrounded at every turn; there was no chance of escape. The old lady, her chest heaving, put the crying child down and tried to calm her. The men closed in and snarled evilly thinking they had finally got them. The old lady realized she had no choice. She clasped her hand as if in a prayer and then muttered an ancient spell:

“Dico mihi qua gramen est viridis ,

Ostendo mihi qua caeli es puteulanus ,

In a universitas near tunc ut nostril

Take mihi illic qua EGO peto meus clues.

May orbis exsisto patefacio quod subsisto perpetuus,

Incubus Succubus, prodigium vadum exsisto ostendo sum!”

A blast of purple, blue and green surged powerfully out of her hands. The men finally caught up but then gasped in surprise as the portal to another world opened. It was unlike any spell they had ever seen. The spell was forbidden and extremely dangerous. It put enormous strain on the user and could permanently exterminate the users’ powers. Unlucky for them, the old lady was one of the strongest mages.

While the men were marveling at the spell, the women took their advantage and jumped through one by one to the other side. They landed with quiet thumps on the paved concrete road. Wisps of yellow, red and orange streamed from the old lady’s fingertips as she closed the portal. Closing the portal was half the strain on her as opening the portal. The younger lady waited impatiently. “Are you done yet?”

“Almost, my Grace”

"Erase them." The younger women said tersely after she had finished. ”I beg your pardon?”

“You heard me,” the younger woman said through gritted teeth. “Erase them. All of my memories.”

The older woman hesitated and the child started crying again, feeling very scared.

“A-are you certain, your grace?” asked the old lady anxiously.

Suddenly the younger woman glared at her with anger.

“Do you doubt me? I know what I want!” she shouted, her voice echoing through the quiet street. The old woman cowered in fear. The child cried even louder.

“SILENCE!” The young woman screamed at the child. The child whimpered.

“If you are certain that’s what you want, I wou-”

“I am sure,” she cut in impatiently with a scowl on her face, looking back at the old lady. “I shall live the rest of my life in this world.” The child’s whimpering was annoying the young woman.

“Silence this child. Put a spell on her. She is annoying me” She said irritably. The old lady obeyed and the child fell to sleep immediately.

“Now. Erase my memories.” The old woman sighed. She slowly, almost if she felt regrettable, put her fingertips on the other woman’s smooth forehead. She closed her weary eyes.

“Aufero chains of vicis quod tractus,

Permissum quis exsisto ,

est Patefacio obfirmo sententia ,

Ut deleo a memoria!”

She watched as a stream of pictures, words and different colours, the young woman’s memories, flowed out of her head into the air, surrounding them, consuming them, then replaced her memory with complete different personality and a history of her ‘life’ in this world. The old woman slumped to the pavement floor immediately after the spell finished.

“Excellent” The younger woman smirked. The spell had yet to have any effect. She looked down at the old woman.

“Now, I want a house. Use your magic. And also make me a part of these filthy creatures’ lives. Make them believe that I have lived here for my entire life. ” The old woman was starting to look pretty bad. She breathed heavily and her magic level was down to almost nothing, but listening ever so faithfully to her, she used the last of her magic to manipulate time and space so that a house would be there and peoples’ memories were altered.. It was an extremely simple spell for her, one which she could do in her sleep, but because the old woman had been in magic combat, opened and closed a portal and had now used advanced memory spells, it had caused her death. The old lady groaned and fell to the ground. The younger woman looked at disgust at the old woman dead on the floor. Her magic got used up so quickly. She scorned the weak. She could slowly feel her memories fly away from her. She could barely remember things from the other world now and she felt her energy drain.

“Damn side effects” the younger woman cursed before she slumped down to the ground as well. Early the next morning, the neighbours woke up to find a beautiful, angelic woman who seemed to look like she had fallen out of the skies, her golden hair spread out beneath her. She seemed to have fainted. Next to her was her child, curled up in a ball, sound asleep. This was very confusing to them. Why would their neighbours be outside their house in the cold autumn weather? But what they really couldn’t comprehend was why there was a small pile of golden dust lying near them, the wisps gradually being blown away by the wind.


You are in a big,garden park in London, Oxford. There is a girl playing around,laughing, her blazing red hair glowing upon the bright midday sun like a halo. There is another person. He is a boy. He is watching the girl from behind a tree, intently from a small distance. He has been there for a while. You wonder what he is doing. What are you doing here anyway?

Natalie awoke from her dream. “These dreams are becoming more and more frequent,” she thought irritably. It was a sunny Sunday morning and she had nothing to do except, sleep. She felt lazy and didn’t want to get up.

“But I’d probably have another one of those dreams.” Natalie shuddered even though she wasn’t cold. She forced herself to get up. Natalie was your average teenager who basically was like any other girl at her school. But unlike the other girls in her school, she had a beautiful porcelain complexion, dark chocolate locks and large, sensual, eyes with gold specks. She stood out in a crowd, but you couldn’t help but like her.

The phone rang; she was too lazy to pick it up and assumed that mum would and she did. “Nataliiiiiiiiie! It’s your boyfriend!” her mum said in a sing song voice. Her mum was weird, a complete bimbo and a ditz. It was weird though. Sometimes Natalie thought that it was somehow all a facade and her personality was somehow forced and unnatural.

“Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend.” Natalie said quizzically, tilting her head to the side. Her mum smirked.

“You don’t have to lie to me” she said, pouting. Natalie stared at her mum and wondered if she was crazy. She took the phone.


“Hello,” replied a ghostly voice. Natalie screamed and dropped the phone.

“Huh? What’s wrong?” her mum poked her head in and smiled “Got dumped?”

Natalie didn’t reply; it was the voice that haunted her nightmares. She slowly picked up the phone. “Meet me at the park tonight at midnight,” said the voice.

“The park? Wha-? Why should I listen to you? You could be a stalker for all I know. Or a rapist. Or a murderer.” Natalie babbled frantically, but the person had already hung up. Natalie slammed the phone on the desk. Then she sulked. She acted so uncool just then. For all she knows, it could just be a prank or a wrong number. Maybe she was just being paranoid about the voice sounding like the guy in her dreams...she wondered if she should go.

“Natalie? What’s wrong?” Her mum asked apprehensively. Natalie paused. Should she tell? No. It would only make her mum worry. Or think that she’s gone retarded.

“Don’t worry. It’s nothing.” Then she went to look for some late breakfast. It could have been anyone. But deep inside, Natalie knew it was that boy in her dreams and he had come for her.


It was dinner and Natalie couldn’t stop thinking about that creepy phone call and she didn’t eat much which was pretty abnormal, because normally she could eat enough for 50 people. Should she go and meet him? What would he do? Kidnap her? Or maybe the phone call was just a prank call.

‘Yes. That’s right. It was just a prank call,’ she thought convincing nobody. Her mum stopped trying to have a conversation with her.

“Honey if there’s something on your mind just tell me”. She said worriedly.

“No, its nothing, I’m just not hungry.” Natalie said. Her mum stared at her.

After dinner, Natalie read a horror book, but she couldn’t concentrate. She really wanted to go to the park to meet up with that boy.

“He’s not real. But I should double check. Just in case.”

When it was almost midnight, Natalie snuck out. It wasn’t hard considering her mum slept like a fat log. DONG! DONG! DONG! It was midnight she ran to the park and searched for any sign of life. The park looked freaky at night. A heavy fog was setting in and Natalie wondered if she should go home. It was cold and dark outside and her room was warm and comfortable. There was nobody here.

“It must have just been a joke. Nobody mysteriously calls people out in the middle of the night.” Natalie felt stupid for even coming here.

Natalie was about to leave when suddenly there was a loud explosion nearby. Curiously, she walked over there. She saw a large cloud of green, blue and purple smoke. Natalie stared, mesmerized. When the smoke had cleared Natalie saw a boy, he was about the same age as her. She recognized him immediately; he was the boy from the dreams she always had.

“You actually came, Natalie.” smiled the boy. His voice sent shivers down Natalie’s spine. “Who are you?” she asked. “How do you know my name?!” “Well, I knew your phone number“

“Hmm…good point… wait, that’s not the point! Who are you and how do you know about me?! I don’t know you!”

“What are you talking about? You saw me this morning didn’t you?” The boy said calmly.

He was right; Natalie had been seeing him in her dreams since a long time ago.

“Your life will be changed forever when you find out the truth. I am here to help you seek the truth: help you to understand about your history.”

“Huh? My history Do you have the wrong person?”

“Are you scared of the truth?” His curt tone shocked her, his smile vanished, and then she snapped. He was the one who asked her there without an explanation. Who was he to talk to her like that?

“What the hell are you talking about? What truth? Is this a joke?” She shouted at him.

“You’ll see,” the boy said mysteriously as fog enveloped him. When the fog cleared the boy was gone. Wow. Just like a movie.
© Copyright 2009 Max (maxu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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