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Rated: E · Fiction · Young Adult · #1576951
Chenoa part 7

Chenoa had a peaceful night sleep but her dreams were all mixed up. They would flash back and forth in her mind. Nothing made sense, but most of Chenoa’s dreams never made sense to her anyway. In the morning she forgot she had even dreamed at all.
“Hurry up with your breakfast. I want us to make it there by early evening at the latest,” pushed Autumn while Chenoa shoveled down her oak meal.
Looking around Chenoa noticed the man was gone. Shivering a little she pulled his brown jacket tighter around her.
“What happened to…”
“He left last night and be glad of it. He is a bad man. You should stay away from him.”
“If he was bad, why was he traveling with us?”
“It’s not important. What is important is that we get going as fast as possible. Oh, by the way he says you can keep his coat, and not to worry about it.”
Chenoa nodded and continued to eat. Once she was done they headed off through the trees. Autumn seemed to be walking faster and it made Chenoa feel weird.
“We aren’t stopping anywhere, are we?” Chenoa blurted out with unease shifting her sword from one shoulder to the other.
“No, we are not,” snapped Autumn immediately.
“Good,” thought Chenoa as she walked to catch up with Autumn.
Autumn turned out to be as good as his word. They didn’t stop except for one time, which was after hours of Chenoa whining that she had to use the bathroom.
When they finally made it to the river boarder it was early evening, as Autumn hoped it would be. Chenoa looked up and down the river for her friends but she couldn’t see them at all. Then she heard a voice calling her name.
“Chen, Chen, over here!” cried the voice.
Chenoa turned around and saw Chris waving his arms in the air to get her attention. She ran towards him and as she did she saw Sun, Candy, Venus, Star, Kork and Galaxy.
“You’re here! I was afraid that you guys were captured or killed!” Chenoa exclaimed as she hugged Sun, Chris, Kork and Star.
Sun and Chris both blushed pink as Chenoa hugged them.
“Chenoa, are you okay? Why is he with you again?” Venus inquired with concern as she grabbed Chenoa’s shoulders and looked at Autumn.
“I’m fine. Autumn helped me get here. He isn’t that bad, Venus,” Chenoa protested in Autumn’s defense. “Do you have anything to eat? We haven’t eaten since this morning.”
At her words her friends jumped into action. They pulled out fruit, meat, vegetables and juices. Chenoa ate her fill, which wasn’t much, but Autumn didn’t eat anything. The group spent a couple hours catching up with each other before Chenoa’s yawn caused them all to go to bed for the night.
In the morning they had a hearty breakfast and then crossed the river. At the other side of the river Candy and Venus stopped and bided their friends good-bye. They told the others that they couldn’t travel any farther because it was not their territory.
“What did they mean, Galaxy, it isn’t their territory?” Chenoa inquired as they walked along a brick road.
“Venus and Candy are Fairies as you know and their home is the woods where magic is at its best and purest. The territory ahead is one that has changed greatly,” Galaxy explained her bright eyes dulling. “Since the occupation of No Man’s Castle, the small towns that occupied this area have transformed. They have become cities, much like those in your world. A whole new jungle in a sense.”
“No one knows, but you see not everyone in this world has magic. There are some creatures, who, though magical in the sense that they are not human, are not gifted in powers. They are in fact very close to being human if not for their appearances and odd and end ‘abilities’.”
“So they are like cities of creatures?”
“How does this territory work?”
“It starts out as little towns, then it grows into a city. In the city you have to be very careful because it is full of gangs, murders, muggers, thieves, and lawyers.”
“We won’t be bothered. No person would ever stand up to a dragon, whether they are magical or not.”
“About that, Chenoa, Star and Autumn and Kork and I won’t be able to enter there. It would be like a death call and an easy target for whoever is hunting you.”
“But why?”
“These people have chosen to live without magic, out of pure choice or bitterness. They are not your friends. And if you appear with a dragon, a unicorn and a mava, three of the most well known and legendary creatures of the world, you are condemning yourself.”
“That doesn’t make sense.”
“I know, but you must trust me. You three must make it through there on your own.”
“Oh, that’s not fair!”
As Chenoa and Galaxy talked the scenery started to become homier to Chenoa.
“We have to stop here because we need to work some things out,” Star ordered stopping in the middle of the road, which had turned into pavement. “Once Kork, Galaxy, Autumn and I step over this point we will disappear. You won’t be able to hear or touch us. We also will not be able to help you. In fact we won’t even be there.”
“So what you three need to do is stick together, and follow the road through the city. Don’t mention magic, dragons or anything like that. Do not, and I repeat, do not talk to anyone. There will be one person that can help you if he is not busy. His name is Rock,” interrupted Galaxy.
“Does everyone understand?” questioned Autumn.
The three nodded.
“Galaxy, could you please hold my sword for me? I don’t want to lose it since I am only borrowing it,” asked Chenoa.
“Sure, no problem,” smiled Galaxy taking the sword from Chenoa.
“Alright, here we go,” sighed Star then the three magical creatures stepped over the invisible boarder and they disappeared.
“Let’s get moving,” Chris said as he too stepped over the boarder.
Chenoa followed him and Sun followed her. They walked down the town road. For the first mile or so they walked in silence. After awhile they became bored and started talking about things that meant absolutely nothing.
Gradually the sky darkened and the homes grew into skyscrapers. The streets enlarged and the air began to smell of gasoline.
“This is real pleasant,” Chris complained as he fanned the air. “I think we should have taken the left or right road that branched off of this one. At least it would have led to clean air.”
“Yes, but vho knows vhere that vould have lead us,” disagreed Sun. “Anyvays ve vere told to stick to this road.”
“I know. I was listening,” growled Chris.
“Vell, that is a change, for once,” retorted Sun.
“Guys, chill out!” shouted Chenoa shivering despite the magical warmth of the jacket. “We have to follow this road because it is the quickest. But I have to admit it smells awful and gives me the creeps.”
Chris and Sun both just glared at each other, not saying a single word. Chenoa grabbed the boy’s arms and tried to drag them forward. They both tripped and then finally they started walking.
They walked for a couple more hours when Chenoa’s stomach started growling with hunger. Chris suggested they stopped for lunch but Sun said that it would be unwise to stop then. So they kept walking and walking.
It surprised Chenoa when the sky darkened even more at what Chenoa guessed was nightfall. Chenoa found it amazing that such a place could get any darker.
“We should find a place to stay for the night. It would be unsafe to keep going,” suggested Chris, stopping a rundown hotel.
“For once I agree vith you,” nodded Sun. “But vhere do ve stay? This building is condemned.”
“So it would be a perfect place to stay. No one would bother us,” beamed Chris.
“I have to agree with Chris, Sun. It is the perfect place to stay,” Chenoa sighed. “I don’t mean to be siding against you.”
“It’s okay. I guess you are right,” Sun stated. “Let’s check it out.”
They got inside with no problem and looked around just in case. It was battered and dusty. The rooms were hideous, and smelled strongly of cigarettes.
“It will have to do t,” Chenoa thought with despair.
“Ve should sleep in the front part of the hotel so ve can see out,” concluded Sun after he had looked through the hotel.
“Smart thinking,” Chris commented. “I can not believe I just said that to him.”
They found places to sleep on the floor, using some old blankets from the beds. It took awhile before they all got comfortable. Chenoa and Sun leaned up against the wall, while Chris lay down on the floor.
Chenoa fell asleep quickly but she barely had time to dream before she felt something cold and sharp pressing into her neck. When she opened her eyes, she started to scream as a hand covered her mouth.
“Scream and I cut your throat,” whispered the person covering her mouth.
She looked down and saw that there was a large knife up to her throat, in a position to kill. Chenoa swallowed and looked up at the knife holder. It was a boy that looked only a year younger than her. He wore torn jeans and a torn shirt. His eyes were bright blue but cold, and his hair was messy.
“Stand up,” muttered the boy and a serpent like tongue flickered out of his mouth.
Taken aback Chenoa had almost thought he was human. Chenoa did as she was told and stood up. As she did she saw that there was a whole group of people in the room with her, Sun and Chris. Everyone wore torn jeans and a torn shirt. Each one also carried some type of weapon. There were guns, knives, and who knew what else.
“I am going to remove my hand and if you do anything I don’t like I’ll cut your throat,” informed the boy in a cool hissing voice.
“Didn’t you already say that?” Chenoa asked in a whisper as soon as the hand was gone from her face.
“Shut up,” ordered the boy pressing the knife harder into Chenoa’s throat. “Spike, Mudd, come here and take her to the back room and watch her. I have to help with these two.”
Two creatures came out of the crowd of guys. One was large with spikes coming out of his back, his skin a muddy brown. The other was lean with talon like hands and wings bursting from his back. They grabbed Chenoa by the arms, dragging her down the hallway. They pushed her into a room at the way back and shut the door behind them.
“Why does this always happen to me?” wondered Chenoa as she sat on the old bed in the room. “What did I do to deserve this?”
“Make one move girl and I’ll shoot you,” grunted to the spiked one.
“Can I lie down instead of sitting?” Chenoa asked sarcastically.
“I guess, but don’t make any sudden moves,” answered the feathered one.
Chenoa lay down on the pillow and closed her eyes. She was so tired. Lying there she began to drift off into sleep again. The jacket seemed to be vibrating, soothing her soar body. Her breathing slowed along with her thoughts. In her dream she saw her mother and Venus. They were talking in a pair of fields. Chenoa ran off to explore the fields. She kept running till she accidentally bumped into some one. It was a boy that was a few years older than her; he was probably in his late teens. He smiled at her and Chenoa backed away. The boy stepped forward and tried to grab Chenoa. Chenoa turned and ran. She was running when she felt the tip of a blade against her neck once again.
“Wake up,” snarled a voice.
Chenoa snapped her eyes open to find herself still in the back room, with the serpent tongued boy sitting next to her holding the knife once again to her throat.
“Alright, now that you are awake I can question you. What are you doing in this hotel?” sneered the boy.
“Me and my friends were tired and the hotel was empty so we came inside,” Chenoa spurted quickly. “What is your name?”
“I am asking the questions. What is your name?”
“I am not telling you until you tell me yours.”
The boy pushed the edge of the blade into Chenoa’s neck even more.
“Tell me,” he ordered fangs showing.
“Chenoa is my name. Now what is yours?”
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to tell you. My name is Blade because I can weald a blade better than anyone. Chenoa, didn’t you know that you were in our turf when you went to sleep here. That means my buddies and I can do what we want with you.”
“No, I did not and neither did my friends. We are just passing through and we would have been gone by morning. What do mean you can do what you want with me?”
“That means because you were on our turf we can do what we want to do to you and your friends unless you fight for claim over the turf.”
“We are not going to fight you and we can’t stay. Sorry, we have to meet some friends at the edge of the city. So good-bye.”
Chenoa pushed the knife away from her neck and went to leave when she was pulled back by Blade.
“You ain’t going nowhere for right now,” he laughed as if it was all a big joke.
“Let go of me,” Chenoa barked as she tried to pull back.
Her eyes blazed and she felt heat rush through the coat, down her sleeve to his hand. Blade yelped at his hand burned from the coat’s heat. Backing away he nursed his hand and looked at her.
“How did you do that?” he snarled.
“I didn’t do anything,” Chenoa gulped remembering Galaxy’s warning. How did the coat read her thoughts? Did it just protect her?
“Yes, you did. You burned me.”
“It was an accident.”
“How did you do it?”
Looking around the room, Chenoa tried to find a way to escape.
“It’s just my jacket. That’s all.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“My mother was a firedweller. It’s her old jacket.”
Chenoa was surprised at what she was saying. She had no idea what the hell a firedweller was but it sounded alright to say. She just hoped that Blade believed her.”
“Firedwellers disappeared years ago.”
“I never said she was around. I just said she was one.”
Blade studied her, his tongue flickering, tasting the air.
“You’re scared,” he announced watching her. “I can taste it. But you are not scared of me or my friends. There is something else you fear.”
“How do you know that?”
“It’s one of my ‘special abilities’. My father was a truth seeker.”
Blade practically spit out the last two words, sneering cruelly.
“You are not a firedweller.”
He studied her and then his eyes grew wide.
“I know what you are!”
Chenoa backed away, now truly scared. Suddenly out of nowhere something hit Chenoa on the top of her head and she crumpled to the ground. 33.
“My head, what happened? Where am I?” moaned Chenoa as she sat up in a dark alleyway some time later. “Chris, Sun, where are you guys?”
“Chenoa, is that you?” groaned a familiar voice from nearby.
“Sun…? Sun, are you okay?” Chenoa whimpered as she crawled towards the voice.
Sun was sitting up against the wall rubbing his head where a huge bump was.
“Ya, I’m fine. How about you?”
“I just have a bump on my head too.”
“Just a bump, my foot. Look at your jeans! They’re all cut up!”
Sun was right; Chenoa’s knees had a huge hole ripped in them. While her other parts of her jeans were slashed and ripped.
“They look just like the gangs jeans!” Chenoa exclaimed in her mind.
“Vhere are ve going to get you another pair?”
“Never mind that, where is Chris?”
“I’m right here, Chen,” gasped a voice from behind Chenoa.
“Chris, are you okay?” Chenoa cried as she dug through the trash behind her, soon enough she had found Chris.
He was bruised and battered all over his body. On his face he only had one bruise, his right eye.
“Vhat a shiner!” exclaimed Sun as he looked over Chenoa’s shoulder. “That’s vhat you get for mouthing off to the leader of the group. You’re lucky he didn’t kill you.”
“Oh, why don’t you shut up!” groaned Chris rubbing the top of his head.
“It’s just like you, Chris, to go off and get yourself messed up the minute I can’t use my magic,” scoffed Chenoa as she helped Chris up.
“Ha, ha, ha!” sneered Chris as he leaned up against the brick wall. “I always liked to be difficult.”
“I think that ve should head tovards Rock’s cabin,” Sun declared as he helped Chris walk out of the alley with Chenoa’ help.
“I agree. He will be able to help us and it will give Chris time to heal,” nodded Chenoa as the walked down the road.
“Vell there is the good side of this. It couldn’t get any vorse,” Sun said giving a forced smile.
“Oh no, you shouldn’t of said that. Everyone knows that in a story if some says that it gets worse,” Chenoa said and as she finished speaking thunder clapped in the distant and it started to rain. “See.”
“Come on, let’s get moving. Ve have to move fast or else ve’ll catch our deaths,” urged Sun as he began to walk faster.
They half dragged, half carried Chris down the road. All the time they were getting soaked to the bone by the falling rain.
“How vill ve know vhich house belongs to Rock?” called Sun over the roaring thunder.
“I don’t know but my instinct is telling me that it is that house right there,” Chenoa called back as she pointed to a large house that did not fit in at all with the apartment buildings and skyscrapers. It sat, almost in protest, in the middle of the road.
When they knocked on the door a man answered it. He gave one look at their soaked clothes and Chris’s bruised up body before he told them to come in.
“Are you Rock?” chattered Chenoa as she tried to warm herself up by rubbing her arms.
“Yes, you must be Chenoa Rose,” answered the man.
His voice was deep and gruff. He had large hands and a hard face. The man’s eyes were black as night and his beard was short but thick. He had a concerned look on his face as he looked them up and down.
“What happened to him?” he questioned as he nodded to Chris who Sun had placed in a chair.
“Long story, we’ll tell you it in a few minutes. I don’t mean to be rude but can we have something to eat and maybe a nice fire,” pleaded Chenoa.
“Of course, sorry you just surprised me that’s all. I wasn’t expecting you till tomorrow morning,” stammered Rock.
In a few minutes they were all sitting in front of a blazing fire with cups of hot tea in their hands. Chris was lying on a large couch with his head on a pillow.
“Now what happened to him?” Rock asked once again.
“Let me start from the beginning,” Chenoa heaved a great sigh and told the whole story.
“Ya, I know Blade and his gang. He isn’t really that bad of a guy, in fact he would of let you guys go unhurt if your friend hadn’t done that. See if someone insults a leader and the leader doesn’t react then his gang doesn’t think he is a good leader and they try to replace him,” explained Rock. “As a matter of fact I wouldn’t have thought he would have done it that bad. Must have been in a bad mood.”
“Well, he did,” scowled Chenoa.
“I also see that you were made a group member,” smiled Rock while he looked down at Chenoa’s torn pants.
“Vhat do you mean?” Sun inquired perking up a bit.
“That is how people know what gang you’re in. Blade’s gang is the Cutters. Their symbol is torn up pants. They apparently made Chenoa a member,” clued in Rock. “That is going to make travel very difficult once you leave my house.”
“Why?” Chenoa wondered out loud.
“See the area you just came from was the Cutters’ turf. They are the big gang of that area of town. Past my house is the other big gang, the Asphyxia. They are even worse. The Cutters look and act mean but they really don’t do a lot of harm. They are mostly reject creatures from broken homes. Your friend is one of the few that actually have gotten hurt by that gang. On the other hand the other gang, the Asphyxia, is extremely dangerous,” Rock told the group. “They are a bunch of…I call them mutants that thrive on violence and power.”
“Do you know any of them?”
“I have seen them. Their leaders are named Tyler and Josh.”
“Those are normal enough names.”
“Yah, let’s say they are far from their names. Tyler is half Magicteller, from his mother’s side, and half Morgrif.”
“Morgrif are horrible creatures,” Sun snarled suddenly. “They can appear like a man but they have demon insides. They are sadistic and power-hungry. They enjoy killing things by mere mental power alone. Their real forms are horrific.”
“Why would a Magicteller ever marry or even conceive a child with something that horrible? I thought that Magictellers were peaceful.”
“From what I understand, Tyler’s mother was a beautiful Magicteller by the name of Glitterbug, who accidentally caught the eye of a Morgrif by the name of Tatan,” Rock sighed. “He took her in the night, almost killing her betroved, and raped her. Tyler was conceived and Glitterbug was forced to stay with Tatan, until her heart gave up.”
“That is horrible!”
“Yes, it is.”
“What happened to her betrove?”
“He always lived close to her but was too scared to do anything. Something he deeply regretted. ”
“Oh. And this Josh?”
“Josh is again a hybrid. He is a mix between a soulsealer, a truth seeker, and a…a…a Tamera.”
Sun dropped his cup with a clatter.
“You must be joking, Rock,” he stammered. “A tamera? But surely not.”
“Once again my lack of magical knowledge is making me feel out of the loop. What is a tamera?”
“Chenoa, a tamera is a creature born from spilt blood of an innocent. They are kinda like your idea of vampires, for the fact that they crave blood, due to the fact that they lack it. They are not the living dead; they can die, they are just a pain in the ass to get rid of and they are extremely intelligent.”
“But he’s only one third it right?”
“Half. His father was half soulsealer and truth seeker. His mother was tamera, which means it runs even stronger in him. Mothers are generally the Tamera gene carrier.”
“Well, this sucks. I can’t think right now. There is too much going on. I have to get some sleep.
“I agree,” Sun yawned stretching his arms out.
“I’ll show you where your beds are,” Rock said as he got up and yawned too.
Everyone was soon tucked into a separate bed and fast asleep, except Chenoa. She just couldn’t sleep. Something in the back of her mind was bothering, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Chenoa pondered for a while on what was bothering when she drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

“Wake up, Chenoa. Chris has a bad case of pneumonia,” Sun whispered while he shook Chenoa awake.
“What!” Chenoa yelped bolting into a sitting position.
Quickly she rushed into Chris and Sun’s room, frantic.
“Chris, Chris, say something! Chris!” Chenoa shouted as she kneeled by Chris’s bed.
“He is sleeping; he won’t respond,” Rock sighed when he walked into the room with a bowl of cool water and a towel.
“How bad is the pneumonia?” Chenoa stammered.
“He has a hundred three degree fever and he keeps drifting in and out of conscious,” Rock said wiping Chris’s forehead with the washcloth.
“What caused this?” Chenoa sobbed grabbing hold of Chris’s sweating hand.
“The rain brought it but it didn’t help that his defense system was down because of the beating. Of course there is the possibility of a curse from dark magic. It would explain why it came so quick,” informed Rock dunking the cloth back into the bowl, ringing it and then placing it back on Chris’s head. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Watch over him and call me if something happens.”
Rock walked out of the room with a somber expression.
“Chris, why did you follow me? Why did you try to help me?” sniffed Chenoa squeezing Chris’s hands. “You are such a fool. Look where you are now because of your stupid choice.”
Chenoa bent her head and sobbed on Chris’s clothes. She had never admitted it to anyone but she liked Chris, she really liked Chris. It had first hit her when they rejoined in the World of True Color.
“Why don’t you cure him, Chenoa?” a voice whispered in her mind.
The voice was cold and almost bitter. It sent shivers down her spine.
“Who’s there?” she gasped looking around.
“Go on then, Chenoa, cure him. Let’s test your magic against his fate.”
“Where are you?”
“Come on, Chenoa. Cure him!”
Pain shot through Chenoa’s mind, as a wave of bitter resentment filled her. Eyes watering Chenoa held back a scream. Panting she looked at Chris, who’s skin was becoming a pale shade of ash.
“Death’s Blanket,” the voice continued. “A simple spell for those who are truly talented.”
“Stop it! Stop it!”
“If you care so much, cure him.”
Grabbing Chris’s hands, Chenoa concentrated. She could feel the poison writhing in him, snaking through his veins. Chenoa could feel herself reaching out to touch it but as she brushed against it, her fingers went the shade of ash.
“I’d be careful, if I were you,” the voice hissed vindictively.
Biting her lip Chenoa dove deeper. The disease surrounded her, tantalizingly close, its odor consuming her. Coughing Chenoa tried to think of a way to get rid of it, to cure him.
Her mind felt heavy and she could not think clearly.
“Tick-tock, Chenny.”
Chenny? Then another voice spoke.
There is a cure. You can cure him.
Chenoa snapped around but no one was in the room with her.
There is a cure. You can cure him.
“Who’s there?” gasped Chenoa looking around, but all she could see was a smoky gray bird, something that looked like a crow.
I know you can understand me, Chenoa Rose. You heard what I said.
“Stop playing mind games with me!” Chenoa yelled letting go of Chris’s hands, covering her ears.
Do not let go of him! Do not block me out!
Chenoa shook her head. She had to be going crazy.
“Don’t fight it, Chenny,” the first voice swooned. “I will cure him if you promise to be mine. If you let me come and get you.”
Chenoa! Ignore the voice! Trust me! You can cure him. It is simple. It is Death’s Blanket! What do you do when you’re too hot?
“What?” Chenoa stammered confused, the pressure building in her mind.
“You can’t do it, Chenny. Let me help you. Let me take care of you.”
What do you do with a blanket when you’re too hot?
Her hands on her head, Chenoa fought back tears. Voices were filling her head. What could she do? What could she do? Chris was dying and she didn’t know what to do!
“Blanket. What do you do when you get to hot?” Chenoa thought desperately. “You…you…you remove. You take the blanket off.”
Chenoa’s eyes snapped open. She focused on Chris, willing herself to see this supposed blanket. Nothing happened then slowly, very slowly a dark gray sheet appeared, covering Chris. The sheet was translucent, a gray smoky color. Reaching forward carefully, Chenoa touched the cloth and yelped as it burned her fingers, turning them again a dark gray. Taking a deep breath Chenoa grabbed a hold of the blanket and bit back the anguish that filled her. The cloth smoldered in her hands as she tugged with all her might, ripping it off of Chris. Hurling the wretched thing into the fireplace, Chenoa gasped in pain as Chris bolted up, wheezing.
“Chen?” Chris moaned looking at her, holding his head.
Color was returning to his face. An acrid smell filled the air the blanket burned in the fireplace. Chenoa sat on her heels, eyes brimming in pain as she looked at her hands. They were a dead gray and burned as if they were on fire. Sun and Rock, who had heard Chenoa’s cry of pain, ran in and saw her sitting there, hands extended in front of her.
“Chenoa,” Sun stammered looking at her with worry.
“I think I need to rest now,” Chenoa sighed toppling over into Sun’s outstretched arms.

“Chenoa, are you crazy?” Rock cried a few minutes later when Chenoa awoke. “What would have happened if someone that was not on our side saw you doing that?”
“A crow told me I could heal him. I had to or else he could have died. The voice told me so. It said,” Chenoa started but she never finished her sentence, something else had caught her attention.
A large cheetah was pacing near her and it seemed worried about something. Its face was crinkled with impatience and anxiety. Slowly it turned its slender head in Chenoa’s direction; the cheetah seemed to analyze her then as if with approval it nodded. The smoky gray cheetah turned around once again and walked directly into the fireplace, disappearing in the flames.
“Chenoa, is something vrong?” Sun requested shaking her a bit.
“Rock, did you know you have an extremely bad animal problem? It is like they’re drawn to your house,” Chenoa told Rock absent-mindedly.
“Are you sure you are okay?” Rock asked giving Chenoa weird look.
“I’m fine!” Chenoa frowned mad that no one was taking her seriously.
“Okay,” Rock said slowly gaping at Chenoa.
“I think that we should leave really soon,” Chenoa suddenly pronounced standing up quickly.
“I agree,” chimed in another voice.
Chris stood up and stretched. He was completely healed and refreshed looking.
“I suggest that ve take a quick nap than leave,” Sun announced getting up too.
“I’m all for that too,” yawned Chris lying back down in his bed.
“It is only mid morning,” Chenoa protested.
“You and Chris are both wiped out and you both need some rest, so I agree with Sun,” Rock argued back pushing Chenoa into her room.
She lied down on her straw mattress bed and fell asleep for what felt like five minutes when she was woken again by Chris who was his cheerful old self.
“Come on, sleepy head,” he chirped cheerfully as she slowly got out of bed.
“Hey, be nice, if I can cure you, I can make you sick again,” Chenoa yawned stretching her arms in the air, wincing as her hands throbbed.
“Chenoa,” Rock said as they were packing up. “I got some creams for your hands. It should help you heal faster.”
“Thank you, Rock.”
Rock wrapped Chenoa’s hands up and handed her the rest of the creams for late use. Smiling in gratitude, Chenoa put them in her pack and started towards the door. As Chenoa neared the door a reflection caught her eye. Looking over Chenoa saw a picture of a beautiful woman with three eyes. She had long black curly hair and an elegant lavender skin tone. Her eyes glittered green like beetles and she seemed full of warmth.
“Rock,” Chenoa paused as she went to walk out the door behind Chris and Sun, “What ever happened to Glitterbug’s betroved, again?”
Rock looked out a near bye window, his eyes glazing over.
“He lived the rest of his life near her, watching over her, and guarded her grave when she died by building a house on it.”
“So he never stopped loving her?”
“No. He never stopped loving her.”

After the three walked for about an hour, they reached a fork. Rock had told them that the right street was quicker but more dangerous. Chenoa quickly told the boys that they had to and were going to take the quickest path, since they had lost so much time at Rock’s. Neither boy argued with her.
“Just remember that that way is the territory of the Asphyxia gang and that they are not nice. You need to stick to the lighted side of the street. Don’t rest at night and travel under the lamps. You should reach No Man’s land in a day or two,” Rock cautioned them as they had started to walk off towards the edge of the city where they would be only a few miles from No Man’s Castle.

“Sugar…. oh honey, honey…. you are my candy girl and you got me wanting you,” sung Chris as the walked along the road.
“Vhat are you singing?” Sun sneered as he looked at Chris.
“Nothing, it’s just a tune I like, do you have a problem that?” Chris snapped.
“No, but it is unfamiliar to me that’s all,” Sun said with a shrug.
“Oh, it is called Sugar or something like that. Another good song is Buttercup,” Chris added apologetically.
“I don’t know that one either,” Sun said blankly.
“Oh, it is a great song,” Chenoa butted in.
“How does it go?” Sun inquired looking at Chenoa
“Like this, oh why do you build me up, build up, buttercup baby!” Chris started.
“Just to let me down, let me down and toss me around! I need you, I need you more than anything baby, you know that I have from the start,” Chenoa joined in. “Then it just repeats. I mean there are more words but I forgot them. That is an old song…”
“I don’t know any of your songs,” muttered Sun looking extremely upset that there was something that Chris knew that he didn’t.
“That’s okay we can teach you some to pass the time,” Chris grinned annoyingly patting Sun on the shoulder.
Sun gave him such a murderous look that Chenoa thought Sun was actually going to kill Chris.
“Sun, how about I teach you an easy song to sing with me sometime?” suggested Chenoa placing her hand gently on Sun’s shoulder.
Sun shrugged mumbling about how it wasn’t necessary and that she should only do it if she wanted to.
“Chenoa, will you sing a song that you like? You are a really good singer,” Sun requested ignoring Chris.
“I guess,” blushed Chenoa. “My favorite song was one that I can remember my mother singing. I don’t know why it is one of the few things I can remember about her. Anyway it is a lullaby.”
“Go ahead sing it,” Chris urged.
“Okay,” Chenoa said taking a deep breath.
Then she sang.
“I’ll sing you a lullaby, a lullaby, a lullaby. I’ll sing you a lullaby sung by the old. I’ll sing you a lullaby, a lullaby, a lullaby. I’ll sing you a lullaby about my mystical land,” Chenoa sang.
The song talked about dragons, knights, fairies, mermaids, fish, the ocean, the sun, and about the entire magical world.
“I sung you my lullaby, my lullaby, my lullaby. I sung you my lullaby about your true world,” Chenoa ended the song on a sweet note that carried for a few minutes then disappeared, leaving the city in a state of complete quite.
“Wow,” gasped Chris breaking the silence at last.
“That was good,” Sun agreed with a nodded.
“Thanks,” Chenoa sighed, blushing and quickly changing the subject. “I wish we could rest. I am starting to feel tired.”
It was already dark in the city and lamp posts had gone on. It had been hours since they had started out from Rock’s house.
“I think we should stop for a minute to eat,” Chris added stopping and opening his backpack.
“We can walk and eat,” argued Sun with the air of one who thought he was surrounded by idiots.
“Fine,” mocked Chris taking a bite of his sandwich.
Chris started to run to catch up with Sun and Chenoa. When a clicking sound made him stop.

“Chris, why aren’t you walking?” called Chenoa turning around to see Chris frozen in place.
She started to walk back to him, not knowing of the danger he was in. Sun ran ahead of her than he stopped suddenly and frozen just like Chris.
“What is up with you guys?” Chenoa laughed ignoring the tingling feeling in the back of her mind.
Chenoa was a few feet away from them when she heard the click of a gun and felt cold metal against her temple. She froze in place, not daring to move.
“Look what we got, boys?” cackled a voice from the direction of the gun.
Hundreds of creatures came out of the shadows. All of them were wearing baggy shirts and jeans. The two figures in front had earrings and wore bandanas around their heads. Both were tall and smiling. One wore a black t-shirt that had nothing on it except words on the back that said ‘don’t mess with me’. The other guy was wearing a white t-shirt that said on the back ‘what I want I get’.
The black shirt boy walked over to Chenoa smiling the whole time, while the other one looked over Chris and Sun. As the black shirt boy came closer to Chenoa, she noticed that his eyes were black. His hair was a golden brown and his face was smooth featured. He seemed almost normal if not for the third eye that peeked from under his bandanna and dark blue demon tail swishing behind him. When he noticed Chenoa’s jeans, he smiled.
Chenoa was frozen in furry. How many times had people who were bad news caught her? What a fool she was!
“How stupid am I?” Chenoa thought furiously.
Then the white shirt boy walked over to the black shirt boy and whispered something into his ear. The black shirt boy nodded in understanding then he looked back up Chenoa.
“What are you doing here, cutter?” growled the black shirt boy in a voice that rolled like thunder.
“I am not a cutter!” muttered Chenoa narrowing her eyes.
“Than what are ya?” sneered the boy curving his lips into an awful smile.
“I am a person, not a what,” Chenoa said definitively.
“I think what we have here is a smart mouth chick,” snarled the white shirt boy, his voice like the echoes of a waterfall.
He was medium height with dark gray eyes and midnight black hair. He came off as powerful and the way he made his words roll like a wave made Chenoa feel almost hypnotized.
“I think you’re right, Josh,” smirked the black shirt boy.
“What should we do with them, Tyler?” Josh asked waving his pistol at Chris, and Sun.
“Nothing for right now, but the rest of you guys check them out for anything of value,” Tyler answered nodding towards the rest of the gang. “Josh, help me think of what we should do with this girl.”
Josh walked closer and looked Chenoa up and down.
“She is nice looking,” grinned Josh licking his red lips.
“Seen better,” frowned Tyler lifting and turning Chenoa’s head with the end of the pistol.
The cold metal against her skin made Chenoa’s skin crawl, though it may also have been caused by the hungry look in Josh’s eyes.
“Well, you could let me go,” suggested Chenoa gulping as the pistol pointed at her throat.
“Ha, ha, ha!” Tyler laughed lifting the pistol from her neck for a moment. “You are extremely funny.”
“What’s your name?” Josh asked his eyes glinting with laughter.
“None of your business,” Chenoa answered coolly.
Josh’s eyes glinted and he stepped forward, his smile gone. Tyler, still smiling, grabbed his arm to keep him from doing anything.
“You certainly are bold for a girl,” Tyler proclaimed still holding Josh’s arm.
“Runs in the blood,” Chenoa said straitening her back.
“You’re Indian,” Tyler said for it wasn’t a question.
“Half, but it doesn’t matter,” Chenoa, corrected him without thinking.
“There is nothing wrong with being half of anything,” Tyler nodded in understanding.
“How did you know about Indians?”
“My father tells me they came here a lot before the other world became so technology dependent.”
“My mother said they were…hmm…delicious,” Josh smiled moving closer to her, all of his many teeth showing.
Tyler pulled Josh back and started whispering something to him. Josh shook his head and whispered something back to Tyler. They talked that way for a few minutes then they walked back up to Chenoa.
“We are an in pass, dear girl. For we have come to a disagreement. My friend, Josh, wishes to enjoy your company, while I feel you would be better on the market.”
“Yet we both agree about the results of your friends.”
“Please, you don’t want to hurt them. They have done nothing wrong.”
“Their crimes or attributes mean nothing to us.”
“Kill them.”
Several of the minions grabbed Sun and Chris restraining them as two others held guns up to shoot them. Panicking Chenoa didn’t know what to do.
“No!” she cried grabbing hold of Tyler’s arm.
Tyler gasped as his eyes widened and he shook a little. Fearful, Chenoa let go and backed away. Turning Tyler held up his hand to stop the shooters.
“Josh, my friend, ask this girl a question,” Tyler said slowly, his dark eyes piercing her.
“What do you mean, Tyler?” Josh asked confused and disappointed that bloodshed was not to happen.
“Ask her name…her purpose…her powers.”
At the sound of powers, Josh lightened and looked at Chenoa with deep concentration.
“What is your name, girl?”
Chenoa tried not to reply but something felt as if it was pulling her words from her throat.
“Chenoa, why are you here? Where are you going?”
“No Man’s Castle…meeting friends…saving friends.”
Tyler nodded as he listened, his tail swishing faster. Josh’s hungry eyes grew bright as he focused on his last question.
“What are you?”
“I…I…am a Spellbinder.”
Silence filled the surrounding areas. Tyler closed his eyes and nodded as if satisfied. Josh licked his lips again. Sun and Chris looked horrified as they watched their friend be some how forced to confess her secrets.
“Good work, Josh.”
“Good work, Tyler.”
Chenoa felt herself go into a cold sweat.
“This does change our plans, Josh.”
“Oh yes, indeed, Tyler. Are you sure I could not keep her?”
“I am not sure.”
“I could bind her soul, Tyler. I could it seal away.”
“You could but that would be a waste of her powers. I have seen them, Josh.”
Tyler turned and looked at Chenoa.
“I saw her blast apart a whole camp of soldiers. She was like a phoenix, Josh, a phoenix.”

© Copyright 2009 Dreamer (dcg1189 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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