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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1579417
A boy who is destined to die on February 12, 2020
The Twelfth

June 12, 2019, start of classes, start of waking up so early in the morning, start of wearing those uniforms and how can I forget, the start of sitting all day in the classroom. My name is Harold, 18 years old, lazy but reliable and I’m not much of an Einstein but neither a Homer Simpson.

Today I’m walking to school, now don’t get me wrong here, I’m not doing this to save Mother Nature or to do some exercise, it’s just that I need to save some money. Breakfast, bath, wear my uniform and I’m off to school. While walking, I was looking at the blue sky, what can I say, it relaxes me, when suddenly I bumped an old woman all dressed in black. I said sorry and continued walking. The old woman shouted,

“You will die on February 12, 2020!” Then she continued walking.

I laughed really hard and thought the old woman was crazy. After a few steps, at last, I’ll just cross the street and I’m there. I was crossing the street when the old lady stood beside me and smiled. I came to a stop because I was surprised when suddenly a bus went crashing head-on with a truck in front of me. I looked at the lady and she said,

“February 12, 2020, that’s the date when you will die.”

Chills went up to my spines as she left me. On my mind I said, “Is she serious?” But thanks to that old woman I did not move a foot from where I was standing or else I would have been a pancake. I was walking to look for my classroom when my friend, Brigs, caught up with me and he asked me,

“Did you see the bus and the truck just outside the gate?” I said,

“Oh, tell me about it.”

Finally we found our room. Brigs sat down in front of me. I rolled my eyes and said,

“Oh boy, the start of the sit-all-day-and-do-nothing days.”

Our adviser finally came, I tried waking up Brigs, who was sleeping in his armchair, but he wouldn’t wake up so I let him be. Mrs. Sanchez started orienting us on the activities of this school year when the ceiling fan started smoking. The lid fell and the blade started to fly across the room. It was heading for me but I can’t move my body. I thought I was done for it when Brigs woke up and stood up. The next thing I knew was Brigs was falling down, the blade is in his head and a lot of blood was coming out. Then I saw someone waving down outside the window, it was the old woman holding a cardboard saying,

“You will die on February 12, 2020” Grinned then she left.

We were asked to go home because of that accident. When I got home, the phone rang and I answered it. It was our adviser; she told me that Brigs has passed away. I lied down in my bed wondering who that old woman was and why does every time she shows up something ugly happens. I fell asleep thinking when my father woke me up. He said that there’s a letter for me. I opened it and began reading. It says,

“You can’t just die yet, because you will die on February 12, 2020.” Signed Your Guardian Angel.

I was like, “What the hell is this?!” I thought someone was just using his pranks on me. I tore the letter apart and threw it in the garbage can. The next morning, June 13, 2019, I went to Brigs’ funeral, all my classmates were there. I went near the casket, looked at him and offered a little prayer. I was about to leave when the old woman stood beside me again and said,

“This is just the start. Don’t worry you will be on the same place as him on February 12, 2020.” Again I couldn’t say a thing.

June 19, 2019, classes were resumed. They suspended the classes because of that incident. Since that funeral, I didn’t see any signs of that old woman so I thought it was all just a coincidence or something like that and that everything will come back to normal. Again I walked to school; nothing was unusual while I’m on my way, no old woman, no bus and truck and no smoking fan or whatever. After classes I decided to walk back home.

August 19, 2019, I just woke up from coma. Last June 19, 2019 when I was on my way home, I was bumped by a high speed van. Before I lost consciousness, I saw the old woman on front of me, smiling. I thought it was over for me but guess what? The van that hit me was an ambulance so I was rushed to the nearest hospital. I was about to sleep when that old woman showed up again saying,

“Ha! Did I scare you there? Did you think you’ll die that time? I told you, February 12, 2020.” Then she left.

Now I’m really confused, I don’t know what to do or what to think now. The next day, August 13, 2019, I was released from the hospital. I was advised to go home and just rest there. I confined myself at home for a week because I was afraid that I might see that old woman again.

August 18, 2019, I came back to school. I can’t keep looking around; I get away from every old woman I see. I went to the library that day; I thought I might as well just read some books to forget about that freaking old woman. I was searching for books on the shelf when Mhon, a big thug and bully at school, pushed me out of the shelf and he said,

“Hey get out of the way you dumb head! Can’t you see I got here first?!”

Then out of nowhere the shelves started to fall, Mhon got hit in the head and bled to death. I couldn’t believe what’s happening that time. I was so scared and confused that I ran home holding one book from the library. I noticed it when I was sitting on my desk. I opened the book and again I saw, “February 12, 2020” at the first page written in blood. I threw the book as fast as I can and went to bed. I decided not to go to school anymore and just locked myself in my room all day so that nothing will happen. I thought that if I stay away from people they won’t get hurt or no one will be killed, but that did not happened. Every night I dreamed about that old woman and she always starts with the annoying “February 12, 2020” and then showed me people who died and everyday those people I saw in my dreams popped out from the news saying that they died from an accident. For a month I can’t sleep that well because of those nightmares. August 30, 2019, I fell asleep and had another dream. This time there were no people, it was just me and that old woman, she said,

“You can’t escape me.”

My both hands and feet were tied up and that old woman was holding a blade. She first wounded my right arm. She slashed me from my palm to my elbow. I was screaming because of the pain then she wrote on my left arm, “February 12, 2020”. I woke up gasping for air. I was relieved when I woke up and said that it was just a dream but then I felt pain in my right arm and saw it bleeding. I shouted from shock and my father went to my room. He thought I attempted to commit suicide so I explained everything to him but he didn’t believe me. He said that he’ll confine me to a hospital for a month and have a therapist watch me. I was doing well in the hospital. No nightmares and anything. I said,

“I guess it’s over.” And I laughed.

September 31, 2019, my last therapy and I’ll be going home. I was waiting for my therapist in my room. One hour has passed but still no sign of my therapist so I thought I’ll check outside if she’s still coming. I was about to open the door when someone opened it from outside and I said,

“Finally she’s here.”

I was going to say “hi” but what I saw was the old woman with that hideous smile. She asked me,

“Looking for your therapist?” and grinned. She raised her right hand, holding a head, “Here she is! HaHaHa!” threw it in front of me then left.

I couldn’t believe what’s happening in my life. A nurse passed by and saw the bloody head in front of me then she screamed. They called the police and I was arrested. I was a suspect for the murder of my therapist. My father got me a lawyer and my case was heard in the court. I was thinking that maybe if I get convicted that old woman can’t follow me in prison and in case she follows me there, I’m with criminals who are worth killing, at least that was I thought. I confessed myself guilty and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

October 16, 2019, I was sent to jail. At first I felt very uncomfortable “But I’ll get used to it”, I said. “As long as that wretched old woman doesn’t shows up here, I can stay here even for the rest of my life.”

October 20, 2019, four days have passed and what do you know, I’m familiar now with the place, although there are so many bullies and thugs in here. One time I got really pissed with this big bully guy who sends any man that stands in his way flying, I said,

“I wish the old woman shows up and send his freaking soul to hell.” But later on I realized that if that old woman really shows up my life will be miserable again.

The guard shouted my name and said that I got a visitor so I went to the visiting area only to see that my visitor was that old woman. I don’t want to go near her but my feet moved on its own. I sat in front of her and she told me,

“Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.” And laughed that evil laugh.

I went back to my cell and after a few minutes a riot broke out. Remember that big bully guy I was talking about? Oh yeah he got his neck slashed by this prisoner who was hiding a knife in the cell. He ran after killing the big guy and passed in front of me. He faced me while he’s running and I saw his face changed into the dace of that old woman, with that ugly grin again. The guards came in to stop the riot but the guy with the knife just won’t stop and threatened the guards that he’ll stab them if they don’t back off. The guards had no choice so they shot him down to death.

October 31, 2019, I was surprised to hear that they will reopen my case and the hearing will be tomorrow afternoon. My father and my lawyer visited me and told me that our case is strong; if only I will do a “not guilty” plea I will be free again. On that night I carefully thought about it. Morning came; I took a bath and wore that orange shirt and pants. I was brought to the court and the trial started.

I pleaded “not guilty” looking at the judge. I was surprised when the judge smiled and changed face to that old woman. I was so shocked that I wasn’t able to sit down but my father grabbed my shoulder and dragged me down. My case was heard again and at the end of the day I was proven innocent and the court ordered for my immediate release.

November 2, 2019, I was released from jail. I looked at e blue sky saying,

“Free again! I never thought that I wouldn’t last a month in there.” Then a guard from the gate said,

“February 12, 2020, enjoy ‘til u can.”

I looked back only to see the old woman again with that ugly grin. I immediately went home and locked myself in my room. I was thinking,

“What if I get someone killed again? What if it’s my father next?”

The old woman appeared in my thoughts and said,

“Didn’t I tell you before? Be careful of what you ask, I might just get an idea out of it, HaHaHa!” I shouted,

“No! Don’t involve my father in this!”

Then I ran downstairs to check my father. He was sitting in the living room reading a newspaper. Seeing him fine made me sat by the stairs and looked above but the feeling of happiness and ease was suddenly overcame by fear and horror. I saw the old woman on the ceiling about to cut the ceiling fan. I tried to run and grab my father but I didn’t make it. He was beheaded by the rotating blades of the fan. My world fell; I couldn’t see anything but darkness, I couldn’t feel anything but anger.

November 10, 2019, my father was buried. I stayed there after the burial and was talking as if my father is still alive. I asked,

“Why is this happening to me? Am I that evil that I am made to live in hell even though I’m still alive?” a street girl came and poked me at the back. She said,

“Hey mister! It’s because you will die on February 12, 2020 and you can’t just die yet!”

I saw her face changing but before I see that old woman’s face again I strangled the little girl until she’s dead. I don’t know what happened there but I did not feel anything, any guilt or sadness, I just walked away and left the girl lifeless. Days have passed, every single person that changed face to that old woman are killed by me, almost everyday 2 person would die, one by me and the other by that old woman.

November 30, 2019, I was declared and wanted as a random serial killer. I stayed hidden from the public because the police are all over the place but still anyone who showed up and changed face suffered the same fate in my hands. I went to a far town on the south so that they won’t find me. In that town the same thing happened.

On my first day there, December 2, 2019, I killed at least ten persons who came near me and ten by the old woman. On the night of that day, the police cornered me in the house where I was hiding. They asked me to step out of the house but I refused and stayed inside the house. I thought that if I refused and fight the police they’ll have no choice but to break in and kill me. I was right they busted in and threatened to shoot if I don’t surrender. I grabbed a knife so that they’ll be forced to shoot me. Even though I was prepared to die, my feet couldn’t stop stepping backwards until I reached the window. I was about to throw the knife to them so that they’ll shoot me but I saw the old woman sliced the gauze of the LPG and started running towards me. She grabbed me and threw me outside the window. I fell in the bushes and the next thing I saw was an explosion and the house was on fire with all the police including the old woman inside. I ran away from the house with one thing on my mind,

“It’s over.”

I was confident that my nightmare was over, along with that house crashing down and being turned to ashes. That incident didn’t take me off the wanted list so I still hid myself away from the public.

December 24, 2019, the night before Christmas. I remembered my mother, who passed away when I was six, being so busy preparing the food and everything and my father preparing some fireworks. How I miss the simple and happy life I had back there. 12 am came,

“Well I guess that’s Merry Christmas to me.”

It started snowing and it really got so cold so I decided to make some fire in the fire place. I was preparing the woods when I heard something falling down the chimney. As it fell down the first thing I saw was that grin, that smile I can never forget; it was the old woman. She said,

“Did you think I was old Santa Claus? HaHaHa! Or did you think I am finished with you? Then think again!” then she vanished.

I went wild after seeing her. I grabbed the axe, went outside, knock in every house in the neighborhood and killed every single person inside. All newspapers, tabloids and T.V. stations titled that night “Bloody Christmas”. Because of the many lives I have taken the authorities placed a bounty on my head, dead or alive. Now more than ever I can’t just walk around the streets because the public were also looking for me.

December 31, 2019, I kept myself hidden from the public. For the past fifteen days I did not harm anyone. I was just lurking in the place I’m hiding in, waiting for that freaking February 12, 2020 to come. The woman appeared again but unlike before I was kind of challenging her now. I was not afraid anymore. She told me,

“Can’t wait for February 12, 2020 eh? Its 2020….” She vanished again.

Instead of worrying I smiled and shouted, “Hell yeah! I really can’t wait for that stupid day to come!” then I fell asleep.

I woke up the next day with about a mountain of dead police, military and S.W.A.T. all around me. I was surprised upon seeing this. Sitting in front of my bed was that old woman and she said,

“You said you wanted that day to come fast, you have ‘til tomorrow.”

I wondered about what she said so I checked the date on my cell phone it was February 11, 2020. I couldn’t believe it so I went outside and asked the people in the neighbor and they confirmed it, it’s really the date before my designated death date. That entire corpse in the house was police who came to arrest me but where killed by that old woman. I went back to the house and stayed in the basement.

“10:45 pm, nothing unusual is happening and I don’t fell like sleeping yet.”

“11:45 pm, an hour has passed but still nothing.”

“11:50 pm, I can’t keep from counting the minutes, the seconds before February 12 comes.”

“11:58 pm………”

“11:59 pm………”


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