Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1596997-First-Peoples-Mentor-File
Rated: 13+ · Letter/Memo · Other · #1596997
Everything for the first phase of mentoring

The First Peoples is an on-line Native American tribe composed of ordinary people representing any North American Indian tribe, and non-heritage tribesmen who have been adopted into the tribe.

The tribe's mission is to promote harmony within the group and to provide resources within a supportive learning ground. It is here that all people can discover for themselves the rich heritage the Native Americans of North America developed for 20,000 years before the arrival of the Europeans in the Americas.

Membership into The First Peoples is open to everyone regardless of ethnicity, age, race or religion. With that being said the application process is divided between ‘blood’ applications and ‘adoptee’ applications. We do require that all members accepted into the tribe promise to be active members.

BLOOD APPLICATIONS: Any person who has a Native American heritage tribe, no matter how small the percentage of ‘blood‘, may request permission to join the tribe. While membership is almost automatic it may be rejected by the Chief or co-Chief/Administrator for reasons the Chiefs will state. For Native American applicants, the Chiefs Council & Elders of the tribe will look over the application, and if it is accepted, the whole tribe will welcome the applicant and let them know we appreciate you have decided to take this adventure with us.

Please go to the Welcome Center "Invalid Item and fill out the membership application you will find there.

ADOPTEE APPLICATIONS: Any person who does not have heritage tribe blood may petition to be adopted by the tribe as a full-fledged Tribesman via an application form, which is then presented to the Elders Council. If approved by the Elders Council, the application will be voted on by the entire tribe. The final decision for acceptance or rejection is made by the Chief or co-Chief/Administrator. There is no path for appeal for a denied membership application.

Any WDC member is eligible for adoption as long as they are willing to try their hand at writing something about Native American culture; it can be fiction, or non-fiction, it doesn't matter -- poems, short stories, whatever it may be. They must also fill out a short bio on themselves and how they feel connected to the Native Americans.

Please click here for the link to the application form for adoptee membership: "Invalid Item. This is also where tribal members may leave a post requesting to adopt a non-Native WDC Member.

In both paths leading to membership in the First Peoples tribe, acceptance of a Tribal Pledge of Allegiance must be made by the applicant. Continued membership in the tribe rests on the tribesman's' participation in tribal matters, either by serving on the council or by participation in the various projects organized by the tribe. A member may be dropped from the rolls by any of the three chiefs for failure to participate or for actions contrary to the goals of the tribe.

The First Peoples is run by a governing body which is modeled after the traditional governments of many North American Native American tribes such as the Cherokee. Both the Chief and current co-Chief/Administrator have the Cherokee as their heritage tribe. The governing body of the tribe consists of two groups: the Chiefs Council and the Elders Council. An Elder is primarily a leader within the tribe. The Chief is the founder of the tribe and therefore it is a permanent position. The co-Chief/Administrator and co-Chief are appointed for indefinite terms and serve at the pleasure of the Chief. The senior and junior leaders are appointed for indefinite terms, are given specific duties and areas of responsibility, and serve at the pleasure of the co-Chiefs or Chief.

The Elders Council, sometimes referred to as ‘The Tribal Council” is composed of all active senior and junior leaders of the tribe as well as the Chief and co-Chiefs. The ranking Chief in attendance will chair the council meeting in a businesslike manner. All members of the council may have their say at this meeting and vote on matters before the council. Non-council members may be invited to make a statement at the pleasure of the Tribal Council. A vote is then held by the council and the majority result of that vote is presented to the Chief (or co-Chief/Advisor in case of the absence of the Chief) where the final decision on the matter is made.

For more detail, see this link:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1465900 by Not Available.

Founder of The First Peoples (formerly known as the "NAI") is
Cissy White Wolf I Love WDC! Cissy❤
Class Teacher/Tribe Adoption Page/Main Group Page

Co-Chief/Administrator is Hannah Eagle Flying Hannah ♫♥♫
Activities Director/Member of the Month program/Welcome New Members/Fund Raising/Prayer Room/Tribal Trivial Pursuit/m of the M, Newsletters

Assistant Chief/Assistant is Jim,  drjim
Mentor/Various group pages

Sr. Leader, Michelle Dancing in the Daylight ShellySunshine
Shining a light on Mods & Message Central

Sr. Leader, Mystic Dragonfly mystic_writer

Sr. Leader Rogue Red Deer Running Rogue♥Sherri
Reviews Board Leader

Sr. Leader WebWitch Tangled in a Ghost-Witch Web!
Graphics Designer


Sandy, Sandy~HopeWhisperer , Tribute Page.

Dragon Wolf What Animal are you? Contest.

The mentors will firstly be charged with helping all of the returning members learn about the new tribe: how it is run, who the leaders are, what the responsibilities of each tribesman is, where things are located and to get the tribesman involved in participating in the program. The mentors need not have any specific understanding of Native American Indian lore, history or facts; this is more of a "get acquainted with your new tribe". After all of the returning members are trained, the Mentor program will be expanded to include helping the newbie tribesmen. This is especially so for those who have no NA heritage and need some basic knowledge about Native Americans, their tribes and where information the newbie may be seeking can be found.

Each month members are required to review two other tribesmen, two newbies from the Paper Doll Gang and one Mod review. A total of only five reviews a month. This is mandatory for continued membership in the tribe. Prizes are offered for those who complete additional reviews. For details read the reviewing message board: "Invalid Item

A complete list of the current tribal enrollment can be found on the Home Page (item:1465538}
Links to information about various First Peoples tribe areas and activities.

The Review Forums:
(there are two review forums, one for reviews of fellow tribesmen and Paper Dolls, "Invalid Itemand a second for the mandatory reviewing of WDC moderators) {item: 1466396}

The two ways to join the tribe:
-By NA heritage blood "The First Peoples' Welcome Center" 
-By adoption into the tribe for non-Indians. "The First Peoples' Welcome Center" 

Mentors' forum. "First People's Mentor Forum

The Story Book Page. Where members can post their own NA stories. "Invalid Item

First Peoples' member bios Where members can place a short writeup on themselves and how they came to join the First Peoples.."Invalid Item

How you got your Native American name and what it means. "Your Native American Name

The Prayer Room. If a member needs some spiritual help, this is the place to go."Invalid Item
{bullet }The Message Central message board for general use. "Invalid Item

Nominations for, and announcing of, the "Member of the Month” "Invalid Item

{bullet }Sig tags. "Invalid Item
The Fantastic Fund Raising Factory "Invalid Item

The First Peoples Council:
- Listing of Elders' Council duties )"Invalid Item
- Council message board. ""Invalid Item

Tribesmen are required to keep active in the tribe. Honorary members, members of the Elders’ Council and  the co-Chiefs are deemed to have met the requirements for being active simply by accepting those positions. All other tribesmen MUST participate in at least ONE tribal activity each month and must do a minimum amount of reviewing using a tribe signature. Failure to do both will result in a warning being issued. A warning for a second month means that if you fail to participate in a third month you will be removed from the tribal rolls. A “report card” is maintained on all members. You can check and see if you are current and when any warnings have been issued here:

"Invalid Item Senior leaders are to keep the scorecard up to date. If you have participated in an item which hasn’t been recorded by the senior leader, contact that leader first to get your card updated.

co-Chief The First Peoples
Sept. 3, 2009
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1596997-First-Peoples-Mentor-File