Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1601899-Gypsy-Hearts-Part-Two
Rated: ASR · Short Story · History · #1601899
Eden and Twilight arrive at the castle. The Princess wants Twilight for her husband.
The next morning, Eden and Twilight told their mothers that they were leaving. Adora had no idea that her son was bored with the gypsy life. Adora cried and hugged her son.

"My son, take Angelo and Minoa with you. They will drive you and Eden to the castle in the wagon. At least you will have food and be able to sleep in the caravan at night. What will Eden do at the castle?"

"Mother, she makes beautiful clothes and I am sure the royal people will love what she makes."

Adora hugged her son. Eden was telling her mother Nandan good bye. Nandan told Eden that she hoped that she would be happy.

Eden hugged her mother. "I love you, mother."

Nandan nodded. "Be safe. Twilight loves you and will protect you."

Twilight embraced his mother and Adora hugged Eden. "He will marry you. You can trust him, my Dear."

Eden smiled. "I know."

Angelo and Minoa had the horses hitched to the wagon. Angelo was Twilight's cousin and his wife was Minoa who was a peasant girl who seemed to have adjusted to the gypsy life. A pretty blonde that looked out of place with the dark haired gypsy people but she was a beauty none the less.

Angelo helped Eden into the back of the wagon. He hoped Twilight would marry her soon. Eden smiled at Minoa who was playing with a deck of cards. Minoa was learning how to tell the future. Eden smiled. She had never tried to tell the future with cards. She used to dance and sell potions to village people. Eden designed clothes most of the time. That is what she loved to do.

Twilight peeked into the wagon and asked Eden if she was sure she ready to go. Eden smiled and told him "Yes." He kissed her cheek and got into the driver's seat with Angelo.

Other gypsies waved to them as they left. Angelo and Minoa would bring the wagon and rejoin their caravan after they took Twilight and Eden to the castle. The wagon and horses left. Eden was nervous and Twilight was, too but he wouldn't admit it.

Eden asked Minoa what she saw in the cards for Twilight and Eden.

Minoa turned up a card. "You are going to marry Twilight. He is going to be a favorite knight of the King's Court. The ladies in waiting and Princesses will be so jealous of you." Minoa had a strange look on her face. She saw pirates in the next card but she didn't tell Eden. Minoa wasn't even sure if she was reading the cards right.

"Thanks, Minoa. I like that future."

Just then there was a thumping noise. A broken wheel. The wagon stopped. Twilight opened the curtains of the wagon. "Ladies, we have a broken wheel. Angelo is fixing it."

An hour later, the wheel was fixed and the wagon continued it's journey. Eden took a nap and Minoa Kept studying the cards.

Finally, the wagon stopped for the night. Eden and Minoa made supper. They had
rabbit stew and some bread that Adora had made. Eden and Twilight sat by the fire holding hands after eating.

The moon was out and Eden snuggled next to Twilight. "Minoa read our future. She says you will be a knight and I will be the envy of the ladies at the Court."

"You will. Such beauty you have is a curse." Twilight kissed Eden.

Angelo told the couple that he and Minoa would be going to bed in the wagon. Eden was jealous. She and Twilight laid down on the blanket and kissed tonight and Twilight cuddled Eden. Eden hoped their dreams would come true.

The next morning they were up early and loaded the wagon. They would be at the castle by noon. Twilight told Eden he would talk to her later.

Minoa told Eden that she was pregnant.

Eden hugged Minoa. "That is wonderful. You two love each other very much."

"Yes, we do. Making love is one of the best parts of marriage."

Eden was blushing. "Oh, I am sorry Eden. I guess you and Twilight haven't being together like that, yet. It will be a beautiful experience for both of you."

Eden just smiled. She read a romance book and she thought about her and Twilight.

Angelo and Twilight were outside the wagon talking.

"When are you going to marry Eden?"

"As soon as I become a Knight. I promise to marry Eden."

"Minoa is having a baby."

Twilight patted Angelo's arm. "I am happy for you two."

"We want a son."

"I want that with Eden someday."

"I hope you get to be a Knight. Don't keep Eden waiing too long."

Twilight nodded. "I won't."

The wagon arrived at noon at the castle.The castle was huge and gray and four stories tall. There were gates around the castle but you could see the top stories. Eden and Minoa had never seen a dwelling so beautiful. The guardsmen stopped them and asked them why they were there.

Twilight told them that a Knight Onslow had invited him. Just then Onslow came around the front of the castle.

"Twilight! Hey, you are really here!" The two men shook hands.

"Can I request an audience with the King?"

Onslow nodded. "I told the King about you awhile back and how you fought the highway men. He wanted to meet you and give you a chance at knighthood."

"I am so ready." Onslow smiled and went to see the King.

Twilight embraced Eden.

Jasmine, a pretty red head was looking out the window of her room. She was one of the King's daughters. GYPSIES! HOW DARE THEY SHOW UP HERE! Jasmine looked at Twilight and did think what a handsome man. Why was Onslow talking to him? Was he going to be a Knight? That woman he was hugging. Well, if the handsome gypsy man became a Knight, Jasmine was going to have him for a husband. That gypsy woman would be out of here. Jasmine always got what she wanted. Her Daddy, the King would deny her nothing. Jasmine smiled. She couldn't wait to meet the handsome gypsy. HER FUTURE HUSBAND! The gypsy woman had to go. She would worry about that later. She couldn't wait to meet her future Prince, a handsome gypsy man!

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Beautiful Poser of pirate couple for my pirate story by best friend Angel.
© Copyright 2009 Princess Morticia Megan Rose (tigger at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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