Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1604678-Alexandria-The-Duchess-of-Devonshire
Rated: E · Other · Drama · #1604678
I do not intend on selling this story or making money off of it in any way!
Alexandria was a normal 17 year old women who had courage, strength, and beauty on the inside and out. Her family was very wealthy and she was addressed as Lady Alexandria Spencer. Her father was 1st Earl Spencer & her mother was Margret Georgiana Poyntz.

It was the year 1774 and it was also the day of Alexandria's 17th birthday. She had her aristocratic friends over and they were having some innocent fun outside in the yard. In the house where her mother was sitting having tea a man walked in and she smiled.

“Sir how nice to see you.” He nodded and walked to the window.

“Which is your daughter madame?”

“The one with the light blue dress, laughing and smiling right there.” She pointed and he looked liking what he saw, a healthy young women who looked like she could bore him a son.

“Would she be capable of giving me a son?” He asked.

“Of course, Alexandria is very up to her duties and knows what she must do when she marries.”

“I will marry her tomorrow, please have her ready tomorrow morning and I will send a carriage to pick her up.” she smiled and nodded.

“I will sir, thank you.” He said nothing and walked out. My mother had the guard come outside and tell me that she needed to see me right away. I left my friends for a moment and went to see what she needed.

“Yes mother?” She turned around and smiled at me.

“Alexandria my search to find you the perfect husband is over, the Duke of Devonshire just left he wants you to be at his home tomorrow morning and he will marry you.” I was happy because it was a great honour to a women if a man of royal blood picked you to marry him. I gave my mother a hug and went out to tell my friends,

“The Duke of Devonshire, oh no that's not going to be a good marriage.”

“Why not Christina, he is a good man, many have told me so?”

“He is not nice to women he has by his side or in his bed. I've heard that all he wants a wife for is to give him a son and then once that happens he will no longer have use for you.” She said. I thought to myself and wondered if that was true but if it was then he most likely would have been caught by now or told on and he would not be so popular and have asked me to marry him.

“Oh Christina your such a drama queen, I'm sure he's fine.”

“When do you leave?” My other friend Anna asked.

“Tomorrow morning.” I said.

“We will miss you.” I smiled and gave all four my friend a hug.

“I will miss you guys too, don't worry I'll write to all of you whenever I can.”

The next morning I waited outside for the carriage to arrive. When I saw it coming up to the front entrance of my home I turned to all my friends and smiled.

“Will you come back and visit Alexandria?” Charles Grey asked me.

“Not sure.” He nodded as the carriage arrived, I got in, waved goodbye, and was off to my new home in Devonshire. Charles Grey was a man I liked, he was smart, handsome, and kind towards my friends and I. I was hoping that my mother would not find me a husband and by the time she did Charles would have already asked me to marry him, but he was to late and he knew that which is why he looked sort of sad when I was leaving. When I arrived at my new home I saw the Duke playing with his three big dogs outside in the courtyard which was near the entrance. The guard opened the carriage door and I got out and looked up at my home. As I was doing this the Duke approached me and it startled me a little when he said,

“Hello.” I jumped a little and looked at him standing there next to me.

“Oh hello.” I said shyly.

“The guards will take all your things up to our bed chambers.” When he mentioned our bed chambers I had to refresh my mind and stick the reality back in that I was going to marry this man today.

“You have your own maids who will show you to our bedroom and get you dressed for the wedding which takes place in 1 hour.” He told me as he turned to walk away without another word, smile, or see you soon. I shook it off because I thought it was just a shyness thing because he did not know me yet. I knew that once he got to know me we would begin talking and getting to know each other. My maids got me in my wedding dress which was really beautiful and it was the kind of style I liked.

I was handed my bouquet of flowers that matched my dress and when I heard the music from the piano start I got nervous but tried not to show it. I walked down the isle and once I got to the front next to the Duke the ceremony was performed. After the ceremony I thought there was going to be a dinner celebration like most events have afterwards but the Duke insisted that there would be none because he wanted me to himself in our bedchambers for a talk. I stood in front of the bed and watched him as he began to unbutton his shirt, it made me nervous and then it hit me what he was going to do. Although I did not want to and was not ready I knew I had to deal with it because I remembered what Anna said how he wanted a son, the rest of what she told me I still did not believe. He took all my clothes off until I had just my stockings and shoes left on. He then lay me on the bed and what happened next was nothing passionate or romantic, I did not feel anything except normal feelings, which was a bit of pain because everything he was doing to me was all new to my body. After it was over with he gave me a slight smile and once his clothes were on he walked to the door and before he went out he turned to me and said,

“Dinner is in 1 hour, I expect you there on time.” I nodded as he walked out and shut the door behind him. I got up slowly and bent down on the floor next to my dress he had cut with scissors, I sighed at the cut up corset strings. 10 minutes later my maids came in with a brand new dress which was beautiful and I put it on with their help and fixed my hair to join the Duke, and some other guests for dinner.

During dinner the Duke said not one word to me, I thought he was mad at me for something, maybe I did a little thing wrong during out love making but how could I have, he asked me to stay still and let him do everything, so there was nothing I could have possibly done wrong. One man sitting at the dinner table was kind of drunk and began complaining about the political problems of Devonshire and what he said got me to say something which the Duke did not like.

“I don't know why the Wigs proceed to do things their way, obviously they should do things our way.” The drunk man said. It offended me because my family & my friend Charles Grey were both Wigs.
“Excuse me sir but Wigs have great ideas for political law and you should not complain, because one day you will thank them for the difference they will make in Devonshire.” I got a look from the Duke and it shut me up.

“Duke, how do you feel about what the Duchess so gladly just shared with us?” He took a sip of his wine and said,

“I think she should stay quiet, not say another word about this subject, and not to get involved in a mans business.” I looked away from him and stood up to walk away.

“Excuse me gentlemen, I must leave you now, I am tired.” I looked at the Duke and he said nothing so I walked away to our bedchambers and went to sleep because I really was tired from the long day I had.

7 months & 2 weeks later:
Tonight was a party that the Duke was celebrating the soon to be birth of our child, who would be born in another 2 months from now. I sat at the gambling table playing cards when all of a sudden I got this sharp pain in my stomach and I leaned over and someone looked at me and was concerned. Then the pain got worse and I clutched my stomach and made a painful noise that alerted the Duke who was sitting at the end of the table.

“Are those labour pains, is my wife in labour?” He asked standing up watching me being taken out of the room by my nurses. He raised his glass and said,

“Time for a toast, I may have a son, the 6th Duke of Devonshire by the end of tonight.” Everyone cheered and they drank and the Duke I was expecting to come with me but he didn't, instead he was more worried about if he would have a son by the end of the night. Hours later he came in my own private room with an unhappy face and he stood beside me looking down at me and it was hard to look him straight in the eyes back.

“You lost our son.” I clenched my fist under the blanket and turned my head to him and it just came out all of a sudden even though I knew it would anger him.

“It wasn't a boy anyways, you would have had a daughter!!!” He looked at me sort of stunned by my reaction.

“You can't even give me a son! Your mother told me you could give me a son!” I could hear the anger in his voice but there was nothing I could do for him except keep trying for a son, I'm sure that's what he intended to do. Days later when I was well again I was in our bedchambers getting ready for dinner with the Duke as I had to every night, I decided to wear one of my simple gowns because maybe he was not paying attention to me because I dressed to fancy, so I dressed low key this time but still very pretty.

I came in the dining room hoping the Duke would smile and tell me I looked nice but all he did was take one look at me and continue eating. I sat down feeling hurt inside that he did not compliment me like someone I know who if I would have married him he would love me properly and compliment me on what I was wearing and treat me right. It was funny that the whole time through dinner since the Duke didn't say a word to me I thought about Charles and my friends, and how I missed them so much, I had not even got the chance to write to them in the last 7 months, I hope they didn't think I didn't want to be friends with them anymore. I decided that after dinner I would write to them. Just before I was ready to get up when I was finished eating the Duke said something,

“I am leaving tomorrow morning on a trip for 2 weeks, I trust that you will behave yourself while I am gone and stay out of trouble.” I got the greatest idea in my head while I gave him a small smile and a nod telling him I understood what he was saying.

“I am going to write a letter a good friend of mine whom I have not seen in a while, do you mind if I have her come for a visit while you are gone?” I asked him as I stood up in my chair. He looked at me for a few seconds and then nodded a yes. I smiled,

“Thank you.” I said walking out of the dinning hall and back to our bedchambers to start writing a letter to Anna first, the letter said:

**Dear Anna, I miss you. I am sorry that I have not been able to write to you in so long, you must think I am a terrible friend for forgetting to write. It's not that I have forgotten about you it's just I am very busy with life over here in Devonshire. I don't want to admit this but I think you were right about the Duke and how he only wanted a son and once you gave him one he would never pay attention to you, except in my case I lost the baby and it was not a boy, it was a girl whom I was going to name her Caroline. It breaks my heart to know that I have lost a child because I drank during that time and I was under a lot of stress, but I guess that's life. Anyways the reason I started writing this letter in the first place is to ask you if you would come for a visit while the Duke is away for 2 weeks on a trip? I would love it if you tell the other girls to come along with you and it would be nice to see Charles Grey again as well. I dearly hope you come spend some time with me, you will all love it here, it's beautiful. I hope to see you all soon,
With all my friendship and love, Alexandria.**

After the letter was signed with my name I folded it up, and went to give it to the mail carrier who was in his room working. I told him to get it to Lady Anna Holland as fast as he could. He actually left right after I gave it to him. I was happy that I may be seeing my friends, the ones I longed to talk and be with, it had been so long since I had someone to talk to and share secrets and feelings with, since I couldn't very well do that with the Duke because he would not listen.
I saw the Duke off when he left and as I stood there waiting to say goodbye to him at his carriage I expected a nice goodbye but but all he did was look at me, give me a slight smile, got in the carriage, and said,

“Stay out of trouble Alex.” I nodded and walked away as the carriage took off. Alex was what he called me when he was to lazy to say my full name, I did not like it but I could not tell him to stop because he would get mad and I did not want any trouble between. 2 days after the Duke left I got a letter back from Anna and as soon as the mail carrier brought it to me I opened it right away and it read:

**Dear Alexandria, we all miss you just as much as you miss us. We forgive you for not writing in so long but we also understand why you have not. I knew I was right when I told you to be careful with the Duke, remember if he does anything bad to you to tell somebody because it's not right. As for your question if we will come visit well I asked Emma, Charles, Edward, Peter, and Evelyn if they would come with me to visit you and all of them are going to. We will be arriving tomorrow at around noon, we'll see you then.

With all my love, Anna.**

I smiled to myself when I finished reading the letter and quickly realized that the 22nd was today and it was 11:00am. I went to the maids and asked if they could prepare the 5 guest rooms next to mine for when my friends arrived, and while they did that I picked out a new dress to change into since I was still in my morning lounge dress, which was way to simple to welcome friends.

Just as I had finished doing my hair with the help of the maid who usually did my hair every morning I heard people gather in downstairs chattering and I knew they had arrived. I stood up quickly and ran down there as fast as I could without falling. I came to the top of the staircase and and smiled down at them as Charles smiled up at me. He smiled and I ran down and practically leaped at him for a big hug. He swung me around and we all laughed and then he put me down and I smiled.

“There she is. The most beautiful Duchess that Devonshire has ever had.” I smiled and gave Peter a hug.

“Oh it's so good to see you guys, I missed you all so much.” I gave all the others a hug and then I showed them around.

“You got quite the home here Alexandria.” Peter said holding onto Emma's hand as we walked. I did not say anything because I figured they had gotten together and it was nice to see them together because I knew they always were in love with each other from the moment I introduced Emma to him.

“I know, it's bigger then back home. Oh how is mother, have any of you seen her?” All their smiles faded and Anna took my hand and looked at me.

“She's not doing to well Alexandria.”

“What do you mean, what's wrong with her?”

“She is ill, that's one reason I came here was to tell you that when we leave to go back home you have to come with us to see her.”

“I will. How much time did the doctor give her?” Charles put his hand on my shoulder,

“Another month or two.” I could feel tears welling up in my eyes but I kept them from falling or it would ruin the fun day I wanted to have with them.

“Ok well when you leave I will go back with you for a bit to see her.”

“Anyways let's continue this tour, I want to see the Duchess's chambers where all the magic happens and sparks fly.” Edward said making everyone laugh. I nudged him in the arm,

“Edward that's inappropriate to ask a Duchess.” Anna said as I held her arm. When we walked together as a group us 4 girls always walked in front of the men with our arms linked together and the guys walked behind us.

“She is right, it is inappropriate.” I said as I looked behind me at him and I smiled at Charles.

“How bout we go outside and have some tea?” I asked letting go of my friend arms and turning around to the guys. They all gave me a strange look including the ladies and I shrugged.

“Why are you all looking at me like that?” I asked.

“Tea? Alexandria come on we are aristocratic men and women here, we drink alcohol at tea time, well sometimes we do.” I laughed.

“Right Anna, but I am a Duchess now I am used to drinking tea all the time, and I am not aloud to be seen with alcohol unless I am at a party or dinner time.” She laughed.

“That is ridiculous.”

“Well I have rules, I can't break them.” Charles stepped in and talked.

“So someone of royalty like yourself has rules and can do what they please?” I nodded.

“Yes, I have to keep a good reputation with thew people of Devonshire and of course the King & Queen of England.” He nodded.

“She is right.” he said to the others.

“We wouldn't want our precious Duchess to get in deep trouble.” I smiled and we continued walking, this time I held onto Charles arm instead of the ladies arms. We went outside and I all had tea but Anna, Emma, and Evelyn spiked their tea with a bit of vodka....the men seemed not to want to, probably because they want to listen to me unlike the ladies.

“So how has it been living with the Duke of Devonshire Alexandria?” Peter asked.

“I guess it's been ok.”

“Does not sound like it has been judging by the tone of your voice.”

“It's just he pays no attention to me like a good husband would to his wife. And he gets angry at me for the stupidest things.”

“It sounds like he is jealous of you in a way.” Evelyn said taking a sip of her tea.

“What is there for him to be jealous of me about, I am a women and he is a man?”

“True but what were you doing or saying when he got angry?” Anna asked.

“The first time was when I was having dinner the first night I spent here and we had guests. One man was drunk and was saying that the Wigs were stubborn and so on, and then I stood up defending them because I have family and of course Charles who run for them and who are in that political group. Then he looked at me and frowned and I saw him clench his fist, so I sat down and kept my mouth closed.”

“Sounds like a vicious man Alexandria, you should not have married him.”

“I had no choice Emma, my mother wanted me to and she said it would be good for me.”

“I don't think there is going to be anything in this marriage that turns out to be good for you.” Charles said looking at me.

“I don't know, so far there has not been.” I said taking a sip of my tea.
“And guess what he calls me?”

“What?” Anna asked as everyone else listened.

“He call's me Alex...is that not a boys name?”

“Oh the nerve of him, is he to lazy to call you by your beautiful name you have?” Edward said. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

“I have no idea, but it gets annoying, and of course like always I have to deal with it and can not say a word.” I said as they all nodded. We talked until we were all done our tea and then we went in my secret room that only the Duke and I knew about and we lounged beside each other on my day bed, it was huge. We sipped at champagne and ate little cream cakes and fresh strawberries. It was nice to have my friends around me, laughing, smiling, and talking with me because it had been lonely for me the past 9 and a half months, it had almost been a year.

“I have a question for you guys?” I asked randomly.

“What is it?” Anna asked.

“Have I changed to much, you know have I gotten more pale or funny looking, or.......fat?” They all started to laugh at the same time and so did I and I think I was getting a little drunk.

“Why would you ever ask a thing like that Alexandria?” Evelyn asked as she giggled.

“Well......answer my question.” Charles, who was next to me, turned to me and said with an honest look in his eyes,

“No you haven't, you are still the same beautiful, funny, kind, and sweet young women you always were since the day I met you.” I smiled while looking into his handsome and calm eyes......everyone went silent most likely hearing what he just said.

“Did you just say that to Alexandria?” Emma asked sitting up and looking at Charles.

“I did.” He nodded.

“Aww that is so sweet, you two should have gotten married instead of Alexandria and that ''all so mighty and ugly'' Duke of god knows where.” Anna said making Evelyn and Emma laugh.

“Well obviously he is the Duke of Devonshire silly?” She shrugged and drank the rest of her champagne in her glass. I sat up and took all the champagne bottles away and put them back in the cupboard. We all got up and went to the dining room to eat dinner since we were all very hungry. During dinner my personal guard came in, he came to my side, and asked,

“Your Grace, there is a little girl here with a women to see you....” I turned around surprised to see that there actually was. I stood up and everyone at the table looked at me and wondered why there was a girl and a women standing there.

“Is there something you need madame?” I asked the women.

“The Duke sent a letter to us asking that we bring Charlotte here because she lost her mother a few weeks ago.”

“And is there nowhere else you can take dear little Charlotte here?” She shook her head.

“I am not supposed to tell you this Your Grace but I will anyways because I think you should know, just do not mention it to anyone not even the Duke.” I nodded.

“This is the Duke's first daughter. He was with her mother for a bit 7 years ago and when her mother died he insisted that Charlotte come live here.” I was shocked that I never knew any of this because the Duke never had the nerve to tell me, but I guess he regrets doing it. I asked that the women bring Charlotte to the guest room two doors down from my bed chambers on the left hand side and settle her in and tell the cooks to make her whatever she wants and make her comfortable until I was done dinner and was able to go see her. I then sat back down and suddenly did not feel hungry anymore. I pushed my plate back and watched all my friends chat and eat. Anna looked at me and asked,

“What's the matter Alexandria, who was that little girl?”

“The Duke's first child, he had her with another women almost 7 years ago the women died a few weeks ago.”

“Oh my goodness she is going to live here with you?”

“Yes, that is what the Duke wants.”

“Well I guess it will be good practice for you when you have one of your own, right?” I nodded knowing that Anna was right and that it was good practice, if I ever could have a child of my own, hopefully next time if I did it would be a boy, and I had hoped I would not lose the second one like I did with the first. When I was done eating my friend stayed at the table while I went to say hi to Charlotte. I walked in her room and the maid got up and left to leave us alone. I sat next to her on the bed and she looked at me,

“Hi Charlotte, my name is Alexandria.” She did not say a word and just nodded.

“You're are my first child.” Then her small voice came out and said,

“So you're my new mommy?” I nodded with a smile and gave her a small kiss on the forehead.

“Now go to sleep darling, I will see you in the morning and you can meet mommy's friends.” She nodded and turned over on her side and went to sleep as I left the room. I went back and joined my friends and actually had a good time the rest of the night and when bed time came around the ladies and I were walking to our rooms since the men were already in theirs and when I passed Charles door he opened it and pulled me inside. Once I was inside he had me against the wall and I felt a feeling of passion shoot through my body. He then pressed his lips to mine and we walked over to the bed and he lay me down,

“Charles, what are doing?”

“Alexandria I love you and I always have.” He said giving me another kiss. I knew what we were about to do was not right at all but I also loved Charles and wanted to do this with him, and anyways the Duke would never ever know, at least I hoped so.

4 weeks later:
2 weeks later when Anna, Evelyn, Emma, Peter, Edward, and Charles left I did not get a chance to go see my mother and hoped when I did she would still be well and alive. I was not feeling very well that night when the Duke and I were just falling a sleep and I had serious pains in my stomach and I felt like I was going to be sick. The Duke awoke and called the doctor and when he arrived at midnight he checked me out without the Duke in the room and when he told me I was pregnant I was horrified because if the Duke found out he would know right away that I made love with someone else while he was gone and he would be so angry. I begged the doctor to not say a word to him and tell him it was just the flu and he agreed but he advised me to tell the Duke sometime because he would know when I started to get a tummy on me. I was so upset and so once the Duke went back to sleep I got up out of bed, went into my secret room, and started to write a letter to my father, I wrote in the letter:

**Dear father, I have made the most terrible mistake ever in my life and I don't know how to tell the Duke because if I do he would do something and get angry, I don't know maybe even hurt me some way. I need your help and if you can it would be the best if you came by to see and talk to me as soon as possible so I can tell you my mistake. Please you have to help me with this, I am begging you father, please.

Love, Alexandria.**

I knew if anyone could help me it would be my father, so I brought the letter to the mail carrier and said it was urgent my father got it as soon as possible so he set off right away even though it was late and got it to him safe and sound and arrived back at the palace at 3am. 2 days later I was visited by my father and we sat down together and had tea.

“So darling what is it that you need help with?”

“I'm pregnant.” He smiled.

“Well that's wonderful.”

“It is, I guess, but the baby is not the Dukes.” His smile faded.

“Well that's not a good thing, did you tell the Duke?” I shook my head and felt ashamed to tell my own father this.

“I think you need to.”

“Can you tell him, because I am afraid if I tell him he will get really angry with me?”

“I will do that. But you have to promise me that you will never ever do this again?” I nodded and we both stood up so I could give him a hug.

“Thanks father, I knew I could count on you to help me.” He smiled and walked out of the room to go find the Duke and talk to him privately. In the mean time I sat down and started writing a letter to Charles but all I only got a chance to write, (Dear Charles, I.....) and then I heard someone coming. I put the letter away inside my novel I was in the middle of reading and then I turned around to see the Duke & my father come in and he seemed pretty calm for someone who was just told his wife was having another mans baby.

“You have no idea how angry I am with you right how Alexandria but I am controlling it, your father here talked to me and I will deal it.” I smiled slightly and nodded standing up and listening to see what else he was going to say.

“But in the mean time while you carry this child you will go live with the family of the man you made this baby with until it is born and then you will leave the baby at their home to live with them, I don't want the child coming back with you.” I couldn't believe what I just heard and my father was not saying or doing anything about it.

“Ok, when do I leave?”

“Soon, in about 2 hours. I have arranged a carriage to take you there.” The Duke said. I nodded and asked,

“Do they know I am coming to stay with them?”

“Of course they do.” he said as he walked right past my father without a word and shut the door behind him. I then let the tears fall as I sat at my desk turned around not even being able to look at my father, I was ashamed he had to hear all that and that he had a daughter who made the stupidest mistake anyone could make when they are married. He came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. I stood up and gave him a hug crying into his shoulder,

“He does not love me at all father, he hates me.”

“That's not true, he is just angry Alexandria.”

“I know but why does he want to send me away to have my baby, and I can't even keep the child?”

“Well because he does not want a child living in his home that is not his, it's just the way some men are about those kind of things.” I nodded pulling away from him and whipped my tears.

“I must be off now, if you need anything else please don't hesitate to write and I will come visit you where you will be staying.” I nodded.

“Tell mother I said I love her so much and I am sorry that I can not see her right now.” He smiled.

“I will my dear.” He said as I gave him a hug and then he left me and went back home to be with my mother. After he left I went outside with Charlotte and played some cards with her while the gardeners planted some new flowers around the courtyard fountain.

“Mommy am I going to have a sister?” she asked. I did not know how to answer her question because I did not want to upset her nor did I want to excite her because most likely she would not see her. Charlotte already knew that I was going away for 9 months and would only come back once the baby was born, she would be staying here and be taken care of by the nurses and maids of the house.

“No Charlotte. It's complicated for mommy to explain but you won't be able to meet mommy's child she is going to have.” She looked sadly at me and I gave her a hug. Not another question about that was asked and I continued to play cards and laugh with her until my royal guard came out and told me it was time for me to go. I walked with Charlotte to my carriage and I said goodbye to her there with the Duke standing near by.

“I will miss you mommy.” I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“I will miss you too darling, I will write to you.” She nodded as I got into the carriage. I did not say a word to the Duke nor did he say anything to me, I just looked at him for a second as the carriage drove away and then I turned around and the carriage set off to bring to my new home for the next 9 months.

The months went by slow but I actually found it way more relaxing and less stressful at the Charles parents home, their maids and nurses took care of me well and I liked it there. After 2 months of not seeing Charles at all or even hearing from him he came to visit his parents one day not even knowing I was there. I sat in my chair in the living area with the nurse who was knitting a blanket for the new baby and when he walked in I looked at the door way and he looked very surprised.

“Alexandria.....” I smiled as his parents walked in.

“She has been staying with us for 2 months now and will be here for another 6.” His father said. He came and kneeled down to my side and saw that I had a small belly on me.

“You're pregnant again?” I nodded.

“It's your child Charles, not the Duke's.” he turned to his mother and father, they both nodded and then he looked back at me not quite believing what I just said.

“How is that.............” he stopped and thought about it and remembered that night when he and my friends came for a visit.

“Oh Alexandria I am so sorry.” He said taking my hand.

“It's alright. I will have the baby here and she will live here with your parents, because the Duke does not want her coming home with me.”

“It's a girl?” he asked.

“Yes, I am going to name her Eliza, then she will take your mothers two middle names as her's.”

“So her name will be Eliza Courtney Ellice Cavendish?” He asked.

“No, it will be Eliza Courtney Ellice Grey, but she will always be a Cavendish, and I will be visiting her in secret so that she knows I am her mother.” He looked at me without a word and then put his head down as if he was ashamed that the baby had to take his families last name.

“Everything is already settled Charles, we will take good care of Alexandria while she is here and when she leaves Eliza will be raised very well.” he nodded and stood up from my side.

“I must go now. Alexandria I love you.” I felt like letting tears fall from my eyes but all that I could let fall was one from each eye and then I forced myself not to cry another. He left the house and I continued to relax and drink my tea.

7 months and 4 days later:
Once Eliza was born I had the maids pack up my things so I could prepare to leave. I held Eliza while they put my stuff in the carriage and once everything was set to go I started to cry and almost had a break down when I had to hand Charles mother the baby. Charles stood up not being able to bare seeing me the way I was, but I was so upset.

“I can't leave her.” I said to the nurse as she hugged and calmed me down.

“I know Your Grace, I know.” Once Eliza had been taken back into the house I calmed down a little and the carriage set off to bring me home. I looked out my window and kept my eye on Charles and waved once as he and the others then went out of sight. I knew I would see Eliza again soon but it just pained my heart so bad that I could not keep her but I also understood my mistake I made and that is why the Duke got angry and sent me away and did not want the baby coming back. When I got home I lounged around most of the day and then about 4 hours after I decided to sit down and write a letter to my mother and father.

**Dear mother and father, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl whom I named Eliza Courtney Ellice, she is so beautiful. I am back home now and am very sad that I had to leave Eliza with the Grey family but it was the Duke's orders and I have to follow those. Mother, I am very sorry I have not been to see you yet but hopefully I will get the chance soon, I love you so much. Father, take good care of mother and write to me if things get worse.

With all my love, Alexandria.**

July 14, 1783:
In my arms I held my first new born child I ever had that actually was the Duke's real daughter. Charlotte sat beside me on my bed and she watched the small baby girl move around and open her small and gorgeous brown eyes. Her name was Georgiana Margret Anne Cavendish, and she was just as beautiful as Eliza was when she was born. The Duke of of course did not want to see this baby girl of his right now because it was not a boy like he wanted but I told myself that I would make him happy next time I gave birth which would not be for a while now and I kept telling myself that next time it would be a boy. Later on that day while the nurse was feeding Georgiana I was playing outside with the man that took care of our horses, Charlotte, and Anna. We were teaching her how to ride a horse so that could do that as an activity, she was having lots of fun. The Duke was off on business out of town for two days and Anna was staying with me for a bit.

“That's it Charlotte, you got it.” She sat on the horse and smiled as the man held the horse by it's string and walked with it slowly. When he stopped it Anna took her off the horse and I clapped as she came and gave me a hug.

“Good job dear.”

“That was fun, can we do that again tomorrow?”

“Of course we can.” The three of us went inside and had some lunch because we were all very hungry and while we ate I held Georgiana in my arms and smiled at her,

“She's so beautiful Alexandria, she has your eye and hair colour.” Anna said smiling at her.

“Yes she does.”

4 years later:
On my 22nd birthday I lay in my bed with nurses all around me as I gave birth to two babies this time. The Duke stood next to me waiting for the doctor to say the gender after he cleaned them off and wrapped them in blankets, he turned around with a big smile and said,

“Congratulations, you just gave birth to two healthy baby boys.” The Duke and I both smiled at the same time and he said loudly to everyone waiting outside the door,

“I HAVE TWO SON.....TWO OF THEM!” I laughed because I was happy he finally got what he had been wanting for over 5 and a half years now. I was also happy because no matter if I had a boy or girl I still would have been happy, it was the Duke that was ecstatic. He sat by my side and held one of our boys while I held the other.

“This one here will be named William George Spencer Cavendish, the 6th Duke of Devonshire.” He said holding the baby up because he was so proud to show everyone. I put my hand on his and he looked at me and I smiled,

“And this one shall be named, Johnathan Clifford Spencer Cavendish.” He smiled and everyone clapped who had gathered in the room.

1 year later:
The Duke, Anna, Charlotte, Georgiana, William and I sat outside on a blanket in the grass laughing and having a picnic together. It was the first time since I married the Duke that he actually sat down with me, talked, and had a good time. Anna adored my children and she still had not met Eliza but I would one day take her to see my other little girl.

I no longer kept secrets from the Duke except the ones my friends told me, and the one I could never tell him, which was that I visited Eliza in secret and planned on having her come live with us years from now on her 16th birthday, when that time came was the time I would tell him. Years passed and I watched my children grow until the day at the age of 15 Georgiana, or should I say Lady Georgiana Cavendish married a young man two years older then her named Howard, he was the 6th Earl of Carlisle, and it was someone she fell in love with herself when she was 14, so it was not arranged and I was so happy for her. William, the 6th Duke of Devonshire took his fathers place on the eve of his 16th birthday with his new wife who took my place as the Duchess of Devonshire. So now the Duke and I were no longer at rule, but I knew William would do just fine and so would his beautiful Duchess. All my children had good lives and grew up well, as for Eliza well she had her first child when she was 17 and I was right there with her when she turned to me with a smile and said that she was going to name the baby Alexandria Mary Spencer Grey.


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