Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1605062-Phonecalls
Rated: E · Short Story · Tragedy · #1605062
A peculiar short story written through various phone calls

         "Mom? It's Ricky."

         "Oh, thank God! You had us worried sick! Where are you!"

         "That is not important... I need you to listen to me; do exactly as I say. Can you do that?"

         "Ricky, where are you? Your father and I will come and get you."

         "Mom, stop. You don't understand. I need a favor."

         "Why don't you just come home...?"

         "That would put you in danger."

         "Why? Ricky, what's going on?"

         "Tonight, I need you to leave dad's revolver on the front porch."


         "Trust me!"

         "Ricky... What have you gotten yourself in to?"

         "I need you to put dad on the phone."

         "I... Ricky, come home..."

         "Put dad on the phone!"



         "Where are you, son?"

         "I think you know..."

         "That's what I was afraid of..."

         "I need you to leave your revolver on the porch tonight. I'll come by and pick it up."

         "I suppose it's too late to talk you out of this?"

         "I'm in too deep now."

         "I see... "

         "Can you do it?"

         "I'll make sure it's there..."          

         "Thank you."

         "Your mother and I love you... I am so sorry you got dragged in to this."

         "It had to happen eventually."

         "I suppose it did... Be safe, Rick."

         "Yeah, love you guys. Take care."


         "Vincent here."

         "Vince, it's Ricky."

         "Ricky! Where the hell have you been?"

         "I think they found me."

         "Shit! Are you okay?"

         "For the time being. I need to call in a favor, man."

         "Anything for you. I owe you my life."

         "You still have that rifle?"

         "Just tell me where to leave it!"

         "Outside the back door. Tonight. Ammo would be nice."

         "It's yours."

         "Thanks, man. Now I'm the one in debt.

         "Only if you survive! Is there anything else I can do?"

         "More weapons?"

         "Sorry man, the rifle is it."

         "It's all good. Look, I have to go. They'll trace the signal here soon."

         "Take care, and come back alive, alright?"

         "No promises."


         "Talk to me."



         "It's Ricky."

         "I thought I told you not to call here again!"

         "Yeah, well, a few years ago you said that you owed me your life."

         "That was before everything backfired. Before she died."

         "I need to call you in on your word. I need you to do something for me."

         "Why would I do that?"

         "Because you know that, even if you hate me, I am your best friend. You lost everything."

         "Pretty big talk."

         "Can you help the only person you have left?"



         "What do you need?"

         "Guns. A bullet proof vest. Ammo."

         "How much?"

         "All of it."

         "I thought you got out of all of that, man."

         "Yeah, well, they tracked me down. This is the only way out."

         "I guess you're right... I'll see what I can scrounge up. How am I going to get it to you?"

         "You're just going to leave them all outside your shop tonight, after you close up."

         "You'll need backup, man. I'll be there."

         "No. No you won't. You'll leave the guns, and you'll get the hell out of there."

         "Why the hell won't you ever accept help?"

         "If you want to help, drop the guns and leave."

         "You saved my ass countless times, I can't run when you need help."

         "If you're there, I'll kill you myself.

         "You don't mean th- Ricky? Hello? Ricky? Dammit!"



         "Hey, could I speak with Caroline?"

         "May I ask who's speaking?"

         "C'mon, you don't recognize my voice?"

         "That's what I was afraid of. How dare you run out on our daughter? Do you have any idea what that did to her?"

         "Please... Put her on the phone."          

         "So you can break her heart again? You have some nerve!"

         "You don't understand! I need to talk to her!"

         "No, you need to hang up now. Hang up and never call back."

         "I did not walk out on her! I would never want to hurt her!"

         "Ricky, I'm hanging up now. Don't call back."


         "I thought I told you not to call back!"

         "I'm begging you... Let me talk to Caroline."

         "You hurt her more than you'll ever know! Words will not repair that!"

         "Let me apologize to her, then... Let me do that, and I'll never call back.

         "If one tear falls from her face tonight, Ricky, I'll have Justin personally hunt you down."

         "I understand."


         "Hey baby..."

         "Don't call me that! Not anymore!"

         "Caroline... Please. Let me explain."

         "There is no explanation!"

         "They found me..."

         "Who found you? You don't mean... Ricky, are you okay?"

         "I am, but I may not be for much longer. That's why I called. I wanted to aplogize for disappearing."

         "No, I..."

         "Hey now, no tears. Your mom will sick her boyfriend on me if you cry! The last thing I need is another hunting me down."

         "Can you come by?"

         "I'm sorry... I can't take that risk. And this call could be tracked... I can't talk much longer."

         "What... What are you going to do?"

         "Well, I tried running once. That didn't work... Now, I'll fight."

         "No! Don't!"

         "They'll find me if I run again. It's only a matter of time.

         "There's always another way! Your father found a way out!"

         "This is different. Baby, I have to go."

         "Ricky, no!"

         "I love you."


         "I had a feeling you'd be calling... Ready to come out of hiding?"

         "Oh, I am..."

         "And where might we find you, you little street-rat?"

         "Look behind you, you son of a bitch."


         "Charles speaking."

         "Mr. Walters, this is Officer Brian Duke."

         "Oh? What can I do for you, Officer?"

         "It concerns your son..."

         "Does it now?"

         "I can't help but notice you don't seem to be suprised."

         "Do go on, Officer."

         "There was a shoot out in town..."

         "Was Ricky shot?"

         "We don't know... We can't seem to find him. But he's the lead suspect in this  case. Ten dead bodies... His fingerprints are everywhere."

         "You can't find him?"

         "No. Has he been in contact with you?"

         "I can't say he has, Officer."

         "That's a shame... You'll keep us informed?"

         "I'll do what I can."

         "Thank you, Mr. Walters."

         "Goodnight, Officer."



         "Hey, dad."

         "Ricky... Good to hear your voice."

         "I did what I had to."

         "And did it damn well."

         "Well, I'm sure you know why I'm calling..."

         "I do, Ricky... You've done good. Your mother and I will miss you. We love you."

         "I love you too, dad. Tell mom I love her!"

         "You know I can't do that, son. You're dead to the world now."

         "Like father like son, eh?"

         "You take care of yourself... I'm proud of you."

         "Bye, dad."


© Copyright 2009 Connor Chaos (connorchaos at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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