Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1605917-Gypsy-Hearts-Part-Three
Rated: ASR · Short Story · History · #1605917
Twilight and Eden: their lives at the castle.
Onslow came back with the news that King Jason wanted to see Twilight. Twilight kissed Eden's cheek and left with Onslow. Marlena, a lady in waiting approached Eden. Marlena was a pretty blonde. She smiled at Eden.

"Miss, the Queen would like to see you. Follow me."

Eden followed Marlena up the steps of the castle. The castle had pictures of former Kings and Queens on the walls and a painting of the castle. A red winged backed chair was on the third floor. Eden had never been inside homes before. All she had ever seen were the inside of caravan wagons.

Finally, Marlena stopped at a door with a lion's head on it and knocked.

"Who is it?" answered a woman's voice.

"Marlena with the young gypsy woman you requested."

"Yes, well show her in."

"This way, Miss." Marlena opened the door to the room. A beautiful middle aged woman sat on a purple velvet chair dressed all in gold. A crown adorned her head. A red headed young woman in a fancy blue empire dress stood beside the woman in the purple velvet chair. She had her hair straight but all in place and she was wearing a emerald crown. She looked like the younger version of the Queen. Eden was so nervous.

The Queen motioned for the young woman to sit in a blue velvet chair with a high back.

" I am Queen Alexis. I hear you and your young man are gypsies. Your young man wants me to be a Knight and I hear you want a position at the castle. What is your name and what do you do?"

Eden was still so nervous. She slid her feet back and forth and answered the Queen. "Your Highness, I am Eden. I sew clothes. I sing and play the violin."

The Princess laughed. "Boring!"

"Jasmine. You are being rude to our guest." The Queen gave her a daughter a stern look.

"Guest? She is gypsy! She is worse then a peasant!"

"Jasmine. I will thank you to leave."

Jasmine laughed and bumped Eden almost causing Eden to fall off the chair. She gave Eden an evil glare as she left.

"I apologize for my daughter. My other daughter Rose is better behaved."

Queen Alexis rang the bell by her chair.

Marlena entered. "Yes, your Highness?"

"Bring the new material we got from France. Please bring the violin from the study."

Marlena bowed and left.

A blonde woman that was older then Jasmine entered the room. She wore a pretty lime green dress and she smiled at Eden. Eden relaxed. THIS MUST BE ROSE.

Queen Alexis smiled. "Rose, this is Eden. She sews and plays a violin. Eden, my other daughter Rose."

Rose smiled. "Nice to meet you, Eden."

"Your Highness." Rose was definitely more friendlier then Jasmine.

Marlena came back with the silk material and violin. The Queen requested that the violin be given to Eden. Eden smiled shyly and started to play. The beautiful melody pleased the Queen and Rose. After wards, the Queen smiled. "Lovely music. Let's see what you can sew."

Eden went to work sewing beautiful dresses for the Queen and her daughter.

Twilight impressed the King with his sword fighting. Twilight proved to be better then the other Knights.

King Jason welcomed Twilight as a Knight. He was to be knighted the next day.

Jasmine demanded that Eden make her two new dresses. She threw the silks at Eden and said: "They had better be perfect!"

"Jasmine, stop behaving like a spoiled brat!"

"Sister, Dearest I get to knight Twilight, the new Knight. He is handsome, don't you think?"

"Jasmine. Leave Eden alone and find something to do." Jasmine left but hit Eden in the nose with her bracelet as she left. Eden disliked Jasmine. Jasmine had a crush on Twilight. What if the King requested that Jasmine marry him? What would she do if she lost Twilight? Being at the castle was a bad idea. She wanted to go back to the caravan.

Eden stayed up all night making dresses for Jasmine. She was too upset to sleep.

The next morning, Jasmine tried on the dresses Eden had made. Jasmine was strutting around like a peacock.

Jasmine looked so pretty in the dresses. She smiled an evil smile at Eden. "Twilight will be a Knight today. He will no longer need you. I am a Princess and he will want me.I bet you wish you would have stayed in the land of gypsies. Poor, poor Eden."

Eden hated Jasmine. She wished that she and Twilight could leave. Maybe Jasmine was right. With Twilight being a Knight, he would probably want the Princess over her.

The Queen told her daughter that it was time for the Knighting Ceremony.

The Queen invited Eden. Eden smiled and told her thank you.

Eden had a pretty green dress that she word and entered the room where the King and Queen sat. She sat next to three ladies in waiting. The Knights entered the room and Twilight looked so handsome dressed as a Knight. He smiled at Eden and she felt like he was still hers.

The King bragged on Twilight and he handed the sword to Jasmine. Twilight bowed and Jasmine put the sword on each one of his shoulders and her hand brushed Twilight's cheek. Eden wasn't happy. Twilight looked so proud. Eden was happy for him.

After wards, the King invited everyone to come forward to meet the newest Knight. Jasmine kissed Twilight on the cheek as did Rose. Eden went up to Twilight and he kissed her quickly and whispered:"I miss you. I am a Knight. I did it. I will talk to you later."

Jasmine glared at Eden and Eden went to her room.Twilight enjoyed the dinner but he missed Eden. Jasmine hung around him and the King wasn't happy. He was going to marry Jasmine off to the Count's son Vincent. He didn't want Jasmine with a Knight and the Knight was already spoken for. Twilight belonged with the gypsy woman.

Jasmine was on her way to see her father a few days later at her father's request. She entered the room where her parents sat. She smiled at her father.

"I am here, Father. You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. It is time for you to marry. Your mother and I have decided you are going to marry Count Vincent. He is a good match and your age."

Jasmine stomped her foot. "I hate Vincent! I won't marry him. I have someone else I wish to marry!"

"Jasmine, you aren't going to marry Twilight. He is a Knight and he loves Eden, the gypsy woman he bouught with him. You are making a fool of yourself. Improper behavior for a Princess. The Wedding is next week. Deal with your fate. You don't marry Vincent, you will be made to live with the peasants. You are dismissed."

Jasmine was crying and yelling as she left. Jasmine had to do as her father asked.

Next, Twilight came to the King. "You wished to see me, your Highness?'

King Jason nodded. Just then Eden was being escorted in by Marlena.

Twilight's heart and Eden's eyes met and they were so happy to see each other. King Jason smiled.

"This may be none of my business but I know about the two of you. If you two are so in love, why don't you marry?""

Twilight was blushing and Eden was, too.

"Young man, do you have an answer for me?"

"Your Highness, I love Eden and I always have. I have just become a Knight and I wasn't sure when I would be allowed to marry. I want to marry Eden. May I marry her?"

"You are asking the wrong person. You should be asking Eden."

Eden smiled. She hugged Twilight. She felt like he was hers again and he still loved her. She hadn't seen him in four days. They had never gone this long without seeing each other.

"Eden, will you marry me? I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Twilight. I will marry you." Twilight hugged and kissed Eden for a long time.

"Hey, you two come up for air. Why don't you marry in two days?"

Eden was so happy. They thanked the King and Eden kissed Twilight and told him that she would see him in two days. She had to make her Wedding dress.

The Queen gave Eden some white silk and Eden sewed her dress. She was so happy. Jasmine stayed in her room and refused to see anyone. Eden was going to be married. She could hardly wait.She would get the life that she wanted with Twilight. Love and Twilight. Her dreams were coming true.
Beautiful Poser of pirate couple for my pirate story by best friend Angel.
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Beautiful Poser of pirate and his lady for my pirate story by best friend Angel.

© Copyright 2009 Princess Morticia Megan Rose (tigger at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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