Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1606007-Gypsy-Hearts-Part-Four
Rated: ASR · Short Story · History · #1606007
Twilight and Eden get married at the castle.
It was Eden and Twilight's Wedding day. Eden put her gown on and smiled. Rose fixed her hair and told her how nice she looked. Jasmine was upset about Twilight and Eden getting married but there was nothing she could do. Her father would throw her out with the peasants if she tried to stop Eden's Wedding. For once, Jasmine wished she was a peasant or gypsy.

Rose fixed Eden's veil. "You are very lucky. Twilight seems like a nice guy and you are the most beautiful woman in the Kingdom."

Eden smiled and she hugged Rose. "When are you going to marry?"

"I love the Ambassador's son and father said I can marry him next year. I am being patient. Father approves of him. That is what matters most but unlike Jasmine, well her groom gets what he deserves. They are two of a kind."

Eden shook her head. Twilight would never have left her for Jasmine. She was so happy that the King and Queen was giving her and Twilight a beautiful Wedding.

It was almost time for the Wedding. Marlena and Onslow were standing up with Eden and Twilight. Eden fidgeted with her veil and slowly walked downstairs as Rose led the way. Eden had a friend in Rose.

Rose opened the door and Eden looked into the Ball Room as music started to play. She had been already for this all her life. Twilight was there with the minister as were the Queen King, Marlena, ladies in waiting and other Knights. The room was decorated with beautiful flowers of red, pink, orange and blue. Eden wore a long white silk with pearls and lace. It was pretty and just what she wanted. She had designed it herself. All eyes were on Eden.

Eden walked up to Twilight as he took her hand and kissed her cheek. The minister smiled and asked Twilight and Eden to hold hands. He made them repeat vows of love and promise to be faithful to each other in sickness and health. They exchanged rings and were pronounced husband and wife.

The Knights clanged their swords on the floor as the wedded couple kiss. The Queen kissed Eden's cheek and wished her well The King and Knights did the same. Rose kissed Twilight's cheek. Twilight shook hands with all his Knights. There was a short supper and Eden and Twilight went to their small nice house that the King and Queen had given them for a gift. It was a two story house and Eden thought that it was perfect.

Twilight carried Eden into the house and kissed her. "I love you, Darling. I am so happy. All my dreams have come true. How about you?"

Eden smiled and kissed Twilight's cheek. "I love you, too. We are really married."

Twilight carried Eden up to their bedroom. He put her on the bed and undressed her and he undressed himself. He asked her if she was ready. She nodded. He gently made love to her and told her how much he loved her. After a little pain, Eden really enjoyed being with him and she loved him so. Eden felt like she was in Heaven.

The next morning, they made love again. Eden said to Twilight: "This is so beautiful. I love you so much. I was afraid that Jasmine would get her hooks into you and I would lose you."

"What? Are you kidding? I can't stand her. I pity the moron that is getting her. I would have left the Knighthood and took you with me before I got saddled with her. I love you so very much. Nothing or no one will take away from me." Twilight stroked her cheek. "I thought that you knew that. Eden, you are everything to me. You are the most beautiful woman in the world."

Eden cuddled up next to Twilight. "I know that now. To me, you are a Prince and a good lover. I am so happy. I love you so much. I just wish we could see our mothers ."

"We will again someday. I promise. Since I am such a good lover, can we make love some more?"

Eden pressed her body next to Twilight and it was like the rest of the world didn't exist as they made love all morning.

The next few weeks, Twilight was in battle and Eden missed him but she kept busy sewing. Twilight always came home safe. The one time he was injured but Eden nursed him back to health.

Jasmine was miserable with her husband but she left Twilight and Eden alone. Life at the castle was good until Twilight's pirate father Pasadallo and his pirates showed up. There went the Kingdom.
** Image ID #1594156 Unavailable **
Beautiful Poser of pirate couple for my pirate story by best friend Angel.
Beautiful Poser of pirate and his lady for my pirate story by best friend Angel.
© Copyright 2009 Princess Morticia Megan Rose (tigger at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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