Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/portfolio/item_id/1608572-Harvest-Lake
Rated: 13+ · Folder · Writing · #1608572
A folder to hold contest entries for 14-7-1 Contest -- Fall Challenge, 2009.
14 Days, 7 Prompts, 1 Story Contest  (E)
Can you turn 7 prompts, given every 48 hours, into one story?
#1527320 by Annette in France

First prompt.
In your story, it has to be fall, at least in the beginning. If you are in a spaceship, find a way to mention the season. In this chapter something has to be born.
Please highlight the sentences that mention fall and what is being born in some way. Make it bold using these pieces of WritingML {b} and {/b}, or write in ALL CAPITALS, or use color. Just give me a way to "see" the prompt parts easily.
Due on or before October 17, 2009; 11:59PM WDC time.
"Chapter 1: Harvest Lake
DONE. *Clock**Check1*

Second prompt.
In your chapter, there has to be a tree, tell me about colors and an animal.
Remember to highlight the sentences that relate to the prompt words in bold, ALL CAPITALS or in color.
Due on or before October 19, 2009; 11:59PM WDC time.
"Chapter 2: Deep, Deep Roots
DONE - Late. *Clock**Check2*

Third prompt.
Today, a gun has to be a part of the story. If you can't have guns because of period, dimension, space travel issues, invent another weapon and tell me about it. You do not have to hurt anybody.
Have any character in your story say or think a profound philosophical phrase.
Remember to highlight the prompt words/phrases in bold, or ALL CAPITALS, or color.
Due on or before October 21, 2009; 11:59PM WDC time.
"Chapter 3: In Abundance
DONE. *Clock**Check1*

Fourth prompt.
Talk about a chance not taken by one of the characters. That can happen right now or be something form the past. Show me a consequence from not having taken the chance.
Remember to highlight the prompt words/phrases in bold, or ALL CAPITALS, or color.
Due on or before October 23, 2009; 11:59PM WDC time.
"Chapter 4: Before The Storm
DONE. *Clock**Check1*

Fifth prompt.Incorporate the words glass, wood, metal, rock, feather in this chapter.
Remember to highlight the prompt words/phrases in bold, or ALL CAPITALS, or color.
Due by October 25, 2009; 11:59PM WDC time.
"Chapter 5: Battle Of Wills

Sixth prompt.
Remember prompt four? That chance not taken? It's back and this time the characters takes that chance! How does it impact his/her life and how will it lead to the story's climax in this second to last chapter?
Remember to highlight the prompt words/phrases in bold, or ALL CAPITALS, or color.
Due on or before October 27, 2009; 11:59PM WDC time.
"Chapter 6: Long Awaited

Seventh prompt.
In this final chapter, wrap up the plot. It is not necessary to kill anybody in this chapter, just don't leave me with a cliffhanger or unanswered questions. If you created a mystery earlier on, explain it now. Sounds easy so far? Good, because I think this round was tough. But, just to not spoil the fun entirely, find a way to incorporate the phrase a child's laughter. It could be a metaphore, or an actual child, surprise me.
Remember to highlight the prompt words/phrases in bold, or ALL CAPITALS, or color.
Due on or before October 29, 2009; 11:59PM WDC time.
"Chapter 7: Peaceful, At Last
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/portfolio/item_id/1608572-Harvest-Lake