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Rated: 18+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1610734
Riverton Alabama, Race Car driver
J.D. Sweetin stood beside his yellow Morgan’s Coffee racecar. He drove for Cal Morgan, owner of Morgan’s Coffee and his biggest sponsor. He felt his nerves tightening in the pit of his stomach, twisting and turning like a kaleidoscope. The yellow race suit he wore fit his masculine body like a second skin. He stood six two and weighed, one hundred and sixty pounds. His long black hair was pulled back in a manly way, as he slipped on the helmet. He sighed as he was about to run in the race. His race as pole leader, he would start the race and then hope to win.

He was a leader in the points as of now he was the top dog in the racing world. J.D. glanced at his watch for something to do . He had already gave his pre-race interview and now it was time to climb in the car as his thoughts left and he was all about business. He smiled as he slid the helmet on and climbed in his car.

J.D. stood in Victory lane mere hours later, and celebrated with his pit crew and Cal Morgan. He smiled as the race reporter interviewed him.

Even with soot on his face and a look of exhaustion. J.D. could melt the heart of any woman, old or young. He lifted his trophy to hear the applause.

Mary Sweetin covered eight year old, Bobby Smith up with her comforter, and then walked out to find the beautiful, Dega Smith pacing the floor. Soot covered her soft face and Mary shook her head. She went into J.D.’s room and found an old Mark Martin shirt then walked into the room.

“ Take a bath, Dega, this should be big enough to make a nightshirt for you.” Mary whispered and Dega smiled warmly at the woman. “ Thank you.”

Eighteen year old, Talladega Allison Smith walked to the bathroom. Tears filled her eyes as she thought about her deceased step mother, Cassie DeVane Smith.  She bathed quickly because she was so tired, and sleepy. She pulled on her panties and then pulled the shirt over her head, it smelled like a man. Mary was right it was large enough to make a nightgown for her. She was five three and weighed one hundred pounds. Her long brown hair with the reddish tint was washed and clean. She walked out of the bathroom. Mary sat in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee when she walked inside of the beautiful kitchen, Mary poured her a cup.

“ Thank you, Mary.” Dega spoke softly. “ For everything you have done for us. No one else in the church would keep Bobby, and I together, they wanted to separate us.”

“ Nonsense, anyone in their right mind knows that you both need the other to exist, as many times as you came to church and brought him. I mean you pushed him in the snow.” Mary breathed as she smiled at the beautiful young woman.

“ Bobby wasn’t always in that wheelchair.” Dega spoke softly. “ Cassie was drunk one night and had Bobby in the car with her. She wrecked and he was paralyzed, he was five at the time. The doctors swear that he can walk but he is afraid too.”

“ He will one day. He just needs to realize that he is truly safe.” Mary reassured her. “ I live with my son, J.D. Sweetin.”

“ Bobby should be happy. J.D. is his idol. He loves him.” Dega whispered and Mary spoke proudly. “ Well, Richard and Deborah Chambers provided the car, and is J.D.’s crew chief. He is also the man

That put J.D. on the right track in his life.”

“ Bobby watches him race all the time.” Dega told her as she yawned.

“ Go to bed, Dega, we will make the funeral plans tomorrow.” Mary told her, and Dega nodded her head. “ Thank you for everything.” Dega whispered as Mary led Dega into J.D’s bedroom. “ You can sleep here, J.D. will not be back until the morning.”

Dega looked around the masculine room and wondered about the man. Then she blushed because she did not have much experience in the department of romance. She was too busy taking care of Bobby instead of worrying about boys while she was growing up.

Mary moved around the kitchen washing up the dirty dishes as the backdoor came open and J.D. walked inside carrying his overnight bag.

Mary shrieked. “ James Dalton, you about gave me a heart attack.”

J.D. smiled that warm smile that always made her heart flutter. She smiled back at her son.

“ Sorry, Mama, didn’t mean to frighten you, I just did not want to stay overnight away from home again. Those hotel beds are just not comfortable. I am looking forward to sleeping in my bed tonight.”

“ J.D.  We might have a little problem there. I invited a young woman and her little brother to stay with us, and I did not think you were going to be home  until tomorrow so I let her sleep in your bed. I am so sorry, that is why I bought you  a cellular phone so you could call when you made rash decisions.” Mary spoke watching her son pull his long black hair out of the pony tail. J.D. never spoke he walked to the window staring out at the stars. He hoped this would not upset his world. He had enough hell and heartache when Claire DeVane left him standing at the altar with a church full of people.

“ I trust your decision, Mother.” J.D. finally spoke. “ I just hope our houseguests does not upset my world.”

“ I wouldn’t think about upsetting your world.” The soft voice sounded behind them. “ I told Mary that this was a bad mistake. I guess I should have let them split Bobby and I up and we stay somewhere else.” Dega breathed with tears in her eyes. “ As soon as I can find somewhere else we will be gone.”

J.D. had turned at the soft voice and the words hit him in the gut. He was not a cruel man but he was not very trust worthy at the moment. His mother had also failed to tell him how beautiful their houseguest was to the eyes, and he felt a certain part of his body come to life that had laid dormant for so long.

“ Stay, I would not go against my mother’s word for nothing in this world.” J.D. spoke but he heard the back door close, and looked out to see the young woman walking to the swing in the gazebo. He saw the hurt, the confusion, and the pain in her eyes.

“J.D., couldn’t you at least try. Talladega and Bobby just lost their step mother in a house fire and had no one else. The members of the church would ask one to stay but not both of them, and when you see them together you will realize that they need each other to survive.”

“ I understand mother.” J.D. spoke as he took the two cups of coffee from her and started out the back door. He never saw her smile. He walked towards the swing with the stunning petite woman sitting in it.

“ You know my mother always looks out for everyone, but herself.” J.D. approached the swing. “ I am sorry, I am just exhausted I never meant to say anything that would hurt you.” J.D. handed her the cup of coffee and Dega slid over to let him sit beside of her.

“ Your just like everyone else. I know that I am not that beautiful and I have no money. I don’t even know how I am going to bury Cassie in the morning, but I will even if I have to quit school and get a job to take care of Bobby.”

J.D. felt the punch to his gut from her words. “ Mother would never allow it.” He breathed. “ I was supposed to be married a year ago. I was in love with the most beautiful woman in the world. I had rented a church in Nashville, Tennessee and I stood at the altar wearing my tuxedo when her maid of honor informed me that my soon to be bride had taken off with one of her latest boyfriends.” J.D. spoke with tears in his eyes as he remembered it, realizing the pain would soon come to him. “ I have not taken much interest in anything.”

Dega listened to the soothing voice, forgetting the fact that she was sitting beside of the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on in a tee shirt and her panties.

“ I was ten when my daddy met Cassie. My mother had died giving birth to me. My daddy, Robert Raines was my life. I loved him so much, and then he brought her home, and they were married, she was my new step-mother and she was pregnant with his baby. Bobby was born and I guess we were a family until Daddy got sick. He had prostate cancer and I took care of my father as he died. Cassie partied all the time. I took care of Bobby, at the age of fourteen I was checking out books about toddlers and grief.” Dega spoke with a tortured voice. “ I love my brother but I never had a childhood.”

“ Let’s go inside and sleep on it. Let’s see how we feel in the morning.” J.D. breathed but realized that Dega was crying. He picked her up and sat her in his lap as he held her against him.

“ You should feel special. I have not even held another woman since Claire.” J.D. whispered fighting his body.

“ Thank you.” Dega said as she laid her head against his chest. “ Thank for making me feel like you actually give a damn if I survive another day.”

“ I have you, baby, let it out.” J.D. whispered as he held her in his strong arms. Dega sobbed softly letting the years of hurt and pain out.

J.D. held her listening to the sobs and crooning to her. Dega cried until she could not cry any longer and J.D. realized that she was asleep. He stood up with her in his arms and he frowned at how little she was. He carried her into the house forgetting about everything but comforting the beautiful young woman that had broken down his defenses. J.D. carried her to the bed and lay down with her in his arms. He held her until he heard the child crying and his mother singing. He smiled as he realized his mother had always sang him to sleep when he had nightmares. He gathered Dega back up close to him and then let his eyes close knowing that all were protected.

Dega opened her weary eyes finding J.D. sleeping beside of her still holding her and she blushed feeling a burning in her body that she could not define. She traced his face with her fingertips and then jumped from the bed. Dega raced from the room almost colliding with Mary.

“ I was coming to wake you up. We have a lot of work to do.” Mary spoke handing Dega a cup of coffee.

“ I know and I am so sorry that I slept with your son. I never meant to disrespect you or your house like that.” Dega stammered with tears in her eyes, and Mary patted her on the back. “ He is a grown man. I don’t tend his business and he stays out of mine. I never thought nothing about it.”

Dega sighed as a knock sounded on the door. Mary opened it to find Paige Morgan on the other side with a birthday present in her hand.

“ I brought J.D. his gift. I was wondering if I could give it to him?” She asked and Mary  said. “ Dega, please go wake J.D. up.”

Dega nodded and opened the bedroom door. Paige saw J.D. sleeping in his bed and felt her blood pressure rise. He was so damn perfect and her father thought she would make J.D. a good wife.

Dega walked inside and towards the stunning man. He was just to damn gorgeous. She bent and whispered in his ear and then felt the hand pull her head down to capture her lips with his in a short kiss. “ Help me.” he croaked softly. “ Please.”

Dega nodded and then smiled at him softly. “ Baby, wake up you have a visitor.” She breathed huskily.

“ Send them away and climb back in the bed with me.” J.D. stated softly.

“ J.D.” Paige pouted. “ I brought you a birthday gift.”

J.D. groaned as Dega winked at him. “ Leave it on the desk. I have to take care of something.”

Dega felt herself falling from the little tug he gave her until she was laying completely on him.

“ Dega.” Mary stated knowing what was going on. “ Get up and let J.D. talk with Paige. Meet me in the kitchen.”

J.D. groaned. Dega smiled and Mary chuckled.

Dega jumped from his embrace and then found her old jeans. She took them with her as she heard Paige questioned J.D. about her. She felt something new in her heart that she had never felt before in her life and she realized J.D. had something to do with the change in her.

Mary sat down at the dining room table when she groaned. “ Today is J.D’s birthday. Let’s do this and then we will have to have a party because Richard and his wife,  Deborah will be here.”

For an hour they worked on the funeral plans as Bobby sat beside of them. J.D. walked through the door and Bobby looked up with wide eyes.

“ Dega, you didn’t tell me that J.D. lived here.” Bobby stuttered as J.D. looked at him. Paige was right behind him.

“ Sorry, Bobby, I had a lot on my mind.” Dega stated as she sipped her coffee.

“ So is that fine with you?” Mary asked looking at Dega.

“ Yes, it will be beautiful but I don’t know how I will pay for it.” She stated with tears in her eyes.

Mary smiled at her. “ I will pay it and we will work out something.”

Dega stood up. “ I could never let you do that, Mary, I mean I am already indebted to you and this is too much money. If I take a loan from you then we will plan the cheapest funeral for Cassie.”

Bobby watched as J.D. fixed himself a cup of coffee as he listened to her.

“ She should be laid to rest with dignity and honor.” Mary spoke remembering losing her husband, Manny.

“ She never had none when she was alive so I am not going to worry about it now.” Dega said sharply then saw Mary’s crestfallen face.

“ I’m sorry, Mary.” Dega cried and then ran to J.D’s bedroom. She realized her mistake and went to apologize when she heard J.D.  speak in his deep voice.

“ Why is she wearing dirty jeans and my racing shirt?”

“ Because that is all I own.” Dega stated woodenly. “ We lost everything we owned including all my memories of my father.”

“ I will buy you some clothes.” J.D. said softly.

“ Keep your damn money.” Dega shouted and then walked away with her head hung in shame, she felt dirty like trailer trash.

“ You have embarrassed her, son.” Mary spoke as J.D. held Bobby. “Dega is full of pride and I am afraid that we have hurt her.”

J.D. moved quickly. “ You take Bobby with you and buy them some clothes. Let me deal with the beautiful young Dega.”

“ What about me?” Paige questioned as J.D. looked at her.

“ I told you, Paige, you are my friend and that is all.” J.D. saw the hope die in the blue eyes. “ I am sorry but I don’t want to be in love and love no one because I don’t want to hurt again.”

Paige nodded her head. She was overweight and plain looking. She knew J.D. would never love her. J.D. walked out the back door and to the gazebo.

“ Please just leave me alone.” Dega sobbed. “ Just quit being nice one minute and a snob the next.”

J.D. sat beside of her. “ I never meant anything by it. I never meant to hurt you and neither did mother. We want to help you.” He spoke and she turned to look at him. “ Did that Claire hurt you so badly that you have to be a jerk sometimes.”

J.D. felt as if she had slapped him across the face. He looked straight ahead never noticing the tears that slid down his cheeks. “ She made me feel like a stupid schoolboy with a crush. I cried the first week after she left me looking like a fool at the altar and then stayed drunk the second. I felt like she had ripped my heart out and crushed it. I am the one that had to announce the wedding was off, and I am the one that had to walk out of the church without my bride. I wanted to die, if it wasn’t for mother, I probably would have died.”

“ I am sorry,” Dega reached up to wipe his eyes. J.D. turned to look at her.

“ Don’t be I heard from somewhere that it was better to love and lose it then to never love at all.” J.D. whispered but Dega felt his pain.

“ What grade are you in?” J.D. asked changing the subject.

“ I am a senior in high school.” Dega breathed and scooted closer to J.D.

She reached for him to hold him and J.D. smiled then slid inside of her arms.

“ You know I don’t think that anyone besides my mother has ever held me. It feels good.” He said softly and he leaned closer to kiss her cheek. “Thank you for making me feel special.”

Dega smiled and looked at J.D. “ You are welcome.”

J.D. leaned in and softly kissed her lips. Dega sat woodenly until she felt the fire flow through her veins. He nibbled on her lips as he let his tongue slide into her mouth. Dega grasped his hair and held him closer. J.D. let his hand travel to her face as he ended the kiss.

“ You are very beautiful.” He breathed as he caressed her cheek.

“ Thank  you.” She whispered softly.

J.D. started to stand and Dega laughed as he pulled her too her feet.

“Let’s go inside of the house.”

Dega nodded then followed him into the house. Dega moved around in the kitchen fixing them something to drink.

J.D. sat at the table as he watched her move around. He moaned because even in that ridiculous tee shirt she was still gorgeous.

Mary arrived home and Paige helped her with Bobby. Dega was taking a nap  in the bedroom as J.D. came to help carry the packages inside of the house. Mary smiled as she carried Dega’s clothes into the bedroom and smiled when she saw her sleeping. She gave Bobby a bath and dressed him in his new clothes. Mary was in the midst of preparing supper when Dega walked into the kitchen.

“ I am so sorry that I fell asleep.” Dega yawned and Mary smiled at her. “ It is okay, sweetie, I knew you were tired. Bobby has been an angel and he is with J.D. right now. J.D. bought you some clothes. They are laying in your room.”

Dega shook her head, but didn’t argue. She walked into the bedroom to find some beautiful clothes. New blue jeans, lacy little tops, and tee-shirts. She blushed when she found the lacy panties, and the thong panties. She picked her clothes out and walked to the bathroom. She took her a nice long bath, cleaning her hair and body real good then looked at the ring on the chain around her neck. She shook her head and then dressed.

J.D. was sitting at the table with his mother, Richard, Deborah, Cal, Paige and Bobby sat in his lap as they waited for Dega. She walked into the room and everyone stared at her. J.D. turned to look at her and his mouth dropped open. She wore a light lilac mini skirt and a soft lacy top that showed her small petite body. She was beautiful, her hair was long. He had never noticed that before now. He picked Bobby up and sat him in the chair.

“ You lied to me.” He breathed huskily as she stopped when he stood.

“ How did I lie to you?” She asked softly not wanting to fight with him.

“ You said before that you were not beautiful, but baby, it should be against the law.” He said tenderly as he raised his hand to caress her cheek. “ I love your hair like this flowing free, you are a very stunning woman.”

Dega stood breathless at his words. “ I feel beautiful  when you talk to me like that, because no one ever has said words to me like that, but I just wonder if you know how  gorgeous you are, you are a very sexy man with such a sweet smile. I know that the pain you have been feeling should not rule your life. When you hold me in your arms I feel like I am the only woman in the world, and when you kiss me it makes my heart race and my breathing stop. Just seeing you in those tight blue jeans I have feelings that I have never felt before.”

J.D. smiled at her softly. “ It’s been a long time for someone to say such words to me. You make me almost believe in love again.”

“ Well, I have never been in love, nor have I ever had a boyfriend. I should know that I could never attract you in that way. I mean I am naïve, and I have never been kissed until you kissed me earlier, so I have no experience to please a man like you.” She spoke suddenly and then walked to the table.

“ Besides, if you do not believe in love then I do not need you because I want my man to love me.” Dega closed her eyes as she held the ring in her hand. She turned to him and then walked back. “ I do have a gift for you, Happy Birthday, this gift is my father’s wedding ring. I inherited them when he died, I think he would be happy in my choice to wear his ring. I think you are just like him, trustworthy, loving, respectful and honest.” Dega took his hand and slid the ring on his finger.

Dega started to walk off, J.D. grabbed her hand. Tears ran down his cheek.

“ I don’t deserve this ring.” J.D. spoke. “ I lied to you. I have never felt this way about any woman not even Claire. I tried to protect myself from you but when I found out you were here I tried to run you off, I knew that mother had just changed my world and turned it upside down. When I held you in my arms it was like holding a piece of heaven, and I have wondered all day what you would feel like underneath of me as I made sweet love to you. I have lived half a life until now, because you are the other part of me.”

Dega walked to the chair. “ If it wasn’t for your words, I might have believed you but you have a whole world full of women that are in love with you, and why would you want a country girl like me.”

“ I don’t lie, I have been honest with you, you know the whole truth and now about those other women, they want my stardom. You on the other hand just want me.  You don’t think I know that I could have any other woman I want. I want one with the purest heart, body, spirit, and mind. I want someone that will love me for being a man not a racing superstar. I want someone to shower me with their love and I think you are the one for me.”

Dega walked to the window. “ Your mother has prepared a beautiful feast for your birthday, let’s not ruin it by sparring with word play. We will end this discussion now, and enjoy your party.”

“ No,” J.D. stated as he stood still. “ I will put this on hold but I want you to give me one kiss.”

Dega looked at him. She smiled wickedly as she walked up to him. “ One kiss and the conversation ends.”

J.D. nodded but gulped as he saw the glare in her eyes. She let her hand travel up his face.  She ran her hand slide to the back of his head, and pulled the band free.

“ One kiss.’ She repeated and he nodded as he waited patiently for her lips. She licked her lips hearing his groan and then kissed his nose.

“ You didn’t say where.” She smiled at him.

“ On the lips.” He told her and she kissed him brazenly. Her lips ravished his as she slid her tongue inside of his mouth. She kissed him as he moaned slowly. No one said a word they just watched the two. Cal Morgan’s eyes blazed with anger. He had wanted J.D.  to marry Paige.

Dega released him. “ Now, Mr. Sweetin, we will finish this discussion after the party.”

J.D. smiled softly. “ Yes, Miss Smith.”

Mary stood up very proud of her son. “ Richard, Deborah, and Cal this young spitfire is Talladega Allison Smith, and her young brother, Bobby. They will be our houseguests.”

Richard and Deborah stood up and greeted the two. Cal shook his head. “ It doesn’t look right for a young single woman to live under your roof.” Cal spoke and J.D. sighed softly. “ You know Cal, for starters this is my house. My mother has every right to invite whomever she would like too.”

Cal snorted. “ This is your mother’s house, J.D. every one knows that Mary rules this house.”

J.D. stood up, placing the palm of his hands on the table. “I am my own man, and Mother has the run of this house, but Cal, my life is my own, and I will live it as I see fit.”

“ Which is why Claire left you at the altar.” Cal spoke harshly. J.D. paled at Cal’s words.

“ Claire made her choice and that is how it was meant to be. Any woman that can not accept living with my mother can not accept me. My mother is my life and will always live with me.”

Mary fretted at Cal’s words, Dega’s eyes blazed with fury. J.D. stood firmly rooted to his spot.

“ If you would have any sense you would marry Paige, not some underage teeny bopper.”

J.D. started to open his mouth but Dega leaned across the table and slapped Cal across the cheek. Cal sputtered in shock, but everyone watched the action.

“ It is not bad enough that your daughter threw herself at J.D. just because she knew it would please you but then you come inside and disrespect me. I am eighteen years old, and have lived with more pain in my life then I have a right too. I have to bury my step mother tomorrow. I don’t need anymore in my life. J.D. has the right to love whom he wants too. You are nothing but an evil man.” She shouted with tears in her eyes and turned to start out the room when her head started to spin and her world became black.

J.D. saw her falling and caught her in his arms. “ Dammit Cal if you were a few years younger I would whoop your ass. It is not bad enough that she had to take care of a dying father and then bury him, or the fact that she is the one that has taken care of her younger brother all of his life, now she has to bury her step mother. Leave her alone, I’m warning you. Don’t cross  me on this one. Paige is like my sister and I love her but not in that way, I mean hell I grew up with her.” J.D. carried Dega to lay her on his bed and smiled at her as he looked at the ring he now wore. “ I promise, I will take care of her.”

Everyone watched J.D. proud of him actually caring for someone again. He kissed her forehead and covered her up. Bobby pulled on his hand. J.D looked down at him.

“ What is it, Bobby?” He asked as he kneeled in front of the wheelchair.

“ Are you going to care for Dega?” He asked concerned for his sister. “She is the best sister in the world.” He cried, J.D. ruffled his short brown hair and then wiped the tears away from the soft brown eyes.

“ Yes, I am going to take care of her and you. I don’t want you to worry about anything.” J.D. promised him.

“ Are you going to take her to her prom?” he wondered and J.D. smiled at him. Bobby shook his head. “ She said she would not go because all of the other girls would laugh at her and call her white trash.”

“ She will go as my date. I will also make sure that no one laughs at her. I promise you that.” J.D. stood up to let her sleep. He pushed Bobby back into the dining room.

“ Today is Dega’s birthday.” He spoke suddenly and everyone looked at him.

“ What did you say Bobby?” J.D. asked softly

“ Dega turned nineteen today. I guess she forgot. She has never had a party since daddy passed away.” He said with tears in his eyes. “ She always made sure I had a party and would always save her lunch money that momma gave her to buy me a present.”

“ You make her sound like a saint.” Cal spoke gruffly as he sat back down at the table.

“ She is too mouthy to be a saint.” Bobby stated as he sipped his tea. “ I know a lot of times she would eat salads just so I could have what little meat we had in the house. Momma never cooked nor cared for me. Dega has taken care of me in every way. For once, I wished someone would care for her.”

J.D. looked at his mother with tears in his eyes. “ I need to run to town. If she wakes up tell her I will be back.”

Mary nodded, and J.D. took off as Cal shook his head. “ Damn fool.” He muttered as Mary snapped. “ The only damn fool in here is you, Cal Morgan. Paige is a beautiful woman in her own way but she is too passive for J.D. She needs someone to nurture and take care of not boss her around. You of all people should understand. Your, Marie, took care of you until her dying day, and she was a beautiful woman. I loved her like a sister and if she saw you right now she would be ashamed of you.”

J.D. pulled back in the driveway about an hour later and as he entered the house, Dega stood in the doorway of the bedroom. She looked at the packages in J.D.’s arms.

“ Someone is a lucky person tonight.” She breathed as Cal stood up.

“ Miss, I am sorry for acting like a jackass earlier. I should have known if J.D. had wanted Paige he would have already asked her out. I just never knew he loved her like a little sister. I mean we were always close.” He spoke softly. “ To show my apology, I would like to pay for your step-mother’s funeral.”

Dega stood in shock. “ I could never ask you to do that, I would never want to owe you.”

Cal shook his head. “ It is not a loan, it is a gift, darling girl. I think you deserve a little help. I wrong with my choice of words earlier. I would have been proud to take you and Bobby into my home to raise as my own.”

Dega found tears in her eyes. “ It is nice of you. We made it all right.”

“ Yes, because of you. Bobby has been telling us how you took care of him and you should be very proud of him. Now we have a party to tend too and you still look beautiful, let’s celebrate J.D.’s birthday.”

“ Thank you, Mr. Morgan.” She stated as he hugged her. “ If you ever need a place to stay my home is always opened to you and Bobby.”

Dega nodded and J.D. took her by the arm.

“ The dining room awaits and mom has a beautiful dinner prepared for us.”

He led her to the dining room. The table was sat with a beautiful salad, steaks, baked potatoes, and homemade biscuits. She paled softly. Mary started to pass plates around and Dega fixed Bobby’s plate. She cut his steak up and then  added butter to his baked potato. She added salad to his plate and then sat down. J.D. watched as she fixed her own plate. She took out some salad and sat down to eat.

“ Dega, get some steak.” he spoke and she shook her head. “ I am fine.”

Bobby watched as J.D. stood up and forked a steak then put it on Dega’s plate. Dega stood up. “ Why are you trying to make me eat something I do not want.”

“ Dega, baby.” J.D. spoke softly. “ We have more than enough, it is no longer just you and Bobby.”

Dega paled and then turned to run out of the room with tears in her eyes. She slammed the back door just needing an escape.

J.D. shook his head. “ I will be back, you all go ahead and eat.”

Dega sat on the floor of the gazebo with her knees to her chest as she cried softly.

J.D. sat down behind her and put his arms around her. “ I did not mean nothing bad about it. I knew you did what you had to do to take care of Bobby.”

“ No one knows how hard it was for me to take what little bit of food we had in the house and give it to Bobby and not have nothing but a little salad for myself. Cassie didn’t care, she was never at home. She bought very little for the house for us to live on. I had free lunches but I told her they denied me so she had to give me money each week and I would buy what little I could with it. It just made me ashamed for everyone to know what we suffered through.” Dega cried softly.

“ Honey, I will never know everything that you went through unless you open up to me. I think that everything you went through just made you stronger, and just know now that you will never be alone again to raise Bobby.”

Dega turned quickly. “ Why?”

“ Why what?” He was stumped by her question.

“ Why do you want us in your life after you didn’t want us to disrupt it?” She questioned him and J.D. shook his head.

“ A day ago I would not have been able to answer that question but as I hold you in my arms all I can say is that I have feelings for you. I don’t call it love, I don’t call it anything at the moment but a strong feeling for you. I want you to be a part of my life.” J.D. told her honestly.

Dega wanted to be romanced and swept off her feet, but she loved him for his honesty. She paled and then looked him in the eyes. “ Thank you for your honesty.”

“ I mean after Claire I don’t know if I will ever love again but you make me want too.” He breathed and then he kissed her tenderly. She accepted his kiss. She wanted more, she needed more. She loved him.

J.D. ended the kiss and Dega smiled at him. “ I don’t know what it is about you, but you always comfort me.”

J.D. smiled at her. “ It is the same for me. You comfort me, and make me feel good about myself.

He stood up and pulled her too her feet.

“ What do you want for your birthday?” She asked softly.

“ You underneath me accepting me inside your beautiful body.” J.D. spoke huskily.

Dega blushed but nodded. “ Tonight darling.”

Mary smiled when they walked inside hand and hand. She sat down as Dega looked around the room. “ I am sorry. J.D. has a way of hitting that one certain nerve.”

Paige giggled at J.D’s smoldering eyes. “ I think you are hitting a certain nerve also.”

Dega sat down and started to eat. No one spoke but watched as Dega took a bite of the steak.

She pushed her plate back and moaned. “ I think I gained five pounds.”

J.D. chuckled. “ That will be five more pounds of you to love.”

Dega sighed and then helped Mary clear the dishes away. Mary smiled as she brought out the birthday cake. It said “ Happy Birthday, J.D. and Dega”

Dega stared at it and then blinked. “ I forgot about my birthday.” she spoke softly.

“ I think you did.” J.D. told her as he brought out a box. “ Bobby didn’t forget. Happy Birthday, darling. Bobby bought you this.”

Dega smiled then opened it. She found a picture of her and Bobby together painted on  a tee shirt.

She smiled softly. “ It  is beautiful.”

J.D. handed her a bag. She opened it to find a beautiful lilac prom dress.

“ How did you know?” She asked softly and then found the picture Bobby had cut out of the magazine. “ Thank you Bobby.”

“ That was from Mom.” J.D. told her.

“ I have a few for you.” He handed her a long box. Her hands shook as she opened the box to find a beautiful necklace.

“ Your beautiful neck looked so bare.” He breathed as he stood behind her and put it around her neck.

He handed her another box. She opened it to find a beautiful picture of her and her father together. Tears come to her eyes as she traced over her father’s face. “ How did you come across this?” She wondered aloud.

“ I remembered one time of meeting a man about nine years ago, which I think would have made you about ten, and I was about seventeen. I was taking photography as a extra credit course and I come across you two together. I thought you were beautiful and I asked him if I could take your picture. I just remembered it earlier, and found it.”

Dega remembered the day, it was right before he had married Cassie. “ I remember it.”

J.D. laughed. “ You had pigtails, and a dirty face. That picture also brought me an A on my report. I wrote it over a father’s love.”

Dega smiled softly. “ Daddy had taken me fishing.”

“ Now last but not least.” J.D. spoke softly. He pulled a little box out, and then kneeled beside her.

Dega sat breathless. J.D. stated tenderly. “ I maybe confused with my feelings right now, but I know I want you with me forever. I need you with me forever, and I am asking you to marry me. Let me take care of you and Bobby, let me be able to keep a promise to a beautiful little boy.”

Dega felt her heart tumble to her stomach. She was hoping to hear his offer of love.

“ Yes, I will marry you.” She spoke as she accepted the beautiful ring. He slid the sapphire ring on her finger. It was a perfect fit.

Dega stood up and kneeled before J.D. “ I was wrong, when I gave you my father’s ring I said he would be proud of my choice. I think he would have chose you for me all along. You are my knight in shining armor riding in on a white horse to rescue me. I want you as my husband.” She raised up and sat on his lap then kissed him softly. J.D. groaned.

Mary smiled softly as everyone sat and talked. Bobby fell asleep in J.D’s arms and Dega smiled as he carried him into his room. J.D. kissed Bobby’s forehead.

J.D. stared at Dega as she sat on his bed. He stood in just a towel fresh from the shower. Dega sat mesmerized by his sexuality.

He picked up the hairbrush and walked to sat behind her on the bed.

J.D. never spoke. He just started to brush her hair and then he kissed her neck.

Dega sat bashfully. “ J.D. I have never been with another man. I have never been kissed.”

J.D. moved away. “ I’m sorry, I will leave you alone.” He sighed as he walked to the dresser.

“ No.” Dega declared as she walked to stand behind him and wrap her arms around his masculine chest. “ I just meant that I don’t know what to do, but I am a very quick learner.”

J.D. turned and pulled her up against him. “ You don’t know how much I have wanted to touch you, love you, feel your skin against mine.” He breathed softly. “ As I held you last night it was all I could think about.”

He took her small delicate hands in his and helped her undo his towel. Her breath became shallow as he stood in all of his glory before her. He took her hands and let them touch his body. She caressed his chest.

J.D. stood letting her touch him and then started to back her to the bed. He held her softly as he laid her down gently. J.D. kissed her lips softly as he treasured them letting his tongue slide inside her mouth as she gasped. He started to slowly undress her, and Dega blushed softly. His eyes smoldered as he devoured his body with her eyes.

“ Your beautiful, baby.” J.D. breathed as he started to kiss her softly. Her body felt heated and she had feelings for him she had never known existed.

Dega wrapped her arms around him but he pushed her arms away and started to kiss his way down her body. He reached her navel and spread her legs. Dega blushed but couldn’t fight the feelings as he started to lick and tease her womanhood. She moaned as he moved up her body and she tasted herself on his lips. He claimed her lips as he claimed her virginity. Her little squeal was silenced by his kiss as he made her his own.

Dega woke up the next morning to find herself wrapped in J.D.’s arms. She loved him so much, and maybe one day he will believe in love. She smiled as she watched him sleep thinking about the night before and how he made love to her.

© Copyright 2009 Lyn Marie Harley (lynmarieharley at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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