Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1617901-Initiate-Pt-2
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #1617901
" Chill out for a second, I'm just bring you somewhere, there is something you need to know," Jake said calmly paying attention to the road.

I then just calmed down and soothed into a comfortable position in the passengers seat. I was confused how this was happening...just a few minutes ago I was infuriated and now I was calm. I looked into the rearview mirror and saw something behind Jake's seat. I screamed and looked in back of the car. I had startled a guy who looked in his early twenties. He kind of had a baby face going with green eyes and short brown hair, his eyebrows were raised. Next to him was another young guy, only he had a blank stare, noticeably he didn't seemed phased at all by my scream. He had brown eyes and brown hair that was tied back in a small ponytail. He stared at me crunching his eyebrows together. I looked at Jake who didn't seem to notice anything that happened.

" The one behind me is Dray, next to him is Changler, soon you'll understand....everything," Jake said still looking at the road.

I nodded my head and slowly looked forward. I stared ahead as we came up to a small building that looked like it used to be some type of dance studio. Jake parked his car behind the building and we all climbed out of the car. We walked into the small dance studio and it was empty... it was junky looking like it had a fire or something like that. I followed the guys to a door. Jake opened it and there were stairs leading into a dark creepy room. Changler and Dray walked down with no problem. Jake was about to and turned to me, I hesitated and looked at him. He took my hand and led me down into the dark room. There was an elevator against the farthest wall. I was confused seeing as dance studios aren't ones to have elevators in a storage room. Changler punched a button on the pad that was next to the elevator. It opened up within seconds and we all piled in. Jake still held my hand and he looked down at me with those gorgeous eyes. The doors opened and led us out into a hall. It was a long hall that was lit dimly by a few lamps that hung above us and at the end was an old wooden door. Dray quickly opened the door to a big room. There were tables with computers, some type of machinery here and there, and a few doors probably leading to other rooms. There were about 8 other people in there. Three females and the rest males, as I observed that they looked at me with smug looks. Two of the guys looked familiar, but I decided that I was just crazy. Jake led me to a big, muscular man with broad shoulders and devious eyes that stared at me, he was behind a desk. His lips were tight together as though he were angry my presence were here. I felt awkward and wondered why Jake brought me here.

" This... is J.C.," Jake introduced me.

The man stood up and eyed Jake and cocked his head.

" Telekinesis," Jake muttered looking strongly at the man.

Everyone seemed to have relaxed. I looked around the room and everyone went back to what they were doing. I looked back at Jake, but he was busy looking at the man. The man came over to me and held out his hand. I took it.

" I'm Rajah," he said in a deep voice shaking my hand.

I nodded still having a confused look upon my face.

" Please sit down," he said quickly pointing to two chair that were next to his desk.

Jake and I both sat down.

" Do you know why you're here," Rajah asked leaning back in his chair.

I shook my head and I looked over at Changler staring at me. Rajah chuckled.

" Don't mind Changler, please, but I believe you should know seeming as you are confused," he said lightly.
" I should know what, does this have anything to do with what happened after school today," I asked Jake quickly.

He slowly nodded his head and took a deep breath.

" Some rocks rose behind her... they exploded when her hands went tense from anger," he said quietly to Rajah.

Rajah looked at Jake and then back at me, he leaned forward and raised his eyebrows.

" You're a telekinesis, J.C.," Rajah said tilting his head to the side.
" It seems to be, huh," I said calmly.

I actually shocked myself because I was so calm.

" Not only telekinesis, but you can explode anything you lift with your mind," Rajah explained, " But, you should learn to control it and not only do it when you're angry.
" It wasn't just simple anger... I was in a distraught anger, infuriated and frustrated," I pointed out.

Rajah grinned and nodded his head.

" We all have special powers, unexplained how some of us got them, others so obvious," Rajah said gently," And you, J.C., seemed to have gotten it out of anger.

I looked down and then back up to Rajah. He went over to Changler and Dray.

" You have met Changler and Dray," he stated.

I nodded.

" Changler can control emotions or any feelings one may have and Dray can teleport anywhere he wants to," Rajah continued.

That's why I must of been calm, because Changler was controlling my emotions. My eyes followed Rajah to the three girls, he introduced Silicity, a small thin girl, with strangely blonde hair. Her power was telepathy. Corinza was a taller pale female with strong legs, her two incisors were filed down as though they were vampire teeth. She could scream and knock down people with the force of it. Then there was Terika, she was cute and dark skinned, with amazing bright eyes. She was a healer, fix any wound, any size.

I looked back at Corinza who seemed to be giving me an evil eye, she didn't take her eyes off of me. Then Rajah introduced Krim, Mark, Chase, and Darrik. Krim was a slim, tall boy with puppy eyes, he always had a smile on his face. He had incredible speed, five times faster than a cheetah. Mark was lightly tanned twenty three year old, he seemed sharp witted and jittery. He had electric currents in his veins, as Rajah put it. Chase, I have to admit, was the cutest guy there besides Jake, he had a beautiful smile and easy brown eyes. He could turn invisible, even with his clothing on, so that was comforting for everyone, heh. Lastly, there was Darrik a black, heavier set guy. Rajah called him the trickster which he can create illusions that weren't real. Jake came over to me smirking.

" And I'm really, really, really strong," he pronounced proudly.
" Ok, and what do you do, Rajah," I asked.
" I can create forces or orbs, which ever you'd like to call it," he said.

I nodded my head. Everyone went back to what they were doing again. Jake took me back upstairs to the studio.

" I didn't know you had powers, but this is why I couldn't be with you, I didn't want you to get hurt," Jake explained.

I shrugged my shoulders, not really caring. I looked at a piece of wood and concentrated on it to see if I could lift it. It wasn't working and I was getting frustrated, so I gave up. I looked out the corner of my eye and saw Jake smirking. I shoved him a little and then he shoved me back not realizing his own strength and I flew down. We started laughing as he picked me up. Rajah and the others came up.

" Jake, why didn't you just use you're strength to make Denny fear you," I asked.

Rajah and the others looked at me alarmed. Jake beamed at me and looked down at the floor and looked back up at me.

" J.C., um... I don't really wanna be fried," he chuckled lightly.

I gave him a confused look. Then he whispered in my ear. I startled back and gave him a look.

" Are you serious," I exclaimed.

Jake nodded calmly as the others looked at me.

Now to wait for the second writing called " The Upcoming" which is the 2nd book. To continue...
© Copyright 2009 Rockstar (rockstar_13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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