Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1620012-Untitled-Part-2
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1620012
This is part 2 of Untitled because of lack of space.
(This is a work in progress. Please read "Untitled" first)

Chapter 5:

Carra had explained everything to Florett, as best she could, when there was a knock at the door. Carra knew who it was before answering the door.

"Florett would you like to go into my room while I talk to them. I know your very upset They don't need to know you're here, or that the children have gone to find Aleerna either." Carra said as she stood to answer the door.

"I really appreciate that, I am not ready to face those so called leaders of yours!
But if you would like me to stay in here for your sake, I will." Florett replied.

"No, I think it will be ok, I'm going to get rid of them as fast as I can!" Carra responded, smiling as she said it.

Florett went into Carra's room and Carra turned to open the door. As she expected, Sorgoff was there, just getting ready to knock again.

"Hello Carra, how are you doing today?" Sorgoff asked. "May I come in?"

Carra pulled open the door wider and motioned with her hand for him to enter. She walked to the table and left him to close the door behind him. He followed her to the table and they both sat down. He did not see the remnants of the children's escapades of the previous night, Carra had cleaned it all while talking with Florett.

"I have come to talk to you about the decision of the elder's, concerning Aleerna." he stated, as he sat down. After a moment he continued, "You have to understand, we took everything into consideration before we made our final decision. We know this will not be easy for you to accept, being her adoptive mother, but we feel it is very risky adventure to undertake. If we send our guards out to look for Aleerna, we will leave the village unprotected. You know the signs we have been seeing things do not look good. We feel this would definitely not be a good time for our men to be away. I hope you can find your way to see we made the only decision we could."

"I hope you can understand that Aleerna is just a child, who should be taken care of and not left to the beasts who carried her off!" Carra replied trying to keep her temper in check. Yelling at Sorgoff would not help the situation or change his mind. "I don't see why a few men could not go and at least try to find her, and yes I have seen the signs, all the more reason the child should be found." she pleaded.

I understand you are worried about her, but I and the other elders must worry about the whole village. We can not risk leaving ourselves open to attack by creature or by the land itself." Sorgoff stated as he stood. He took her hand in his and said, "We are here to help you and your family with counseling or maybe even a memory lapse spell to ease your pain...

Carra yanked her hand away from him, biting her tongue so hard she could taste the blood as her teeth cut into it, "I would appreciate your kind words if you were saying anything worthwhile, but as long as Aleerna is out there fending for herself, I have no use for you or the other elders. Do not concern yourself with my sorrow or pain. I have had to deal with loses on my own before and will do just fine. You may thank the other elders and pass my words along, there is no need for them to come calling too.

Sorgoff knew how Carra felt, he was a father as well. If it had been his child, he would have done anything to find her. Although Aleerna was not Carra's true child, she had been raising her since they arrived here and her parents had been killed, he knowing how Carra felt, he said, " I really wish there was something I could do.' Trying to change the subject, he continued, "Where is your son? I would like to speak with him as well."

Carra rose from the table to show Sorgoff the door, "He's off doing his chores and won't be home till late. I will send him by to talk with you when he returns." She did not consider this a lie, he was looking out for Aleerna and would be sent to the elders when he returned. Carra could not let herself think Boyd and the others would not be back.

Carra opened the door, at the same time picking up a water bucket. Sorgoff finally got the message it was time to leave and made his way out. Carra followed him out the door, as she closed it she bid farewell and headed to the public well.

Sorgoff stared after her, sensing she was not quite truthful to him. He turned and headed toward the Gathering Hut to speak with the other elders.

As Carra approached the well, she stole a peek behind her to make sure Sorgoff had left. She was sure he suspected something but was also sure he could never guess the truth. She hurried to get the water so she could get back to the hut and check on Florett.

Carra entered the hut quietly so she would not startle Florett. After closing the door she walked over to the table and set down the bucket. Florett was sitting in one of the chairs, with a very worried look on her face. "I guess you heard what he had to say." Carra said while taking a seat herself.

"I just don't understand how they can have that attitude toward a poor child that has been stolen from her home! I know they have to take care of everyone, but how can you have confidence in them if they can be so unconcerned?" Florett yelled, loosing all control of her temper, "I wish I was a male, I would show them what concern for your people really means. All the people, not just the one's that don't need help!"

Florett had started to cry, which is something Carra had never seen the elf do before. Come to think about it she could not remember ever seeing an elf cry. They were always such a happy and carefree people. The thought of the children being out there all alone must be tearing her friend apart.

Sorgoff walked across the grounds to the elder's hut. He was very disturbed by his visit with Carra, she was definately hiding something. Sorgoff's mind also wondered about the missing bird cage, a very unusual thing for someone to steal. Could the two be conected?

Sorgoff passed several of the village's occupants as he walked, all were busy doing their daily chores. He raises his hand in greeting as he passes by Harold.

Harold was the blacksmith for the village. He was busy today with all the special items the elders had requested and the orders the villagers had placed for weapons. He'd had to recruit two of the villages young lads to help fill the requests. Seems everyone had decided they needed to defend themselves even though the elders tried to make everyone believe that there was nothing to worry about. The signs were saying differently, and after the kidnapping of Aleerna, not many of the children were allowed outside, even though it was a beautiful day and with not many left before the cold would be upon them. Harold raised the hammer in his right hand and waved back to Sorgoff.

Several people are in the fields picking vegetables and others are cleaning, peeling, and preparing them to be put up for the winter. There are others placing the prepared food in the clear lake, somehow, unknown by the people of the village, the food is kept fresh. Already the aroma of the cooking food filled the air. Everyone is in an especially big hurry this year.

While walking through the village Sorgoff tried to show an air of ease in his stride. He wanted to show the villagers there was no immediate danger, no matter what signs had been seen in the last few days. Most of the villagers believed the elders would keep them safe, but their were a few, maybe not so few, who believed them to be powerless... unable to take care of themselves, much less the good people here. Sorgoff was determined to prove these doubters wrong, then again, the theft was going to make that a very difficult task. As Sorgoff reached the hut he took one last look at the sky as he opened the latch and went inside.

"Hello all." Sorgoff replied to DeWeldon's greeting. "I have just returned from speaking with Carra, as expected, she did not take the news very well." he removed his cloak and continued, "How have you been coming with the search for the missing items?"

Pardog spoke up to answer this and said, "We have searched every inch of this place and there's nothing else missing. We just can't figure it out. Who would have taken the cage? No one could possibly know about the bird besides us." Deweldon and Winbe both shook their heads in agreement, wth sadness in their eyes, obviously baffled.

"Well we know Laurel will not wander more than one half of a day's flight from the cage, so she will be following whoever has it." Sorgoff replied.

At that comment, a bird flew in a back window and landed on his outstreatched arm. Beautiful it was, with an almond colored body adorned with frillt peach tail feathers. "Yes Laurel my pet, we were discussing you." Sorgoff cooed to the bird, which was caressing it's head on Sorgoff's thick beard. He carried the bird to perch in the corner of the room, where he placed her. He then reached in the sack on the bookshelf and pulled out a twig.He raised the twig above Laurel's head and the bird began to sing. It was a beautifully sweet sound. All the elders listened intently, almost as if they were mesmerized by the sound. Sorgoff seemed to understand the message the bird was singing.

"DeWeldon have you talked to the elven leaders about the signs we have been seeing?" Sorgoff asked as he gave the twig to Laurel and moved to sit down at the table with the others.

"Yes, I went there early this morning. They are concerned the fire storm will happen soon." DeWeldon replied."They are willing to trade potions of healing and even some amulets of protection in return for the shields Harold is making for them. But, I see not how these shields will protect them from the firestorm."

DeWeldon added, "I thought it strange, but I spotted Boyd, Bear and their three little elf friends on the way back. They were headed north into the woods. They seemed to be packed for traveling. You don't suppose they are going to the mountains, do you?"

"It is so." Sorgoff replied, "Laurel tells me in which direction they have traveled." He continues with concern in his voice, "I fear they shall not return from this foolish venture. This also explains Carra's strange behavior when I asked her where Boyd was.' I knew she was hiding something, but I would never have dreamed she would let them go off on their own!"

"Maybe she doesn't know where they are going, what should we do?"Pardog asked, shocked that the children would attempt something so dangerous by themselves. Looking at Sargoff, he added, "Do we send someone after them?"

Sorgoff sighed and replied, "We've already discussed this, we can not afford to have any of our men out wandering around in the woods at this time. We must hope that the children are smart enough to turn back when they realize how dangerous it really is and they have no chance of success." He then turned and headed to the (lab). "I must continue to search the Books of Wisdom to see if I can find out more about the fire storm and see if we can prevent it in any way. I want all of you out in the village, talking to everyone and try to alleviate their worries of the upcoming storm. We must do our very best to keep the people calm. Humph, so they will not go and do something unreasonable, as the children have done." He then turned and entered the other room, leaving the other elders staring at each other with worried looks. Wondering how in the world they were to accomplish calming the villagers with everything that had happened in the last few days.

Chapter 6:

Aleerna awakened feeling groggy and sore. Trying to move was not an easy task, her entire body ached and her head felt like it would explode at any moment. It was impossible for her to see because of the darkness that surrounded her, but from the smell and the rough stone she was laying on she knew she wasn't at home in bed, that was for sure. She managed to sit up and rubbed her eyes trying to clear her vision to no avail.

It took a couple of attempts, but Aleerna finally managed to stand and stretch. It was very cold and damp, wherever she was. She tried to feel her way around, trying to take it very slowly because the floor was very uneven. With her hands out in front of her, she found her way to the wall. It was stone and just as uneven as the floor.

Working her way along the wall, Aleerna found what she assumed to be a wooden door. She searched the entire wooden area but could not find a handle, only a small crack shaped in a square, right about where a window could have been. Aleerna continued to search the rest of the room but found nothing else. Aleerna sat down by the door, exhausted from her search.

As Aleerna sat by the door, she tryed to remember the last thing that happened. She had been at the Gathering Hut getting ready for the re-enactment to start. Everyone from the village was there and the food smelled so good. Bleeta had been trying to tell her something, but she could not remember what it was. Boyd and Bear were near by and seemed very upset. Aleerna remembered there was a commotion, everyone was looking toward the door. Some kind of smoke was entering through it and the firefairies started falling from the vines. As hard as she tried, that was all she could recall.

Aleerna pondered the thought that she had been captured, but by whom? Was she the only one? Were her friends taken also? Aleerna hoped everyone was OK as she shivered ans wrapped her arms around herself to try and warm up. Before long Aleerna again got up, then started banging on the door yelling, "Is anyone out there?". The only reply was her own voice echoing back at her. Banging on the door several more times recieving the same results.

How long would she be here before her captors would come? What did they want from her? The only answers Aleerna recieved was a pounding headache. Again she sat down and held her head in her hands, wishing she had one of Florret's potions to ease the pain.


"Master, the girl has awakened." said a creature.

"Gooood." drawled a voice from behind the wall. "Leeeeaaave heeer nooow, Grooothhh!

Groth scurried away as fast as he could. He did not like being in his masters chamber any longer than necessary. He believed that one day his master might just decide to make a snack of him. He hurried back to his chamber to get food for the girl, even though his master did not care if she had food or not. She would not starve if he could help it.

Groth's one room chamber was sparsley furnished with just a few pieces of funiture made of stone. His master did not pay him for the duties he performed so he had to make what few things he owned. Groth turned right as he entered the room and went to a table that was built into the wall. Where he kept what little rations he collected earlier that morning, before he started his daily duties. He gathered a few berries and nuts in a wooden bowl, wishing he had time to hunt for meat, but this would have to do.

Groth hurried down the tunnel to the holding caverns. Creatures of all kinds had been held in these cells throughout his time here, and he believed for many years before.As he approched her cell he slowed and tried to be as quiet as a mouse. He did not want to scare her, she would be scared enough already. Groth listened at the door, but heard nothing. Setting down the bowl he called out softly, "Hello, girl? Are you awake?"

Aleerna lifted her head at the sound of the voice at the door. She jumped up and waited by the door, answering, "Yes I am here, can you let me out please?"

Groth heard her reply and started to remove the board which kept the door securely closed. "Please move away from the door, I will not hurt you. I have brought you something to eat." he said, trying to be soothing.

Aleerna took two steps back, not wishing to anger her captor. She would try to talk to him when he entered. He must not be aware she was of no value, no reason for him to hold her captive.

Groth placed the board against the wall of the tunnel and pulled on the large iron ring attatched to the wooden door. The door creaked loudly and echoed down the tunnel. hen the door was open just enough for Groth to enter, he picked up the bowl and entered.

Watching the girl who stood only a few steps away very carefully, he could not let her escape. Groth treasured his life more than hers. In this mountain he knew, it was take care of yourself first, or perish. He had served his master a long time and outlived many other servants, only because he followed this rule at all times.

Aleerna had thought when the door opened she would have some light to see by, but there was no light. She could not even tell how far the door was open much less see who opened it. She was trembling from the cold. How could she plead with someone if she could not even see them?

Groth stared at the girl far a moment before he entered the room completely. She was just standing there, not looking at him but in his general direction. He scolded himself... dumb, dumb, dumb, she can not see. She dose not have infravision like I do. "D not be afraid. I'm sorry I did not think to bring a light. I have no need for it. Please hold your hands out and I will place food in them."

Aleerna did as she was asked and felt a bowl being placed in her hands. "Please, can you tell me why I am here?" Aleerna asked as she caught a wiff of the berries and realized she was famished. "Thank you for the food." Aleerna said and was truly grateful.

Groth listened to Aleerna;s plea, and her beautiful words of thanks but could not find words to say to her. He did not have courage enough to disobey his master, but this girl was different from the others they had captured, he could tell. She was special. How he knew this was a mystery to him, but he knew it for sure.

Groth fought with this realization in silence for what seemed an eternity. Finally stating, "I have to go now, I will try to come back later." He turned and rushed out the door. Once he had the board back in place, he took a moment to gather himself, the took off to continue his chores.


Chapter 7:

The weary travelers had covered many miles into the forest. The trees had steadily grown closer together until the the limbs intertwined to block the sunlight into non exsistance. They resembled a hut roof thatched together for protection from the weather.

Bleeta returned from scouting ahead, There's a clearing up ahead, I think we should stop there for the night. It may be the last area large enough for a camp for some time ahead." she reported to Boyd. "Great!" exclamed Fluke, "I'm starving!"

Boyd advanced toward where Bleeta had stopped and asked her, "Do you think the area is safe?"

"I did a quick check of the area, looks safe enough. We'll do a more thorough search when we all get there." she replied.

The group started out again, and after a short time they reached a triange shaped are just big enough to set up camp and still be far enough away from the edge of the forest to be able to spot any trouble that may be coming. Boyd said, "OK, lets get out there and set up camp."

"Sounds good to me." Fluke replied and with Tivel in tow, dashed ahead. But of course Bleeta beat them there. The boys sat the traveling box down on the ground near the center of the clearing. They then stood tall and stretched their arms to get the blood pumping back through them. Each of them yawned loudly. Kleeta looked at them and giggled, stating, with a grin on her face, "I don't think they will be having the first watch." Bear announced weakly as he unburdened himself of the water barrel, "Uhhh, you know I think we should have brought that wheel barrel after all." as he gave a great sigh of relief.

"I'm glad your in such high spirits Bear", Tivel said giving Fluke a sly glance. The corner of his mouth turning up in an eveil grin. "Looks like you will get first watch."Both of the elven boys cracked up laughing. Tivel and Fluke laughed so hard they fell to the ground, rolling all around, unable to stop. This was such a site the rest of the group could not help themselves and joined in the merryment.

A few minutes later Bleeta spoke very loudly to be heard, "Quiet everyone, do you hear that?" In all the laughter, they had forgot to check on the firefairies. There was a soft knocking coming from the inside of the traveling box. It was fully dark now, although it was still early evening. Tivel and Fluke gathered themselves up off the clearing grass and watched as Bleeta carefully opened the lid of the traveling box. A rainbow of color exploded out of the box as the lid opened wider.

The first firefairy out of the box was Vi, overpowering the other lights coming from the box with her pink glow, illuminating the group watching her, she was followed by Dorge, Zleep, and Morba in turn casting their own color light as brightly as Vi's light had. Vi stated to no one in particular, "We really must fix a way for us to open the box from the inside. I do not like the idea of being trapped." Yes I agree." Dorge spoke up to re-enforce Vi's statement and the other firefairies agreed by nodding their little bity heads.

"As soon as we get something to eat we'll start working on the Traveling box for you." Boyd assured the firefairies. "Yeah, we'll stay up all night if we have to!" Fluke added.

"I will check out the surrounding area, to see what I can find that can be helpful to us." Bleeta commented to the others. "Would you join me Zleep?" she inquired of the firefairy. Bleeta really didn't need the light, with her infravision that all elves posses, but thought it might be a good idea to let the firefairies feel useful.

"I'll go." Zleep replied.", buzzing over to Bleeta. He was very excited to be included in the search and really wanted to help. He added, "I could use the exercise."

"Do not wander too far." Tivel warned. "Yes, please stay in shouting distance, OK?" Boyd agreed, not liking the fact that the littlest of them all was the one going out investigating. It was very likely she could run into trouble. "Worry not boys, I won't go far." Bleeta assured. Bear whom had collapsed on the ground from carrying the water barrel, not to mention the laughing fit, rose and anounced, "I will go with you two and make sure nothing bad happens." The three of them headed towards the forest.

"We'll start collecting wood for the fire, we'll need a large pile of them to last till morning." Tivel and Fluke anounced in unison. They seem to say the same thing at the same time alot Boyd noticed as he opened his pack and started getting things ready for supper. "Dorge do you mind staying here until the boys get the fire started." Boyed inquirered of the little blue firefairy. "Sure, I'll keep you in the light."Dorge replied with a giggle in his voice. "Well, if we're not needed, we;ll be off." The other two firefairies then headed off into the forest, as if they knew where they were going.

Bleeta, Bear and Zleep had traveled only a short distance into the woods when they heard a rustling in the underbrush. Bear was behind Bleeta and nearly knocked her off her feet when she stopped abruptly. "Sorry." he said. But Bleeta motioned for him to be quiet.

Zleep flew around the area lighting up different area's so they could try and find the source of the noise. As he neared a tree, the rustling became louder. All of a sudden out jumped a possum and ran straight at Bleeta and Bear. They both jumped as the creature darted between Bear's legs. Bear spun around clumsily and watched it run out of site. Bleeta started laughing, partly at bear and partly at her own startlment. she said, "Well we sure are a bunch of brave rescuers, scared by a possum." Bear joined in the laughter, even though his heart was still beating fast from the scare.

"Looks like the possum is gone now, we should be safe." Zleep announced, while giggling with them. "We better be going and finish checking the area so you can get back to camp and I can go find where that delicious smell of food is coming from." he fininshed. The three quieted themselves and started out again.

The forest was very dark and with the tree limbs rubbing together, making a whinning sound, it made the search a little scarry for the three searchers. Zleep's light only showed a small area at a time, which made the going slow.The sounds of the creatures foraging in the leaves and brush on the ground could be heard all around near and in the distance. However, it didn't seem that any of them were interested enought in the trio to come and investigate the strangers.

After a good look around the area Bleeta told the others. "It doesn't look like we have anything to worry about in the immediate area, we should probably head back." Bear snickering replied, " Yeah, unless that savavge possum returns."

They all headed in the direction of the camp. The closer they got to camp, the stronger the smell of food got. Bear seemed not to even be looking at where he was going, he was concentraiting more on the wonderful aroma coming from that direction and moved as fast as he could without leaving the others behind.

They emerged from the forest into the clearing to see Boyd cooking over a roaring fire. Tivel and Fluke had gathered a large pile of wood to last through the night. The boys had been busy working on the Traveling box and were dicussing the best way to attatch the leather straps to the inside as the weary searchers approached the fire.

Thete was no sign of the other firefairies in the camp. Bleeta turned to Zleep and said, "I guess your hungry too, why don't you go on and thanks for going with us." Zleep flew near to her and replied, "Yes I am and if you are sure you do not need me, I'm off." "I'm sure, go ahead." she answered and Zleep took off.

Bleeta and Bear joined Tivel and Fluke by the Traveling Box. "How's it going?" Bear inquired, looking at Tivel. "We have the design down but we're having a hard time getting this leather strap to go around the pully tight enough so it won't slip off when it's pulled on to let them get out." Tivel replied. "We may have to wait for the firefairies to return, so they can work from the inside." Fluke added.

Bear, not really understanding the conversation or the workings of the plan, went to the fire and asked Boyd, "Is the food ready to eat yet?"
"Not yet." Boyd answered, "But it won't be long." Bear moved off to a nearby tree, leaned against it, and before long was snoring loudly. About this time Bleeta approached Boyd and asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?" "Sure,thanks" Boyd replied, "You can finish up the fresh greens."
She was more than happy to do this, at least she knew she would be able to eat something. Everyone in the elven community knew... Human boys were not very good cooks.

"So what's the surrounding area like? Boyd asked Bleeta.as he stirred the stew he was making. "Spooky! I'm sure glad I had Bear with me" Bleeta replied, "But I think we'll be safe enough here." She continued, "We didn't see any signs of large predators that might give us trouble, but I still think we should post a watch, just in case." Bleeta was trying to sneek a peek at what was in the pot Boyd was stirring while she spoke. But Boyd waved her away with his hand and said, "You can wait until it's done, just like everyone else".

Tivel and Fluke approached Boyd and Bleeta, both with their hands on their ears. "Boyd is making so much noise, we can't even think. I'm sure glad he's taking first watch. Maybe we'll be able to get some sleep before his shift is over." Fluke complained. "Well I'd hate to hear how loud you would be if you were his size. You wake the dead now!" Bleeta replied in Bears defence.

"Diner's ready". Boyd announced. All of the group sat down and grabbed a bowl except Bleeta. She went to wake Bear, but that was just not happening. As she returned to the fire and grabbed a bowl for herself, she said, "I think he was really tired. Oh well, he can eat when he wakes."

While dinner was being dished up there of the firefairies returned. "How were the pickings?" Boyd asked as they joined the group. "We had a delightful diner of the most fragrant flowers." replied Vi, "A delicacy we haven't enjoyed before, because it is so far from home." Fluke spoke up at this, "It seemed you knew exactly where you were going when you left. How can this be if you have never been there before?" Vi responded to this with a giggle in her voice, " We smelled them of course."

Where's Zleep? Didn't you see him out there? Bleeta inquired, sounding a little worried, and then finished with, "He left as soon as we returned from searching the area." Bleeta was stirring the stew in her bowl, still trying to figure out the smell that was coming from and what Boyd had put in it, while she spoke. "No we did not, but he's probably still buzzing about the flowers in search of the delicious nectar. He alwats has a tendancy to over eat." Dorge replied.

Bleeta got up and moved to a nearby tree with her bowl and a healthy amount of greens, so as not to hurt Boyd's feelings when she dumped out the stew. She thought it smelled just awful and would stave off hunger with the greens alone.

Tivel and Fluke were finished with their stew and most of the greens and both had seconds. About this time Bear yawned loud, got up and waddled to the fire. He asked Boyd, "Is there any left for me?" Boyd asked the rest of the group, "Has everyone had enough?" There were nods and yes's from everyone. "It's all yours big guy!" he replied to Bears question. Bear picked up the pot and started wolfing down the stew like he hadn't eaten in a week.

"We're going to need your help to get the leather straps tight enough in the Traveling box, so you can open the lid from inside." Tivel stated. "Sure." Vi replied, "It will be nice not to feel like we're in a cage." Tivel continued "We better get to work so we can get some rest before it gets much later. We'll want to get started as soon as we can in the morning."

The firefairies followed the two elves over to the box and Marba went inside. Following Tivel's instructions, they soon had the lid of the box opening easily from the inside.

Soon after the box was complete, everyone, except Bear who was taking the first watch, made up a place to sleep. Vi announced, "We'll just fly around the edges of the forest, I'm getting a little cocerned that Zleep has not returned yet. Zleep was not the type to wander around by himself for this long." The other firefaries agreed and off they went, Boyd was going to be second watch so he had quicly fallen asleep and the others were not far behind.

Bear had been on guard only a short while when he noticed Boyd was sleeping restlessly, moaning and grunting in his sleep and rolling around, making the leaves he slept on crackle and crunch. Bear wonders to himself, should I wake him?? But decides against it, Boyd will need his sleep, besides, that may be how he normal sleepis, He's probably just dreaming. In a short time, Tivel and Fluke join in the tossing and turning, the moaning and grunting is louder than Boyd's. It sounds as if they are battling something in their dreams. Bear is concerned about what is happening and decides to wake them.

All the commotion wakes Bleeta, and as Bear is trying to wake Boyd she asks, "Whats going on?" "I don't know." Bear responds, I can't wake Boyd. Bleeta gets up and goes to her brothers. She tries to wake them, but it is not working. As she exchanges a concered look with Bear the firefairies appear at their sides. "What's wrong?" Dorge asked.

"We don't know we can not wake them?" Bleeta responds, sounding really worried now. She reaches into her side pouch and pulls out an even smaller pouch. Bleeta pulls out a pince of the powder that's in there and sprinkles it over each of her brothers in turn and mumbles something. The restlessness slows until gone and then the boys wake, swinging and almost hit Bleeta in the face and the arm. Quickly she jumps back so they can not connect.

Tivel and Fluke jump to their feet still swingging, like they are fighting for their lives. "What's going on??" Tivel manages to say when he realizes there is no foe. Fluke stops flailing punches, that are connecting with nothing, and looks around confused. "Where's the monster he askes??"
"What monster?" Bleeta asked, "You were asleep. It must have been a dream." "Yeah, a bad one!" Tivel exclaims and looks at Fluke.

Bleeta moves to where Bear is still trying to wake Boyd and repeats the same action she used on her brothers, mumbling the same words. This time moving back and pulling Bear with her. Boyd awakens swinging, the same as the two elves had done and looks just as confused. Bleeta hollars to him, "There is no monster, it was just a dream." Boyd looks at her in dismay, opens his mouth to say something and then closes it again.

When Boyd is fully awake he asks Bleeta, "How did you know I was fighting a monster?" Tivel interups before Bleeta can say anything, "Because we were fighting him too!" pointing at Fluke and himself. Boyd, really confused, questions the elf, "Your saying all three of us were having the same dream?" It would appear so, what was your dream like? Tivel responded.

The boys, each in turn told of their dreams. Each was exactly the same story, of course Fluke's was a little more dramatic than the other two.
Bleeta listened in silence, taking it all in, pondering the cause of this oddity. When she thought she had the answer she asked Boyd, "What exactly did you put in that stew you made?" He looked at her with a strange expression on his face, like he didn't understand the question,he hesitated but answered anyway. "I just put in some vegetables and spices, nothing I haven't seen.... wait, I put some of those berries you found at our last rest area." Bleeta jumped up and said, "Ah ha, those berries must have caused the dreams!"

At this statement Fluke jumped up and thought he had a kink to that theory, "But how did it make us all have the same dream?" " I don't know." Bleeta replied, "But it must have been them, it's the only thing all three of you have had." she concluded.

"OK", Boyd piped up and asked,"Then how come you didn't have the dream, you ate the stew too. Bleeta, looking a little embarrassed, said, "Actually I didn't eat the stew, it smelled a little funny to me and I dumped it out. " Boyd's mouth dropped open, he couldn't believe she had done that. He thought to himself, I worked so hard on that stew. "Turns out it was a good thing I didn't, huh? Bleeta replied, regaining her composure. "Yeah." Boyd said, feeling a little embarrassed himself now.

"How come Bear didn't dream?" Fluke asked. Bear looked as though he had acussed him of a terrible crime. He was already shaken up by what was going on here. "Because Bear has not been to sleep yet.? Bleeta responded. "Right Bear?" Bear looked at each there and then said, "Nope I been keeping watch." "Oh yeah, I forgot." Fluke responded, having his turn at being embarrassed.

The firefairies had been hovering near the group, they were worried about their new friends. Vi now spoke, "I am glad that you are all alright. I'm afraid we have our own question to ponder now. We have been looking all over, but we can not find Zleep. I am afraid he has come to some harm."
Boyd responded to this, "We'll all look for him, no one is in the mood to sleep anymore anyway. Bear you stay here and guard the camp, and we'll split up into two groups for the search Tivel, Fluke and Dorge go that way and Bleeta, Vi, Morba and I will go this way." The two groups headed out.

What seemed like hours, and possibly was, Boyd's group made it back to camp, exhausted from the search. "We didn't see him anywhere." Boyd told Bear. "Did he come back yet?" Bear shook his head and said, "Neither has the others. Don't you think they should have by now?" Bear replied with a look of dispare on his face. Boyd put a hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him and said, "Maybe they have had better luck and are on their way back now." Boyd added, "Maybe you should get some sleep big guy, we can keep watch for them." "Nooooo," Bear exclaimed "I don't want to dream!" Boyd patted his furry back and told him, "I totally understand."


Chapter 8:

Aleerna had no idea how long it had been since the creature had left, or how long it would be before he returned. Her hope was that he would bring some water and more food with him, it seemed for sure hours had passed.

When he finally returned and was removing the board which held the door secure, Aleerna took little time to rise from the ground and approach it. She saw a light flickering as the door swung open, then caught a glimpse of her keeper.... her screams echoed off the cavern walls and then she fainted.

Aleerna awakened confused, her head pounding. What happened?, she wondered through the foggy veil that surrounded her mind. Slowly, the veil lifted and she realized she had fainted. Then the memory of the horrible little creature appeared before her eyes. What was that thing? Could it possibly have been the same one as before? Was it still here? The questions flooded in along with a fear she could not control.

Looking around she realized there was light and she could see every corner of this rock room, her cell. Aleerna did not see the creature anywhere, then her eyes located the source of the light. It was coming from a small cage, in the center of the cell. A pale blue light being emitted from, she realized, a firefairy.

Aleerna was grateful for the comforting light, but as she moved closer to the cage she could sense the fear the creature felt. "Oh you poor thing, your so scared.? I will not harm you.", she assured the firefairy. The creature seemed to understand what she was saying and approached Aleerna's side of the cage. "Your a prisoner here too, aren't you.", Aleerna continued.

"Yes I am." the firefairy responded and added, "My name is Landa, what's yours?"

"Hello Landa, I am Aleerna, I am from Quilville. Pleased to meet you." Aleerna replied to the firefairies introduction. Thinking to herself, these were not the best of conditions to meet new friends, however, she was grateful to no longer be alone.

"How long have you been here?" Aleerna asked the firefairy.

"I have no way of knowing since I have been kept inside this dark place. I was rendered unconscious when I was brought here and awoke in a large cage with many others of my kind." the firefairy replied, then continued, "A few of the others I recognized but most were unknown to me. I watched many die in that cage." her eyes lowered and light faded slightly as she remembered this.

Aleerna felt a pain in her own heart as the firefairy said this, and wondered about her own friends and family. Was Carra here? What about Bleeta
and her twin brothers, Fluke and Tivel, or Boyd and Bear? How many others from the village could be being kept in thisdark dank world? Sorrow filled her heart as she knew it filled Landa's as well.

Neither said another word, both filled with thoughts of loved one's, worry turned to deep sadness which in time turned to sleep. Dreams filled their sleep, dreams that played out many scinario's as to how they arrived in their present situation, and also how this might all end.

Sometime later, Aleerna awoke, leaving the world of dreams behind. She looked toward the cage and noticed a bowl with berries and nuts and another with some kind of meat she didn't recognize. The creature must have come in while they slept, why didn't I here him she wondered.

Inside the cage, Landa still slept. Then Aleerna noticed a canteen behind the cage, she was so thirsty she didn't even worry that it might have some kind of poison or a potion mixed in it. Aleerna drank greedily at first, thinking she would never get enough and then she thought of Landa and saved some for the firefairy. She munched on the nuts and berries, but did not touch the meat. It smelled terrible and looked like dried sludge.

Landa started to stir as Aleerna was eating, "Good morning, or evening, oh, I'm really not sure what it is. How are you feeling?" Aleerna greeted her new friend.

The firefairy moved slowly and her light was very dim as she replied, "I'm hungry and very weak."

Aleerna was worried as she watched the little creature. "I saved you some water." she said as she poured a little in the cap of the canteen and handed it to Landa through the small space provided in the side of the cage.

Landa moved close as she could and smelled of the liquid before trying a small bit. "I don't usually drink water, we firefairies get our drink and food from the flowers." she informed Aleerna. "I sure wish I had one of those flowers now, I'm sure I won't live much longer without getting one soon."

At this statement Aleerna knew this was what the other firefaries had died from. How could she keep this from happening to her new friend?


Chapter 9:

***************In the "scratching on paper" phase... hope to post soon*******************************
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