Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1621084-Evanescing-Smile
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1621084
A love found and lost but never faded
Evanescing Smile

It was a lovely day of June, the summer heat is gone and classes already started. I noticed a girl sitting on a swing with an angelic smile. She actually captured my heart with that first glance and knew right away that she was the one. I was determined to approach her but someone else came, her boyfriend. In spite of knowing that she already has a boyfriend, I still wanted to know her. I asked some of my friends if they knew her and they said that she is on the other section. My heart jumped in happiness and it felt like it’s just a matter of time and we’ll finally meet. I didn’t have the courage to approach her when she’s surrounded by her friends so I was looking for a chance to see her alone. After school I waited everyday in front of the swing, hoping that she will pass by and have a quick break. One time, I was about to leave when I heard the swing creaked so I turn around and saw her there, crying. It was unexpected to see her crying on the same swing where she evinced that angelic smile. Without hesitations I approached her and gave her my handkerchief.

“Hi, here you can use my hanky.” I said.

“Thank you.” She replied.

For a moment I couldn’t say a word, as if my world froze and my tongue grew short. I felt the anguish she is feeling so I asked,

“If you don’t mind, why are you crying?” but no answer came from her. I thought that it was confidential so I didn’t bother to ask again and thought that I should apologize for barging in her personal life when I’m a complete stranger.

“Thank you.” She said again softly “My boyfriend broke up with me.” Then she started to walk away. I just stared at her while walking and forgot to ask her name. The next day at school, our adviser told us that someone will be joining our class from the other section. He called her and she went inside; she was the girl I had set my eyes upon. She started to introduce herself, Lisa, I finally got her name. She was asked to choose any seat she wanted and by my surprise she chose to seat by my side. How lucky I am to be seated next to an angel and she smiled at me.

“Hi, I’m Lisa. Aren’t you the guy who handed me a hanky last time?” she asked.

“Oh, yeah it was me. Nice to meet you, I’m Albert.” I answered.

Days passed and we got along very well, we laughed and studied together. Friendship filled my heart but it wasn’t enough, I love her more than being friends. I brought her to the swing one night, the sky was clear and the stars are freely seen. I have to tell her how I feel or my heart will burst, so I said

“Lisa… I have to tell you something…”

“Yes? What is it?” she asked.

“It’s about my feelings for you… for such a long time now I’ve been hiding it all in here, so I think its time to tell you that I love you Lisa…”

Lisa was shocked to hear my confession then she had a sad look on her face.

“I’m sorry Albert, but can you give me more time? After that incident with my past boyfriend I already gave up on love. I hope you understand.” She said.

“I understand, but allow me to court you, please?” hoping that she’ll say yes.

“Of course Albert, you can…” she said. “Let’s go home, its already dark.”

I walked her home feeling half-sad and half-happy but I was more determined now to get her “yes”. Years passed and the bond we had stayed the same. I courted her patiently and ‘til now I am waiting for the right time.

It was prom night; I wore my best suit, looked my best and bought a bunch of flowers. I was optimistic that I will get the “yes” that I’ve been longing for this past few years. I went early to the venue so that I can wait for her and ask her if she’ll take me as her boyfriend. Many of my batch mates already came but still no sign of her until the night was over. I still waited in front of the door hoping that she will still come but what came was a heavy rain along with my pensiveness. I went to her house the next day but her mother told me she went to a very far place and that she won’t be back for the time being. It broke my heart to know that she left without telling me, I felt like I lost a home, a heart.

Graduation day and still no Lisa to be seen. Two of the supposedly most important day of my life and she’s not there with me, I can’t help but feel a bit mad at her for not even saying goodbye. My parents decided that I should continue my studies abroad. I was leaving the country but my heart is still with her, it’s so hard to leave not knowing a word about Lisa but I have to go.

5 years have passed and I was asked to go home to attend a family reunion. Happiness and hope filled my heart; finally after all these years I can see Lisa. I was so excited to come home, I got bunch of things to ask her, where’d she go, why’d she left me and everything else. When I arrived the first thing I did was to go to my old school and asked if they knew anything about Lisa. A lady approached me and said,

“Albert is that you? Here take this” and she handed me a letter. “Lisa wrote that for you… before she died. She wrote that letter on the swing at the park where she also took her last breath… She had a cancer Albert, that’s why she didn’t attend the prom and the graduation day. Read the letter well I think it will make everything clear.”

Tears fell to the letter, I can’t move a muscle, and my whole body feels numb. I went to the swing where I first saw Lisa smile and slowly faded away. I sat down the very swing she breathed her last and started to read the letter,

Hi Albert, I hope you’re doing fine. I heard that you went abroad to continue

Your studies and I’m happy for you. I’m sorry I didn’t make it on prom night

And on graduation day, that’s because I didn’t want you to pity me. I don’t

Want to be of any burden to you because… I LOVE YOU… it’s too bad that

I can’t tell you personally but I know that your heart can tell how much I really

Loved you. Please don’t feel sad, always smile for me Albert. Even though I’m

Not there anymore, I’ll always watch you as you go on with your life. I know

That Someday we will see each other again, and when that time comes, for sure

By that time I can tell you the exact same words I heard from your heart when

You gave me that hanky… I Love You…. Albert.

For some reason happiness filled my heart but tears didn’t stopped from flowing through my eyes. It’s so ironic that I finally got the “yes”, the “I love you” that I have been waiting for all my life but still I wasn’t able to reach her heart.

Now after 60 years, as I sat again in this swing where it all started, I gazed upon the stars, took one last deep breath and smiled. I said as my smile started to wither,

“Finally after waiting a lifetime… I can finally get your “yes”…”


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