Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1630885-Skylars-Story-chapters-1-5
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1630885
Having used J.K. Rowling's setting as my basis and a few character names, I have created..
***First off...I do not own anything previously thought up by J.K. Rowling, I do however take credit for my characters and ideas.***

**They are a bit short, but there are a lot of them and they get longer**

1) Born on January 1st at 12:05am

"Give her to me!" Bellatrix yelled at the nurse once her baby was born. She took her new born baby girl in her arms and gazed at the face of an angel, who was staring back at her. Her baby had wondrous green eyes, the color of emeralds, and a bush of blonde hair. "Ugh! Blonde hair, we’ll need to change that." but before she could do anything the baby's hair turned to a light brown color. "Well that was Interesting." She murmured to herself.

"Ma'am? Do you have a name for her yet?"

"Skylar Aurora Lestrange."

"Don't you want to talk it over with the father?"

"Do you see him here?!" Bellatrix snapped "Leave me" 'you'd never guess these idiotic fools were purebloods' Bellatrix thought. "So my beautiful Skylar what do we have to look forward to with you?" Bellatrix mused with wonder in her eyes as she held her new born baby closely.

2) On the doorstep of the Beesch's

To my pretty baby...no

To my daughter...no

Skylar, I'm sorry that I'm doing this to you, but soon enough you will understand. I can't tell you who I am, only that I am your mother. You are very special; you will find that to be true soon enough. It's too dangerous for you to be with me right now and after this letter there will be no more contact from me. I'm leaving you with a family that will take good care of you. When you grow up I hope to see you again. The only advice I have to give to you is;

Don't fear the Darkness.

Your Mother.

p.s. your name is Skylar Aurora

Bellatrix quickly put the letter in an envelope and tucked it in the side of the basket that held her child. She set the basket on the door step of a good Pureblood family. She set a note explaining everything on top of the basket. She rang the door bell and left.

3) Eleven years later...

"Ma! Mail’s here!" I yelled as the owl came in the kitchen window with the daily mail.  I grabbed the mail from the owl. “Stupid bird” I muttered as the owl flew back out the window. I looked through the mail and saw a letter addressed to me and took it up to my room. It's not that I didn't want to share it with my parents; it’s just that they never really felt like my parents and I never really felt like their daughter. I opened up the letter and only had to read the first line to know what it was about. It was my letter for school; I was going to be going to Hogwarts. I had remembered hearing my "parents" talk about their days at school a few times. I couldn't wait to get out of this house, so I opened the door and yelled down to my parents "I got my letter! I need money to get my school supplies".  I shut the door and walked over to the closet and put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.  I rather liked muggle clothes; they tended to fit very nicely. Clothes seemed to be the only thing muggles were any good for.

4) Diagon Alley

'Damn people' I thought as I walked through the crowded streets of Diagon Alley, 'Eww! Some of these people could be mudbloods, mudbloods touching me!' I thought and started to freak out then ran into the nearest shop. Luckily it was the one I had been looking for, the bookstore. I wandered around the store finding the books I needed for my classes, and of course people watching, or rather judging. After a few hours of watching older students find the books they needed and every once in a while seeing a few couples snogging in the corner  I got bored and decided to head over to the little muggle cafe near my house. As I left the store I had the weird feeling that I was being watched. But I didn't dwell on it too much I could take care of myself, even If I was only eleven.

Once out of Diagon Alley I walked into the little muggle café, as I called it, and sat down. I came here enough that within five minutes I had my drink and a peanut butter cookie, all without even saying a word. I watched as people came in and went out not really paying attention to anyone. Then a tall guy with brown hair walked in and all my attention was drawn to him. Well not so much to him as to the book that was hanging out of his bag. 'Idiot' I thought as I got up.  This was the type of thing that was going to get us noticed by muggles. I walked across the room towards the counter where he was standing in line. 'Damn! He's tall' I thought. I “accidentally” bumped him and grabbed the book that was hanging out of his bad and tucked it into my own.

"Oh I'm sorry" I said adding my charming smile.

"It's okay" he replied without looking at me, but when he did I noticed his eyes widen then he added "Oh hey, by the way I'm Macon."

"Hi" I said and turned to leave. Then I felt a hand on my arm. I froze and slowly turned around. I didn't realize I was glaring until he took a step back.

"I'm sorry but I think I missed your name"

"No, you didn't I never said It."

"Well then, what is your name?"

"Rose" I lied just then the lady behind the counter had my to-go order ready and called my name "Skylar!" I reluctantly turned around and glared at the muggle behind the counter.  'Stupid muggles' I thought as I walked over and took the cup and headed for the door. I looked over at Macon and saw him trying to hide a smile. I didn't even attempt to hide mine as I walked out I gave him a small wave and left. I had his book and he had no clue....yet.

5) Little Muggle Cafe

3,2,1, Macon came bursting through the door, looking very concerned, when he turned around and saw me he didn't know what to think.

"You look like you lost something." I noted with a sly smile. It took him a while but finally he put all the pieces together.

"Give it to me...now." he demanded. I again realized that he was very tall, especially when he was about two feet away.

"Why?" I asked innocently.

"Because I'm older and know more than you do." he hissed quietly.

"How do you know that?" He looked very frustrated. 'He looks even cuter when he's mad' I thought.

"Just give me the book."

"No." I said simply and turned to walk away. Again I felt a hand on my arm. This time I didn't even try to contain my reaction. I really don't like being touched. Before he could even know what hit him, my fist connected to his jaw and I walked away. 'Maybe I'll see him at school' I thought.  As I rounded the corner, I glanced back to where he was standing rubbing his jaw, glaring at me. I just smiled and decided that it was time to head home.

© Copyright 2009 Alixis Dougall (latino_lit at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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