Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1630945-Death-Waits-For-No-Man
by Nergal
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Death · #1630945
Story about a man who has lost everything and now wants to get payback
As the rain dropped onto the muddy alley Kate wished she had worn her Wellington boots to get to Sue’s house instead of wearing her new black shoes, that she only wore so she could show Sue. Sue and Kate where good friends but it was weird how they became friends because Sue was a good 20 years older than Kate. They both worked at the local hospital, Kate was a nurse and Sue was a Head nurse. Kate remembered the first time she had met Sue, she hadn’t made the best first impression as she came in late by half an hour. It was lucky that Sue’s daughter Kim had put in a good word for her or she would have lost the job on that first day.
Now that Kim had moved on in her nursing career it was just Kate and Sue left and they had become good friends. Kate had only been home 20 minutes when Sue had phoned her to see if she wanted to come round for a spot of dinner.
Kate nearly slipped on the mud as it was getting more slippery with the amount of rain coming down, it was only 5pm but it was already pitch black, that’s what happened in winter in Britain it got dark by 4pm. There was a flash of lightning and Kate couldn’t help but slip on the mud. As she fell backwards she saw another flash, within the outline of the flash was a figure standing in the rain, Kate couldn’t make out who it was as it was too dark but it scared her and her adrenaline kicked in, she ran as fast as she could towards the end of the alley, which wasn’t far away but she slipped a couple more times. She didn’t dare look back ,she didn’t want to know who or what the figure was. As she came running out of the alley she bumped into a another figure but to her relief it was just an old man walking his dog.
Kate finally got to Sue‘s house and used the knocker to knock on the wooden door frame. As Sue came to the door she could see Kate in her big black coat, covered in mud and her face was completely red as if she had been running for a long time. “Are you ok Kate” asked Sue
“I think so but it was so scary, I could have sworn I saw some figure in the darkness just watching me”
“where was this?”
“In the alley just in between my house and yours” at this point Kate was in tears
“did the figure follow you?” Sue stepped outside the door and helped Kate before looking back in case
“No, he was just standing there, it was so scary”
“lets forget about it now, I’ve cooked your favourite meal, a big roast chicken”
Kate couldn’t wait to tuck into a big roast, Sue would always cook it just the way her mum would ,but since her mum left her dad she hadn’t had one.
Kate looked up at the big clock in Sue’s living room ,it was just coming up to midnight, she had really enjoyed her evening with Sue but there where two things she couldn’t stop thinking about, the first was the figure in the alley, it had really shaken her up, he may not have attacked her but it felt like he had. The second was the fact that she had to walk the same way back home.
Sue walked back into the room with two cups of coffee and set them down on the glass table.
“I would really like to stay and drink that coffee but I’d better get home” Kate told Sue and herself
“Sleep here tonight Kate, all night you’ve been on a edge, I’ve known you a while now and can tell when something is getting to you, its that figure isn’t it?”
At the point Kate really wanted to hug Sue but she didn’t “yeah I can’t stop thinking about what could have happened” she busted out in tears “I m so sorry Sue I just can’t face going back down that alley”
Sue gave her a hug “don’t worry, just phone your mum and then you can have Maria’s room”
Sue handed Kate the phone to which she began to type in her phone number on, but as she went to put the phone to her ear she couldn’t hear the dial tone, the phone was dead.
Suddenly all the lights went out, Kate could hear Sue running somewhere. After a short period in the dark Sue had found a torch “are you ok?” she asked Kate
“I’ m fine, I just really want to forget his night and begin tomorrow”
“that’s a good idea ,lets go to bed, we will both sleep in the double bed as the lights are out”
Kate wasn’t 100% sure about sharing a bed with Sue but she really didn’t feel that safe sleeping on her own in a house she didn’t know that well.
Kate rolled over in the bed and hit the alarm clock which lit up a nice shade of green to show her that the time was 2am, she let out a yawn and re positioned the pillow ,but as she was about to go back to sleep she noticed that outside there was still lightning,.Kate loved lightening but not thunder, she couldn’t help but walk over to the window to see for herself. Slowly Kate pulled back the curtains to have a look but she quickly wished she hadn’t, she quickly pulled the curtain back over the window and went over to Sue’s side of the bed to wake her up.
“we’ve got to get out of here and call the police” Kate was rushing but she wanted to leave
“what’s happened” questioned Sue
“take a look out the window, he’s back”
Sue put her glasses on and slowly walked over to the window, she pulled back the curtains to reveal that the window was covered in blood. Sue looked past the blood, and as the lightening lit up the garden she could see a figure in the garden. “is that him, is that the figure you saw in the alley?”
“yeah that’s him, what does he want?” Kate was panicking at this point
“don’t worry I’ll get him for you”
Sue walked over to a cupboard and pulled out a gun, “this used to be my husband’s, I always keep two bullets in it just in case” she held the gun very well for a nurse, thought Kate. She followed Sue down the stairs and towards the back door, which Sue was already unlocking. Sue and Kate stepped out into the garden, it wasn’t cold or raining but there was still lightning in the air.
Sue jumped backwards as if she had seen a ghost, suddenly Kate saw what Sue had seen, on the floor was at least 8 or 9 crows that had had their necks cut and drained, this was how the man had got the blood to cover the window in.
“You are going to wish you never did that!” Sue shouted at the man who was still standing at the end of the garden, he was dressed all in black, he wore the type of trousers an army man might wear, sort of cargo like with lots of pockets, he had a plain black t-shirt and something black was covering his face.
Before the man could reply Sue had cocked the shotgun and was pulling on the trigger, she managed to hit him in the stomach. The man went down like a sack of potatoes, slowly Sue and Kate made their way over to the corpse at the end of the garden, Sue kicked the corpse but was shocked when the man jumped up and grabbed her by the throat, Sue noticed that the mask covering his face was an old black world war 2 style gas mask, the man torn the mask off to revel another black ski mask
“did you think I was dead? Well think again” the man spoke in a very deep voice
“go to hell” it was hard for Sue to get the words out due to being choked but she just about managed
“I m not going to hell until you two are there first”
“Get off her you bastard” Kate began hitting the man hoping he would let go of Sue. Finally after a good 3 minutes he let go of Sue, she dropped to the ground holding her throat and began trying to get her breath back, Kate bent down on her knees to help Sue
“fuck off you bastard, you’re the same sicko who was following me down the alley aren’t you?” Kate was getting a sore throat but was going to say her bit,.
The man was just watching Sue in pain without a word.
“say something you bastard” at this point Kate was in tears.
The man looked down at his wound that had been made by Sue’s shotgun blast, he wiped his hand over the wound and then looked at the blood, he brought his hand up to his mouth and licked his blood, he then looked up into the darkness of the sky and smiled, then as quickly as a flash of lightening he had Kate by the throat.
“Don’t worry beautiful I m going but this is only the beginning”
“The beginning of what?, why us? Why not…” Sue got cut off
“The Beginning of the end for you two. They say what comes around goes around and your time is up”
The man then quickly jumped over the garden fence into the darkness. Sue grabbed the shotgun and ran to the end of the garden where she unbolted the gate and looked out into the street hoping to see the man but he had gone. Kate grabbed Sue and took her back inside where she dialled 999 and asked for the police.
Kate and Sue sat in the sitting room with lots of candles and mugs of hot chocolate waiting for the police, it took ages for the police to arrive but when they did Kate and Sue weren’t very helpful as they where in too much shock from what had happened. One of the policemen took Kate to one side, it was clear he liked her. Kate was an easy person to like ,she was blond and stunning, every mans’ dream, but when she showed her true colours she was a bit of a snake. The other policeman sat down with Sue to try and see what he could do to help.
“Ok so you say he was wearing all black and a gas mask?”
“Yeah he blended very well into the back round and underneath the gas mask he had a black ski mask” Sue told the policeman, who was writing all of this down
“and he sounded very deep voiced?”
“yeah…just hang on a minute” Sue searched around her DVD collection until she found one and placed it in the DVD player, she then picked up the remote and skipped to a part in the movie, The policeman could see it was the dark knight.
“There. that’s what he sounded like” Sue was point at the screen as batman was interviewing the joker
“Ok thanks a lot, the power should come on within the next 3 hours, PC Hoff and I will stay outside in the police car in case this guy returns” The police then turned towards the kitchen
“hey Steve. come on, lets go and keep watch, these ladies need their sleep”
As they left Steve looked back at Kate, who gave him a wink and blew him a kiss, Andy, the other policeman smiled and shook his head.
Once they got outside Steve lifted up the shotgun he had been given by Kate, looked at Andy and asked “are those two on drugs or something? I mean they shot a man with this shotgun and he was still standing? that’s impossible, nobody could with stand that”
“Yeah. Something’s not right here, but we promised them we’d stay here all night.

The next morning both Kate and Sue had work at the hospital, neither of them had slept well, they kept having nightmares and flashbacks of what had happened with the mystery man.
“ok ladies we are off now, if you have any other problems you have my number” Andy told the women as they walked past the control car. Steve was hoping they would call back as he really liked Kate and wanted to see her again.
Once at work they entered the locker room which had a large whiteboard on the first wall as you entered via the door on the left hand side. On the whiteboard was a message “staff meeting for ALL staff this morning at 9am”, Sue looked at her watch it was 8:55am, she looked at Kate who had already seen the clock on the wall so was putting her stuff away. Sue treated Kate like her daughter, she even loved her a little bit like a mother would. As they entered the staff room it was almost full up, all the chairs had been taken so people where standing up around the edges leaving a space for the speaker to stand. They didn’t have to wait long as a lady with long black hair and a blue cardigan on, with her was a fat man with long hair in a black suit, he was dragging a TV behind him.
“Good Morning everyone my name is Catherine and this is my boss Doug, we have come here today to show you a video on how to keep your wards 98% clean” spoke the middle height lady who seemed to be too happy for 9am. Sue hated these videos, they weren’t allowed to say 100% because there would always be some sort of bug somewhere so they say something like 98% or 99.9%.
The fat man asked for the lights to be turned off and the curtains shut, he then bent down and hit the play button. The screen came up all fuzzy then it began with some cheesy music and an 80’s looking woman was about to speak when it cut off again, Doug looked at Catherine who then was about to bend down and sort out the problem but it came back on before she could, but this wasn’t the same video, it was someone filming with a camcorder, it wasn’t a great video but Sue could make out a building she had seen before but couldn’t work out where from.
“Hello Sue, whilst you work I thought I’d check up on your daughter” it was man from last night, his same deep voice. Sue could feel goosebumps on the back of her neck she now knew where she had seen the building, it was where her daughter was staying at university
“don’t worry Sue I am not going to hurt her. It’s you and your little side kick I want. She looks so happy here maybe I should pay her a visit?” as he was talking the man was focusing in on Sue’s daughter and walking towards her front door.
“What do you think Sue? Would she like to see me?” Sue didn’t want to watch but she feared for her daughters life, even Kate looked scared.
The man rang the bell and wait for an answer, he hid round the corner but still had the camera pointing at the front door which was opened by another blonde hair girl who looked a bit like Kate, it was Sue’s daughter Maria.
“Hello. Anyone there?” the girl looked around a bit but didn’t see anyone so went back inside
“That was close Sue she nearly saw me” the camera swung around to revel the man in the gas mask
“Sue, your time is coming to an end. Death waits for no man”
With that the camera switched off and the video they where supposed to watch came back on. Doug quickly got the curtains opened and lights back on, Sue ran towards Doug ready to attack him.
“where did you get that tape? Who is that man?” she screamed
“I really don’t know I ve never seen that before I swear to God” Doug looked Sue straight in the eye
Sue quickly ran back to the locker room, once in there she started to open her locker to search for her mobile. At this point she was already in tears, what had she ever done to this man? Who was he? And what was he going to do? She found her mobile, wiped her tears and phoned Maria. It seemed to ring for ages, Sue was begging Maria to pick up
“Hello Maria here” it was the answer Sue was after
“Hello daring its Mum, did someone just ring your door bell but wasn’t there?”
“No Mum, but now that you say that they did yesterday, just kids playing” Maria hated her mother worrying
“me and your father are going to pick you up for the weekend later”
“but mum I don’t want to come home this weekend” Maria just wanted to party with her friends
“no you’re coming home, something has happened here, please don’t worry honey but we need to talk” Sue was begging right now
“ok sorry mum, I hope everyone’s ok?” Maria sounded worried
“everyone’s fine, we just need to talk, see you soon”
Sue put the phone down and walked back into the staff room, she was on a mission to get her daughter, so much so she walked right pasted Kate without a word.
“I need to pick up my daughter, she’s not safe with that nut case out there”
“Sure, I was just about to tell your boss, go now” Doug told Sue, but she was going whether he said yes or no.

Kate walked out onto the ward to begin her shift but her mind was more on Maria, she was good friends with Maria when she was working at the hospital and really didn’t want anything bad to happen to her, she was also worried about Sue, she remembered a couple of weeks back when they had stayed out late before a night shift and were 5 minutes late for work. Sue had the paddle to the floor in the car that night, it had scared Kate a lot, she knew that Sue would be flooring it all the way to Maria’s
Kate was told to go and do a check up on a new patient by the stand in sister on the ward, who she didn’t like much. She walked over to her new patient, who had the curtains around his bed, it happened a lot where people didn’t like watching other people sleep, so they would always pulled the curtains around their bed. Kate began to undone the curtains, as she finished she went to turn to the patient but found herself hitting him as hard as she could, as she had turned around she had noticed that the man on the bed had a gas mask on, the first thing that came to her mind was that it was the man who was in the garden last night and tried to hurt Maria.
A number of nurses including the sister came running over to help the man who was trying to take his gas mask off, finally he got it off and show himself as an old man who was as scared as hell, once Kate saw this she stopped hitting him, The stand in sister didn’t look happy
“what is going on here Kate, why are you attacking Mr Johnston?”
“I thought he was the man who was in Sue’s garden yesterday and who tried to attack Maria” Kate was choking to get the words out
“How could it be Mr Johnston, he’s been in here the last 48 hours, he suffered a heart attack!”
“But…But…But…. Why does he wear a gas mask?” Kate was still in shock
“I m sorry my dear. I wear the mask at night because I got so use to it during world war 2. I ve never stopped wearing it, I didn’t mean to give you a fright” Mr Johnston told Kate as he was being helped back into his bed by the other nurses.
The Sister took Kate to one side, “look, I know you are very close to Maria and Sue, why don’t you go home and sit by the phone and wait for some news? You’re no good to me like this, go home please”.
Kate wasn’t going to fight with the sister so she walked to the locker room to grab her stuff and go home, as she stepped into the locker room she heard a noise behind her, it was the lock of the door. Somebody had locked her in, she stared banging at the door and shouting for help but no luck, when she turned around she got another shock today, Kate really didn’t need another shock, she’d had her a whole week of them in about a day. The whole locker room was covered in blood, Kate didn’t know if it was human blood or animal blood but she could even smell it, all the lockers where covered, as was the mirror on the side of the wall and the floor, Kate could see that the bathroom (which was next door) had a broken light as through the pane of glass in the door that lead to the bathroom was letting out a flashing light, carefully Kate walked into the bathroom, she was right, one of the tube lights was flicking on and off, the bathroom looked ok, there was no blood anywhere or damage, but then Kate noticed the mirror, it had been smashed and written on it in blood was the following message “7 YEARS BAD LUCK FOR ME! BUT A LIFETIME OF HELL FOR YOU! YOUR TIME IS UP”
Kate stood and looked at the message for a while, she was shaking on the spot, she really didn’t know what to do, she quickly ran out of the bathroom, undid her locker and grabbed her stuff and made a run for it, as she did she slipped on some of the blood, as she stood up there where 3 nurses standing in the doorway, Kate didn’t even stop to ask them for help, she just ran down the corridor, down the stairs and out the front doors, as she exited the front door she turned a corner and lent against a brick wall to catch her breath after running so far, which she didn’t normally do, She thought for a minute what to do next, then she took out her phone and scrolled down the list of names, she thought about calling her Dad but remembered he was on business in America, so she kept scrolling, the next name to come up was her mother so she called her.
“Mum you’ve got to come and get me from work some crazy person wants to kill me!”
“calm down sweetheart. I can’t come right now I’m in a very important meeting, I could get a taxi to come get you and make sure he has a secret number so when he arrivals you ask him for the number, if he doesn’t know you run away? This was something that Kate’s mum had done before and it seemed to work
“Ok Mum tell him the number is 4545” Kate put the phone down and tried to breath more slowly.

It was a normal day for the taxi driver, he had already had 3 jobs, two to the local airport, the other was to a school seemed the head teacher had broken down. As he was sitting in a lay by he got the call telling him to pick up a young nurse at the hospital but when she asks him for the number its 4545, he couldn’t believe his luck, he had always wanted to pick up a young nurse, he had even had a dream about it.
As he turned down a one way street the music in the taxi skipped for a second, as it did the taxi driver heard a thud onto of his roof, he stopped the vehicle and got out to take a look, it looked like someone or something really big had landed on his roof, he decided that the best action was to pick up the nurse then go back to the office and get it fixed. He went to jump back into his taxi but instead he was taken by the arm and thrown to the floor, as he looked up he saw a man wearing a black hoodie and a gas mask, he didn’t have long to look though because the gas mask man took a sharp metal pole and stuck it right into the taxi drivers eye, he continued pushing the pole until it was sticking out the back of the skull, he then yanked it out as hard as he could before jamming it in the other eye, this time he left the pole in sticking up out of the eye socket, he then drew a massive machete out of his back pocket and chopped the taxi drivers head in half, deicapating him, as the blood from the taxi drivers corpse ran into the near by drain, the gas mask man jumped into the taxi and drove off

Kate seem to be getting colder and colder as she waited for the taxi, suddenly she saw the black cab come round the corner like a bat out of hell, as it came to her she couldn’t see the driver he was bent over by the wheel.
“hey you call a taxi” the drivers voices sounded familiar to her
“yeah my mum did, do you know the secret number”
“is it 4545? Hurry up and get in if it is, you see I have to charge from the moment I get here and I don’t want you paying to much” the driver told Kate who was trying to remember where she heard the voice before, but she forgot about that quickly once she realised how nice the driver was trying to save her money and quickly jumped into the taxi.
Kate didn’t get long to get settled in a seat in the taxi as the driver seemed to quickly lift up his head and put his foot right on the paddle, after going past a speed camera Kate could see the flash and realised that the driver was speeding and her life could be in danger again.
“Please do you mind slowing down. That speed camera just flashed” Kate told the Driver
She couldn’t believe her eyes when he turned around, this time it was the man in the gas mask, she knew she had heard the voice before it was the deep voice from the garden.
“Hello Kate, are you scared?”
It was a silly question thought Kate, of course she was scared, she was alone in the taxi with the same man who seemed to want to make her life a living nightmare.
“look what do you want? If its money I’ll see if I can get what you want. Please don’t kill me”
“This is not about money Bitch, you cost me something more than that, I want my revenge on you and that other one” The man seem to be going faster and faster in the taxi, he wasn’t even looking at the road sometimes
“what did we do to hurt you, I m really sorry for whatever I’ve done” Kate was used to begging
“I like how you only look out for yourself, not giving two shits about your friend Sue, but don’t worry you’ll see her real soon, in hell together!”
The man turned back round to focus on his driving, meanwhile Kate was trying her best to open the door but it was clearly locked, she tried turning herself around and using her feet to smash the window but it wasn’t working, she thought that she may as well try taking off the shoe and using it as a hammer on the window.
It seemed to be working as Kate hit the pane of glass she could see it was getting small cracks in it, but it could be too late as the car had stop and the man was getting out of the car, she couldn’t see where she was but she knew the moment he opened the door she had to attack him. The first thing she knew about him opening the door was the sign that said “this door is locked” went from being bright red to going out, the moment the door swung open she let out a double kick but the man was smart, he must have known she would attack, so he stood back, let her kick out and then grabbed her legs pulling her out onto the hard stony ground which really hurt Kate’s back. She managed to have a quick look around whilst screaming as much as she could, she was on a stone wasteland which had no building anywhere near it but she could hear running water.
Kate kept screaming, wondering where the man in the gas mask had gone? Then suddenly she felt a bone crushing smash to the back of her right knee, as she turned over to see what the man was doing, she looked up in horror to see the man with the gas mask holding a sledge hammer above his head, she closed her eyes and began to cry because she knew what was coming and she was right, there was a second bone crushing blow to her other knee, Kate let out all the air she had in her lungs and screamed to hell.
“Scream all you want bitch, when your time is up, its up!”.
He once again pulled the sledgehammer above his head and swung it down towards her, this time he smashed her rib cage in, the blow was so hard it must have hit the side of Kate’s lung as she started to cough up blood. He grabbed her by her long blond hair and picked her up to be face to face with him “I really hope you enjoy it down in hell! Ever since you and your friend let my wife die I’ve been living in hell” he finished by spitting in her face.
“please don’t…cough….kill me….cough…..I don’t remember your….cough” before Kate could say anything else the man threw her back down on the floor, he took something out of his pocket and placed it on Kate’s mouth, Kate then felt pain in her lip as if she had been pierced she realised the man was using a stapler to staple her mouth shut, he placed 5 staples in her mouth, it was painful but no where near as painful as the sledgehammer shots earlier. The man then dragged Kate over near the river that Kate had heard earlier, there was a steel chain hooked over a tall pole, the man tied the chain around Kate’s legs and began pulling her up by the chain until she was dangling above the water upside down.
As Kate watched her blood run down her into the river, she noticed that the man was walking off, maybe he had finished and was just going to leave her to die like this, if she could swing back and forth maybe the chain would snap, but then she realised that she wouldn’t be able to swim with two shattered knees, next she tried to let out a scream but she could say a word she tried as hard as she could but nothing came. Kate stopped thinking and listened to the silence, it wasn’t silent for long, Kate could hear an engine of some sort coming closer, she began to feel happy. At last it seemed someone had come to rescue her, her hopes soon turned to fear when she saw him again, it was the man in the gas mask but this time he had a chainsaw in his hands, it looked like he was having trouble holding it as he was swaying all over the place. Then it happened, Kate’s last breathe, the man sawed straight into Kate’s armpit and sawed her arm complete off in one movement. The moment the chainsaw hit Kate’s arm she went into shock, that didn’t bother the man, after the left arm he went on to the right arm. He bent down to her face and began to talk to Kate, even though she was stone cold out of it. “having a little sleep are we? Well don’t worry you can sleep forever In hell” he than cut the chain with the chainsaw and watched Kate drop into the water. Kate was dead, even if she had awoke from the shock coma she would drown, she couldn’t swim up to the surface with no arms and busted knee caps.
The man in the mask walked back to the shed where he had got the chainsaw from, he placed it back in the box and took off the gas mask and then the ski mask, he wiped the sweat from his face and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. “ok so one down, one more left to go or maybe two? God damn it” he threw both his masks in the corner in anger and sat down on an old box for a while with his hands in his head before grabbing the masks and walking back out to the taxi.

Sue was racing up the motorway at break next speeds, she just wanted to get to Maria’s, pick her up and get her back to the family house where she would be safe from this psycho that was after them for some reason. Suddenly Sue saw a green light on her dash board start to blink, it was informing her that it was running out of fuel, she didn’t want to stop but she had no choice, she wouldn’t make it all the way without toping up. As she drove down the motorway Sue looked out for signs advertising a rest stop or service station, she then drove past a sign she remembered, last summer when she and her husband had dropped Maria off at uni they took a back road that was really nice and quiet, she remembered that the only thing on that road was a petrol station, she turned the wheel hard to the left towards the turning.
Sue had been driving down the dark road for about ten minutes when she came across the petrol station, it was an old 80’s styles petrol station that had very little light and didn’t have one of those massive shops you find now a days, just a counter with a couple of snacks underneath it on a self, even though it didn’t have much light shining like the new petrol stations it still stood out because it was a dark road with no street lights this was the 1st light apart from the dash board that Sue had seen for ten minutes.
Pulling into the station Sue noticed there was a black taxi cab parked next to one of pumps, she couldn’t see anyone around but she wasn’t in the mood to do any talking, she just wanted to get some petrol and get the hell out of there. As she was pumping the petrol she realised how creepy the place was, it was very spooky and too quiet, Sue made sure she had a full tank and then walked over to the door and opened it, it wasn’t easy to open as it was stiff, there was no one around, the place was dead, she walked over to the counter and knocked on it three times, she really didn’t want to wait any longer so she took out a ten pound note and left it on the counter. BEEP…BEEP…BEEP. The noise made Sue jump out of her skin, as she looked out the window she could see the lights on her car flashing and the alarm was going off, she couldn’t see anyone but she thought she’d better go have a look, as she walked over to the car she felt the hairs on the back of her neck raise up. Sue checked the whole of the car out but didn’t find anything out of place, but as she went to the back of the car she saw the number plate had been knocked in someway, it was hanging half off, Sue bent down to pick up the end that had been on the ground when she was knocked to the floor by a boot to the head. It was such a hard punch that it knocked Sue out for a few seconds, as she came round and opened her eyes she could see the man in the gas mask standing just looking at her, Sue’s hands where tied up with a rope and so were her legs, she could feel the rope on her legs and arms it was really tight.
“are you ready to go to hell Sue?”
“why are you doing this? How come you’re still alive after I shot you?” Sue began to cry as she asked the questions.
The masked man opened his black coat and revealed a bullet-proof jacket,
“after what you did to my wife, I don’t care if I die but there is someone who really wants me to” the masked man told Sue as he threw his bullet-proof jacket on the grown.
“I don’t remember your wife, was she a patient at the hospital?” Sue was still in tears
“was! that’s the key word you and stupid little new dead nurse killed my wife, now I will send you to hell as well”
“what do you mean new dead nurse, Please tell me you haven’t done anything to Katie?” Sue was so tearful the tears where blinding her eyes
“you will get to talk to Kate real soon, when you see her in hell” with that the man picked up a brick which was by the side of the pump petrol and used it to hit Sue hard in the jaw, he did it four more times, each time he swung the brick into Sue’s jaw he did it harder and harder, as the blood ran out of Sue’s jaw the man in the gas mask began to laugh, he then used the brick to hit Sue in the face a couple of times.
After one last shot to the face with the brick the man threw it on the floor, he then walked over to Sue, bent down and spoke “I can’t be bothered with making you suffer I just want you dead”
With that the man stood up and began walking away from Sue and the petrol station, Sue was a mess, her face was a crimson mask of blood, it was really painful but she was happy to see the man walk away. When he got to the other side of the road the man in the gas mask turned around and picked up a rope or wire of some sort, Sue couldn’t make it out
“say hello to Kate for me when you get to hell and tell the devil I m doing his work here on earth”
With that he took out a lighter and lit the cable or rope, Sue realised that it was a fuse wire that the man was lighting, she was going to be burnt to a crisp in a matter of minutes.
Slowly the wire made it over the road and into the petrol station. The last thing Sue ever saw was small fuse meeting the petrol pump.
The man in the mask had to take off both his gas mask and ski mask, he also had to jump backwards, the heat was so strong, he’d always liked watching things burn and building fires but this one was out of control, he took one final look at the blaze which was turning Sue into ashes, smiled and then turned back towards the woods and began walking further into the darkness.

Two weeks had past since the killings, The masked man walked up to the old warehouse door where he had arranged to meet his mystery boss and check his watch before knocking on the door three times, it was midnight, the time they had agreed to meet the other day when he phoned to say the job was done, he knocked three times, on the third knock the door swung open to reveal total darkness apart form one spot of light which was being made by the moonlight shinning through an open window. As he walked into the light a figure appeared from behind the shadows, it was a slim, middle aged lady who was wearing high black boots with jeans and a green top, the man couldn’t take his eyes off her long blonde hair it was beautiful.
“well done with the killings, it must have felt good to get some revenge after what they did” her voice sounds sexy to him
“I was watching you, after the first killing you seemed to have a moment where you wished you hadn’t killed her? Do you still feel that way? Because I need someone who isn’t going to take pity on his victims”
“I’ll admit it. After the first killing I did start to wonder if I should have done it but then I put these masks on and realised thanks to them and other people I’ve lost everything I ever had! These masks have turned me into a monster that doesn’t fear anything or anyone” he got face to face with the lady as he was telling her this, he almost thought of her as another victim but then realised she was the same as him.
“its about time the middle man had a hero to look up, there are so many people out there who love to step on others as they make their way to the top, its time they realised that those people they stepped on will bite back” as she spoke she pulled a picture out of her back pocket
“is this the next victim? How many peoples lives has he stepped on” he took the picture from her and already hated him
“he’s not like the first two, he isn’t that high up yet but its what he’s done to the women in his life that he has to be a victim, he messes them all around and is a total scum bag” she spat on the floor in anger before continuing
“there is going to be one change though, I want to put the final blow into this one, you make him suffer like the others then I get to finish the job?”
“sounds fine to me” the man then took off his gas mask and ski mask
“I thought it would be best if you saw my face now that we are business partners” he told her whilst smiling, she smiled back at him and walked towards him before wrapping her arms around him, they shared a long cuddle and quick kiss before leaving the warehouse hand in hand.

© Copyright 2009 Nergal (thereaper85 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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