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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Adult · #1635642
this chapter about gay love in college sophomore year.
The maleholic obsession....

characters (main)

Ryan - A hot little muscular stud quite proud of his masculinity. His youth running in his 22 aged body. black hair flowin till the neck, eyes deep blue as ocean, face as fair as the first snowfall, lips red as the luscious strawberries whoever looked them just thought of suckin and eatin those sweet red strawberry lips. He was as straight his fuck pole, very popular from his stories of 1 night-stand with the girls, probably scored a half-century.
He had rock hard abs as he playd soccer,volleyball,rugby and any sport u name it and he had won it all. He was quite a sports ruler in college gremoire signus it was.
Erik - A newbe just out of high school ready to explore the real world a topper of all time. He could also be called a damn genius. A cute little, skiiny divo lookin to shed his virginity either the straight way or the homo whichever caught him first. He was unaware of his sexuality, he had quite a share of girls bt never went far in that matter. Erik wares glases which makes him look a book worm, is shy and quite an inrovert personality, when given opportunity gets over head. He's total einstein freak.
Mr. Dan dover - Oh my u hve got the wrong person to mess with. besides the principle of the college, he is an old time famed wrestler known for its all deadly moves, quite popular as an icon of machoness. He's the hardest nut to crack.
Miss Elizabeth - Don't go at her cute, shy looks ,she's as hot as volcano. She's known to be the only competetor to Mr.Dan Dover when compared to rage. My-2 she is one hot volcano thats bursts every single minute. She had the power to shake heavens with her strong voice.

The day starts with a crash of a taxi at the front gate of the famed up gremoir signus college. A lanky boy aged 18yrs sets his foot out of the cab and walks to the main enterance of the college, walking pass the green big gardens and flowers of various kind, in the midst of the cold november air the boy enter the gate leading to big hall. Quite confused he asks the guard who sits over his chair as if motionless in death . the guards shreaks up to the sudden tapping on his shoulder. the boy named erik speaks up in humble voice as if shivering in cold. He asks," where's Mr.Dan Dover's office", the guard in a pissed of voice points his hand to door at his right. Erik walks to the door with an exclamation of fear arised out of anxiety. He knocks at the door with his trembling hands. "knock kock". "comin" the door answers and is open by a man in his 40's 6 feet tall and appers to be like a greek god.He greets the boy with a strong "good morning" and commands him to "come in". Erik with his little baby steps goes in and stands near the principles desk. The mach god appears from behind and slaps at the back of the boy greeting him "welcome to gremoir my boy". After a brief introduction the commander of the gremoir's settled himself on the chair and started bombarding the cute, innocent boy with his heavy questions running through his life. Once the intro got over he clapped his hands in the air and within seconds a man entered dressed as if a bell boy. He was commanded to show the boy his room in the dorms. Both got out of the room and started to walk faster as if trying to escape from a beast who might prey them if they dnt get out of his reach. they turned right at the end of the hall walked up to the stairs leading to an another hallway adjoining the dormatory. the hall had pictures of the college's succesful journey till present. they both made their wa through the sparkling history hall entering into a swarm doors engraved with numerics and a list of names of residents at each page. the way was silent as if dead. the fellowbeing for the moment left erik in between the swarms of doors he kept his suitcase and carrybags and started locating his name in the lists after a 10 min's struggle he caught eye of a door at the eend o the hall which looked quite lonely. it was 6 in the morning but due to the fall of winters the rays were not outside. he picked his luggage and started walking upto the end room. he stared at the white sheet of paper which appeared to be brown due to numerous touches and dust. he searched for his name and foun it clear "Erik Alan Morrision". he knocked at the door as he thought that he might be sharing a room with inhabitant who owned the room earlier than him as he arrived 2 days later than actual date of adjoining. he pushed the door and found it be surprised in his surprise he walked in dragging his luggage expecting someone to be sleeping on the bed under his covers, but he found no one to his surprise the room was full of silence. he kept aside his luggage and switched the lights on. he didnt have to struggle a lot to find the switchboard as their was enough light penetrating in from the door which he left open beihind. he saw 2 beautiful bed joined together as one. he settled himself on the bed to catch a breath. all sorts of thoughts started entering his mind whether he'll be able 2 coop with the people or whether he'll hve any friends' will he find someone to explore his sexuality. suddenly nasty and hot thoughts of being wild with the guys and girls entered his minds, suddenly the door knocked their he saw the bell boy again who was holding the time table to his classes. he handed him the sheet and conveyed the msg that he could rest today and start his classes 2mw as he travelled a lot to reach his destination at gremoir. after the bellboy went away erik rose and unpacked his bags to settle his stuff into the doors of his almirahs. he was done with unpacking and proceeded to prepare a hot bath to relaxed his tanned body which was all lossened up. he started to undress , he opened his scarf drapped up in the neck, then came the sweater clinging to the warn t-shirt inside. all the clothes covering his top portion laid pilled up over the bed and their he was shivvering out of cold he fastened his pants and ran to the bathroom catching the towel reting over the bed. he closed the door behind him and settled himself in the hot bath tub. the body ressisted the sudden touch of new felling clinging the skin which made shivring to the spine and caused erik to lift up his ass a little and started lowering himself into the hot,soothing water. it felt so great on his skin that he murmmered ahhhhhh as if engaged in sensual pleasures. when the pleasures started to subside he remebred that he hadn't reveled his lower fuck tool which urged to be freed from the jailm of kelvin clain threads. he lifted his ass and removed the remaining threads from his body and relaxing. after a deep pleasurable bath he rose to reality and drapped himself in the satan towel and moved his ass to the bedroom and started wipin himself. once he was done he wore his night suit which was perfectly clinged to the bony skin, then erik looked at the watch it was seven in the morning and their was the first snowfall. he saw the tiny snow stars falling from the sky glowing in the lights that lit the path leading to the valley which was visible from his window. after a little pretty scene he dragged his tired body to the bed and slid into the covers covering himself fully to make sure no air could enter and then dozed off..........
when the silence broke and the lids opened themself to see dakness beneath and senses grabbed hold of the world,  erik removed the blanket cutting him from the wide awake world. he saw a room full of sunlight which made the room warm as he result he sweated in the blanket and his forhead dripped sweat while wipping off the sweat he glanced at the room which shined showing rich tapestry work on the walls and a fireplace at the corner which went unseen in the dark. he looked at his award which clinched at his wrist yes it was a watch which was awarded to him in the highschool by Mr. van heuser alan who was one of the gr8 scientist at the moment. he looked at it and saw it was 12 noon. suddenly his glance stopped to see blanket over the bed which holded a man of muscular glory underneath. erik's heart skipped a beat to see a man who seemed to be muscled as per his wild thoughts but couldnt see him as he was all covered up and he didn't dare move the blanket as he didnt want be pinned up for breaking the assumed beast who was in his sweet dreams. he just shrugged up the idea and got ready to leave the room to see his new library which he'll make his new home. he got out and followed the indications insccribed on the dorm walls that lead to the library and understood why the guard was pissed on being disturbed as the indications was inscribed on the walls which lead to places in the big college. he walked up to the library which had a door as if an entrance door to some heaven as the door had some roman inscription and pictures of ancient figures which only erik understood at the first moment ane for the other's despite him it seemed to the other students as if a door to some haunted place. well erik the braniac entered the door to see it deserted with nobody other than shelves and shelves of books all around as if never ending. he was excited to see his food which he could chew on till eternity being a book worm. he took a seat to the science section and took out a book on "the pschyological theory of balance" by edward willer and started to feed on the knowledge. he got so involved that when he reached the half of book his concentration broke when he heard the church bell singin almighty prayers. he looked at the watch and found it was seven'oclock , he rushed out of the library after keeping things in place , he wondered y libraraian was not in. he continued walikng down the stairs and was soon brushing the floor of him dorm way. it was all silent suddenly out of nowhere a rush of people came in who grabbed him brutuly and took him to the end room which he occupied. they threw him onto the floor of his room and one of the guys closed the door behind him. erik was scared to hell all sorts of horrifying thoughts rushed throuh his veins and into the mind. the guys clutched his arm and pulled him up. they surrounded him as if swarm of beasts hunting their prey. one by one they pushed and pulled erik and callin him by the name of "fuck toy". erik was scared to death he thought that he might be beaten up to death or he would be raped to pieces by the beasts, but to his amazement ryan the college star came in slamming the door behind him. all the beasts looked back to see their leader in front of them. he as a king waved his hand in the air ordering to get away from the new "fuck toy". the beasts obeying their leader moved away with a sway and one of the beasts gave their leader a chair to sit. Ryan sat on the chair spreading his legs and started to press his jeans. ryan at the first sight of the leader on his enterance was mesmerised by his looks and stunning attitude but soon he snapped out to face the reality that he was about to be raped by the leader first then the other guys shall devour the remains of him and he had already assumed the upcoming death. ryan was still pressing his jeans and a front which gave him an errection which was totally visible as huge mountain bulge. ryan pointed his finger to call erik who was shaking by now. he froze to see his finger pointed at him and was about to die out of a heart attack when the guys pulled him to the king who was unzipped his pants and had his cock bulging out of his kelvin clein. the beasts started cheering "fuck the toy, fuck the toy" and applauses were heard. erik started to faint when ryan commanded to be left alone with erik the new "fuck toy". all agreed and started walking out one by one but before leaving they grabbed hold of the weakling eriks hair and abused him with nasty words and spitted on his face. erik was in tears , the tears on his cheeks glowed on his tanned skin. he started weep louder and begged to be left alone one by one all the guys came and spitted over him. finally the last one went following the shhep's herd and acting the same. ryan who was shaking his cock underneath his underwear rose up and walked upto to now bitterly crying ryan. with heavy steps he walked towards erik with each steps ryan erik would weep louder and dragged his all spiited body and torned clothes showing the effect of pull and push. he dragged till the moment his body was against the wall and ryan stood with his now falling erection in front of his face. ryan bended and grabbed hold of now half dead erik's hair and dived into the deep brown eyes which were sore due to the crying and spit alongsides the edges of eyes. he took out a hanky from his pocket , erik though he was going to push the cloth into his mouth so he wont yell any long. erik sat soundless and started shouting and tried to ran away from the cluthes of the macho man of the college but he couldnt with one blow of the king beasts fists he layed over the ground holding his stomachs which gave never ending pain to erik. ryan pulled him by the hair erik tried to cry and shout but ryan slapped his sound away now all that could was erik sobbing in front of ryan. ryan stood up straight and opened his pants full. erick's soul started faiding away slowly and in the mean time ryan was half naked with just his underwear on which hardly contained his limp dick, he stroked his dick over the cloth to make the fuck tool hard. ryan holded his tore his clothes and commanded him not to resisit. the guys were outside and were peeping in from the corner of the opened door. ryan stood up shaking his erection and walked up to the door he commanded the guys to go away and slammed the door close. the guyys cheered outside "fuck it baby, make him ur slave, fuck his man pussy". ryan walks with the same heavy steps towards erik. his heart beats starts shutting with his each step. finally the beast reaches to the prey which he shall devour tonight as his dinner. Erik was half past dead, again ryan grabbed his hair without any mercy, erik started begging for life but ryan the beast heard nothing. he pulled his head up and glanced deep down his eyes as if he wanted to feed himself by enjoying watching the fear in his victims eyes. a wide smile appeared on ryan's face erik felt as if the hell god had come to punish him for his sins by raping him. suddenly his eyes understood the beast's expressions that his smile was not deadly it was sweet and friendly. soon erik found ryan's grip lossening he was shocked,surprised and amazed to see the kindness,mercy shown by the beast king named ryan. ryan threw him aside the wall, picked his clothes and started dressing up. erik glanced at his manly body which sparkeled in the light entering from the window. he thanked god that ryan no more intende to rape him to pieces. silence covered the room for past 5 minutes and suddenly the silnce started fading away all that could was the beast snoring as if he was satisfied with his meal which he never had. erik the prey gathered strength but he couldnt dare move a single limb as he was scared death and he was exhausted from the mental rape that he just faced. ryan sounded as if in deep sleep which were aprroved by his big loud snoring. erik started thinking why he was left uneaten tonight, may be their is much more worst that will hapen or the beast wanted rest before he could tearhim into pieces. the thoughts troubled erik. why?why?why?. he started sobbing again but didnt make any noise as he didnt want ryan to wake up. he cuddled up as if a heap, his head rested over the knees and back against the wall. soon their was ryan's mighty snores in the air aand the mental rape was over erik found himself safe and sound and slowly,slowly fell prey tp the sleep which he really needed to face the unseen....
Sooner morning was in erik felt a sharp in his abs as if hit by truck, his breath stopped for a minute, face became blue due to no oxygen.he snapped back from dreams to the reality which was ryan standing over his face and laughing at his miserable condition. ryan grabbed his arm and dragged him to the door, threw him aside and went outside the door, their was swarm of people outside, soon the dorm hall filled with praises as ryan the gremoir star had fucked the 100th newbie. all the guys outside entered now opened door and grabbed hold of the exposed erik. guys started undressing themselves all erik could above head were dicks ready for some action their might been atleast 50 of them which were hard as rock and were shaken by the owners. he was forced to stay flat over the ground but he resisted thus four guys stood at the four corners of the floor around where laid a skiny new fuck toy ready to be played. the 4 guys stepped over the corners , his hands and legs were pressed harshly, erik started shouting in pain but no one moved he was totally pinned to ground and was totally exposed, within seconds he was bathed with warm piss coverin his sore red face due to all night crying his now scratched red body. he was flooded with urine. erik felt ashamed himself and thought he'd die out of shame after all this no matter he was left single or not. the flood was like never ending but it ended after a long perishable time. he felt helpless unable to safeguard himself, he felt ashamed,guilty,pissed off but more over scared yes! scared to motionless. the guys started leaving when the show went over. he was left alone to weep and repent why he entered this hell. erik dozed off in the same perthetic condition.he woke with a nightmare of being cut into pieces by the same guys who molested him in reality. now walking towards the bathroom he thought of ending his exploited life. he took a bath dresseed up unwillingly and moved out of the room. the moment he set his foot out he bumped into ryan and ryan greeted him "welcome to the gremoir signus college now ur a fullfleged student after completing the ritual. erik proceeded away he was litterally runing away from ryan as if he would catch him again and give him more heightened pain and shame. within seconds he was into his concerned class. the class stood up and greted him "good morning erik alan morrison". the class laughed and laughed till the time they couldn't laugh anymore erik died at the moment on his occupied seat he was motionless, unable to move his limbs as if paralysed by the shame that struck him real bad. days passed on and erik got courage to face people (the guys) who would touch him at his privates and call him by abusive and nasty language. he got used to it and accepted the college and the people, and time moved on normally for daily molested erik.
Miss.Elizabeth entered the room with same strong pitch shaking the walls but this time the voice didn't shook students as usual. she was smiling as if she won a lottery. with strong vocabulary she anonunced that the college was going on a camptrip to the near by ethenela mountain. the class roared with joy and miss elizabeth exited anonuncing the day off...
erik walked away to his dorm room and there he was laying flat on his stomach thinking y he choose to enter this col where he was brutually assaulted and more was to come in the upcoming trip tomorrow morning. he was terrified of the thought of feeling the same old sadistic pain, he turned pale at the thought of it and woke up with a nightmare, screeming at the top of his voice "leave me alone, please dont do this to me and so on". he was woken up by ryan who came runin after he heard his screams. it was 4 in morning, ryan holded him tight and shook him hard, finally he woke up and gave a loud scream on seein ryan holding him. ryan covered his mouth with his one hand while the other was on his waist. they both were face to face, ryan hushed now sobbing erik he removed his hand from his mouth ,erik tried to push him away but ryan holded him in his strong grip. he wiped his tears off but he resisted and kept pushin away ryan held him tight in his arms hugged him deep. erik's sobbin subsided and he stated accepting the beasts manly touch and no more resisted he was calm in his moves he nomore felt hurt,embarrased but felt warm in the arms of another man who had molested him back. a roar came from the door "hey, look the lion is in love with the lamb, great way to eat your prey ryan", said a fellowmate of ryan. ryan quickly got him separated from the newbie who was old now. he ran to catch the roarer and got him beaten it just a foreplay erik could see from his door the affectionate beast took the fellow toh is room. erik couldnt beleive his eyes whether the beast was gettin affectionate or it was another trick by the king to defeat erik. he was in dilema he couldnt understand what to expect he just shrugged off the idea and went to sleep under the covers but couldnt ryan's affectionate face came hiitin every time he closed his eyes. his blue eyes sparkling in the dark, the warmth of his hold and the strawberry lips that fumbled to kiss him or wanted to confess a deep hidden desire and the other moment erik would see ryan jokin with his friend. the alarm clock rang to 7.00. it was time to get ready and pack. erik got ready he was happy for the first time since he came to gremoir was it love or lust or his mind had a pschyological imbalance which visioned him to explore the non existing or was it just a mistake whatever it is its gonna take a long curve in his life.....
erik is walking to the hall near the backyard which leads to exit from the gremoir signus, all the students,teachers accompanying them were happy to see the silent boy smile for the first time ever and he was looking damn cute if any chick was present there which wasn't as gremoir bein an all male college. erik shined in his cute glory with an all smiling face. he walked towards the student bus and rode like some hot cute baby groving over the pole ryan had his mouth wide opened as if the beast was drooling to see his desired prey which he wished to devour so long. ryan was shocked,hhappy,amazed to see him in that way he ran to catch him by the shoulder to drag him in excitement tot he last seat w
ere he sat with him together. erik was stunned at his behaviour, he had what was goin or what will happen next ryan's mixed emotional vibes made erik curious. the bus started moving it was still dark due to late winters of mid feb. the instructor in the bus told the peple to take a nap so that they'll be vitalised for the trekkin which was next. every dozed off within an hour the bus was silent only the roars of the bus on the turnin curves of the hilly area  could be seen. ryan and erik were the only one wide awake except the driver who wished to sleep but had to drive. ryan holded eriks arms and came closer and tigthter his head now rested over erik's shoulders who didnt move a muscle out of curiousity and more over he was freezed not from the incoming cold breeze from the window but from the touch of ryan. ryan pined him into the wall and gazed into the deep brown eyes filled with spark as if full of light in the darkness, he took off erik's glasses wgich blocked the view of erik's eyes . this act gave shivers to erik which went down his spine as if a light boltening. erik with a rush pushed away ryan and ran to join the far gone crowd of his college fellow mates. erik was still lost in the thoughts of what he just felt he turned back at a sudden touch of his hand it was ryan who joined the crowd and was holding erik's
hand. erik tried to free his hand but couldn't as he matched no where to ryan when copared to physical strenghth. finally he gave up and became used to ryan holding his hand. the crowd was walking endlessly into a tunnel which seemed to have no end. finnaly the tunnel opend up into an open space basically known to be the queen's garden which was very big so big that the gremoir property could easily fit in. miss elizabeth and mr dandover called out everybody's name everybody responded when my turn came i picked up my hand which was hold fastened by ryan and there we were holding our hands up, mr dan dover asked ryan why he was holding my hand. to this sudden question erik was about o answer when mr.dan dover replied to his own question by assuming us to be together under 1 tent well who could ever deny me dan dover only 1 who wished to get crushed could only do that. it was 2 in afternoon but still no sign of sun but instead there were deep dark grey clouds which were darkening the sky. the guide told us that it was going to rain heaviliy suddenly the clouds raoared and lightining shook all of sudden shook the sky and the crowd as well, strong winds started to blow n clouds started taking horrifying shapes as if some evil entity was around us. we were rushed to the castle rooms as our organised tents could not hold us, in such a dark n terrifying weather. soon we were alloted our rooms. half of the crowd resided in the ground floor room where as the rest except me n r.yan resided in the top floor rooms. we were the only one who were unfortunately alloted the roomor i shall say the suite of the long lived royal couple. ryan an i ran to the room which was in a separate castle building which was acroos the ground end. it started raining heavily me,ryan and the guide ran towards the couple suite building , raindrops were falling as if the rain god was bombarding us the drops felt like stones when it hit the skin. we rushed our way into the building tunnel entering the upwards staircase which lead us into a magnificent hall cum royal bedroom. we all were now fully wet and our clothes were soaked with water. the guide entered the adjoining room to occupy the space and have a good time sleep there. so, there were ryan n me left in the room which was little dark as the falling lightning lighted the room occasionly. the room had king size bed with precious stones carved over the wooden bed and there were one of the costliest threads laid over it as mattresses n cushions. the room was carpeted with silk carpets, the windows were very big that the person inside could see the sky above him despite that it had one of the magnificent glass work done over it. ryan lighte the candles with his lighter as it got dark when the lightning sparked away in the light the room shined as if made of gold.
me n ryan were mesmerised,spellbound to see such beautiful room and we were thinking of being the most luckiest person to live in such a grand and royal room cum hall. i went towars the gigantic window and peeped outside it lookked so beautiful it will look beautiful until u like nature in any of it's forms u see one of those crazy ruthless nature lovers which love too see nature in it's angry form i was one of them. i was gazing the sparkling beauty outside when suddenly i felt my ass being touched it was ryan he was standing exactly behind as a result when i turned around i nearly tipped off on my back means i fell with my back to the ground but fortunately ryan cathced me safely in his strong arms he again like the tunnel act gazed deep into my eyes he leaned forward at that moment my heart skipped beat suddenly someone's throat clearing voice stooped ryn from kissing me i felt that only any one would think that way when he came across such act which ryan well forget it. when due to the sudden disturbance ryan dropped me on to the floor i heard a big laugh and when we turned to the laughing direction their it was the guiding laughing at the door of the adjacent room. he in his shaking voice which sqeeked a little due to his voice said.'' i am so sorry to interupt i shall come later but due inform me when ur done with each other''. at this ryan answered back that ' itsnot the way ur thinking mr. jack erik was about to fall when i catched him in his arms but ur sudden disturbance made him fall back to ground, all thanks to you. at this mr.jack the guide appologised to ryan as he understoo from his tone that he was angry s o he didn't argue any more. he informed us that he's goin to get the food for us so we wont go starving the whole day where as outside the building it looked as if it was midnight. well soon the guide went away and there we were again me n ryan alone in this big luxurious room which was badly lit as 1 candle could not light such gigantic room. ryan appologised to me for the fall and i accepted the appology. i went to the bed and lied down over the bed with ma stuff on the nearby sofa. i was still in wet clothes at this ryan shouted we have to sleep on that lovely bed get ur wet clothes off so that we can get a sleep together. i was puzzeled a little bit about the words that came out of his mouth. so i got ma wet clothes off and i went under the covers without any single cloth on my body as the stuff i was carrying also got wet in the rain. so i laid in the bed naked with covers over me. ryan followed after me also got in next to me without clothes. ohh god i was stunned "what the hell am i doing with a guy like ryan next to me in one of the most luxurious n cosiest bed ever i could feel on my skin". i dnt know wht took over me i was kind of overwhelmed at the naughty situation or i think i was thinking lusty about him. "knock" "knock" the door knocked , the guide was back wih our food. ryan abused silently "asshole" y did he interrupt us again. he started to rise from his covers, i was afraid that he might go s8 away n give a blow on his face with his nakedness on. who could predict ryan when it came to being nastiest in sex.....
Well he didn't behave in that sort of matter phew! thankgod, but y am i worried? its may be...........
ahhh i dn't know, may be i just like his look or his body or his changed polite behaviour. ohh! my why am i thinking all this. the guide snapped me out of my thoughts.
hellooooooo said the guide and i replied in kind of a weird gesture bcoz :-
1st - i was naked with ryan in ma bed.
2nd - i dnt wanted to b a part of nasty humiliation in college.
3rd - im confused what am i doing in his bed, i mean he in my bed or vice versa.
the guide served us food in the bed and he sat by a nearby seatee munching over his peice of lunch or i shall rather say dinner due to the dark environment outside the castle room. ryan just homped out of the bed forgetting that he was not a voyeur exhibitionist. my face turned pale at the ryan's naked attck.. my breath got stuck in my throat, heart stopped beating for a second. the guide looked a ryan and exclaimed," wow dude u too". i was stunned at the words of the guide in a flash i bombarded him with ma question ,"WHAT", at ma raged voice he replied with a strange remark on his face," i mean he loves to hop in naked just like me". i sighed at his most appealing answer. ohhhhhhh i was touched my head felt light as the burden of being caught for something which hasn't occured lately but was expected to happen. i mean i had an idea of what can happen but i dnt know what kept me stuck to ryan. i felt like running away from ryan but the more i struggeled , the more i got closer may i should leave things to god the way the are supposed to occur. the dinner - ohh sorry due to the dark rainy weather i guess i got confused. the so could dark lunch ended as all three of us finished munching over our pizza's,salads.burger's, n were done sipping over our pieces of cola. the guide exclaimed "GRATCIUS" in italian which meant thankyou and strted moving towards his side of room at this ryan replied back in some italian word which i couldn't understand as i never went through italian lang or never bothered about it. so once again it there we were at it again me, ryan, a bed, a cosy sheet covering our lowers, an empty dark room lit only by candles..
awwwwwww wasn't that beautiful. well i guess not for me. i started having butterflies in my stomach ; what shall happen next; is he gonna start again;. so moany thoughts started to ponder in ma mind....
"Hi - iam Ryan Walsviks" mummbled ryan with a hand raised in my direction. i looked for a moment towards him but moreover my eyes were glued to his deep blue eyes. i felt dizzy it felt as if i had just sank in an impalpable sea of liquor which felt cold but still so cosy. hellooooo said ryan to snap me out of my dreams . i smiled to him and accepted his raised hand and said," Hi - i am Erik Alan Morrison". we shook hands in a friendly manner. ryan came up the top and sat near me and started to hit a conversation with me..
ryan -  so what u did before u came to gremoir?
erik - well i studied in the einstein valley high school?
ryan - what u studied from einstein?
erik - umm ya. any trouble?
ryan - i mean no. umm.... ma dad owns that high school. he's the trusty u see.
erik - u r albert wasviks son.
erik - i mean mr.Albert Walsviks. sorry for the disrespect.
ryan - ohh plsss dnt b so jerk who cares what my dad does and by the way i call my dad by his name albert.
erik - did u just say u called pete by his name weren't u bashed up or grounded for doing that.
ryan - excuse me what did u say.
erik - umm what?
ryan - no, the pete thing.
erik - i am so sorry for the pete thing. sorry again for saying that.
ryan - what word?
erik - pete word.
ryan - u just said that.
erik - i didn't mean that. im sorry
ryan - u know what?
erik - what?
ryan - ur a complete jerk.
erik - hunh.
ryan - yupp n u seem interesting in one go.
The short conversation got over and ryan laid down hiding himself till the top under the covers and their i was thinking of what had just happened. no matter the conversation strted and ended soon but the effect it had on me was mesmerising. i also joined ryan and their i was covered till top with covers just the way ryan had done to himself. i turned facing toward the large castle room window which glowed with the lightning . the view was fascinating. i had always loved to see the climate in its raunchy environment and i was right away enjoying the view. it was raining really harsh and the winds blew really very strong. the clouds were as dark as an eclips'es shadow. erik...erik i heard a voice i turned around to see ryan facing me . i turned to his side and said, "yea`". can u pass me the bottle of wine.. said ryan but where is it. i dnt see any wine bottle. really u dnt see said ryan. yes i dnt see i replied. just stay still ryan said and started move his face closer..closer and when he was just an inch away i moved my face back but ryan stilled my face with my hand , and said dnt u see the blue wineeee. he was so close that i coud smell the heat and peppermint smell of his breatih. i could even hear his heart beat pumping harder....harder. he asked again dn't u see the blue wine. ahh i felt weak , my limbs started to faint as if slowly..n..slowly the strength started to faint away my face started to move just a little and in ma faint voice i said "YeeeAssS". the words came out so slow that i felt it would take eternity to complete a yes. ryan said in his know soooooooooooooooooooo soothing,relaxing and touching voice ohh it felt to so great to here him like that.. do u wanna drink the blue wine. i said yes but how. he came closer the distance of 1 inch got shortened to a half and i could feel his warm breath on my nose and even sometimes his nose brushed my own nose. i was constantly gazing into his deep blue wine eyes and suddenly my lips parted a litttle a moved little forward and he moved too then we met the halfway our breaths clashed each other noses rubbing against each others skin and lips wet due to constant entwining. ohh it all felt like a dream as if i was dreaming with my eyes open. his tongue hugged mine and made his way deeper..deeper..n..deeper o meet the other members of inside family. my hands reached his hair and i was slightly stroking his hair while kissing. suddenly the environment heated up. he started to come over me and started kissing heavily. my soul just got flushed in the gush of emotions and my hands holded his cheeks to kiss him even deeper, our tongues fought the eroticism war inside our mouth. he rose from his place and topped me. now he was over me, kissing profusly and vigourously, i was stroking his hair and feeling him over me. ryan rushed his hands inside the cover to part my legs wide so his lower portion could merge into me. now my hands explore his body. hid silky hair that ran deep down on his neck, his strong masculin shoulders which were holding me securely in. his bottoms i just brushed my hands over it and did not touch it fully. ryan's erection was fighting with my erection, our manhoods kissed and embrassed each other the way we were doing ryan adjusted his manhood and made his way in between the sensitive area i.e the area between ball sac n manhole. ohhhhh i uttered in his mouth he started moving slowly..n..slowly..deeper..n..deeper brushing the veins of semen outlet. finally his cock rested over my asshole. i felt tickling and warm at the touch of other guys cock over my hole. i had never done sex before nor with opposition , nor with counter gender either, never in my life my mind cells worked for thought of sex and today i felt and understood how ticklish n romantic n so ohhlala, i mean i hve no word for the feelings i was facing in my heart.
suudenly the memorirs of ryan's harrasment wandered in my mind. my body got cold as if either i was lying naked over ice berg or the ice berg was over me. i pushed ryan back to part my lips from his and lifted him back. ryan just got stunned at my sudden reaction to his delicasies but didn't utter a word. i was feeling shamed for what had just happened i told ryan," umm, im not ready for this right now" and went down with covers over me, pretending to be sleepy. he didn't utter a word but slipped down the covers besides me. after a min i felt ryan's hand placed near by my hip area and he moved in closer. i understood his feeling when i felt his erection tochng my pink hole. i felt odd, i was agonised , i was angry and wanted to say ," stop it, y dnt u just sleep on ur side of ur bed and stay away" all kinds of offensive replies came in but none of them slipped out from my lips. i wanted to get away but then that strange feeling which confused me about ryan earlier made me stick to him physically and emotionally. sooner or later the sleep struck with bolts over me and i fell prey to it's clutches.
so there we were ryan and me sleeping closely , hand in hand..n..body in body.....
© Copyright 2010 Trekina (trekinalewis at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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