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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1644232
This is only part one of my story. I hope you enjoy it. Please read and comment!
An Empty Dream of Sleepless Nights

‘But to you I am just a mirror.
Well, sometimes mirrors shatter.

The shrapnel becomes deadly.
It surrounds you with no escape.
And you can't save her.
You can't save her.’

-Drop Dead, Gorgeous

A story by
Ava Sever


Just one more minute until the bell would ring, and begin the hectic departure from the long day of school.
It was only my third day at this school, so I was all alone in finding my locker for the second time. A student had helped me the first day, but completely ignored me on the second one.
The crowded hallways made little room to squeeze even the most slender bodies through the colorful sea of people. I struggled to get to my locker as kids dove out in front of me. The ending of school is the hardest part of the day; no one had any brains to form a single file line. Everyone was moving at a snail pace, which made it even harder to contain the growing anger I felt rising into my throat.
The painted blue lockers were so hidden by people; you had to shove to find them. Then I saw 348 in thick black lettering; I had found my locker. Undoing the lock was a tough task, what with all the bodies around, and it took me three tries to get it unlocked. I swung open the door and threw my books in. I was in such a hurry I did not notice the heart-shaped note that hung by a thin white string. It was suspended from the top shelf and swayed gently back and forth, eventually catching my eye.
For a moment I just stared. Should I pick it up? I asked myself. My eyes scanned any one that could have looked suspicious of doing something like this. Everyone seemed to be doing their own thing and no one seemed to notice me.
The note seemed to whisper my name. It sounded deafening, even in the noisy hallways. I felt as if time had stopped suddenly and I was standing in my own imaginary world of hushed and tranquil harmony.
Someone shoved hard against my right side, knocking me off balance. I grabbed the locker door to yank myself back up. A boy yelled at me to watch out, gave me an unpleasant look, and stalked away.
My beautiful dream land floated abruptly away, leaving me alone with all of these strangers.
Finally I picked up the paper and held it in my hand. It said nothing on the outside, but as I opened it I noticed a short not printed in beautiful cursive. The note read:

I will expect to see you at 3:15 today by the old swing-set. Thanks.

The message had no name on it, and I had absolutely no clue who could have left it in my locker. How had they even got in my locker? No one even knows my combination. I remember putting my lock on….
I grabbed my coat, set the rest of my things in the crammed locker, and headed for the front door. My head was jammed with all sorts of ideas about who this mysterious person could be.
My curiosity made the decision that I would wait for this anonymity.
My scuffling footsteps were the only sound I could focus on (despite the excited screams from the smaller kids at the thought of it being Friday). I trudged by the buses, waving occasionally at people I had met the day before, and made my way to the swings. I looked back toward the clock: 3:04. I still had a few minutes, but decided to go straight to the swings instead.
I reached the long stretch to the play-ground, inhaled deeply, and began my lengthy walk across the brittle grass….

I reached the swing set only a minute later. Buses pulled out of the parking lot and I watched as the distant people left the school. I noticed how similar they all looked; how everyone seemed to act the same.
I studied the groups of people that strolled along the sidewalks for almost ten minutes, until I turned to focus on something else. My eyes scanned the school as it had all those times before, yearning for something new to appear.

Thoughts raced through my head as I anxiously searched the mostly empty parking lot that lay silently next to the school. I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach that told me something horrible might happen. I was getting more and more confused with the passing second; seconds that twisted into agonizing minutes.
I swayed back and forth in the swing, attempting to ease my developing tension. The autumn air slipped through my hair and kissed my flushed cheeks. I curled my fingers around the chains of the swing and glanced again and again….
What was I even looking for? I thought. I was positive that I was, in fact, waiting for something.
Birds sang within the changing colors of the trees. Leaves were gliding to the ground in circling motions, and I concentrated hard on them. I noticed each of their colors and counted the seconds until they landed soundlessly on the mushy soil.
A squirrel darted under a patch of trees, its anxious eyes glided over the grass in search for nuts to store for the coming winter. It disappeared unexpectedly up a wide maple.
The air was invaded by the gagging scent of burning leaves, and my nose crinkled as I breathed in.
I turned the other way, toward the rest of the park, seeking for something else to study. I noticed that I was the only one there. This was odd because usually it had tons of people after school.
The sun was shining even though it was only about fifty degrees out. The thing that held me at the empty playground was fifteen minutes late. It was only 3:27, but it felt much later. I spun around so that I was facing the school once again.
I was beginning to think the thing that held me in this spot has forgotten me until I saw a light blue car glide into the far entrance of the parking lot. It stopped directly across from me.
A girl my age slipped out of the passenger door and began her long walk toward where I sat on the old swing set. The car pulled away as soon as she had shut the door. Her strides were long and smooth, so it wasn’t very long before I could see her clearly. She was stunning.
She had honey blonde hair that was down to the middle of her back, and it waved slightly in the wind. It was straight until the bottom, and then it curled slightly. She was wearing jean skinnys and black converse chucks. As she got closer I realized that her maroon sweatshirt read Music Saves in white lettering and had a picture of a boom box on it.
She wore a heart-shaped locket. It was very simple with no design, held at the nape of her neck with a thin silver chain.
Her footsteps made squishy noises as she treaded along the damp, dying grass. The sun ducked behind a cloud long enough to cover us in shadow and then reappeared, bringing out her natural highlights.
When she was only a few feet away from where I was sitting. I got up from the creaking swing and met her in the middle. I stopped several inches in front of her, hesitating slightly.
She smiled widely, showing her perfect white teeth. I stared into her pale gray eyes, which were intense, and soon I was put in a condition of pure fascination. I was unable to move, or speak for that matter.
The gray-blue in her irises began to swirl and melt together; forming the prettiest color the world has ever witnessed. When she noticed what I was staring so intently at, she immediately dropped her eyes to the lawn. I yearned to see the soft shade once more.
I shook my head, clearing my fuzzy thoughts. I found it hard to remember the striking color, and I struggled to pull the memory of her hypnotizing gaze to the surface of my foggy mind. She glanced up again, more careful this time; not wanting to unleash the full force of her dazzling stare on me again.
Before I had the chance to mumble a belated hello, she closed the short gap between us and pulled me into a hug. Her arms wrapped around my neck in a way that might choke someone. I shut my eyes and inhaled slowly; my nose overflowing with the scent of her lilac perfume.
I embraced her back, pushing the theory of leaving her out of my brain and into the chilling air. I had this strange feeling that if I let her go she might float into the sky; never to be seen again.
She burrowed her head in my shoulder, and squeezed me tighter still. I felt her nose at the base of my throat. Willing her closer, I snuggled my face into her velvety hair.
This girl was so familiar, but I could not figure out why I was here and where this strange person had come from. It was like I had seen her somewhere, talked to her, had a full conversation with her, and then she left. This was why I was afraid to release her; I did not want to lose her again.
I needed her so much, yet I knew her so little.
I didn’t even know her name, or at least I couldn’t recall it. Where had I met her before? I screamed in my head. What was her name?
The painfulness of not knowing was killing me slowly. It began to form a devilish creature; twisting with my insides. I could feel its teeth bite at my internal organs, its claws gradually tearing up my veins. The little monster knew what it was doing, yet it enjoyed doing it.
It carved its way through the walls of my delicate body. It grew bigger and bigger, until it had formed a bulge in my stomach. My back arched at an insalubrious angle, and I began breathing with great difficulty.
She still held on to me as if she knew nothing of my displeasure. Her hands were soft on the back of my neck, but they did nothing to stop the hurt I so strongly felt.
I did not want to let go but at the same time it was butchering me to hold on. What could I do? If I held on any longer I might die, but if I let go I could fall. I would go deep under into insanity, mad with depression.
So I held on, my face contorted and my body slumping forward. The demon crept closer to the outside world. I wanted it out so bad, but I was afraid of what would happen when it arrived. Would it finish me off and then go after the girl? There was only one way to find out, not that I would live long enough view the tragic ending. As soon as it tore out of me I would be dead; leaving the helpless girl to fend for herself.
I had to save her, but what could I do? The only way was to keep the fiend inside of me. I was much too weak to hold onto it, and it was getting stronger as the seconds ticked by. I was too busy thinking about this to realize that it was already too late….
I could feel the warm liquid pore out of my sides as the monster broke the surface. It tore out of my pallid skin, slicing at the air. The thing growled at the new scenery, the sound was horrible. The kind of noise a savage dog makes as it rips apart a small innocent animal that had, unfortunately, gotten in its way.
My breathing was jagged and as I inhaled the air smelled of rotting flesh instead of sugary lilacs.
The fiend ripped at my clothing as it slid down my frail body. I struggled against it and it tore at my legs furiously. My skin hung it tatters and lukewarm fluid trickled down my lower limbs.
My body was emaciated to the point of unhealthiness. I could not feel the bottom half of my body and wondered why I had not collapsed to the earth. Then I remembered the girl that had been with me the whole time. I turned my attention to her and away from the excruciating pain.
Nevertheless, she was clutching me as before; her breathing slow and tranquil. Did she not notice her blood-stained sweater? How could she not hear me gasping for air?
What was wrong with her?
Even with all the obscenity going on she remained the same. Perhaps she did not care what happened to me. Was this what she wanted? Maybe she created this creature and was testing it on me, or was this a regular thing for her?
Was she really what she seemed; just an innocent girl that happened to be familiar with everyone, or a nameless killer? Ripping out peoples hearts and hiding them in her locket?
But, if that is what she does, how has not she been caught yet; unless she changed forms? Was that her secret?
This could have been her plan from the beginning; this could be what she does to people. Her gripping eyes set the stage for her well-rehearsed act. It was just one more audience to please. What sick viewers. Did they not comprehend that this was no play, but an actual massacre?
What would they think then? Would they continue to watch contentedly? Or would they run the actors right off the stage and wreck their career forever?
I blacked out for a second falling forward…only to awake a second later. My vision became blurry and I was positive that if I did not get help I would die. My bleeding slowed gradually over the next few minutes. I concentrated on breathing as little as possible until I was sure the liquid had stopped flowing. My lungs were tattered beyond repair; how was oxygen getting into my body then?
It was a miracle I was still alive. The throbbing pain was so awful I began to wish myself dead; hoping my blood would run out soon so I would be peaceful once again.
Tears welled up in my saddened eyes and spilled down my cold cheeks. They were not tears of pain, but tears of mere sorrow. I could not stop them, no matter what I told myself.
It will be alright, I said half-heartedly to myself. We can get through this it we try.
I did the best I would to turn my head in search of the creature.
The little miscreant was still beside me, gnawing on something that appeared to come from inside my chest. I only got a glimpse of it, so I could not make out any specific details. From what I could tell it was deep purple, matted in some spots with crimson splotches. Its teeth that protruded from its crooked smile were razor-sharp. Its claws were a couple inches long and of the purest white, except the red that dripped off the tips. It sat in a puddle of deep crimson at my feet. It looked up at me expectantly with beady black eyes.
I tried several times to cry for help, but the words remained stuck in my throat. Not that anyone would hear me. The parking lot was now empty of cars and the girl beside me was obviously oblivious to anything going on around her.
My head felt dizzy and my vision was blurred to the point of blindness. It focused in and out depending on how hard I concentrated.
I blacked out again and when I awoke I could see clearer. The sun was gone now, replaced by menacing black clouds. They threatened huge amounts of soaking rain that would drown the world in choking water.
The girl moved slowly and I twisted in wounded anguish. The little movements caused sharp stings in my torso. Suddenly she pulled back and concentrated on my face. My eyes rolled back slightly as I tried to focus on her. She looked different. Instead of looking like a normal person, she appeared zombie-like.
Her enchanting eyes had sunk deep into her skill and turned to black stone. Half of her face was covered in aquamarine skin that was torn and tattered beyond belief. The rest of her countenance consisted of mainly bone and cartilage. Her full, moist lips were dried and cracked; bleeding in some spots even.
I could not stand to see her this way.
Her beauty I had admired such a short time ago had turned to repulsive unattractiveness.
“I missed you,” she murmured into my ear; her voice soft and sweet; not matching the way she now looked. Her clothes lay in tatters that rippled down her slender body and clung to the ground dependently.
She did not even notice the change that had taken place. She continued to study my face. Her eyes no longer captivated me. I was repelled and attracted unwillingly by them. I was strapped to this spot, forced to watch the shocking performance that unfolded before me. Inside the blackness of her marble eyes my nightmares surfaced.
The gruesome scene that took place just inside called to me in ghastly whispers. Their claws struggled to grab at my clothing, yet they were not able to move from their places.
They all appeared on the inside of a closet door, and all of them shoved against it to get out. The thin wooden barrier had a large amount of different sized locks bolted to it; almost all had been broken.
Slimy grey tentacle dripped with oozing yellow goo clutched at the door handle. An assortment of hands with silvery claws left slices as they moved across the small entry blocker. Skeleton arms and hooks gripped at various thick chains; the only thing keeping them inside. The tightly stretched chains hooked from the wall to the outside the door it an attempt to keep the horrid creatures from escaping. If locks could not hold them back nothing would. A few of them had been broken and a number were so old they had rusted to the point of disintegration.
I counted the chains quickly; seven. Then suddenly; snap. One of the chains had busted and a desperate leg stretched out of the small space; inching toward me.
My feet took steps backward, but I was unable to go very far. The girl held me completely still as my body struggled against her slim frame. She showed no sign of my resistance; even though I was using all the strength the monster had not drained me of. I was just too weak; the girl didn’t even budge in the slightest bit.
The small creature that had scared me so much in the beginning did not compare to how horrifying these ones were. The little miscreant had only a small portion of terror that the other fiends processed.
Their whispers wound into my ears and twisted down the rest of my body. I shook as the labyrinthine sound swept down my spine; it came in cold shills that froze me from the inside out. It stilled my thudding heart slowly, aching through the process.
I glanced down at the girl’s silver locket. A thin line of crimson slid out of the locket and traveled down her chest.
My hand rose to my mouth and, feeling something wet, I drew it back slightly. My index and middle fingers were stained red. I rubbed the back of my hand across my moist lips; smearing crimson across my smooth face. It would not go away, but began to pore out quicker. It began to get harder to wipe of and soon it clouded my vision, much like a mask of some sort. I clawed at my face desperately, but to no avail; I only left gouges in my insipid skin
I let my hand drop beside me.
My mouth gaped in revulsion; head spinning around, eyes darting desperately. The monster was no longer at my feet, it had vanished. I twisted violently out of the girls grasp and my hands flew automatically to my stomach. My entrails were where the belonged and not strewn across the lawn; and the dying grass was no longer red, but a sickly brown color.
The only thing that did not remain the same was the sky; whose sickening black clouds screeched at me from above.
It turned to the girl, who was staring at me in a state of confused shock, to continue my investigation. She was completely fine; exactly as she was when she arrived.
The girl was only a few inches away from me now.
She stood motionless, until a wicked smile twisted he lovely features. One of her hands was hidden behind her back. I should have run away, but my limbs felt heavy and stuck in place.
Her arm slowly moved out from behind her, and she took a step forward. She came closer still and I tried to be completely still. Maybe if I did not move, she would not see me. Her hand was almost exposed completely, and I could see her bony fingers curled around an object.
I could not tell what it was yet, and my growing fear was scraping at my heart. Run! It screamed to me. You will not make it!
What the girl possessed was some sort of silver object. It seemed to be long and narrow. It reflected off what light was visible and seemed to mock me with and intensity that made me shiver.
The girl’s slender hand was now in front of her. The fear made my vision blurry and I had trouble focusing on the thin item. It was a translucent cylinder, filled with a clear gooey substance. Her lanky fingers coiled around it in a clench so tight that her knuckles became pasty white.
The object she held was a syringe; the needle point so sharp it could puncture even the most hard-skinned animals.
The gleam off the needle point drove stabbing shivers down my spinal column. The experience terrified me even more. I was locked in place at the worst possible time. My feet seemed to have sprouted ugly, black roots that dug miles underground. They kept me in place, so that I would not try to run away from this beautiful creature.
The girl ventured closer to me and I found myself face-to-face with her once more. She unleashed the full force of her eyes on me. My thoughts were gone and all of my feeble struggles stopped.
All the raspy, harsh whispers had disappeared and were at once replaced by a feathery, melancholy song of deep dejection. I could not make out the words, they were too soft. I could have sworn that they were close, for the silky lexis glided around my ears leisurely. They felt as if I could reach out and touch them; I would have tried if her possessive stare wasn’t drowning me in a pool of utter ecstasy.
Even though I was unable to move, my vision remained the same. I could not help being calm, for the song was easing all of my nervous feelings. They melted them away even as the girl laid her hand gently on the back of my neck.
Her hands were appallingly cold against my feverish skin. I could feel her manicured nails as they cut into my neck. The pain shot through the rest of my head, and down my neckline. Warm burgundy ran down my collar and along my spine.
I watched in terror as the girl bent her head toward my neck. I felt her wet tongue as it licked at my chest and collar. Her saliva stung like acid and I felt like it was burning deep holes in my tensed casing.
Without thinking the girl blinked. I was released from her hold and immediately turned my head away. I looked to the parking lot frantically; no one was there. I looked around the rest of the park; no one. I twisted in her grasp and immediately fell to the spongy earth. The force of my spin caused her to fall backward. I began crawling along the soil until I felt a force pulling on the back of my scull.
Hands felt there way from the bottom of my chilled neck, and up through my long, thick hair. She grabbed fistfuls of tresses and tugged my back. I yelped in pain as she did it a second time. With every agonizing jerk, she pulled harder. Eventually scalp went numb and soon it began to bleed. The throbbing increased as the seconds ticked by. She took both of her hands and twisted my hair in between her thin fingers. With one jolting motion she had spun me around so that I was unwillingly facing her again.

To be continued....
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