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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1652282
Enrollment and fisrt day of gym class.
(read Chapters before this if you have not)

Midnight nearly ran past Alex, not wanting to tick him off.

Now inside, the trio gazed in wonder, huge hall ways and velviot banners haning from the ceilling. Evern though it was about one in the morning, they were alert to see every thing they could.

"Hey, keep up you three," Kashi commented as he pushed open a steel door around the corner.

Going up a wooden stair case Midnight muttered, "This place is a fire hazord."

Aaron glared at her for a moment. Midnight noticed the glare, "Sorry.. I was being inconsiterte."

Aaron nodded and stumbled up the stairs.

"Wait, WHAT?!"  Midnight blinked and lean closer, "Your saying that this school will have only the classes you need? And that it's useful?"

Midnight felt a huge erge to leap onto Kashi, the things that she defied as school was real and she has a chance to join it. She nearly fainted as she leaned back and breathed, well hyperventerlated.

Dust sat next to Midnight and thought, "This would be a good opportunity to really get what I need."

Aaron glanced at the girls then to Kashi, "This sounds great, but what's the catch?"

Kashi shrugged, "There is not one. All you three need is to seem like avarage magic learning teens."

"Why average? Wouldn't we be that anyway?"

"No, you three, once you open the watch," he points at Midnight''s watch in her hand as she glances at it again,  "-your powers would be unlocked."

"What kind of powers?" Never mind asking about how they have powers, he jumped to what kind.

"You personally, you have plants."

Aaron frowned, that didn't sound very exciting.

"Dust-" she locked eyes with Kashi, "Your a succubus."

"Midnight, your a demon." the girls watched Kashi as he stood,

"You two can also change your gender/form."

Midnight cleared her head and glanced at her watch again, she senced that time was running out, but had no Idea why she felt it, "Kashi..."

He glanced at her as she continued, "Something's wrong...."

"I thought this would happen, your very in tune to up coming events."

She started to bleed from the mouth again, this did not usually happen, "I think it really bad.."

Kashi sat back down and motioned Aaron to sit with him and not stand on the out side of the room, so Aaron sighed and sat on the edge of the coutch, not quite trusting him.

Handing Midnight a rag, he leaned back and said, "If you'd like to join the school, you may."
He tangled his fingures together and leaned over, elboys on his knees,

"But you need to understand that this school is dangerous, students are from different dementions that go here. Some will try to kill you and others will deseave you.. You have to be careful who you befriend and how you treat you enemies."

They sat in silence and Kashi lit a candle in the middle of the coffee table. He grew more and more serious,

"You three are extremally talented to the magic arts, even if you don't see it, your using it. Your imagination is the strongest thing you have to defend yourselves."

After a long pause Dust spoke up, " Well thanks for the warning." She looked up from the candle and asked,

"Now that we know what's happening, who's going to stay?"

Immediantly, "I'm not going back to that school, even if it kills me." Midnight insisted through the bloody rag.

"I'll stay." Dust confermed.


Looking at Aaron, he's the last one.

He sighed heavely, ".... Alright." he glanced at Kashi nervously.


That night, Midnight's father got the memo, he argued for hours and after some convincing, he sighed and sat back, staring at he woman dressed in white that was sit across the table, "So, all this will help her?"

"Yes, sir, nothing will go wrong, and the school is free. With  all the donations that school gets, it's able to teach and house the students free of cost. I can even set up a tour for you to watch her in classes, without her knowing if you'd like."

Patrick sat back and stared at the papers in front of him, "What if she gets hurt?

"The school has a built in hospital." The woman handed over the last panflit,
"And the best art school in the nation."

He sat contemplating on the idea. The misstres watched the big man think it over, the woman carfully peared into his mind and slow steared his thoughts over to the side of being extatic that his daughter is joining a school that she Will enjoy and stop saying that it's just useless infomation that she'll never use.

A while later,

"She comes home on weekends and holidays?"

"Yes, and webcams are set up for chatting."

"And grades?"

"As soon as grades drop, she'll be watched until she gets it done every night with one of our top teachers."

A long pause...


"Each dormroom has a phone for family to contact the studants."

A deep breath, "Alright, once the feild trip is over, I want her home until next weekend."

The woman continued to sway his thoughts to keep him from worrying. He calmed and becam delighted, "Thank you, Miss. Farra Rosline. Umm.. I give consent."

She smiled and nodded, "I'll alert the Academy of the new studant."

POOF!! a huge puff of smoke,  every one started to cough as the smoke filled the air. Aaron leaped back and glared at the girls, who was attempting to 'open' Midnight's watch.

"So my watch has special properties?"


"And all we have to do," she coughs more and points to it, that was the thing that was puffing smoke from the spells that Kashi had cast, "- Is reopen it?"

"Yup, but be prepared for more bleeding from the mouth and eyes."

"Greeeaaat.." Midnight rolled her eyes in great sarcasm as she picked up her watch and glanced at Dust, "Ready?"

"As ready as I will ever be."

"Yeah, yeah, just do it." Aaron demanded.

Midnight opened the watch and with great anticipation, set the open watch onto the table.

PING!! A high pitch ping came from the watch as a little flag pole rose up and white flag formed at the top,

"You have mail." Kashi snickered.

Midnight looked at Aaron who was greatly amused by the lack of seriousness Kashi potrayed.

Dust started to hyperventolate as se felt the cool blood pour from her eyes, her hemophobia started to rack her body with the shakes. Stunned, Aaron and Midnight tended to her as they silently bled as well.

".. he-h-he... -i-t-ts... b-b-blood... s-so" She gasped for air as she clawed her way closer to Midnight.

Kashi just sat back and filed his nails, watching the trio.

"Aaron, he's being strong.
Midnight, she's passing strong energy into Dust, calming her.
I believe that, when I'm gone, They will take great care of each other."

Kashi cleared his throte, "Well look at the bright side, neither of you two can get pregnant or get any of the HIV or AIDS or STDs."

"Not the time to tell us that Kashi." Midnight glared.

Kashi shrugged and watched as Dust calmed and slowly fainted.

~~~~~ An hour Later

Midnight was sitting next to Kashi, asking question after question.

"So, when do I know how to use my magic?"

"When Dust wakes up, I'll tell you."

Midnight leaned back, "What do you mean that I'm a demon?"

Kashi opened his mouth, seeing long fangs, he pointed to her ears, "Long pointed ears that you can move,"

He held his hand up, long claws.

"Your eyes will change color and you body will be able to do everything you want it. Like backflips, extreamly agile and sensative to your environments."

Midnight blinked and turned away and consentrated, "He said earlier that the imaganation is our strongest tool... sooo if I could-,"

She sat back and meditated on the claws, ever so slowly her nails grew longer and harder, about an inch longer that usual.

Opening her eyes she nearly screamed, "Whao!" as Kashi leaned over and studied her.

"I knew it."

A little while after Midnight and Aaron meditating on their powers, Dust rolled off the couch and landed on the floor. Seeing that she was on the floor and no blood in sight, she crawled back onto the sofa and glanced at her partners, who were gathering great amounts of energy around themselves. She spotted the changes and looked at Kashi, "What'd I miss?"

"Nothing important. Just that they are making progress to their different forms and that you may want to start as well."

Dust asked after she thought a moment, "I suspose your our teacher now, right?"

"Call me Sensei."

Dust sat down next to the pair. Then Midnight galvanized over to Kashi, "Hey Sensei, earlier you said you see the future, so is my Dad going to let me stay?"

Kashi sighed and answered back quickly, "Miss. Farra Rosline, 'convinced' your father to let you stay."


"She can walk into the next day and talk to people ther and get their answers, and come back."

"Mmm, kay." She didn't understand time travel. She checked her watch again, 3 in the morning. She sighs pushes her watch back into he pocket and leaned back.

"So what would it mean for me? I mean what is our-" meaning everyone in the room, "-routine. I'm guessing your going to work us to use our powers-but what else are we going to do?"

Kashi smiles, "Smart kid. I'm going to tell you teens here and now. Your class work won't matter to your grade, if you sucseed in the duels and gym class, you'll be great. You can skip classes and wonder around the school and just plain, not show up."

Midnight glanced at Dust with a questioning look.

"You three will be so ahead of your classes with me, it's not funny. No book work or worksheets. you three need to act like the studants that are in the C range or the ones who  don't do anything. Your teachers won't get mad, they know who you are."

Midnight sits back, letting everything soak in. What was a proper response to this?

Dust closed her eyes, "Where do we begin?"

Kashi smiled slightly, "Well it's about four in the morning, you three should get some rest."

Midnight glanced to the window, the sun would light the sky in an hour.

Kashi said that they could stay in the room they were in for the time being.

Midnight woke up an hour after Aaron and half before Dust. She uncurled herself from the sofa and streched.

"Ouch.." her body was not cooperating, it wanted to stay in a knot, but she wanted to stand.

Aaron glanced at her and asked what has been on his mind," Where have I've seen you before?"

MIdnight glanced at him, "I don't know. You look farmilier too, but I don't know where."

She searched her mind, she could sware he was from a deam, but she didn't feel like making what could be a good friendship sour.

She wondered to her bag and pulled out her drawing pad and started to doodle, her mind was inactive and body felt like it was dead. Kashi said it would happen.

"I feel like I've known you for a long time.." Aaron's thoughts trailed off.

"Alright! let us see what you can do!" Kashi sang as he barged in the door, dragging his kin out behind himself.

Now in gym shorts that the school provided, Dust and Midnight stood outside their gym class. It's the first day for many new studants. Midnight took Dust's hand as they walked into the room together, spotting Kashi on the bleachers, Dust glared at him.

"YO! You two stragulers! Hurry up!" the literal troll of a gym teacher boomed loudly.

Dust and Midnight hurried to the large group of teens. Midnight looked around, she studied to protantual enemies or allies. Then the heart froze, she was looking at another succubus, short wavey red hair, and a model body. Midnight spotted that girl's horns and long devil tail, 'This can't be good..'

Pulling Dust to the side, she pointed the chick out. Dust just merely nodded.

"YO! Trance, your up." the troll boomed. The red headed succubus wondered up and looked at the high jump, it was twice as tall as a human could jump.

She took a running start and back flipped over it, landing on her knees. Her possy cheered as the new kids stared in awe.

After kid after kid, tried and got it (barely), or failed completely, Midnight raised her hand and actted shy, a plan in store, "May I go next?"

"I was hopping you would, I heard great thins about you Shadows."

Dust noticed the claws and long ears Midnight sported, she could tell that Midnight wanted to get the red head's attention.

Midnight ran and jumped, she wasn't going to make it, so she double jumped and cleared the top with a lot of room to spare, spinning down, she landed on her feet, she didn't seem bothered by the high jump what so ever.

That was her first mistake.

© Copyright 2010 Banished Shadows (aaronxmidnight at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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