Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1656630-Dorean-Onaill
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1656630
Dorean O'naill
Name: Dorean O'naill (pronounced: Doe-ree-an  O-nail)            *Smile* G'd day and well met !     
Gender: Female       
Age: 22         
Relationship status: Single
Physical: 5'4", Champagne colored hair, fair skin, lithe stature, emerald eyes
Temperament: Outgoing, practical, enjoys a sense of humor and can be quick to wit occasionally.
Special attributes: Swift with a blade and long sword.
Strengths: Bright, friendly, well-read, captivating, adventurous, independent
Weaknesses: Stubborn, unforgiving. Struggles with conflict between duty and her independence

Dorean had been neither wishing nor hoping to encounter the structure before her.  She had been lost in thought.  Yondorin Keep had been her home for twenty-one summer seasons and memories of her past had been invading her mind of late.  Even as she passed through unknown territories, she knew that her father would have already sent out leagues of competent men to search for her. Luck had been on her side, she was still alone. She shivered. Was it the memories or the tepid air of her wooded surroundings?  A sigh slid past her pursed lips as she noticed that the structure was an inn.  Perhaps some food and a short rest would do her good. 

Dorean slid the oaken portal wide to reveal the shadowed interior. Lively flames danced in the hearth drawing her further into the walled comfort. The eyes of seven patrons turned her way and after a quick once over discarded her existence and focused on their previous engagements. One set remained fixed on her.

"Say there, yer new t' these parts. I have nae seen the likes of ye before" A low timbre ensued from a winkled man. "Tis a great place here. You recon on staying?"

Dorean fingered the weapon at her side. Ah, the comfort of her trustworthy dagger.  "Perhaps"

"No worries child. Ye be safe 'ere. And if it interests ye, a band of adventurers be leaving on a quest. Any day now, ye wouldna have to wait long. It may make good use of yer...err....skittishness?" A smile tugged at his ruddy face and he glanced at the bar against the far wall "See the tender, she'll get ye all straightened away."

An adventure!?  She rolled the possibilities around in her head. This was why she stole away. This was why she left so much behind. Freedom....fun.....danger....excitement.

The pull between her shoulder blades eased. "Thank you, your kindness is appreciated."  Her pause was short as she eyed the aged man and glanced at the barkeep. "You are wise sir, I believe this is just what I've been looking for."........
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