Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1666303-The-Hearts-Promise
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1666303
This is my first short story published here I hope you like it the way i cried to it..^^
  The Heart's Promise






10 Minutes

There was a girl named Cindy. She was such a bubbly girl. Everyone in school adored and idolized her so much. One of those people is her best friend Shane. One day in school Cindy noticed her classmate Mike.

"Hey Shane don’t you think Mike is really attractive?” Cindy asked.

"I don’t know, Why do you like him?" Shane replied.

"I think so, just don’t tell anyone okay?"

Shane was really shocked because it was the first time Cindy ever told her who her crushes are except for Mike. After school ended Cindy straightly went home to do some chores while Shane left there for a while to finish her noted. Then someone suddenly opened the door...It was just Mike. Shane and Mike were the only two left in the classroom, then Shane accidentally dropped her ball pen Mike rapidly took it because of that Mike held Shane's hand for a while after that Shane took her stuff and was about to leave the room but then Mike grabbed her arm and got on bended knees.

"Shane I’ve been keeping this for so long and I can’t keep it any more. I love You, Will you be my girl?" He said.

She was speechless. She took Mike's hand from her arm and walked away like nothing happened.

On that night Cindy called Shane on the phone.

"Hi Shane, well I was just bored so I called you up. Are you busy?"

"Oh Hi, well I’m not busy Are you okay?" Shane said.

"Well actually not, I’ve been getting more confused day by day. I always think of him I can’t get him off my mind. Do you think I’m in love with him?"

"In love with who?? to whom are you talking about?" Shane asked.

“I’m talking about Mike.” Cindy said.

Shane paused for awhile and said.

“I think you are my friend Don’t worry ill help you about him.”

The night ended and other another school morning came. In their class Cindy and Mike were seatmates while Shane was in front of them. As times go by Cindy’s love for Mike grew more.

One night Cindy changed her status in Facebook to.

[I think I’m in love with him]

After a few seconds someone buzzed her in her YM account.

It was just mike he said.

“Hi friend. Ayeeee she’s in love can I ask who the lucky boy is?”

Cindy thought for a while a if she was gonna confess or not until she decided to just do it.

“Do you really wanna know?”

“Yes, as long as its not me, I promise ill keep it a secret.”

Cindy felt an aching feeling in her heart for a bit and just pretended to laugh.

“Haha…how come you don’t want it to be you?”

“Don’t tell this to anyone but I’m actually so in love with you’re best friend Shane” Mike replied..

After receiving that message tears fell down from Cindy’s eyes.

“Wow that was shocking don’t worry ill keep it a secret by the way I’m kinda sleepy  so I gotta go goodbye” She replied.

“Okay bye Cindy Take Care!! And Goodnight..” he replied.

That night Cindy never tried to fall asleep because she was afraid she would dream of Mike again. The most painful thing was that out of all her friends why is it Shane her best friend.

The next day Cindy came to school looking really tired. She was so silent that she never talked to anyone even her best friend. It was like Cindy was ignoring Shane. Every time she goes home she could just cry by just staring blankly at something. It was a hard week for her.

A week of doing the same routine everyday passed. Shane finally confronted Cindy to tell her what’s wrong.

“What wrong with you? Why are you ignoring me. Cindy please don’t do this to me. ”Shane shouted while tears are falling.

Cindy slowly hugged Shane and cried. Shane was obviously knew the reason why Cindy was sad.

“Cindy I don’t love Mike or even if I did I would never say Yes to him because I value our friendship more than that guy..” Shane said

“Thank you but if you really do like him then just do the right thing I promise nothing will change.”

“You’re so stupid I told you I don’t like him why do you always insist me to like that guy. ”

“You’re more stupid. Why are you crying? haha” Cindy said.

The night ended with full of love and laughter but when  Cindy got home she felt like her heart was burning and she couldn’t breathe. She wasn’t able to stand the pain so she fainted.

When she woke up she was in the hospital when se looked at her side she saw Shane holding her hand and still asleep. Shane felt that Cindy was conscious so she woke up immediately.

“Shane what happened?” Cindy asked.

Shane called Cindy’s mom to tell her what’s wrong but her mom was too sad to even tell her the truth. Then after a few minutes the doctor came in.

“I’m really sorry but you had been diagnosed to have Heart Cancer. You always need to be calm and restrain yourself from Stress and Depression because this kind of cancer can kill you anytime.” The doctor said to Cindy.

“Are you her friend?” the doctor asked Shane.

“Yes, I am.” She replied.

“Please make her happy always.” The doctor said.

After that Shane went home to prepare for another school morning. Before going to sleep she thought of ways to make her best friend happy until she finally thought of love. Shane was confused if she should do it or not until finally she agreed to do it. She called Mike in the middle of the night.

“Hello Mike, sorry to bother you this late”

“Oh its okay Shane, so why did you call?”

“Uhhmm actually I have a favor to ask.”

“What’s that maybe I can help you out..”

Shane thought of the consequences for a while and took a deep breath before saying it.

“Mike can you at least try to like Cindy?”

“What! I cant do that you know that I love you why are you forcing me to like her.”

“Cindy is dying cant you at least just pretend to like her to make her happy in her remaining days?”

“Okay I will for you, but can you grant me one of my wishes?”

“Okay but I cant grant it now thank you so much Mike.”

The next day after class Mike went to the hospital with a bouquet of roses in his hands. Before he went in he hid the flowers in his back..

“Hello Cindy. How are you?”

“Hi Mike. I’m fine thanks for visiting me.”

“Actually I’m here to say something I feel so broken these past days I didn’t know why I felt like there was something missing every time I go to school. I saw you in my dreams everyday until I realized you make my life complete because I’m I love with you Cindy” Mike said.

Cindy was totally in shock she didn’t know what to say or do she didn’t even notice the tears of joy falling from her eyes until she finally hugged him.

“I love you so much, Mike” she whispered.

Their relationship went well for two happy months until the time came that Cindy became so ill. Shane visited Cindy in the hospital to see her best friend. Mike and Shane were both there while Cindy was still asleep.

“Hi Mike how are you with my best friend?” Shane asked.

“Thank you so much Shane for leading me to her. I really love her so much.”

“I’m the one whose supposed to be thanking you Mike. I guess you don’t need that wish anymore”

“Actually I do Shane I wish you will take care of her and make her happy always.” Mike said

“Why where are you going?”

“Ill be gone for a while but ill be back with her to stay forever.”

They didn’t know that Cindy was actually eavesdropping on them. And even though she was supposed to be angry at them she was happy to be loved by two wonderful people. After a few minutes Cindy woke up because Mike wanted to talk to her. Mike approached her and said.

“Cindy I need to go out of town to visit my parents I don’t know when ill be coming back but I promise you when I come back ill be with you forever.”

Mike hugged her tight and kissed her forehead.

“Goodbye Cindy.” Mike said while walking to the door.

Mike went out of the room silently. While he was walking towards the elevator, his felt like he lost all of his senses until he fainted. When he woke up he was admitted to the room next to Cindy’s room. The doctor came and said.

“Mike, I told you not to go around anymore your Leukemia is already in critical state.”

“Sir please call my parents I think my time is already coming.” Mike said.

Mike and Cindy endured the pain of Chemotherapy for three weeks until Mike wasn’t able to survive. When he died he had his hand on his heart with two piece of paper within it one for the doctor and one for Cindy. The doctor saw that paper and red it. When his body was moved out of the room Shane saw it and called the doctor.

“Sir, is the name of that patient Mike?” Shane asked.

“I am sorry to say but yes he is, Are you Cindy?”

“No, but she is here in the hospital.”

After a long time of discussing things the doctor gave Shane the letter Mike wrote. The doctor told her to give it to her if they will visit Mike in the funeral.

Three days after Cindy was discharged from the hospital. All of a sudden she felt like she was born again, she felt like she was brand new but something was missing.

“Shane, do you know where Mike is?” Cindy asked.

Shane became silent for a while and said,

“Just get changed were going somewhere”

Shane and Cindy went out and ran like there was no tomorrow.

“Shane, where are we going?” Cindy asked.

They stopped for a while to catch their breaths.

“Were here Cindy” Shane said.

They looked at a view of a pretty white house with flowers on the outside.

Cindy went inside the house and slowly looked around but suddenly she saw Mike’s picture with his ashes on the side. They slowly walked towards Mike’s ashes. Cindy got down on the floor, her tears were like rain and she was saying..

“Mike why did you leave me?? Mike wake up you promised you’ll be with me forever. Mike come back to me Mike I love you Why?”

Shane came with an envelope in her hands.

“Cindy, Mike died of Leukemia a month after he left but before he died he left this letter for you.” Shane said.

Cindy opened the letter and smelled it while crying.

“It still smells like him.” She said.

After that she emotionally red the letter Mike gave her.

Dear Cindy,

              I just want to tell you the truth at first Shane just asked me a favor to pretend to like you to make you happy but as times go by I started loving someone like no other .Every time you smile I feel like I need to be alive for you I endured the pain of being sick like you but God has plans. I’ve waited so long to say this to you for real I love you so much Cindy. My body maybe gone you still have my heart take care of it because that’s the only thing I left to stay with you forever. I promised something and I kept it. Thank you for loving me I love you



“Mike thank you for loving me more than I did to you. You made my life complete. Ill cherish your heart within me forever. I love you too so much.” Cindy said while hugging Mike’s picture.          

The End

© Copyright 2010 C.G Sarmiento (antispicegirls at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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