Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1668098-My-own-little-piece-of-madness
Rated: 13+ · Other · Comedy · #1668098
A secret so dark, my world would end if it was released.
Dear Jenni--- I mean, Diary.  Sorry about the mix up, but I can't stop thinking about her flowing blonde hair, her deep blue eyes - so deep, it seems as if they're looking straight into my soul - her perfectly carved face and body, as if the Gods themselves carved her out of the most delicate marble slab ever brought into existence.  Yet, I curse my cowardice!  I had the perfect chance to talk to her today, but I made myself look the fool. Whilst on break, I walked up to Jennifer – a co-worker at a new job I recently acquired at Might Bills, a shooting range for younger audiences, and started talking.  It started out smoothly at first, discussing our hobbies and what types of music we listen to, but soon the conversation grew dull.  Out of nowhere, I grabbed the flowers growing in a little pot not far from the boss’s room and handed them to her.  Expecting her to accept them with a little blush and a kick of the foot, I was utterly crushed when she swatted them out of my hands and proceeded to stomp on them with her heels.  To top it all of, the flowers that were suspiciously close to the boss’s room? They were indeed his!  Something of a gift he received from his daughter… or was it his son? I can’t remember – he doesn’t matter anyways, all I can think about is that beautiful creature I met at work!  And yet, ignoring the boss didn’t help my situation – at all.  He saw me distracted from work and called me into his office.  Screaming at the top of his lungs? Yes.  Throwing very sharp objects, one of which stabbed me in the hand?  Yes.  Reason? The girl I lusted after just moments before? – His daughter, of course.  I had no idea they were related just because they had the same last names and seemed to resemble each other! How could I have known that he would hire his own daughter in a store he owned? It’s unreasonable for getting so angry, anyways.  What’s the big deal with a little flirting now and then, right? It helps to get some stress off your shoulders, and it helps you make new friends to boot!  But nooo – just because she’s related to him, and he has hundreds of guns right next to him at all times I can’t get near her.  But hell to his rules! For my love, anything is possible! I would fly through the sun; make a house under the ocean - even have mortal combat with a bear – anything that would please her.  Yes, Diary, I do have a plan.  Every time I write in you, you always but in! What, you don’t believe in your owner? You don’t think he can do anything by himself? Is that what you think? Whatever.  I’ll tell you what you want to know.  Not to please you, oh no, but to make sure if it succeeds I will have it for future reference.  I will go to her house on Saturday (Which is located in the crossroads of here and there, you know) and gently toss a rock at her window.  She’ll probably hear it the first time, but if not, I’ll grab a much bigger rock the second time and throw it not-so-gently, aiming straight at her window.  If she notices, I plan to grab her and ride away on the White Horse (which I have to rent at Horse House tomorrow.  Don’t forget to remind me or you won’t get any dinner!) wearing my set of armor ( Purchased that of Armor Bay yesterday.  Cost about eight hundred dollars, but it was worth it).  If she doesn’t notice… Well, let’s just say she’ll be having an extra pillow in her bed come tomorrow morning.  Wish me luck, Diary!
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