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by Miley
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1671822
The Cresent-Chapter 1
I woke up feeling chirpy and excited. I was finally getting out of my old and boring home, ready to move on to Maleficent Academy. My things were all packed, thrown in a corner. I ran to the bathroom to wash up before slipping my uniform on. It was a simple button up white shirt and a knee length skirt, which had became a short skirt for me. I threw my hair into a ponytail before washing my face with ice cold water. My pendent dropped out of my shirt, dangling from the chain around my neck. It was glowing brightly, just like my heart was.

         With that, I ran out of my room and down the marble stairs to the living room. The living room was lit with lavender scented candles and lights that hanged from the ceiling which were way high up. There, Crystal was waiting on the sofa waiting patiently while talking to my dad. She too, was wearing the school uniform already.

“Hey.” I said as I descended from the stairs.

“Vanessa!” She jumped up and gave me a quick hug.

“I really miss you.” Crystal sighed. She was still as adorable as ever. Her chubby features made her even more beautiful and her small cat like eyes shined. Crystal had been my childhood friend. We got into tons of trouble together and managed to escape every single one. However, just last year, we both were forced to take private school at our own manors for preparation for this year. Our parents wanted us to be the best, to stand out in Maleficent.

“Me too. We have to catch up!” I said excitedly.

My dad coughed to distract my attention. “Oh.” I giggled. “Morning Daddy.” I said.

“Morning to you too. Your mum expects you in Grandpa’s room as you wake up.” He explained. As soon as he realized my face change, he continued, “Don’t worry, it’s just a quick conversation. Crystal and your luggage will be waiting for you in the limo.”

I frowned and walked gracefully to Grandpa’s room which required me to walk back up the marble staircase. Seeing my slight anger, both Dad and Crystal didn’t utter a word.

         This is just stupid. I was all ready to leave, feeling happy and all. But this conversation was just about to spoil my mood. I arrived at Grandpa’s room and knocked on the exquisite and huge door. The carvings on the door had changed again, different from the last time I saw it, it had beautiful shaped signs that I didn’t know about.

“Come in.” Grandpa’s strong and powerful voice hit my ears. I opened the door and spotted him resting on his armchair in front of the fireplace. The room was dark but warm and safe; I always liked this room and Grandpa. This was the one and only thing I was going to miss. Mum was wearing a black and sparkling dress that reached her knees. She was standing beside Grandpa, her face creased.

“You may leave now.” He directed the sentence to Mum; his voice was filled with anger. Without even looking at me, Mum raced out of the room, her face as hard as her heart,

         I walked gently and gracefully to the armchair opposite him. I sank down straight away.

“Grandpa, what’s up?” I asked, afraid of what he might say. His face soften at once, noting the serious tone in my voice.

“Nothing’s the matter, my child. Have you packed for today?” He asked, sipping some hot chocolate.

“Absolutely. I’m just so excited about going to Maleficent!” I jumped up.

“You do know, that our whole coven doesn’t want you going to that school right?” He said. I sat down immediately, feeling emo all of a sudden. “Ya... They are just so selfish...” I muttered.

“They are not as bad as you think. They are just trying to protect you.” His voice was calm and understanding.

“From what?! I’m not a child anymore; I can take care of myself! The whole coven has been keeping me in the manor since I was a child, I almost never had a chance to explore the outside world! What in the world...” Grandpa cut my sentence. My temper was rising every second, just thinking about it.

“Vanessa, I should have had this talk with you years ago when you questioned me. I knew you were as adventurous as your heart and I let you attend the private academy but I need to have to tell you things that you must be brave enough to overcome when you are on your own.” Grandpa became serious as he snapped his fingers. Evangeline appeared at once, holding a tray of hot chocolate in her hands. She handed the mug to me, her head bowed down. I took the hot chocolate from her, purposely spilling some on her hand. Seeing her cry in pain, I laughed softly.

“Vanessa...” Grandpa reminded me.

“Ooops, sorry!” I answered in a cheeky tone as Evangeline got up to leave. Evangeline was just one of the many maids we have at the manor. They were all muggles that were punished for learning about magic in the human world. Grandpa was smart enough to bring them home to the Manor. Instead of dying, they were given a chance to live however; they had to serve us forever.

         “You were saying, Grandpa?” I asked me a sweet voice, in case he was angry.

“The youngest of the Deveraux is also attending Maleficent Academy this year. You should know where I’m going with this.” He said. When the wizarding war begin, only two covens managed to survive and attain the dark enlightenment. They were the Deveraux and the Delanos, both covens then became the most powerful in the dark arts. However, both were struggling and fighting for power. They have been enemies since, killing each other whenever a Deveraux and a Delano met. I knew that and that was why Grandpa sent for me to see him.

“I know. I mustn’t be friends with him and if he tries to touch me, I can kill him without hesitating.” I answered. Mum and the whole coven had reminded me every single minute since I was born.

“Yes. They are cold blooded creatures and will not hesitate to kill even their love ones.” Grandpa reminded me.

“I understand. If I even be friends with a Deveraux, I will be punished by the coven. I know that, Grandpa.” I told him.

“You are a smart child and you’re future is a beautiful one. I will not stop you from exploring the world. You have been kept inside the coven for too long, it’s time for you to go, my girl. I shall not send you out.” He said in a calm tone. I walked towards him and gave him a hug whispering, “Thanks Grandpa.”

         When looked at his face, he was smiling. I walked to the door, a feeling inside of me that I wouldn’t forget.

“By the way, I was wondering. No, wait, I was wondering for my whole life. Why was I born with this pendent?” I asked him, hoping he would give me an answer this time. I held up my crescent pendent which shined. His face changed to maybe a cross between worry and deep thought.

“Vanessa, I really do not know. That is for you to find out, sweetheart.” He answered. I do not believe he doesn’t know. I stormed out of the door, leaving my pendent dangling outside. I skipped down the marble stairs and outside. The whole coven was there to send me off. Of course, they had to remind me a thousand and million times of the Deveraux before they could let me go. Finally, it was farewell. I joined Crystal in the limo as we drove off.

         Maleficent, here I come. I swear. This was it. I was leaving and hopefully, never coming back to this dread place. I was going to be the most powerful and beautiful witch that had ever lived. I was going to be even better than the Deveraux.  Ever word that surfaced in my mind made my pendent glow even brighter.

This is my first chapter of the story. ^^ Please give me some comments as I'm just starting out. ><

Chapter 2 coming soon...:)
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