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by Lufan
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1672985
A short exert from a much larger story
Author Note- this is only a extract from a much larger story, many phrases and terms might not make sense and I apologise for this, I have been asked to upload it by a friend and that is what I am doing, reviews and criticism are still very welcome.

“Can we trust them? They are rogue soldiers after all” asked Asia from the pilot seat
Nadia glanced backwards through the cockpit door into the Valkyries vast cargo hold, the rogue soldiers of the 1st Pauldron were busy checking their equipment and making preparations to engage their target.
“I honestly do not know, they are rogue soldiers but there also the captains soldiers, we can only try them and find out” said Nadia Disheartened “how do you feel about them” Asked Nadia
Asia bit her lip thinking for a moment “I don't trust them, I don't care if their the Captains soldiers, they are still Rogue, they disobeyed orders, that's enough for me”
“On the contrary, we followed our orders pilot” Said a rough voice from behind them, Nadia and Asia turned around shocked that one of the Rouge Soldiers had been listening in on their conversation. The leader of the 1st Pauldron, Maximilian Thermidor, stood in the doorway in full armour prepared for combat
“how much did you hear” asked Nadia cautiously
“I heard enough to know you do not trust us, It dose not matter though. We will reforge our honour on the field of battle, Ill tear the captain from the archangel with my bare bloodied hands” he said gruffly raising a fist and hitting the doorway with tremendous force.
“We are entering London Airspace, deployment in two hundred and forty seconds” said Asia Changing the topic abruptly
Maximilian Turned his back on Nadia and Asia and Shouted fiercely into the cargo bay “Soldiers of the first Pauldron this will be our last engagement, Let us die in valour with our names written in the stones of history”
There was silence in the cargo bay for a few moments until one by one the soldiers erupted in laughter
“Prepare for immediate deployment” he shouted again before leaving
Asia leaned over to the Co-pilots seat and whispered to Nadia “Why are they laughing” she asked
“The first Pauldron have never lost a soldier, I guess its some kind of joke to them” she said raising her eyebrow!
“Men!! I'll never understand them” said Asienka
“Agreed” Said Nadia before laughing herself

Nadia look out of the cockpit window at the destruction below them, the gutted remains of buildings dotted the landscape, some ablaze with fires too intense for any individual to approach.
Tanks and soldiers could be seen scurrying amongst the debris taking up positions for a final push against the Archangel and the man within it.
A pair of Typhoon jets pulled level with the Valkyries cockpit, the pilots obviously shaken but defiant in their cause. A lone pilot raised his hand in a proud salute before opening the throttle and thundering into the distance.
“They fight for their country even though death is near certain, I don't know if their brave or downright foolish” said Nadia
“There British, enough said I think” Said Asia smiling
there was a Crackle over the cockpits radio as it hummed into life “NATS control to Valkyrie two zero, you are cleared for deployment over” said a downtrodden female voice
Asia picked up her radio mic to respond but was stopped by Nadia who gestured Asia to give it to her “Valkyrie zero two to NATS control, withdraw all combat personnel from from the former Central London area immediately” Said Nadia forcefully
a long period of silence followed before a reply was forthcoming “We cannot comply with your order Valkyrie two zero, Please deploy and we will provide assistance”
Nadia was visibly irritated by the air traffic controllers arrogance “Ill ask again, Please withdraw or lives Will be lost”
“Negative Valkyrie Two Zero, Please Deploy”
Nadia tossed the headset back to Asia in anger, her usually calm face was flustered and angry
“forget foolish or brave, downright stubborn is what they are”
Suddenly there was a explosion of hell fire in the distance as the typhoons unleashed their payload into the waiting Archangel. The jets started to make a U turn but were stopped short of their target by a flash of thunderous gunfire as the archangel shot them down, the twin balls of fire crashed into the ground decimating yet another building.
Nadia turned around and shouted into the cargo bay as loud as she could “Deployment in ten seconds, preparing to open cargo doors”
The ten rouge soldiers waited in their Armoured suits, hopefully the ten of them would prove a match for the Archangel and the pilots skill, hopefully!
There was a rush of air as the giant doors of the cargo bay opened to reveal the shattered landscape, the roar of the Nuclear turbines drowning out all other noise.
Asia picked up head headset and spoke into her Mic
“deployment in Five... Four... Three... Two... One....” A flash of light filled the cockpit, moments later the engines roar died away and the Valkyrie began to Break apart as it started its violent dive towards the ground!

Inside the busy NATS control room, a lone operator watched as the Valkyries signal disappeared from her radar screen.
“COLONEL!” she shouted in a panicked tone “we've lost the Valkyrie”
A podgy middle aged man in a military officers uniform hurried over to the Controllers console
“would you mind repeating that” he said gruffly with a hint of arrogance in his voice “I could of swore you said we lost the Valkyrie”
“yes sir, It's.... gone....” she said solemnly looking up from her console “It vanished a moment ago”
They podgy officers face quickly turned pale with fright “have you tried contacting it” he said
“No reply sir, there gone”
“Maybe its one of their tricks” He said hopeful “send a typhoon establish visual contact” he ordered her
“Yes sir, Right away” said the woman a little more upbeat knowing there might still be a chance
She hit a few buttons on her console and opened radio contact with a nearby Typhoon on a bombing run
“NATS control to White Glint your orders have changed, Turn due south heading two zero zero, Find the Valkyrie and report back asap”
a moment of static followed before the pilot replied “White Glint to NATS Control, orders received and understood Over”

White Glint Performed a sharp U turn above the ruins of London, The pilot was only too happy to avoid the centre of London given the recent death toll, no pilot who entered it returned, the death toll had been catastrophic, twenty four Typhoons lost since the morning had started.
He scanned the horizon looking for one of the Battalions giant Valkyrie Transports, Nothing.
“White glint to NATS Control, I can see nothing in the air, should I start searching the ground?” Asked the Pilot
“Please do White Glint, God speed” Replied the NATS Controller
the Pilot shook his head in grief, If the Valkyrie had been claimed by the archangel then they would have to.... no it didn't bare thinking of, The Valkyrie had to be here somewhere.
“just a suggestion NATS Control but have you asked the battalion for reinforcements?”
“Thanks for the suggestion but it's currently Impossible, The Battalion forces are crippled beyond repair”
“I see” said the Pilot “how come the Valkyrie Is in service?” he asked questioning the Controllers reasoning
“I'm afraid I do not have the answer to that, please keep looking for the Valkyrie over”
explosions in the distance lit up the ruined city as the military engaged the Archangel fruitlessly, many more would be dead by time the day had ended. Suddenly a flash of bright white flames caught the attention of the pilot, even amongst the burning city it stood out as unusual, The pilot banked right filled with hope and dread of what he might find.
Then he saw it, or at least part of it spread across the ground, the impact had cleaved through several buildings spewing its contents across the ground, bright white flames engulfed the bulk of the remains burning with the intensity of a sun. Behind it was the scattered remains of the Armoured suits, a few legs, some arms and a torso were all he could make out. It must have been one hell of a impact to have ripped it apart the Battalions armour like this. With great regret he contacted NATS Control

The NATS controller waited eagerly for the reply, when her radio crackled into life she jumped at it
“White Glint to NATS Control, I found them”He said emotionlessly “We have lost the Valkyrie, I repeat We Have Lost The Valkyrie!”
The controller didn't reply, Instead she sat still, Afraid of what was to come, Finally the colonel took her Headset and relived her of her duty
“Are there no survivors White Glint”
“No” replied White Glint Bluntly

A multitude of warning lights flashed on and off within the cockpits interior as Pilot Asia tried to wrestle the Plummeting Valkyrie under control.
“Damage report” shouted Asia over the loud warning Klaxon
“Right hand Nuclear turbines non functional, Armour integrity at thirty four percent and the elastic on the furry dice has broken” Shouted Nadia over the noise
“What's happened to the rouge soldiers” said Asia Flicking banks of switches into the off position
“No idea, they have already deployed themselves”
An almighty Explosion rocked the Valkyrie
“******* ***“ Cried Nadia “Fission cells have been breached, We've lost the rear end”
“Brace yourself were ejecting” Shouted at the top of her voice Pulling at the ejection cord of her pilots seat
almost simultaneously the explosive bolts released the canopy above them with a loud 'pop' the rockets in the two seats then ignited forcing them into the air with tremendous speed. Nadia let out a piercing wail as she was catapulted ahead of Asia
A long way below them the Valkyrie Hammered through the buildings of London setting them ablaze until it finally found a resting place in an abandoned Starbucks

After several seconds the ejection rockets expired and released the pilots from their seats automatically deploying their parachutes. Together they aimed for a nearby rooftop where they landed unharmed from their experience.
“What on earth hit us” asked Asia from across the rooftop as she pulled her parachute off
“The Archangel did, The flash of light was the release of Cold Plasma used to fire a slug. Or at least that is what the blueprints said” replied Nadia bluntly pulling herself free of her own parachute
“What do we do now?” Asked Asia walking to the buildings edge overlooking look over the burning wreckage of the Valkyrie
Asia turned around to look for Nadia when she didn't reply. She was standing atop a Air conditioning Unit staring into the distance, Suddenly Nadia Jumped down and started to gather her parachute with great haste.
“Hide your parachute” Nadia shouted urgently Asia opened her mouth to ask why but was cut short by Nadia telling her to grab it again. Asia collected her parachute as fast as she could and joined Nadia between a pair of air conditioning units.
“why are we hiding” panted Asia trying to get her breath back
“there Is a Typhoon heading in our direction, no doubt looking for us already. We cannot let it find us” said Nadia stuffing her parachute under the air conditioner, Asia followed suit albeit confused at her companions comments.
“Is that not a good thing though? They can rescue us” Asked Asia
Nadia shook her head in dismissal “being rescued would be great right not but we have a much more important task to complete fir...” Nadia stopped abruptly jumping on top of Asia pinning her to the floor, through Asia's muffled expletives Nadia whispered into her ear “Be quiet and listen carefully”
Asia stopped cursing at Nadia for long enough to hear the thunder of a Typhoon heading in their direction.
“are you sure you know what you are doing” asked Asia quietly
Nadia nodded her head gently in reply
“and was it absolutely necessary to jump on me” asked Asienka raising a eyebrow!
Nadia shrugged her shoulders and smiled “probably not”
Asia's brow furrowed at her companions reply as the Typhoon passed over their rooftop, the two women pressed their hands against their ears to protect themselves from the roar of the typhoons engine. They laid there silently for many minutes until they could be certain the jet was heading away from their rooftop.
“are you going to lay on my for much longer, I cant feel my legs any more” said Asia eventually
“sorry” Nadia replied bluntly rolling off her so they laid side by side.
“What's your plan then if rescue isn't a priority” Asked Asia curiously rubbing her legs
“Without us the chances of the archangel being defeated is next to zero” explained Nadia
“then why are we staying”
“firstly with us out of the picture the British will retreat to the M25 (a motorway that circles London) and issue a Total Annihilation Order, secondly I'm certain not all the rouge soldiers are dead. They don't die easily and I'm sure they have realised this too, that's why any survivors are not making their presence known”
Asia looked up at the sky and let out a deep sigh “and what dose the Total Annihilation Order involve exactly”
“A small nuclear strike” Said Nadia as calmly as possible trying not to panic Asia, She failed.
“A NUCLEAR STRIKE!!” screamed Asia jumping to her feet “I'm only a Valkyrie Pilot, I am not trained for this”
“Calm down Asia” Said Nadia getting up off the floor “We still have plenty of time” She said reassuringly
“how long” asked Asia sharply
“Maybe an hour if were lucky...”Said Nadia trying to act calmly once again
“AN HOUR!!!! you call that plenty of time” screamed Asia in fright
“you can do allot in a hour” said Nadia trying to argue her point
“then why are we standing here doing nothing then!” demanded Asia
“good point, lets go” said Nadia running off towards a rooftop exit
“GO WHERE?” Asia shouted after her as Nadia pulled the door open
“To find the rouge soldiers” said Nadia vanishing from sight
Asia rubbed her face with both of her hands “I don't believe this, I'm only a pilot. Now I have to stop a nuclear strike and destroy the most powerful weapon ever created.... sounds like a cheap story written by a self employed landscaper” Said Asia in despair
Nadia's head appeared in the rooftop doorway long enough to say “are you coming or not, we don't have long” before disappearing again
Asia relented and followed her into the buildings bowls in search of rouge soldier's who was probably dead “why did I volunteer for this, I should of stayed in bed”

© Copyright 2010 Lufan (tarrryan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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