Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1673223-Kidnapped
by Kotuo
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1673223
Lee Yejin founds herself in an unknown room one day, with no way to get out.
When Yejin woke up from sleeping, she quickly understood that something was wrong. She clearly remembered her friend Piao sleeping in her room that night, due to a certain man being a bit too loud about his love for Lei while sleeping. Piao wasn't there, plus that this was deffinitly not her room. It was dark, and didn't seem to have any furnitures other than a desk in the corner. Yejin stood up, knowing that sitting there wouldn't make any difference. She started to wonder about who would want to kidnap her, because what else could have happened? Strangely enough Yejin found herself calm about the whole issue. She had never been one to break easily, and she would deffinitly not let herself break down because some most likely insane person decided to kidnap her. When said person showed him or herself, Yejin would tell them how they didn't need to appear insane even if they weren't quite sane. Yejin herself had lived with being insane for years now, and it wasn't like anyone could actually tell. Yejin looked around the room to see if there were any way out, other than the door that was obviously locked. She had tried it though, just in case the kidnapper was stupid enough to let it open. There was a way out, other than the door, but who in their right mind would try to jump up to the roof? Plus that going out places like that made enough sound for everyone in the closest houses to hear. She walked over to the desk to check if there were anything she could use in there. Anything would work, really. Naturally it would be nicest if there was a gun or something, so that she could protect herself if needed, but as long as she got out of the room it was enough.

Honestly though, she was scared. She felt like puking, because surely, no one would kidnap someone only to be nice to them, right? She knew that, despite her being only fourteen, some crazy bastard would surely want to lay with her. Then she saw something that shocked her. It almost teared her up, it hurt so damn much. She weren't sure where the pain came from or because of what, but it hurt so incredible much. «What should I do?» she panicked inwardly, knowing that if she showed how panicked she was, something terrible would surely happen. She sat down, uncertain of what to do. The pain felt so real. Despite always having loved physical pain, and also emotional, this drove her insane. If only she could tell where it came from. It wasn't from everywhere, but it wasn't a certain point either, and it really drove her insane.

She stood up again, slowly, in order to not pain herself anymore. She was sweating, she knew, and the irritation she felt in her throat told her that she was breathing heavily, but she couldn't help it. The dizziness, the pain, the confusion and the fear she felt was smashed into a huge plump of nothing and she felt like just stop feeling altogether. She just wanted to stop living, stop excisting. Anything was better than this. This state she currently was in.

She opened one of the drawers in the desk, hoping there would be something there. Her sight wasn't at it's best right now, and she wondered whether she would be able to understand whether something was usable or not simply by looking at it right now. She checked the next drawer, and the next, but didn't find anything. She started reason with herself. What was she doing? Why was she this unsure and uncomposed? Her, Yejin, who barely showed emotions, much to her friends displeasure and amusement. She forced herself to calm down before she checked to drawers again, more sane this time. Then she noticed the thing that had bothered her so much just now. She saw what it was now, a camera. She was shocked, so very shocked about this. But shit, if she had been allowed to a computer right now, maybe she would have been able to hack into the computer database the camera was attached to, and that could possible help her somewhat. The problem was that she didn't have a computer nearby. At least she thought so, before she noticed a small black thing on the desk, clearly attached to the wall by something.
«Who in the world would be stupid enough to put a computer in the room of the person they just kidnapped?» She asked herself aloud. She turned the computer on, and unsurprislingy found it password-locked. She quickly got the code-generator out of her pocked, and attached it to the computer. It was incredible how a code-generator could crack codes as well, though it of course needed the skills of a pro hacker. As soon as she was in, she quickly checked where she was trough the database. It wasn't that hard really, take the IP-adress and check it on the net. It hadn't had contact with any net either, but that was probably one of the easiest things for a hacker to do. She also quickly found out that the door was locked with electromagnets, so she was able to unlock the door with the computer. She would first have to get rid of the sensors from the computers upstairs though, they would know right away if something happened. This too was easy for her to do, and she quickly made her way to the door, opening it up, easily now that it wasn't locked, and walked outside. It was now that she understood something was wrong. A whole lot of people was standing around, seemingly waiting for her to come out of there, and asked her how she felt. She found herself lying rather easily, saying that everything was fine, altough it really wasn't. What were they trying to pull? Kidnapping her for fun, seeing how long she would last? Who were these people anyway? Why didn't they attack her and put her back into the room?

«Out of all the test-subjects, you were the first one to get out of the room by your own power.» One of the men said. Test subjects? So she was merely some kind of toy they decided to use for their own fun then?
«We're truly sorry for the inconvenience you had to go trough, but I'm sure you remember the deal you and your friends agreed to recently, right? Please come with me, and we'll check your blood-level and other things like that. We hope you haven't gotten any traumatic memories because of this» the man said. It finally clicked for Yejin after he had said this. To think that she got to riled up because of a simple test. She couldn't help but laugh gently, knowing that her friends also had to go trough this, and surely they wouldn't be as calm as her. Somehow, she looked forward to it.
© Copyright 2010 Kotuo (kotuo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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