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New girl in school Heather ends up on the wrong side of the in crowd |
Heather was the new girl in school. Her family moved before the start of her senior year from suburban Indianapolis to a small town in northern Missouri because of her Dad's job. Heather was one of the cool kids at her old school and understandably so. She was very cute and had a bubbly personality. Unfortunately, neither her good looks nor her bubbly personality were getting her too far at her new school. It was a smaller town and smaller school, so everybody in school had known everybody else for years, and Heather was the outsider. It also didn't help that every time she got the slightest bit of attention from one of the boys, it ended up getting some girl mad. But for the most part, Heather managed to stay under the radar, until today that is. See, today, Heather received attention from the wrong guy. Not really the wrong guy, Ryan was nice enough and was genuinely attracted to Heather. Really, it was Ryan's girlfriend, Becky, that Heather ended up on the wrong side of. Becky was sort of the queen of the castle at Richardson High, and she did not take kindly to the new city girl cozying up to her man. Not that Heather really cozied up or anything. She had just been partnered up with Ryan in math class and was being friendly. Of course Becky didn't see it that way. She saw the new big city slut trying to steal her boyfriend, and there was a price to pay for that kind of crime. It was open study day in Ms. Stevenson's math class. Thursday's usually were. It was a period where Ms. Stevenson let the students work on whatever they wanted too at their own pace. Most of the students thought it was just an excuse for Ms. Stevenson to sneak over to the principals office and make sexy time with the principal Mr. Paul. In any event, the period allowed Becky, with the help of a couple of friends to dole out her brand of vengeance. Everyone took their seat. Becky sat two rows behind and three rows to the left of Heather, Becky's best friend Tess sat right in front of Heather and their friend Janice sat directly behind Heather. As the class began and Ms. Stevenson went over what she wanted the kids to study, Becky couldn't help but stare at Heather and steam. Heather was wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt with her old high school logo on it and a pair of blue jeans. On her size five feet she wore her usual tan colored Birkenstock Boston clogs along with a thin pair of mismatched orange and green low cut socks. That was one thing the girls had noticed about Heather. Her penchant for funky colored socks that she always wore with her clogs. Heather was constantly playing with her clogs in whatever class she was in and today was no different. Becky's gaze turned to the underside of Heathers chair as Heather flippantly slid her feet in and out of her clogs, at times bringing her stockinged feet to a rest on the bottom bar of her chair before sliding them back into her birkenstocks. Just then, Becky got an idea. She realized how she could make Heather pay. It was five minutes into class and Ms. Stevenson had finished her shpiel to the kids and excused herself from the classroom. Becky then began to put her plan into action. Tess felt her phone vibrate which meant she had a text. She checked her phone, it was from Becky. It said "take a shoe, today she pays". Tess kind of knew what it meant. Becky had vented to her for a couple of days about the new girl. Tess glanced behind her and saw that Heathers socked feet were resting on the back bottom bar of Tess's chair and her well worn Bostons lay on the ground, almost beneath Tess's chair. Tess then heard the familiar chime of Janice's phone which meant she had a text message. Tess saw Janice read it, look at Becky somewhat puzzled and then shrug her shoulders as if to say "Ok, whatever". Tess then saw Janice tap Heather on the shoulder and ask to borrow a pencil. As Heather turned away, Tess figured this was her chance. She reached down and nudged Heather's clogs about 12 inches further away from Heather. Just then, Becky got up and headed toward Tess's desk. Heather gave Janice a pencil and then turned back around to continue her work. As she noticed Becky now standing at Tess's desk in front of her, she instinctively reached her feet down to put them back in her shoes. Her heart skipped a beat when she realized they weren't where she left them. Heather felt a bit exposed and vulnerable being in just her socks with the ever intimidating Becky standing over her. She looked down and saw her clogs were sitting almost entirely under Tess's desk. Hoping Tess and Becky wouldn't notice, Heather slumped in her chair a bit and reached her feet under Tess's desk to try to put them back in her shoes. At that moment, Becky turned back and yelled, "Hey!, keep your stinky feet to your self." Heather, a bit rattled quickly withdrew her stocking feet back under her own desk. Of course Becky's comment instantly drew the attention of the entire class to Heathers socks, much to Heather's embarrassment. Becky gave a quick chuckle and then returned her attention to Tess. The rest of the class quickly went back to whatever they were doing. Heather, embarrassed and feeling extremely vulnerable contemplated what to do. She needed her shoes back. She decided to wait until the girls in front of her weren't paying her any attention. About two minutes passed and Heather decided it was go time. She again slumped in her chair and stretched her feet out under Tess's desk in hopes of retrieving her shoes. It seemed Tess and Becky weren't noticing and it would be a success. But just as her socked toes touched the heels of her Birkenstock Boston's, Heather felt her arms get grabbed from behind her and heard Janice yell out, "Hey Cinderella, didn't she tell you to keep your feet to yourself." Heather instantly tried to pull away, but couldn't break free of the larger girls grip. Again the entire class was now focused on Heather and her socks. Becky and Tess both stood up and turned towards Heather. They each reached down and grabbed one of Heathers stockinged feet and pulled them up off the ground. "Somebody has a hard time listening I guess, huh girls." Becky said. "Awwwww, look how cute her socks are", said Tess. Heather struggled to break free but couldn't. She was a small girl and the three of them easily bested her in strength. "Look everybody. Look how cute her little feet are. Awwwwwww". Teased Becky as she waved Heathers green socked foot around in the air, showing the entire class. Heather was beyond embarrassed at this point. She kicked her feet and pulled her arms but to no avail. The entire class was now focused on what was going on, and even worse what was about to happen. As Heather tried to shout, Janice clamped a hand down over her mouth, turning her scream to a muffle. At that moment, Becky realized she had total control over Heather, and she liked it. There she was, immobilized and muzzled, her vulnerability being displayed to the entire class, and Becky wanted to turn it up a notch. Becky clamped Heathers right ankle under her armpit, and right there in front of the whole class, raked her long fingernails down Heather's thinly socked sole. Heathers reaction was far better than anything Becky could've hoped for. Heather let out a loud muffled laugh and jerked her entire body like she was just shot with a stun gun. Becky looked at Tess and they both went to work. Each girl, having one of Heathers socked feet firmly held in a headlock type position, began to rapidly claw at her soles with their fingernails, Becky on her right green socked foot, Tess on her left orange socked foot. "No, Stop" Heather tried to shout. But between the tickling and Janice's hand on her mouth it sounded more like "MMMNNOOOOOOO, SHTTTTTTTOOOHAHAHAHPPP!!" The girls, of course, did not listen to Heather, and continued their ticklish onslaught on her socked size fives. "STOPPPPPP! PLEAAASEEE! NONONONO!" Heather begged. "Awww, Tess, I think the wittle city girl is ticklish." Taunted Becky. The whole class, including Ryan, was watching and laughing as Heather jerked her body in every way possible to attempt to free herself from her tickling captors. But, it was to no avail. Even disregarding the fatiguing effects of being mercilessly tickle tortured, Heather did not possess the strength to break free from her larger and stronger tormenters. "PLEEEEAAAAHAHAHAHAHSSSSSSSSSEEEE SSSSSTTTTAHAHAHAAHAHPPPPHAHAHAH" she cried, and quite literally. This torture had been going on for less than a minute at this point, but it was already enough to drive Heather to tears. The humiliation of having her weakness put on display and being forced to laugh in front of her fellow classmates was too much to bear. Heather had always enjoyed wearing different funky styles of socks, and the green and orange ones she was wearing today were her favorite. But at this moment they were betraying her. The thinness of these cotton and spandex socks and the way the fabric felt on her feet was why she liked them so much, but it was this thinness and smooth fabric that currently enhanced the ticklish sensation of each stroke of her tormentors nails. Her feet had always been very ticklish, but her socks were making it much worse as Becky and Tess's fingers danced up and down her stocking covered arches. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH" was all Heather could manage. She was no longer even conscious of what was going on, as her attackers had taken near complete control of her body by exploiting her ticklish sock feet She couldn't hear or see anything, only feel the horrible ticklish sensations as Becky and Tess continued their assau. And then, after what seemed a small eternity, all at once it stopped. Heather felt herself come free from her captors and felt a sudden rush of relief. But as her sight and hearing came back, Heather heard nothing but laughter and numerous "Oh my God's" coming from her classmates. It was when she heard Becky teasing her in that same baby voice, "Ahhh, did da wittle city girl wet her self" that Heather realized that the savage feet tickling she just endured had caused her to lose control of her bladder and pee her pants right in the middle of school. Heather's earlier rush of relief had now turned into the worst feeling of embarassement possible. These girls had just caused her the ultimate public humiliation in front of dozens of her classmates. Heather, now free from her tormentors, tried to roll up into a ball on her chair to cover up her embarrassment, but to no avail. Numerous classmates were taking photos and video of her on their phones. Heather, in tears, wanted nothing more than to just leave. She jumped out of her seat and immediately started for the door. She stopped after two steps and remembered that she needed her clogs. She turned to reach for them, but Becky, feeling no pity, decided to pile on the humiliation even higher and snatched the size five birkenstocks before Heather could get them. "Mine now city girl. And so are you. Get out of here unless you want more." Becky said. Completely and utterly defeated, Heather ran out of the classroom sobbing. She ran right out of the school and all the way home. With every step, her socked soles bounced off of the cool pavement below serving as a reminder of her humiliating ordeal. |