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Rated: 18+ · Other · Drama · #1687105
Rock stars at funeral of one of their friends.
Lune is led into the room by Rufus and set into a seat on the right side of the isle. She sits there for a moment grinning and twitching unusually.  She’s on something, probably coke. Crow enters and sits in the chair on the other side of the isle. 

My, my, my look who decided to show up.

Not now Lune.

Not now? Not now what, Rufus? I’m just making small talk.  That’s what you’re supposed to do at these things isn’t it? Make small talk? Well that’s what I’m doing.  What have you been up to, Crow? What’s been goin’ on?

Just leave him alone, Lune.

Leave him alone? He came and sat up here.  He sat by me.  What have you been doing, Crow?  Looking for a new drummer? How’s that going?

Not here, Lune.

Maybe you could find someone who can play the tambourine; he never was much good at that.

Lune, not now!
(There is a short silence.)

So where have you been Crow?

No where, Lune.

Oh really? Well I know where you weren’t on Friday night!

Cut it out, Lune.

Were you with the gaggle of groupies that are at your beckon call? Or maybe that cute Japanese fan you met outside your tour bus? I hope it was good, Crow, I hope it was real good.


I hope it was well worth not being there for your friend.  Or was he not really your friend, Crow?  Was he just another percussionist? Easily replaceable.


No? Then what was he? What was he to you? He obviously was not important enough to you to miss another one of your sexual escapades for.  So what then what? What was he to you? Huh? What?

(Crow opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted when an invisible casket is wheeled down the isle and placed up in front. They stare at it silently for a minute.)

I guess it doesn’t really matter much anymore…. (looking at Crow) Is that a tear?  Call the press! The sultry Rock God not only has an exquisite singing voice he is sensitive too!

(Referring to her bandaged forearms.)
Nice bandages, Lune.  Tell me does sticking that needle in your arm make the pain go away?

Oh Crow, these aren’t track marks. You think I can afford to have a heroin addiction? No, no, I can barely afford dinner! Unlike some people I don’t get a two percent cut from every album you sell. See this is much more interesting than heroin. You remember when you were younger and you jerked off every night before you went to bed?  It’s kind of like that.

Lune, be quiet.

Only, it’s a little bit different. See I have this little pocket knife that I keep under my pillow and every night I take it out and run it across my skin over and over again until there’s blood all over my hands…I cut my skin like I couldn’t cut that rope.

You’re crazy! How can you do that?!

What do you see when you close your eyes, Avery?! When you sleep what do you dream about?!

Lune, let’s go get some water.

Every time I close my eyes I see his face! Does it hurt you to look at that pine box?! Does it?! Try looking at what’s inside it! Try watching it get that way!

Blame this on me all you want, Lune, but I didn’t do this! I didn’t do anything! 

Exactly! You didn’t do anything! Where were you?! Where were you Avery?!  Where were you when I was trying to get up on the tub?! Where were you when I couldn’t cut the god damn rope?! Where were you when I couldn’t get him down fast enough?!  Where were you when his legs stopped twitching and his eyes went hallow?! (there’s a slight pause) Where were you when I couldn’t support his weight? Where were you when his body fell on top of me and I was laying there on the cold tile with his still warm body on top of me?! Where were you when it was too late?! Tell me, Avery, where?!

Let’s go, Lune!

I hope it was good, Crow.  I hope it was real good.  I hope it was the best fucking lay of your life.
(Rufus gets her to her feet and walks her to the back of the church. Crow is shaking, slowing he gets up and stands in front of the casket, staring down on it. He opens his mouth to say something but before he can Lune interrupts him.)
Don’t do it.  Don’t you dare say his name.
(Crow stands there for another moment, and then turns around and sits in the second row.) 

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