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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Supernatural · #1687653
A story about a boy names Silver and discovering the truth about him and his father.

         Honestly, I’m not supposed to be telling anyone this story.  But the things I saw, the things I learnt, there just too great to keep to myself.  I always find myself asking the same question over and over: “Did I do the right thing?” Maybe as I tell you this story, you can decide for me.
         My name is Silver, just Silver.  There’s no point in have a last name if you’re the only kid with a name like that.  Why didn’t my parents give a name like William, John, or even Michael after my dad?  But no, they called me Silver. Not that I’m compiling about my name or anything, I actually like it. It just a question of: Why? But then again, everything that we don’t understand is asked with the word why. 
         It was midnight and I heard the familiar sound of the front door slam shut. I quickly rushed over to my window and opened my curtains.          
         It was my dad walking down the sidewalk.
         I would always see him do this every night.  Where was he going and why?
         The moon was full that night and its light made eerie shadows along the grass, road, sidewalk and the walls of my room.  I shivered and my pulse started to race.
         “Calm down,” I told myself, “it’s just the moonlight, that’s all. Don’t worry about Dad; he’ll be back in the morning. He always does.”
         I grabbed my music box which my mom gave from my nightstand. I gently turned the handle it up placed it back. I crawled back in bed just as the melody started to play. As the song ended, I slowly drifted off to sleep and I had a dream.
         It was dark and I was running thought a forest. I felt lost and confused. Suddenly I saw a dark silhouette jump out from the trees in front of me.  It made a strange sound at me, but I responded with the same sound.  I felt the muscles in my legs tense up and I began to charge toward the figure and in response, it charged toward me. Within a few moments, we collided.
         But at that moment, I woke up.  I sat there on my bed breathing hard. My head was pounding and I was covered in sweat. My neck felt really hot,  so I rubbed it. But then I felt something wet.
         I looked at my hand.
         “Huh? Is this blood?”  I thought.
         I went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror.  Large, gashes were on my necks. They weren’t bleeding too badly, but it was still serious.  I took a wad of toilet paper, got it wet, and placed it on the cuts.  It dulled the pain a little.
         That voice made me jump.
         “Mom!” I gasped as she walked in, “You nearly gave me a heart attack.”
         I had always liked my mom. She was very pretty and had long brown hair and a heart shaped face. However thought, when ever she tried to hide something, I could tell that she was. It was all in the eyes.
         “What is it?” Mom asked.
         I removed the toilet paper. I saw a flash of worry in her eyes.
         “I have no idea,” I said, “I never seen anything like this. Do you know what they’re from?”
         “I’m hiding something,” said Mom’s eyes.
         “Stay here,” Mom said, “I have something that might help.”
         She came back a few moments later with a bottle and a cotton pad.
         “I’m not going to say this won’t hurt,” Mom said as she poured the bottle’s liquid onto the pad, “but it will help a lot.”
         She placed the pad on the cuts. They started to burn and sting really badly.  I moaned in pain, but then it stopped. Mom took the pad away. The cuts were still there, but not as bad.
         “Thanks Mom,” I said.
         ‘’You’re welcome,” she replied, “Get ready for school now.”
         I took a quick shower and get dressed in my room. I took out a comb and fixed my hair.
         I had loved my hair. It was long and when the light shone on it, it would glow a faint silver.  Mom had tried to convince me into getting it cut, but Dad said it made me look more “manly”. 
         “Is Dad back yet?” I asked Mom.
         “Hey Silver! I’m hiding something again!” shouted Mom’s eyes.
         “No, not yet,” Mom replied.
         “Where does he go every night?” I asked.
         “I’M HIDING SOMETHING AGAIN SILVER!”  Mom’s eyes screamed.
         “I’m sure he’ll tell you himself,” Mom replied, “don’t worry about it Silver.”
         The big yellow school bus stopped in front of the house.
         “Your dad and I are both planning a surprise for you.” Mom said as I began to walk out the door. 
         “Really?” I asked now excited, “Like how big?”
         “Like life changing big.” Mom replied.
         “Life changing, huh?” I thought.
         I was sitting in first period not paying too much attention. I never liked first period anyway. It was science with Mr. Jensen.  I thought he just a big show off. He wore a lab coat and brown framed glasses like the ones they wore in the 50’s. His favorite saying was: “Science can answer ANYTHING!” which was engraved on a plaque and hung above the white board so no matter where you were in the room you could still see it.
         “Maybe their finally getting the puppy I’ve wanted since I was two,” I thought, “Or maybe...”
         “Silver could you please answer number 2 please?” said Mr. Jensen.
         His loud voice broke me out of my daydream.
         I looked at the whiteboard.
         “Science can answer everything?” I said.
         Everyone in the classroom laughed.  I started to feel strange. I guess….it was I was embarrassed.
         The bell rang and I moved to second period, which was history with Mrs. Steelburg. She would start the class with a book assignment and then she would give an incredibility long lecture till the end of class. I was good thing I sat in the back because here was only two things I ever did in that class. They were 1) sleep and 2) make sure not to snore.
The bell then rang for lunch. But because everyone wants lunch all at the same time, I hate to wait 15 minutes in line just for food, so usually I wait until it dies down a little. Do to this, I would hang around my locker.
         But when I opened my locker, I found a box inside. It had a card next to it. I picked it up and read:                    
Dear Silver,
I know this is early but, Happy Birthday!
PS Yes I do know your locker combo!
I sighted, “Great, I have a fan club.”
         Cindy, or Cynthia, was my stalker. She thought that I was her boyfriend, but she’s so not my type. First of all she tends to get very clingy. She can’t say good-bye or hello without a hug. I don’t mind it to much, but it is a little embarrassing.  Also, Cindy tends to get a little weird. She believes in all that supernatural stuff like vampires, ghosts, etc.  I remember she tried to convince me that werewolves were real.
         “Cindy, werewolves are not real.” I remember saying.
         “Yes they are. I’ve seen one.”  She said.
         But sometimes though Cindy was a good person to be around when you’re feeling down.
         I heard a squeal and was launched into a rib crushing hug. It was Cindy.
         “I can’t breathe Cindy!” I gasped.
         She let go and beamed at me.
         “I didn’t know you were here today,” Cindy said, “Are you avoiding me again?”
         “Now why would I do that?” I asked
         “Well because I’ve heard a rumor saying that you don’t like me,” Cindy said with a frown, “Is that true Silver?”
          “What did you get me?” I said, quickly changing the subject.
         Her smile returned and she handed the box to me.
         “Why don’t you see for yourself?”
         I opened the box. Inside was a praying angel made out of Silver. It was about 3 inches tall and the wings were made out of gold.
         “It’s Michael, the Archangel,” Cindy said, “I got it because I think he looks like you.”
         “You really think so?”
         Lunch came to end and I headed to third which was math.  My Math was Ms. Lambchop. She was a very nice old lady, but unfortunately, people wouldn’t be very nice to her and she would have to get mean.
         Last period was art; I enjoyed art a lot for some reason. My guess is because I could really express myself though color and pictures. 
         “Ok class,” said Ms. Color (yes that was her name!); “I want you to draw some thing from your memory. You can use any medium.”
         From my memory? How would I draw that? I grabbed a piece of paper and pencils and started blankly at it. Form my memory?
         Suddenly I knew what to do. I picked up my pencil and started to draw. Color soon followed. I drew using long gentle strokes.
         I was done. I gentle blew on the paper and the dust flew into the air. I looked at my picture rather surprised. What I drew looked oddly familiar.
         I showed it to Ms. Color.
         “Good job,” She said, “What’s supposed to be in that space right there?”
         Space? There was a big white patch in the center!
         “Uh, I don’t know.” I replied.
         “Well, think of something ok?” Ms. Color said, “You’re a talented artist, Silver.  I pretty sure you can do it.”

         Dad still wasn’t back when I got home. Instead, I found Mom asleep at the dinning table.
         “Mom,” I said as I gently rubbed her hand.
         She suddenly woke up with a gasp.
         “Michael?”  She said.
         Mom Looked around and saw me.
         “Oh, hi,” Mom said, “your dad would do the same thing to wake me up.”
         “He’s not back yet right?” I said, even though I already knew the answer.
         She shook her head.
         “Please Mom; I need to know,” I said, “where does Dad go?”
         “I can’t tell you.” Mom answered.
         “Why not?”
         “Because I’m hiding something!” sang Mom’s eyes.
         Mom sighted, “Your dad will tell you on your birthday.”
         “But Mom,” I protested, “My birthdays in 3 days are you sure he’ll be back by then?”
         I was right. My birthday came and Dad still wasn’t back.  I was starting to get very worried.  Normally when something’s bothering, I’m able to do a good job of hiding. But this time, I was so worried even Cindy noticed.
         “Calm down Silver,” she said, “today’s your birthday. You have happier things to think about anyway.”
         I didn’t say anything. That fact that today was birthday lifted my spirits a little, but not a lot.
         Cindy might have noticed this.          
         “Maybe your dad’s a top secret FBI agent!” Cindy laughed, “He leaves at night to go to foreign countries to track down terrorists and “The Most Wanted!”
         This made me laugh, “My dad an FBI agent? I wish!”
         “What does your dad do anyway?” Cindy asked.
         That thought had never crossed my mind.
         “You know, I don’t know,” I replied, “what does your dad do?”
         “He’s a werewolf slayer,” Cindy said, “He travels the world and gets hired by all sorts of people.”          
         I rolled my eyes, “Cindy there’s no such thing as werewolves.”
         “Yes there is!” Cindy protested, “there about six feet tall when they stand on their hind legs and when there on all fours there about 3-4feet at the shoulder.”
         “You stole that from that stupid movie Twilight didn’t you?”
          “It’s not a stupid movie, Silver!  Don’t insult Jacob!”
         The bell rang and the crowd in the hallway began to move.
         “Bye Cindy.” I said.
         “Bye Silver,” Cindy said, “you can’t deny the existence of the werewolf forever!”

         “Happy birthday to you!” sang Mom.
         “Thanks for everything, Mom.” I said with a big smile.
         I took a deep breath, moved closer to candles. I was just about to blow them out, when the front door opened.
         “What, are you going to start this party without me?” said a voice.
         It was Dad! I run up and gave him a hug.
         “Where have you been?” I asked him.
         “Don’t worry, I’ll tell you in a little bit,” Dad said, “now are we going to eat or not?”
         I blew out the candles. We had cake and ice cream and I opened my presents. I had gotten a new game system from my grandma. We spent the rest of the day playing the games that came with it.
         “Silver, I have a surprise for you and your dad.” Mom said.
         She looked really excited and Dad looked confused.
         “Wait, what’s going?” Dad asked.
         “I hope you two are ready for this,” Mom said.
         “Come on Melinda! “ Dad urged, “What is it?”
         “Michael, I’m pregnant.”
         The whole house went quiet.
         “Silver, go to your room,” Dad said, “Now, please.”
         I obeyed, but that didn’t stop me from listening.
         “I can’t believe this.” Dad said. He sounded disappointed.
         Mom sighted, “I thought you would be happy.  Michael, were having a baby!”
         “I am,” Dad replied, “I’m overjoyed that we’re giving life to another human being. But Melinda, you must understand. We already made risks having Silver.”
         I jumped at the sound of my name.
         “And what’s wrong with Silver?” Mom asked. She sounded annoyed.
         “Gorgeous, you know what I am,” Dad replied, “and it’s hereditary.  Silver may or may not have the same problem, but most of the time off springs do.”
         “And so what if he does? I’ll still love him. And you should to.”
         My mind was swirling with confusion.  Hereditary? Risks? What was going on? What was this about? I couldn’t hold it in.  I left my room and stood between Mom and Dad.
         “What are you talking about?” I begged, “I want to know! No more secrets, no more hiding the truth. Please! It’s eating me up!” 
         “We’re not hiding anything from you, Silver.”  Mom said gentle.
         “Don’t lie to me Mom, please,” I said, “I can see it in your eyes.”
         The house went silent again.
         Dad sighted, “Silver’s right. We need to tell him.”
         “Michael…” Mom protested.
         “He needs to know,” Dad said, “we shouldn’t have ever kept it a secret.”
         Dad then looked at me.
         “You may not believe this,” Dad started, “but you and I are not human.”
         I swear my heart stopped.
         “Wh-what? Then what are we?”
         “Silver, I am full blooded werewolf,” Dad explained, “because your mom’s a human that makes you half-blooded.”
         I was silent.
         “We’re sorry Silver,” Mom apologized, “We want you have to have a happy normal life that your dad was never able to have.”
           I was still silent.
         “Are you ok?” Mom asked.
         “You’re lying to me,” I whispered.
         “What?” Mom and Dad both said.
         “You’re lying to me!” I shouted, “Both of you! There’s no such thing as werewolves! This is a joke you’re trying to pull!”
         “I’m not lying Silver,” Dad said, he looked mad, “we both really are werewolves.”
         “Then prove Mr. Werewolf!”
         Mom screamed, “Silver, no!”
         Dad slowly stood. I watched him take of his clothing. Dad dropped to the floor and looked me. His eyes were no longer blue.
         Dad’s body began to change. Black course hair sprang up from his back and covered his body.
His nails grew longer and his hands and feet became paws. Dad’s mouth and nose reformed into a muzzle. A tail grew out of Dad’s back.
         Dad’s transformation was complete. A huge wolf stood in front of me. He stood on his hind legs and howled. It shook the windows and blasted my eardrums.
         He grabbed me by the neck and his claws cut into my neck. He stared into my eyes. They were full of anger.
         “Michael!”  Mom screamed.
         She grabbed Dad’s other paw and closed her eyes. Mom then softly began to sing a song. It made me feel calm. Dad dropped me and returned to standing on all fours. He looked at me and whinnied.
         “He’s says he’s sorry Silver,” Mom said, “He knows he overacted, and he’s sorry.”
         “Is that true?” I asked Dad.
         Dad nodded.
         I knelt down by him started to gentle stroke his black and gray fur.
         “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you, Dad.” I whispered in his ear.
         He gentle licked my hand.
         Tears were going down Mom’s cheeks.
         “He just said I love you, Silver.” Mom said with a smile.
         I still sat there on the floor stroking my dad’s fur. In fact, I think I did that until I fell asleep.

         I awoke early the next morning and found my head on Dad.  He was a big, soft, moving pillow.  I snuggled a little closer on his body. I could here his heart beating.
         “Dad?” I said softly.
         He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.
         “Is this why you leave?” I asked, “When you transform, you become angry and dangerous. You’re scared that you’ll hurt Mom or me. Am I right?”
         Dad gentle nodded his great head.
         “No more secrets ok?”  I said, “I’ll always accept you for who you are, not what I want you to be.”
         Dad licked my hand.
         “I love you too,” I replied, “You make an awesome wolf Dad.”
         As I feel back asleep, I heard him chuckle.

         What felt like a few minutes later, I was again running through a forest. Someone was ahead of me. I speed up to catch up with this person. I finally was able to draw near with what was in front of me. It was a wolf.
         “Dad?” I asked.
         The wolf growled at me and stood on his legs. He was about to slash me with his claws, until I woke up.
         “Did you leave last night again?” I asked Dad.
         “Of course I did,” Dad replied, “I thought we weren’t keeping secrets anymore.”
         “So where do you go every night?” I asked.
         “To the rest of my clan,” Dad answered.
         “You’re in a clan? There are others?”
         Dad nodded, “Yep, there’s 12 others. And I’m the leader.”
         “Wow!” I said, “Would that mean I would be the prince or something?”
          Dad laughed, “Sure, but you’re not even in the clan yet!”
         “Well, can I join?” I asked.
         Oh crud, what was I thinking?!  Sure, joining  a clan of werewolves may sound cool, but it does felt weird to ask that.
         “Really?” Dad asked surprised, “I would love to make you a member, but its harder then you think.”
         “How come?”
         “Well, you don’t even know if you can transform yet for one thing,” Dad laughed, “also you need to pass an acceptance test and also because you’re 15 you have to do some “coming of age” thing.”
         “Do I really have to do all of that?” I asked, “Can’t you just bend the rules? You are a leader right?”
         “And what kind of leader would I be if I bent my own rules?”
         He was right.
         “Are there different kinds of werewolves?” I asked.
         “Yep,” Dad replied, “But we’re classified into colors, even though fur color may be different. First of all there’s Black like me. We’re the bigger and the tougher of the breeds; we mostly live in the forests in the north. Second is Gray. There the most common werewolves and they can live pretty much anywhere.  Third is Brown. These little buggers are annoying and savage. But they live in deserts, so you won’t see them here. Last is the Silver Werewolves.”
         Dad shivered when he said that.
          “What’s wrong with them?” I asked.
         “Silvers like to think there better then everyone else,” Dad said annoyed, “they’re also pacifists, liars and tricksters. They’re also trespassers too.  I had interesting experience with one.
         “What happened?”
         “Well first time it was on the full moon,” Dad explained, “I was heading up to the place where the rest of the clan would be meeting, when I noticed something was following me.  I turned around to see a silver. He was smaller and looked lost. I growled at him to stop following me, but he just growled right back.”
         Something in my mind clicked.
         “That’s sounds awfully familiar,” I thought.
         “What happened the second time, Dad?” I then asked.
         “Well the second encounter happened just last night and…” Dad started.
         Dad then told me what happened. It was like he was describing the dream I had last night. This was all confusing to me, until I came to a stunning conclusion.
         But when I did though, my body started shaking, I couldn’t control myself. I‘ll go as far to say that I was screaming.
         “Silver!” Dad shouted, his face full of worry, “what’s wrong?! Silver please! Tell me!”
         He grabbed me and I stopped shaking.
         “Dad, I think that was me,” I stuttered, “I can transform and I think I’m that silver werewolf. I… I don’t know what to think. I’m sorry Dad, I really had no idea. This whole time I just thought it was just a dream.”
         “Then we can’t be near each other.” Dad said flat out, no emotion in his voice.
         “Huh? What do you mean?”
         “Are breeds are natural enemies, Silver,” Dad replied,  “we can’t be near each other. Things will get worse if were seen together. I can be your father, Silver. But I can’t be your friend.”
         “But Dad,” I protested, “don’t you love me?”
         “I do Silver,” Dad said, “But this is the way things have to be. I’m sorry, but it for the greater good.”
         I threw my pillow at the wall.
         “It not fair!” I thought.
         It was nighttime and I was in my room. I was suppose to be sleeping, but I couldn’t my mind was alive with thoughts of injustice.
         “I’m a werewolf just like Dad,” I thought, “just because we’re different breeds doesn’t mean we still can’t be friends. I don’t get this at all.”
         I accepted Dad for who he was. Why couldn’t he do the same for me? I was totally clueless on what to do, until I heard the front slam shut. This was my moment. I wasn’t going to let my dad walk away, not without me.
         I silently left my room and crept to the front door. If I was quiet enough, I could make it out the front door without a sound. But that went out the window because Mom was there and she turned on the light.
         “You’re going after him aren’t you?” she asked. 
         I silently nodded.
         “I’m not going to stop you.” Mom said, “I know what you’re thinking.”
         I ran up and gave her a hug.
         “I don’t know what I’m doing Mom,” I said, “I’m scared. I just want Dad to see that I’m his son, a werewolf just like me.
         Mom smiled, “I’m proud of you Silver. But before you go, I want you to remember to come back home. Come back home when the sun rises.”
         “Ok Mom,” I replied, “I love you.”
         I was running now. The moon shone on me and it made my hair glow.  I suddenly had a gut retching feeling. I knew what was going to happen.  Quickly, I took of my clothing and set them in the trees. Already fur began to cover my body. My hands and feet changed and my mouth and nose changed to a muzzle.  I’ll admit that I screamed in pain pretty much the whole time, but I was so relieved it was over in a few moments.
         My transformation was complete.  I examined my new body. My muscles had grown three times their original size and my fangs and claws were nice and sharp.  I also noticed that my fur was the same color as my hair. It was shinning in the moonlight. I was literally a silver werewolf.
         I broke into a run. Wow! I could run really fast! The wind in my face felt great. But I couldn’t let myself get distracted from my real goal.
         There was large clearing up ahead. This was lucky of me because I was getting tired. But I enter it, I heard voices.
         “We must destroy them all now!”  I heard someone shout.
         “Be quiet, Jordan, “someone responded, “they’ll hear you.”
         “Let them come!” Jordan shouted, “We have more then enough fire power to take them down. Why are we waiting?”
         At last I found a good spot were I could watch them. It was a group of men. One of those men was standing in front of the others. I guessed he was the leader. 
         “Because we still have the element of surprise,” the leader answered, “we can not underestimate the power of a werewolf. If we go in guns blazing, we’ll fail miserably. And how embarrassing would that be? We are some of the most talent and most respected werewolf slayers in the world! Gentlemen, we came here to do a job. Let’s get it done.”
         Everyone in the crowd cheered.
         “Slayers?” I thought, “Oh no! What if...”
         “Who are we going after?” a man asked the leader.
         The leader grabbed a gun from under his jacket.
         “The Alpha.”
         “Dad where are you?!” I shouted.
         I had put a good distance between me and the slayers.  I was scared.
         Suddenly something jumped from the trees and knocked me to the ground. A black and gray wolf was holding me to the ground. His claws were at my neck.
         “D-Dad?” I gasped.
         “Silver?” Dad said.
         He took his claws away from my neck.
         “What are you doing here?” Dad demanded.
         “Alpha, what’s wrong?” someone called from the trees.
         “It’s nothing; I’ll be back in a few.” Dad called back.
         He then returned his attention back to me.
         “I don’t know why you’re here,” Dad said, “but go home, now. If the rest of the clan see’s you, they’ll kill you. No questions asked.”
         “Dad, I just saw…”
         “Go home now, Silver.”
         I took a deep breath to summon my courage.
         “You don’t believe me?” Dad replied, “Ok, fine. Have it your way.”
         Dad made a strange barking sound. Out of the trees came 12 other wolves. They formed a circle around Dad and me.
         “Look what I found!” Dad coaxed, “a little lost Silver. What should I do with it?”
         “Kill it!” shouted the other clan members.
         What happened next surprised me.  Dad jumped at me with his fangs and claws. But then I grabbed him in mid-jump and threw him to the ground. He recovered quickly, and started to charge at me.  I started to run toward him too.
         It was a furious exchange of slashes and bites when we clashed. But then Dad grabbed me by the neck and slammed to the ground. I hit my head really hard and it left me dazed.
         “Is that all?!” Dad shouted at me.
         He then kicked me in the belly. I nearly lost my lunch. 
          “Is that all?!” Dad shouted again.
         At last I could move again. I then made a fist with my paw, jumped up and punched Dad square in the jaw.
         He fell to the ground and I put my claws to his neck.
         “Is this the only way I can prove myself to you?!” I said, tears falling from my eyes, “I accepted you Dad, why can’t you do the same for me?”
         The clan gasped.
         “Alpha is this true?” someone asked Dad.
         Dad slowly stood.
         “Yes,” Dad replied, “Everyone this is my son, Silver. I believe he is a silver werewolf because of his mother, who is a human. Her loving and caring nature was able to counter act the black werewolf blood inside of him.”
         “That explains a lot.” I said.
         “And now as Alpha,” Dad continued, “I hereby make Silver, my son, part of this clan. I believe that he has proven himself. He was able beat me in a great fight.”
         Everyone in the clan cheered. They cheered for me! But then what happened next, was shocking. All the members of the clan bowed to me. Even Dad!
         “Oh, well isn’t that touching!”  A voice suddenly said.
         Everyone’s eyes looked to the hill above us. It was leader of the slayers!
         “Taylor,” Dad growled, “I thought I finished you off. What do you want?!”
         Taylor just laughed and pulled out a gun. He then pointed it toward Dad.
         “At last I have the weapon that will kill you!” Taylor shouted, “A silver bullet! Now, prepare to DIE!”
         Taylor pulled the trigger.
         I saw the bullet fly toward Dad in slow motion.
         I pushed Dad out of the way.
         There was a sudden stabbing, burning pain. Blood fell from my chest like water. I fell to the ground everything was starting to fade.
         “Silver!” Dad screamed, “Don’t die my son! Please, just hold on!”
         I never thought I would see a werewolf, let alone my own father, cry.
         Everything was almost gone now. The other slayers were attacking the other members. All I could hear was just my heart beating.
         But then, I saw my Dad get close to me and mouth, “I love you.”

         There was bright light and then something warm touched my face. I slowly opened by eyes.
         “Mom? Dad?”  I said.
         Their faces slowly swam into view.
         “Hi sweetheart,” Mom said, “how are you feeling?”
         “Sore…” I moaned.
         “You saved my life Silver,” Dad said, “I don’t know what I could do to thank you.’
         “What happened?”  I asked.
         “Well, we managed to chase Taylor and the other slayers away,” Dad explained, “but over victory was overshadowed by you. Everyone thought you were dead.”
         “So we brought you to the hospital,” Mom explained, “the doctors said it was too late. We were hoping, praying for a miracle.” 
         Suddenly Mom broke into tears.
         “But then we knew that you were still with us,” Mom said, “Do you want to know how?”
         “What happened?”
         “When I touched your face,” Dad said, “you started to breathe. And then… you said your first word.”
         Dad was now crying this time.
         “You said ‘Daddy’,” Dad cried, “from then on, we knew you were going to be alright. Silver, thank you so much for taking the bullet for me.”
         “I had to do,” I replied, “I still need you. And besides, you’re the Alpha, right?”
         Dad chuckled, “Welcome to the clan Prince Silver.”

         I spent the next few days in the hospital recovering. I found out that the bullet had actually hit one of my major arteries. I had passed out because I lost a lot of blood. Dad also told me that silver can kill a werewolf.  So, I was lucky to be alive.
         I went to school and told Cindy everything that had happened. She was shocked and told me that Taylor was her father. Cindy also told me that she couldn’t believe her own father almost killed me. She then told me that she was going to go live with her mom. That made me sad because Cindy’s mom lives far away.
         “Don’t worry Silver,” Cindy reassured, “we’ll always be friends, no matter where we are.”
         I smiled, “Thanks Cindy.”
         She smiled back, but then started to bounce.          
         “I told you werewolves were real!” Cindy sang, “And you’re even one yourself!”
         “Not so loud!” I laughed, “But guess what? I’m not only a werewolf, but a silver werewolf prince of a black werewolf clan!”
         It was time for Art now and I remembered the picture I hadn’t completed yet. So I got it out of my portfolio.
         I stared at the picture of the forest that I drew and the white patch in the middle. I picked up a pencil and started to draw.
         I was done. I took to Ms. Color and showed it too her.
         “Well done,” she said, “but how come that one is different from the others?”
         Ms. Color was pointing the part of the picture where the white patches use to be. In its place, were big black wolves, but amongst them was a small white one.
         I smiled
“Because that one’s me,” I replied, “and I’m different from the rest of the clan.”

Dad and I were in the forest again. We watch in an awed silence as the sun rose from over the mountains. But this time, Dad wasn’t transformed, I was.
He had his head gently resting on my side.
“Silver?” he said.
I looked at him.
“No more secrets, ok?” Dad asked.
I gently nodded my large head.
“I’ll accept you for who you are, my son,” Dad said, “I’m sorry I didn’t release this before. You taught me a great lesson.”
I smiled and licked Dad’s hand.
“I love you too,” Dad replied, “you make an awesome wolf, Silver.”
I laughed and gently feel asleep with my dad right next to me.
© Copyright 2010 spectraline (redtail25 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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