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Rated: 18+ · Other · Horror/Scary · #1687913
part of a novel.........
                                              Gomory Arrives................                Chpt 4.

(part way through chapter four)....................

  Stacey feels the torch pressed into her dripping fingers and struggles to hold the

wet rubber. Pushing her fringe away from her eyes with one hand, she shines the

torch infront of her with the other. She blinks to see through the rain.  Her heart

almost stops in her chest.  She is aware of Steven bumping into her from behind,

of sliding slightly in the wet mud, then regaining her balance before she stumbles.

Stacey is even half aware of Steven shouting at her for stopping so abruptly, but

she cannot move, because standing - no floating - infront of her is the most

beautiful ghost she has ever seen. Is in fact, the only ghost she has ever seen...

Her heart is racing wildly, and though she wants to move, she simply can't. A part

of her acknowledges that to delay in doing so will be devastating for them all, and


  Something about the bewitching figure - it's pale form, the flowing hair which

spreads around it in the whipping wind like the coiling snakes of Medusa's living

mane, completely and utterley mesmerise her...

  The melancholy figure floating above the forest floor smiles begnignley at her, as

if it has known her all her life... The four freinds behind Stacey are not as

enraptured by it's sudden appearance.

Like a dagger drawn across a violin, their nerves feel a terror deeper than the icy

depths of deepest space...They see it's opalescent face as a bleached

skull upon which has been painted a bitter smile, with cold, lifeless eyes full of

hate and malice.

  Michael gasps, horrified,, his very soul shrinking from the apparition before him.

The thunder now sounds like a tolling bell and he knows without doubt that he is

facing death incarnate. His feet start to skate backward, refusing to lift him out of

the mud that entombs them like partially set cement caskets.

  Janine wails, shoving James out of the way, sure this ghastly vision is one of

Satan's witches come to drag her kicking and screaming throught the gates of hell.

  Stacey is frozen in fascination, unable to turn herself or the torch away from the

phantasmical figure infront of her. She is overwhelmed by it's appearance, beguiled

by it's wide, disconsolate eyes. Until the ghost reaches out to embrace her,

smiling a smile only death would know.

  Like a hurricane she whirls past Steven, her fight or flight response overtaking all

others. It feels to Steven as though a locomotive has hit him. Fear, he surmises,

is a force to be reckonced with. He thinks this as his face splats into the mud,

and Stacey's light frame tramples over his prostrate body.

  He knows the others are running away, leaving him: Even above the howls of

the storm he can hear them crashing into trees, tearing through the thicket,

screaming as they wound themselves, desperate to escape.  He wonders if the

creature above him is some kind of hallucination, induced by too much marujana.

Surely they can't be responsible for it!!  Michael's stupid incantation isn't meant

to work. Slowly, despairingly, he raises his head to look death in the eye.  The

appartition has moved and is directly above him.  It is the most frightning thing he

has ever experienced..

  As it reaches down to touch him, as it passes through the infinity of space that

separates it from him, Steven wonders if they should have stuck with a simpler

sacrificial offering after all..

  The phantoms touch is like red hot needles - a million dispersing pin points

which propel through his veins, eviscerating tissue, exploding organs, shrivelling

his body from the inside.  He has just enough time to realize he is dying, enough

time to be flummoxed by the fact that the ghosts touch has given him a hard on,

and then he is dead.

  The ghost stares down at him, displeased. The boy has died too quickly, a

disappointment she is not willing to repeat.. She wants to savour the deaths of

the others, and she must hurry before they flee the forest.  In here it is safe. Away

from the civilized world no one can hear them. No one will save them.

  The Demonist closest to the ghost is the  young boy, James. He is entangled

within a sharp dog-rose bush - the long thorns shackling his sweater, his trousers,

even his hair, to the bush. He is cursing madly, trying to release himself, the thorns

pricking his skin and releasing hundreds of tiny droplets of blood which smell

much too delicious to the ghost.

  She glides slowly over to him, a luminescent aura surrounding her, so that even

in the darkness she is visible in the most ghastly way.

  James can see her quite clearly. She moves in an animalistic, predatory fashion,

swaying in a serpentine motion, like a viper about to strike. He is absolutely

terrified and no matter how hard he tears at the branches they seem to worm

deeper into his clothing, wrapping themselves against his body as if they are in

league with the monsterous thing that now manouvres toward him.

  Like a man-eating tiger she pounces at him, claws far more deadly than those

of the rose-bush which crucifies him. The ghost is not human, he realises that now.

He doubts it has ever been human. Nothing in humanity could have talons like

the ones that are now digging into his intestines and ripping them out through

the gaping hole where the flesh of his abdomen used to be.

  There is a terrible, terrible screaming sound coming from somewhere in the

woodland, and even through the torturous pain he is suffering, James cannot

help but feel pity for the perpertrator of that dreadful noise.

  Running together, having found each other and fleeing hand in hand, Stacey,

Janine and Michael stop abruptly, horrified by the horrible screeching which

suddenly blots out the sound of everything else.  It cuts them like a knife, but

worse still is the low whimpering cry that follows it, and then the deathly silence.

  Even the rain has stopped. No more roaring thunder. No more crackle of

lightning: It feels as if the forest itself has just died.

    Each one knows the scream is James, but none will acknowledge it, and so

they move forward again, praying to anything that will listen to let them leave

this place alive.

  James is still breathing, twitching in silence, his blood dripping onto the forest

floor, spattering against one plimsoll in a harmonious double click before bouncing

onto the wet mud.

  The screaming has stopped and he realizes that the voice was his own. He

thinks he might throw up, but his stomach is quite literally, empty.

  The ghost slides around him in a deliberate fashion, reaching out to caress

his baby soft skin.  How very pale he looks to her with the life draining out of him.

She dips one finger into the depths of his torso, liking the feel of the warm blood,

marvelling at how quickly it turns cold.  She licks the finger, relishing the salty

taste of it. It is a divine licquor and she wonders how she can ever have toyed

with the idea of giving it up.

  Banishing such foolish notions she turns in search of the others.  The young

one is almost dead and of no use to her anymore.  The remaining three are some

distance away, but not yet close enough to safety. She still has time to reach


  The dark clouds have disappeared leaving in their wake a night sky full of stars,

glittering diamonds shimmering on a sea of nitrogen.. The moon is a half crescent,

a benevolent boomerang of light whose trail alights the forest floor like a highway,

showing the three friends the way home...

  Michael is in the lead, pulling frantically at Janine's arm, who is trying

desperately not to let go of Stacey's hand.

  'Come on' he yells, 'Were almost out, i can see the snicket to the main road..


    Janine almost cries with relief. They're gonna make it.. She too can see the

snicket, less than 100 yards ahead. She can even hear the soft hum of traffic,

odd vehicles moving quickly along the main road in the distance.

  A loud intrusive wail behind them causes them to falter and stop. A voice that

sounds as though it has crawled from the grave, calls out to them. It is a concert

of maggots and beetles and other repulsive crawling things, scurrying over each

other to make a  sound that is as inhuman as ever heard.

  The voice, rather than the wail, is the thing that causes them to turn with fear and


  She comes toward them now, a ghastly smiling thing whose hair snaps toward

them like living tentacles, reaching for them, grasping for them.  Her arms are

held out in front of her, beseeching, inviting, and her eyes plead to hold them, to

have and seduce them. Her need is like a palpable presence, so deep it crushes

the resistance inside them, and Stacey falls to her knees, pulling Janine down with


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