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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Young Adult · #1689716
This is the Beginning of the series of Me My Friends and I

Trey: Forrest, Come here for a sec

*Forrest walks over to Trey to see whats wrong*

Forrest: Yea....Whats up?

Trey: Do you know this new singer?

Forrest: Who her?

*Trey nods his head*

Forrest: Hell yea nigga that's Janel Harrison she just came out With her new single, I know you heard it it was blasting the Radio for a good two weeks :D

Trey: Oh shit that's the one that sings Anonymous ♫ I wanna know I wanna know your name your name your name why you gotta be Anonymous ♫

Forrest: Yea that song She has a pretty Voice but when i saw her i was like DAMMNNN she is HELLA FINE

Trey: Yes she is look at that Booty on her i would smashed that any day

Forrest I bet you would but she doesn't look like those "Chicks" that does one nightstands

Trey: yea your right

* Trey's phone Starts to ring*

Trey: Hello

Troy: Trey There is a Concert you have to go to this Saturday

Trey: ummm Okay Where is it in?

Tory: it's in Atlanta and you have to Preform a song and then other Entertainers will preform also

Trey: Oh okay who else is going to be there?

Tory:a lot of people like Beyonce' Jay-Z Kanye West Alica Keys The new Singer Janel yea a lot of people are coming so you gotta come make you look good on the publicity

Trey" Oww yea imma be there Tory imma hit you up later okay?

Tory: yea alright

*Hangs up the phone*

Trey: Tory said that Janel is going to be at the Concert

Forrest: oh The Bet Music Matters of course she going to be there she Janel a new singer which people think she going to make a long way until she like Diana Ross's age

Trey: Good point There suppose to be a After party so imma swoop in and talk to her and maybe exchange number

Forrest: You'll see next Week


JANEL(Couple hours later)

JoJo: Nell you ready for this?

Janel: Hell yea I'm ready for this this is the concert that will make me more famous then ever I just started and I'm getting good views from A LOT of people its crazy ♥

JoJo: Nella I'm so freaking proud of you. you worked your way up. By time you turn 22 your name is going to be all over the world and you will be a millionaire and maybe Billionaire trust me I haven't see talent like this.

Janel: Thank you Sweetie you like my best friend and you always believed in me I love you so much JoJo :)

JoJo: I love you too Nell and don't ever forget that

Janel: Of course I won't but we gotta get back to practicing this concert in next week (laughs)

*the whole crew walks in*

Dancer: yo you guys ready to practice

Janel: Sham on

*Dancers Laughs*

Dancer2: Lets go then

Janel: okay 5,6,7,8


Chris: Trey get up it's time to go

Trey: what time is it?

Chris: 6 in the Morning we gotta cause by time we get to Atlanta it's going to be 9 and we gotta


Trey: Alright I'm up let me Take a shower

Chris: Alright we gotta be out by 8:30

Trey: Good i have time to do my Ustream

* Trey Takes a shower brushes his teeth and gets dress a hour before he suppose to be out of the hotel room and logs on to his Ustream*

Trey: what up guys I know it's kinda early in the morning but I have nothing to do right now but wait until we leave to Atlanta :) So whats up you guys y'all have any question for me?

-Who are you excited to see at the concert?-

Trey: hmmm I really want to see Janel she is gorgeous, ahaha Don't be jealous ladies i love y'all but I really have a thing for Ms. Janel :) Even though I didn't have the time to meet her I'm definitely going to talk to her :)

-Did you Janel has a ustream?-

Trey: Really?I never knew that i might check that out later

45 minutes later.....................

Chris: Trey We gotta be out in 5

Trey: alright i'll be right there......So guys Imma talk to you guys later cause i gotta go hop a plane to Atlanta if y'all live in the ATL hit me up :DDD Peace love y'all

*Trey Stops the Video and looks up Janel's ustream and watches all her video until he reaches to Atlanta*

Pilot: Welcome to Atlanta hope you enjoy it here

Trey: Thank you

Chris: wow what do you wanna do first?

Trey: I Just wanna go back to sleep i am so tired

Chris: Except that

Trey: WTF? man

Chris: (Laughs) sorry you have rehearsal

Trey: man you suck

Chris: you might be able see your little crush Janel :D

Trey: STFU yo (laughs) anyways lets go then

Chris: thought so :)

They Drive to the Venue where the After party is going the be held

Trey: this is hot the sections are dope

Chris: Very I like this you and your girl can be cuddled up in the corner

Trey: She ain't my girl YET ahaha

Chris: Wait Essence is calling me *Chris steps out for a sec*

Drake: Trigga Trey whats up Boy *Gives him Dap*

Trey: I thought you were coming later

Drake: I did too but we left last night

Trey: ahaha good idea

Drake: they just called me days before the Concert i was like WTF is this?

Trey: Right My Manager told me the day before the Concert but it's cool Cause i wanna meet that new Singer Janel

Drake: Nelly that my baby sister right there

Trey: you know her?

Drake: I've been know her ever since i was like 14 that was like Degrassi years boy

Trey: Right i got you

Drake your feeling her?

Trey: very much

Drake: maybe at the after party i could hook you up with her at the after party she single

Trey: i would love for you to do that. what can you tell me about her?

Drake: She is goofy when she really gets to know you she like guys that a goofy also ummm she loves guys with tattoo and six packs pretty smile Typical Pretty Boy and she a freak :D

Trey: Sounds like me ~:D

Drake: yea yea it does

Trey i saw some of her Videos she is really Goofy she looks like me but in a Girl version

Drake: one thing i love about Janel Is her eyes there Light Grey and the Change to purple her eyes are freaking sexy and when she smiles i was tempted to smash her many times even when i was young

Trey: you never tap that?

Drake: Nahh that's my baby I kissed her but never had smashed her body like i wanna do now there was like so many times i could smashed her so bad but i just didn't

Trey: wow nigga you are crazy for that you could be like i had sex with Janel Harrison

Drake: I know but it's okay I have Dreams baby

Trey: ahaha True

*Chris comes back*

Chris: whats up Dizzy

Drake: I'm good I'm Good

Trey: wow your chick kept you on the phone for a minute :D

Chris: Whatever at lease I'm getting ass staying with one girl is why better then these groupies

Trey: yea i know i gotta quite smashing girls how about this if I'm with Janel i'll quite smashing girls

Drake: Boy you gotta Deal cause all them songs you made i doubt it

Trey: you think I Just play Girls then smash them?

Chris: Most Likely

Trey: ahaha Watch i'll prove it to you

Lady: Hey Guys were meeting in the main are where you guys will be preforming

Drake: okay thank you

*They walk in main lobby and they see everybody that's preforming they take a seat and listen to the director talk*

Trey: Where's Janel?

Drake: I don't see here

*The Door open and come to the surprise it was Janel*

Lady: Janel Finally have came Everybody this is Janel Harrison a lot of you might know but she is in the bet family :D

Janel: Hello

* Everybody Hi and some people scream NELLA*

Janel: Yo1 (Laughs)

Lady: you can take a seat right next to me

Janel:Sure why not?

Trey: Damn she prettier in person

Drake: She is one of those pretty Chick but she is really smart

Trey: I like girls with Brains

Lady: okay everybody you guys can Rehearse and i'll see you a eight sharp

* They Rehearse and the go back to there hotle room to get ready for the Show*

Lala: Hey Guy i have Just Arrived at the 2010 music Matters COncerts where you get to see your favorite singer of rapper preform tonight. oh look there is Trey Songz let stop and say hi follow me the sexy Trey Songz How are you doing tonight?

Trey: I doing great i excited to see many singers and Rappers preform tonight

Lala: ( Laughs) i am too anybody your really intended to see?

Trey: I really wanna see and meet Janel she is this fresh new talent that everybody likes and wants to see and she is very Beautiful

Lala: very I am too so will catch up with you later Trey thank you

Trey: No problem Lala (gives here a hug)

Lala: I just talk with Trey Songz whew he is cute oww speaking of Janel her she comes with her lady friend JoJo. Hey Janel

Janel: Hey whats up? Lala (give her a hug)

Lala: Janel this is your first time preforming Correct?

Janel: we'll its not the first time but it is the first time im singing live in front of T.V. so i'm very excited

Lala: yea we are all are excited to see you I interview a lot of celebrities and there very excited to see you sing

Janel: Wow this is really new whew (laughs)

Lala: you seem shocked to hear this they said if you smashed this your singing Career will make a hit for America.

Janel: really I guess i gotta she them how people in CT represents

Lala: I guess you Do well Janel it was great talking to you and good luck i see a great future for you

Janel: thank you Lala and see you later bye (walks away)

JoJo: she was on your ass Damn Nell you gotta kill this

Janel: absolutely we go this Jo

JoJo: definitely

* They go inside the auditorium and have fun at the Music Matter Concert Janel does her preforming and rocked the stage and i change her life forever. *

Trey: this was a good night

Drake: yea Janel Rocked the stage tonight she is going to be nasty rich

Trey: I like that nasty rich

Drake: i'm ready for this after party and imma hook you up with my baby girl Janel

Trey: Let go then nigga

*They to the after party and it is Live music is bumping Celebrities looking beautiful as ever and ready to party and meet the new Singer Janel*

Drake: you see Nell?

Trey: nah where could she be


Essence: Are you ready?

Janel: yea

JoJo: you should be happy you rocked the stage Nell and your going to be the Next Beyonce or even better

Janel: I guess so lets go :D

*They walked in and everybody stop and stares and starts clapping and cheering*


Janel: (Laughs and Smiles for the paparazzi snapping pictures) ahaha thank you thank you (everybody gives her a hand shake, hugs and kisses on the cheek)

Trey: damn they really like her

Drake: yea i guess just like you imma go talk to her alright

Trey: yea

*Drake walks away*

Jamie: Trigga Trey whats up homeboy?

Trey: I'm good wanna Drink/

Jamie: yea i need it (laughs)


Drake: Ne Ne NELLA♥

Janel: Dr Dr Drizzy♥ (laughs gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek)

Drake: Whats happening baby?

Janel: I'm good I am so glad to see you Drake I miss you so much

Drake:yea I haven't seen you in a while sorry about that I've been on tour

Janel: ahaha It's okay but you gotta call me so we can hang out

Drake: oh yes oh yes, well speaking of hanging out one of my boys is really feeling you

Janel: Really? Who? :)

Drake: Trey

Janel: Trey Songz?

Drake: yes

Janel: (looks over at Trey and waves) How do you know?

Drake:Trust me he has been talk all about you saying he likes you your pretty he is head over heel for you and he never has even spoken to you

Janel: Really I've never knew i was his type

Drake: trust me you are

Janel: okay should i go talk to him?

Drake: No He'll go talk to you

Janel: alright

Drake: just keeping you aware (gives her a hug) imma talk to you later okay?

Janel: okay


Essence: okay let me get this straight Drake told you that Trey was really feeling you?

Janel: yea and he going to come talk to me soon

Essence: Spoke to soon he's coming right know

Janel: (she whispered under her breath) Do i look okay

Essence: yea you look fine

JoJo: Nella is Looking Sexy baby just be cool and be yourself

Janel:okay Leave go get

*Trey walks up*

Trey: Hi

Janel: Hi :)

Trey: May I?

Janel: What? oh yea, sure you can take a seat

Trey:(laughs) thank you

Janel: (laughs) your welcome

Trey: you did great tonight

Janel: thank you you did too I'm glad you came here to talk to me

Trey: I am too(laughs)

* Janel and Trey talked to each other for hour until they were the last two people at the after party he gave her his number and she promise to called him and gave him a hug*
© Copyright 2010 LenajTheBarbie (lenajthebarbie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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