Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1694618-Broken--1st-5-Chapters
Rated: E · Novel · Teen · #1694618
5 girls give their point of view. 1st 5 chapters
“Remember- be good.” My mother kisses me on the forehead.                                              “Yeah, yeah,” I say. I say it just to annoy her- I intend to try and be good; I’ll do whatever it takes to win this. I can see the worry on her face, I smirk; she doesn’t trust me at all. But then again, why would she?
“Natalia...” Mum trails off. “I love you.” I sigh, not the ‘I love you’ card again. She thinks it will persuade me to behave myself. “Mum I love you too ok? But right now I have to go! The plane is waiting!” I flip open my phone anxiously- 12:01 pm, five minutes until boarding time. “Bye Mother.” I blow her a kiss. “Bye Gold Coast,” I whisper.
* * *
“You’re cute,” James coos. I laugh and toss my sun-bleached blonde hair over my shoulder- a reaction that comes naturally. He’s sitting next to me on the plane and looks extremely interested. He’s really testing my self control but I promised myself that I’d try and be a better person this year. Besides, I have to focus on the competition. “You’re cute too,” I admit, “But I’m not dating right now.” Go me! If only Mum was here to hear me say that! James leans in closer, “Hooking up isn’t dating.”
Gross, so he’s that type of guy. You’re that type of girl, a voice in my mind tells me. Not anymore, I tell the voice and mentally try and push it away. It laughs at me. “Ladies and Gentleman, we have now landed in Sydney and it is 28 degrees....” Phew, saved by the pilot. I stand up, preparing to disembark the plane. Behind me, James moves forwards and kisses me on the lips. I don’t refuse him, I don’t tell him to get lost. I feel terrible. Once again I disappoint myself with my attraction to trouble.
I decide to look around Sydney and grab a coffee before meeting at the house. Wow.... Miss Teen Australia.... I had only dreamed of making it into the competition. Speaking of making it in, I had better call the reason why I did. “Hello?”                                                                                                                                      “Ohmigod Leesh!”                                                                                                                        “Talia? Talia! How’s Miss Teen Australia? Is it amazing?”                                                                        “Thank you so, so much for nominating me! I love you!”                                                        “Oh, no problem. Anyways gotta go.... Josh is here. Call you later!”
“Alicia?” Damn, she hung up! And who the hell is Josh? As in Josh Graves, the hottie jerk that I hooked up with last year? As in the guy that Leesh has been crushing on forever because she doesn’t really know what he’s like? She’s the one that’s always tried to keep me in control! And now, when I’m finally starting to change she has to be with Josh-friggin-Graves! Oh no! She’ll find out about last year! Oh no- no- no- no- no! I frantically dial her number to warn her about Josh but she doesn’t pick up. Probably too busy making out with him.
My good, excited mood has gone. I trudge along the sidewalk feeling sorry for myself. There’s no such thing as a good thing when you don’t have your best friend to share it with.



“Oh, this is my stop!” I gather my bags together hurriedly and close the book I was reading. I run down the train and just make it out of the double doors. I step out into the mild, spring air and breathe it in. I choke- the pong of cigarettes, sweat and public toilets overwhelms me. It’s not quite what I had in mind but an opportunity like this is incredible, no matter the smell.
Well I’m finally here- Sydney! It’s a lot busier than Adelaide; it looks more happening; more fun. Fun... I haven’t had any of that in a while. Not since Mum died and looking after the twins became my full-time job. Apparently all that responsibility didn’t earn me a say about our move though. Our move from London to Adelaide, the move that I still regret.
That’s when I started running. So I could run away from the grief, the pain; everything. It’s like my defence mechanism. Whenever I feel lost or lonely, or have any feeling that I can’t cope with, I try and run away from it. Daddy doesn’t know what to do with me. He tries to pretend that we’re still close but we both know that he’s kidding himself. My old life and I are slowly but constantly drifting apart. Like the whole world is on one piece of ice and I’m on the other, moving away, further every second.
My athleticism is what got me noticed. If it weren’t for my athleticism I wouldn’t be here. I would be reading a book or playing cards with the twins, I wouldn’t be here. Because of my athleticism, I have friends. I don’t mind what their motives behind the friendship is, because I’ve changed. Loss changes people. I’m quiet and shy now. I don’t deserve friends but I have them. My friends are why I’m in this competition.
I’m almost at the house now. Five blocks, three blocks, one block, two doors away. I’m practically trembling with nerves- what will the other girls look like? What will they act like? What backgrounds do they have? I pull a compact out of my handbag and look into the little mirror. My scared face stares back at me- my chocolaty brown hair, pale English complexion and slight features. Everyone says that I’m pretty but every time I look at my reflexion, I see my mother. I feel the loss and hurt and sadness come rushing back and that makes me turn my head away in disgust.
“Stupid, over-protective parents,” I mutter. Ew, do they have to gaze so lovingly at each other? Seriously, they’re like thirty something, couldn’t they be more, I don’t know, dignified? Is that asking so much? And why are they so concerned about me? I’m not even allowed to catch a plane by myself. From Melbourne to Sydney. Geez.
“Did you say something Love?” Mum asks. I resist the urge to poke my tongue out at her. “No.” She laughs and goes back to cuddling up to Dad. That’s it, I can’t watch them for one second longer or I’ll be sick. I plug my iPod into my ears and flip through my Dolly magazine. I can’t concentrate though. This whole experience is just so surreal. Like straight out of TV. Hell, I will be going on TV. I might get discovered...
I daydream for the rest of the plane trip. When the pilot announces that we’ve arrived my heart does back flips. Sydney, I think lovingly, the place where all my dreams will start to come true. My whole body is buzzing with excitement now. I can’t sit still! I should probably act more my age but screw that! Do most girls my age have my talent? I don’t think so! I text my friends as soon as I get into the airport.
To: Dani, Lucy, Rose
From: Cara
Hey. Im in Sydney! Yay! OMG its so so xciting here! I can’t wait 4 the comp to start! Thx 4 nominating me. Luv u girls. From me
To: Cara
From: Dani
Yay 4 u. Miss u.
To: Cara
From: Lucy
Cool 

To: Cara
From: Rose
I have xciting news! Il call l8r. Xx
I frown as I read the responses. There’s obviously something wrong with Dani. She doesn’t seem like herself. As for Lucy... she sounds utterly uninterested. And Rose? She didn’t even congratulate me, she just went on and on about her own stupid news. Can’t my friends get that this is a huge deal for me? I’ve wanted this my whole life, can’t they be a little supportive?
Of course I understand that they’re jealous... They all wanted this too, they probably still want it. We all nominated each other, each of us hoping that we would get in. If the tables were turned, they would want me to be happy for them and I would be! Would I? I ask myself. I think so, I mean granted, I’d be a little envious, but I’d be happy. Yes, I reassure myself, I’d definitely be happy.
I push my friends to the back of my mind; all I’m here to worry about in this competition is myself. If I want to become Miss Teen Australia (which I do) I have to focus. The moment I lose focus is the moment that I lose. That’s what my acting coach has always taught me. To me it applies to not just the performing arts but to life in general. I take everything seriously, because if I keep focusing, someday I’ll win at life. I’ll win and I’ll be a star.

Sydney is so... huge. Whoa great adjective Tahnee, you’re very smart aren’t you? How on earth did you flunk English? You’re freaking amazing! Shut up, I tell myself. You’re so weird. Sydney is huge though, that’s the only way to describe it after coming from Darwin. That’s me! A Darwin girl through and through. Congratulations, you win the ‘most boring life’ prize again! 15 times champion, (all the years of your life).
Stop it Tahnee, just stop. See I have this affliction; I am constantly negative to myself! I may act nice but don’t be fooled, I’m really a bitch on the inside. I’m the only one who knows that though... Anyway, even I can’t be negative about this! The opportunity of a life-time! Miss Teen Australia, I sigh, I can’t wait! But I do miss my boyfriend Eddie... and my parents... and Bridie...
There you go again, forever a pessimist... I’m walking out of the airport now. “Taxi!” I call. As I’m travelling down the streets, shop after colourful shop catches my eye. Ah, retail therapy, a cure like no other. I feel a strong urge towards all the stores. Shopping is definitely my weakness. And what better place to shop than Sydney?
I glance at my watch, 12:00 pm; I’ve still got five hours to kill before we have to meet up at the house. “Stop here please.” Two hours later and I think I’m in heaven. This has definitely helped my negative mind, not to mention my nerves! Arms laden with bags, I step into the next shop. Posters scream Sale! My favourite word. I make a beeline for the $15 rack. This is where my inner self gets revealed, I shove a girl out of the way to get to that dress! I imagine angels. Hallelujah, they sing.
“You could be a model!” a saleslady gushes.                                                                                            “Thank-you!” I actually have done some modelling work. Before they- “Oh my goodness, you’re so thin!” The saleslady is smiling at me, as if she hasn’t just said a complete lie. I storm back into the dressing room. My shopping high has evaporated. I stare into the mirror furiously and see vibrant red hair, flawless olive skin and sparkling green eyes, but then... fat. Fat, fat, fat. It’s such an ugly word. It suits me. Fat, fat, fat, “Fatty!” I scream. “Stupid ugly fatty.”
I walk out of the shop, sobbing, not caring, like a regular person. On my way out I hear the saleslady gossiping to her friend, “I think there’s something wrong with that girl’s health, She looks too skinny.” Lies, lies, lies. I catch sight of my reflection in the shop window. “Ew,” I say. “You disgusting, fat loser.”

“Do you come from a land down under? Lalalala dan something plunder! Can’t you hear- can’t you hear the THUNDER? Wow wow, you better run you better take cover!”                                                                                                                              “Ben!” I laugh, “Stop it! If you’re going to sing then at least learn all the lyrics!” My big brother pinches my cheek. “What?” He says, acting shocked, “You don’t like my singing?” 
“Like you could call that singing!” I playfully punch him in the arm. “Sorry Ben but I don’t think Australian Idol’s ready for you just yet.”                                                                                        “Just crush my dream Lil.” He pretends to be sad, “Kidding! I’m not going to let my dream be crushed by my little sister. There has to be someone out there a lot more professional than you to tell me that I suck!” He pokes his tongue out at me.
I roll my eyes. Ha-ha. Even though his jokes need some work, I love him. He’s my best friend and I’m going to miss him so much while I’m in Sydney. I’m going to be competing for ‘Miss Teen Australia’. It sounds really lame. “Ben, I hate you for nominating me for this stupid TV show!” He shrugs his shoulders defensively. “It was just a joke. I didn’t think you would actually get picked.”
Brothers. They really know how to make a girl feel good about herself. “Thanks a lot.” Ben tries to hug me but I wriggle away.                                                      “Aw come on Sis, you know I think you’re gorgeous.” His opinion isn’t good enough. What about the judges, and the other girls? I’ve never really hung out with girls my age before. My only friends are Ben, his girlfriend Mia and the sheep on the farm.
I’m homeschooled. By my twenty-three year old brother. I know that’s pretty messed up, but we don’t see Mum and Dad around much. I haven’t even talked to them in over five months. My thoughts are interrupted by the clank-rattle sound of the old ute pulling up. “We’re here,” says Ben.
© Copyright 2010 Celia Roberts (josie997 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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