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Rated: · Fiction · Relationship · #1697796
it is about a girl who falls in love with a member of her favourite band
Once upon a time lived a girl in a small city called London. London is a very nice place to be and that is the most important and popular as it is the home of the world’s most loved band Smash. Lindsey was an average girl who was not as popular as the cheerleaders. Lindsey attended St Elliot High School and was in her last year at the school. The school was an old building with creaky floorboards which creaked every time someone walked on them. The smell of the building was of a dusty smell like it hadn’t been cleaned in ages.

Lindsey always wears green long-sleeved jumpers with blue skinny jeans that were looking like they were wearing away, to her school. Lindsey did not know that this particular day as her favourite band Smash were coming to the school. Lindsey was walking down the main corridor at her school when she looks to her left and saw a poster on the wall. The poster on the wall stated that “ The Awesome Band Smash is performing at St Elliot High School on the 12.11.08”. Lindsey looked at her calendar and realised that today’s date was in fact the 12.11.08. Lindsey could not stop thinking how come she hasn’t seen the posters around the school before.

She grabbed the poster off the wall and walked quickly as she could to the head teacher’s office. As soon as she got there she heard voices coming from the room.

“I like to welcome you to St Elliot High School” said the head teacher.

“Thank you” said a male voice.

Lindsey recognised the voice of the male as the lead singer called Tony from the band Smash. Lindsey decided to go to the hall to get front row of the crowd. Lindsey managed to get to the front row right in front of the lead singer.

The band Smash came on to the stage and started to talk to the audience. Tony was wearing black skinny jeans with a studded belt. He was also wearing a white shirt with a red and black checked tie. The atmosphere in the room was high as everyone was jumping and screaming with happiness.

While Tony was talking to the crowd, he looked in front of him and saw the most beautiful girl in the pumped up crowd. Lindsey didn’t know that Tony was looking right at her. Smash played their top ten hits before the finished their set.

When the crowd started to go, Tony stopped Lindsey before she left and said to her:

“You look beautiful today” said Tony with a soft voice,

“ Thanks” said Lindsey,

“What’s your name?” asked Tony,


“That’s a nice name”

“Thank, you, you are a great singer and playing the guitar”


“Do you want to go and have something to eat”

“Yes, I would love to”

Lindsey and Tony walked to the dining room hand in hand with the rest of Smash following them. While they were walking through the corridor, the other students were looking at them with shocked faces.

When they got to the dinning room Lindsey and Tony went to get the roast dinner from the canteen then went to where the band was eating, the head teacher stopped Lindsey from going to the table but Tony told the head teacher that he had invited her to sit with them at the table.

Lindsey and Tony was chatting about what the both likes, during the chat, Lindsey found out that they both liked each other. The other children were slowly realising that Tony and Lindsey have a relationship.

It was not until 12.45, Lindsey has finished her lunch and had to say goodbye to the band as she has a lesson of Maths to go to. Before Lindsey left Tony give her his mobile number and Lindsey give Tony her mobile number.

Lindsey went to her lesson without her homework and with Tony in her mind. During the maths lesson Tony text her saying: “I think your beautiful”, while the teacher was doing her lame talking about algebra, Lindsey grabbed her phone from her pocket and text back Tony saying: “Thanks, your very cute too x”. Within a matter of minutes Tony text back saying “LOL, thanks, you want to go out with me”.

Lindsey waited until the teacher had left the room to text back Tony saying: “Yes I would love to go out with you”. It was about 10 minutes later Tony text back saying: “yes, meet you at the gates”. Lindsey text back saying: “yes”.

When the bell rang, Lindsey could not wait, she ran out the door to the front door and ran straight to the school gates. She only had to wait for 5 minutes until Tony arrived with a balloon that said “ I love you” Lindsey saw Tony and ran into Tony’s arms.

When Tony saw Lindsey in his arms he kissed her on her head. Lindsey felt like she had found he soul mate. Tony took Lindsey to his tour bus, before Lindsey could step on the bus, she heard someone shouting her name. Lindsey turned around and saw that it was head cheerleader Millie.

“Want to be friends?” asked Millie

“NO” shouted Lindsey.

Lindsey could see that Millie was just using her to get closer to Smash. Lindsey walked onto the tour bus and saw that Tony was Stood there and that he had heard that chat between Lindsey and Millie.

“How come you don’t want to be friends with her”

“She doesn’t like me, she just wants to get closer to you and the band”

“Oh, ok, sorry”

“It’s ok”

“You coming to join us in the living room or not”

“Yes, I am on my way”

“ This way then”

Lindsey followed Tony to the living room on the tour bus where the guys were playing on the Xbox 360.

“Want to have a go Lindsey”

“Yes, I will and I will show you how to do it”

“No, we are better” shouted the band

“We will see, shall we”


when Lindsey went to school the next day everyone wanted to be her friend, all day Lindsey had people coming up to her in the corridors asking if they can be her friend. Lindsey kept telling them that her only friends are those of who she has been friends with for a long time.

on the last day of half term, Lindsey was excited to have 3 weeks holiday from school. It was 3 0'clock when the bell went and that soon as the bell went Lindsey grabbed her bag and other items and ran straight to the gate to meet her mum. when Lindsey got to the gate to see her mum, Lindsey got into the car and drove her home where Tony was waiting for her. Tony was in the living room with Lindsey's father and her sister.

when Lindsey and her mother walked into the room, Tony asked them to sit down as he has something to say to them. when they had all sat down Tony told them:

"I have asked you mum and dad if I could take you to New Jersey and they said that I could take you" said Tony with a smile on his face.

" yes, I would loved to go to New Jersey with you and the band"

" the band is not coming, it's just going to be me and you and that they is going to be a surprise when we get there"

" ok, but the surprise better not be scary Tony, i dont like things that are scary"

"it is not going to be scary i promise you"

they travelled to the airport, 2 hours after Tony had told her about the trip to new Jersey, Lindsey didnt know that she be travelling on the same day to the state in america. on the airplane lindsey kept asking her what they were going to do when they get over there, but tony kept telling her that it was going to be a suprise so that she has to wait and see.

when they got to the capital of New Jersey which was Newark, the first thing that Tony did was take Lindsey to the hotel that they would be saying at, the hotel has 90 floors and it was a 5 star hotel. the next moring Tony was up early, he sneaked out of the hotel room to go to the shop to get the enagement ring for Lindsey, the engagment ring is a 19 carrot gold ring with an expensive dimand on top of it. carefully after he bought the ring he put it in his pocket and carefully sneaked back into the hotel room and back into bed before Lindsey noticed that he had gone somewhere.

then they both got up, tony put a black blindfold onto Lindsey so that she could not see where she was going as Tony did not want Lindsey to know what is happening and that she was not allowed to know where he was taken her to. along the way, Lindsey kept asking questions to where she was going:

"where am i going" asked Lindsey

"you will find out soon"

"when will that be"

"in 10 minutes"

""ok love you"

Lindsey wanted to take off the blindfold but Tony would not let her, Lindsey kept asking Tony if she could but he would not let her.

It was now 6 o’clock, Lindsey and Tony was at a Mackyfly concert. The concert smelt sweaty as they were loads of other people at the concert and that the arena was hot, the touch of the concert is that of the bodies of the people and the cold bar which keeps the people from climbing on the stage. The taste of the concert is that in the air that went through Lindsey’s mouth down to her lungs were that the air was hot and that everyone was getting hot and the smoke that came was making Lindsey cough.

Lindsey was beginning to feel the people at the concert pushing her toward the barrier which was causing her discomfort pain in her lower stomach. The arena is full to the rim with all sizes of people who want to watch Mackyfly. Tony pulled the blindfold off Lindsey’s head, when he first took it off her, Lindsey had to adjust her eyes to the bright lights that were going around the arena. She noticed that Tony was on the other side of the barrier to her. Lindsey was unsure why he was on that side of the barrier.

She finally realised why he was on that side as he walked to the backstage of the concert, when Mackyfly walked on the stage with smiles on their face and they were looking at Lindsey to say that something was going to happen to her/ they were a figure walking behind Mackyfly as they were walking on, Lindsey didn’t know who this was, she thought that the figure was a man the same height as Tony. The figure got to the front of the stage and got down on to one knee and said:

“Lindsey you are the must beautiful person in the concert, I just want to know if you would spend the rest of your life with me, will you marry me?”

“oh, my god Tony, of course I will marry you”

With this answer Tony jumped down to the barrier, but before he got to Lindsey he fell badly onto his foot as it was a big jump from the stage to the floor. He got up and pulled a face like a horse as he is in pain as he hurt his ankle. The first aiders came to his aid but before he went with them he kissed his fiancé then left her to watch the concert to go and get his leg sorted out.

While Tony was getting his leg sorted out, Lindsey was enjoying herself watching the Mackyfly concert that she had waited her whole life to see. Lindsey couldn’t believe that she was getting married to a front man of a famous band called Smash.

Tony found out that he had done nothing serious to his leg. He limped back to find Lindsey. The time he took to get back to the concert hall, Lindsey had gone somewhere. Tony started to wonder where Lindsey had gone, another minute had gone by and there were still no sign of her but then all of a sudden he heard someone shout his name.

He turned around to find someone coming over to him. The person said to Tony:

“Tony, Lindsey is backstage with Mackyfly if you want to go, here is your backstage pass” shouted the manger of Mackyfly

“thank you” replied Tony

Tony took the backstage pass, put it around his neck and went backstage to find Lindsey. When tony found Lindsey he was shocked to see that Lindsey’s mother was waiting backstage with Lindsey and Mackyfly.

Tony asked Lindsey’s mother Frankie:

“when did you come over here?”

Frankie replied with

“ I came the same day as you did, to make sure that you were treating her nicely”

“ ok then”

“ but when I came Lindsey told me that you were taking her to a Mackfly concert, so I bought a ticket to the concert, but when I got here I got a shock that I heard you propose to her in front of a packed concert”

“ ok”

“ you should of asked me first”

“ I know and I am really sorry”
“ it’s ok, Lindsey really likes you anyway”

“ so can I marry Lindsey”

“ thank you”

“ as long as you keep her happy”

“ I will”

Frankie left to catch the next plane back to Heathrow London. Tony couldn’t believe that Frankie wanted to stop him marrying Lindsey.

“just ignore my mum”

“ ok”

“ she is always like that with the boyfriends I have had”

“ it is ok, it doesn’t matter”

“ love you “

Tony walked over to Lindsey and gave her a big hug.

“ohhhhhhhhhhh” said all the members of Mackyfly.

Mackyfly was beginning to like Tony and Lindsey, they wanted to be friends with them so the lead singer said:

“ Hiya, lindsey and Tony I am just wondering do you want to be friends with me and the rest of Mackyfly.”

“ Yes, I would love to!” replied Tony

“ me too” replied Lindsey,

“then you can visit us at any time you want to”

“day or night” replied Lindsey,

“any” replied Edward.

It was time that Lindsey and Tony went back to their hotel room as they have a long journey back home to England in the morning. When they got back to their hotel room they just collapsed onto the bed as they were so tired.

They woke up the next day with Tony laying on top of Lindsey, but when Lindsey woke she moved Tony off of her, while she was doing this, it woke him up with a startle. They got up and got dressed in time for the taxi to take them to the airport. Over night word got out around New Jersey so they were millions of fans which was waiting outside for Tony and Lindsey to appear, before they went the airport, the hotel called the police to come and make a space so that they could get to the airport in time for their plane back.

They made they way to the airport just in time as the check in was about to close, they had to run from the check in to the gate as well as going through security. While they were running Tony thought that if they were no fans waiting outside of the hotel they would have been to the airport on time for their plane and that they were going to be fashionable late. They got on to the plane safely and took their seats in the middle of the plane.

After flying for around 5 hours they got back to London Heathrow airport where the rest of Smash was waiting for them to come back. They saw Lindsey and Tony coming through the door, after they seen them they couldn’t wait for them to come over that they all ran to them to give them a big hug as they had missed them so much.

After the members of Smash gave them a hug they picked up their suitcases and walked towards the entrance of the airport, where they had to dash for the bus as a crowd of screaming girls were running towards them.

They got onto the tour bus and Smash asked them what they had been doing in New Jersey.

“ well we want to a Mackyfly concert which was cool” said Lindsey while looking at Tony.

“ I hurt my ankle jumping off the staff” said Tony

“ what were you doing on stage” said smash
“ well” replied Tony

Before he could get a word in, Lindsey said

“ he proposed to me in front of Mackyfly and 13,000 people” said Lindsey exactly.

“ Congratulations” shouted Smash.

Liam from smash said:

“ I am off to put this on Myspace, Facebook, Twitter and the bands website”


So Liam went and put the proposal onto the social networking sites so that every fan knew that Lindsey and Tony were getting married. About 5 minutes after he had posted the news onto the internet he had replies coming through ever minute asking him if it was true.

An hour went by and it was time that Lindsey and Tony to go back to Tony’s house. They started to arrange the wedding and Lindsey was trying to decide which wedding dress that she was going to wear to her wedding. Tony felt hungry so he decided that he would walk to the local shop to get him and Lindsey something to eat. While he was away Lindsey decided that she was going to cook him something to eat but she didn’t know that he was getting her something to eat from the shop. So she walked into the kitchen to make Tony a bacon sandwich. She lit the gas cooker and she put the bacon on to the frying pan and was putting the frying pan on to the gas cooker when her favourite song came onto the television, it was her favourite as it was the new song by Mackyfly, she ran into the living room to dance and sing to it. When the song had finished she smelt something from the kitchen, she walked into the kitchen to find out that there were smoke coming from the gas cooker, the bacon had burnt and that the gas cooker had set a tea towel on fire which had spread around the kitchen.

The whole kitchen was up in flames by the time she had realised what is happening, she quickly ran for the phone and phoned the fire brigade. By the time the fire brigade had come, Tony was walking down the road with the food when a neighbour had come up to Tony and said to him:

“Tony, your house is on fire, Lindsey is outside with the fire brigade”

“thank you for telling me”

“ it’s ok”
After hearing this Tony dropped the bag of food and ran to his house as fast as he could. When he got there he went up to Lindsey and was asking what had happened:

“ what happened” said Tony

“ I left the gas cooker on” sobbed Lindsey

“ what were you doing”

“ I was making you a bacon sandwich” carried on Lindsey

“ I told you that I was getting something to eat”

“yeah but I forgot that you was”

“ then what happened”

“my favourite song came on and I left the tea towel next to the cooker”

“I can’t believe you” shouted Tony

“I am so sorry”

Tony went and slapped Lindsey across her face. Tony couldn’t look at Lindsey anymore so he went to his house. The house smelt of burnt toast and was black like night.

“here is your ring back, I hate you”

“ why Lindsey”

“ I don’t want to go out with you anymore if you are going to blame me for everything”

“ I am not, I am just mad over what had happened to our house”

“it was an accident”

“ I know it was”

“I am going to go back to Huddersfield and you are not going to stop me”

“please don’t go, I don’t want you to”

“bye Tony”

Lindsey walked to the train station which was about half a mile down the road. When she got to the train station she quickly got her tickets and got on to her train to Leeds then a train to Huddersfield. When Lindsey arrived in Huddersfield 6 hours after leaving Tony in London she was shocked to see her parents waiting for her outside of the train station.

“ how did you know that I was coming home”

“ Tony called us and he also told us what had happened between him and you”

“ Thanks”

“I told him to come up tomorrow to sort this out”


They jumped into a taxi and travelled back to her parents house where a nice warm bed was waiting for her.

The next day came to soon, Lindsey was dreading the day as Tony was coming to sort out what had happened between them the day before. Tony phoned Lindsey’s mum Frankie to tell her that he was on the train between Leeds and Huddersfield.

“I will be at your house in half an hour”

“ ok”

“don’t tell lindsey that I am in Huddersfield”

“ ok, I wont tell her”

Half an hour went passed and there were still no sign of Tony. Tony jumped into a taxi and travelled to Lindsey’s house. When he got there he was shocked to see that the house where she now lives since moving from London was a big house. As he was walking up the cobble path he was thinking about how he was going to ask Lindsey to be his fiancé again. Tony knew that Lindsey was in a mood as he kept phoning her but she kept putting the phone down on him.

Lindsey didn’t know that that Tony was about to knock on her door as she was thinking to herself that breaking up with Tony was the best thing that she had done in her life.

He knocked on the front door of the mansion, he had to wait a long time for Frankie to answer the door. Frankie answered the door and was shocked to see that it was Tony standing at the door and that he looked like he hadn’t slept in days.

“can I speak to Lindsey in private please”

“ yes you can”

“thank you”

“ I’ll just call her down”


“I am coming mum”

Lindsey ran down the stairs to find Tony standing in the hallway.

“can I speak to you in private”
“ yes you can”


“ we can use the living room”

“ ok”

Tony followed Lindsey into the living, Lindsey wanted to listen to what Tony have to say to her. Lindsey and tony started talking:

“ I am sorry for slapping you across you face”

“it’s ok”

“and I am sorry for shouting at you”

“ok, I am sorry for burning down your house”

“ it’s ok, I didn’t like the house anyway, you kind of did me a favour”

“did I?”

“ yeah”

“where you living now”

“in my new mansion”


After they had their tea, they got back together. They had got back together just in time to get married. They travelled to Manchester for their wedding. The wedding was cool as all of Tony’s family and Lindsey’s family turned up to watch them getting married. Tony’s band smash turned up as they were the best men and Mackyfly paid a surprise visit. They got married 12/10/09. The next day they jumped on flight to france for their honeymoon. France was a very bright place and it was hot place for their honeymoon.

Lindsey couldn’t wait to come home from france with Tony as when they were enjoying their time in france visiting Paris, Lindsey found out that she was pregnant with her and Tony’s first baby, she wanted to tell everyone the good news. She called Tony to come and sit down, tony came and sat down and he started to worry about what Lindsey was going to say, he thought she was going to dump him.

Lindsey saw the look on Tony’s face.

“there is nothing to worry about,”

“there better not be”

“ ok”

“ so, what did you want me for”

“I am pregnant”

“oh, my god”

“so, are you pleased”

“ yes, cant wait until I tell everyone back home”

“me too”

After hearing the good news, Tony jumped up off the sofa and went over to hug Lindsey really tight. Lindsey hugged Tony back.

When they got back from france they decided that they would find a new home in London. The house that they picked was big enough for them and their new baby. The house had four bedrooms which they will have a room for themselves and a room for their baby and the last two rooms would be for their bands or for their families when they come and visit.

When they got settled into their new house, tony invited his band round to tell them the good news but before they came round Lindsey rang her mum to tell her the good news.

“ Hi mum”

“ hi Lindsey”

“ guess what”


“ me and Tony are having a …”

“ you are having a baby aren’t you”

“ yeah, I found out when me and Tony was in france”

“ I am so pleased for you”

“thanks mum”

“Has Tony phoned his parents yet about that”

“ no I think he is waiting for me to get off the phone”

“ ok then I better let you go”

“ bye mum”


Lindsey told Tony that her mum was pleased with them and that he can ring his parents to tell them too.

“ hi mum, its Tony”

“ hi tony”

“mum you are going to be a grandma”

“you are joking”

“no I am not, lindsey is having my baby”

“oh my god, I am pleased for you and Lindsey”

“do you want me to do anything for you”

“ not at the moment but I will let you know”

“ ok love, so can we come down and visit you”

“ yeah, we now live in London”

“when did you move to London”

“ 2 days ago, we needed to have more space”

“ ok see you soon”
“ bye mum”

Tony put the phone down and walked over to the kitchen to see what Lindsey was doing.

“good morning Lindsey”

“ hi, what did your mum say then”

“nothing really only that she is coming over to see how we are”

“ ok , do you know when she is coming”

“ no, she never said”

“ what about if she comes today, and the house is a mess”

“ don’t worry we will clean the house up today”

Tony kisses Lindsey on the head and tells her not to worry.

An hour went past, there was a knock on the door.

“that can’t be her already”

“it might not be her, it might be my band”

“ you want to go and get the door”

“ ok then I will go and get the door”

“ ok love you”

“love you too”

Tony goes and answers the door to find out that it was his band. He invites his band into the living room to tell them the good news, but before Lindsey and Tony could tell them the door went again.

“this is her” said Tony

Tony stands up to walk over to the door, while Tony was going to answer the door, Lindsey told the and that she was pregnant with Tony’s child. By the time they had said how happy they were for her and Tony, tony walked in with his mother. His mother told Lindsey how proud of her and Tony and that they make the best couple.

9 months had past and it was time for Lindsey and Tony to go to the hospital to give birth to their son, which they found out that they were having in their 20 week scan.
© Copyright 2010 s.a.burgon (sophieburgon12 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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