Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1702874-Through-darkness-to-light
by Mereel
Rated: 13+ · Other · Spiritual · #1702874
Can a dark encounter lead to a brighter future?
Have you ever wanted to be something you aren't? To become someone totally different from who you are right now?
I'm sure everyone has at some point in their life, even if just for a few seconds. A brief passing fantasy.
But you'd never seriously go looking for it. But what if it came looking for you?

Well, it's looking at me now.All I can see though is those deep, dark eyes. Immeasurably deep, black wells that seem to be probing me, penetrating down to my soul.
All I can smell is something sweet and spicy, and oh so enticing.  My head starts to spin, my knees getting weaker every time I inhale.
All I can hear is the pounding of my heart. Or is it the pulsing of my blood? The rythmic beat filling my ears, driving out the  mundane sounds around me..

I can’t think straight. I can't even remember how I got here.

I remember having another argument with my parents. Can't really recall what about.
Who cares in any case? Just another in a long line of fights.
I remember running out of the house, my dad’s voice following me down the street.

That's probably why I went to that club tonight. Wait, what club? I remember a dark room, loud, thumping music, the press of bodies on the dance floor.

Yet even these details are murky, fading back into the mist that fills my brain.

Then...Then what. I stepped out for some air, maybe? I must have, since I'm outside.

I can't remember.

Then all these thoughts are pushed from my mind, the fog filling every corner of my mind. The spicy smell is even more powerful now.

I feel fingers brush the bare skin between my white t-shirt and trousers, goose bumps rising on my midriff as an arm coils around my waist, the hand resting on my hip.

I feel my legs start to move, following wherever this person will lead me.
The cloud in my mind seems to have spread to my body, wrapping it in an intangible blanket. I just feel so warm and comfortable, almost half asleep. Yet fully awake. We could have been walking for a minute or an hour. I can't tell.

The next thing I know, we are indoors. I can't remember entering a building.  Yet I can see four walls around me, lit by the flickering light of a dozen candles.

I stand in the centre, not moving, as I feel my jacket being slid down my arms and off my body. Good, I'm feeling too hot, sweat beading on my forehead.

Strong, supple arms link around my waist, pulling me into the body of the person behind me. I can feel, in a detached way, some details. Their long hair resting against the nape of my neck.
The swell of a pair of breasts pressed against my back. I gasp. I'm being embraced by another woman. And yet, that doesn't bother me. It just feels right.
My stomach heaves as her fingers gently stroke my torso, sliding a little under my shirt, then back down, tracing the waistband of my chinos.

I feel I should do something, scream or lash out. My mind cries run.
But I don't, standing stock still, unable (or unwilling) to move my arms, my legs, even my fingers. I would like to turn and be able to look this person in the eye. However, like the rest of my body it is paralysed. I am totally enthralled by the power that she has over me. The fuzzy feeling returns to my mind stronger than ever, driving these worries away and I find myself relaxing into her embrace. Her arms drawing tighter around me, her slow, intimate caress continuing. One arm still holding me to her, looped around my waist again, her hand cupped around my butt. The other sliding up my body, tracing over the curves of my chest. I coo slightly, shifting my body, leaning harder into her, as her fingers lightly brush my already hard nipples.
Her touch, her smell, they seem to be draining all the strength from my body.
And yet she supports me, her arm holding me tight against me, my head lolling back to rest on her shoulder.
Moving away from my throbbing nipples, she lightly brushes my hair away from my neck, planting a soft kiss just below my ear.

Her mouth trails down my neck, leaving a path of kisses, until she reaches the nape between my neck and 
shoulder blades. She has returned her attention to my chest, her fingers circling around one nipple, then the other.
Yet all my attention is focused on her mouth, she pauses after that last kiss, licking my neck once, before returning her lips to my skin.
I gasp as she nips at my neck suddenly, then release a incoherent moan as she bites me. Not a viscious bite, like a animal. But slowly, carefully, pushing her fangs deep into my neck, right into the jugular.
My sudden reaction comes in part from the pain, as I feel her teeth sink into me, but also from the rush of euphoria that fills my body.

The teeth, two sharp incisors, retract, leaving a pair of perfect, round holes. I can feel blood welling up out of them.
Before it can start to run down my neck, the very essence of my life leaking away, I feel her lips close over the wound, sucking up the hot, crimson liquid.
My knees buckle, collapsing beneath me. Yet, she guides me down, kneeling behind me, never stopping drinking. I feel so weak, my life flowing into her.

Every inch of my body feels clammy. I can feel my fingers and toes starting to go cold.
Terror claws at my mind, yet like everything else, it is detached from the reality of the situation.
But I want her to keep drinking, somehow.
My eyes feel heavy, starting to droop down.  I think I'll die if they close.
Then, she stops, drawing back, licking a last drop of  blood from her lips.
She moves around to my front, pulling me firmly against her, resting my head on her chest, softly stroking my 

This is it. She's going to hold me while I slowly die. In the hazy fog of my mind, I manage a weak smile. 
Maybe that wouldn't be so bad.

Then she holds her wrist up to my face. I barely register the deep gash there, before a heavenly, rich metallic smell fills my nose. I don't think. Acting on some alien instinct, I press my lips against it, sucking the freely flowing blood past my lips, letting it slide down my throat. I drink until I can't hold my lips to the bleeding wound anymore, collapsing back on the ground, the last of my strength gone. I feel so tired, yet my body seems different.

For the first time, I get a proper look at the other woman. Her skin is a pale white, in contrast to the deep shade of black in her hair, eyes and clothes. Her clothes are very tight, hugging all the curves of  her figure. Her trousers are possibly leather.
The rest I can't make out. My eyes feel heavy again. I start with sudden panic.
'Please, I don't want to die. Don't let me die.'  The thought rushes through my brain, as my heart begins to pound in my chest.

The woman leans down next to me, stroking my head like I always imagined a mother would her child.
"Shh. I won't. Sleep for now. I'll be here when you awake."

I don't fight it any longer. I can't fight it any longer. Sleep claims me and when it does my heart, so tired from all the anger, pain and tears it has endured, stops. Forever.

© Copyright 2010 Mereel (mereel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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