Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1709338-Taming-the-Office-Witch
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1709338
Sometimes a 'long-shot' pays off unexpectedly!
Taming the Office Witch
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         Eight months of hell, that’s what it’s been! I don’t know now why I ever accepted that job offer through the university when I graduated, other than the fact that I was a referral from the Dean’s Office, an extremely rare gesture from Brender University.

         To give you a little background, and why I ended up in this mess, let me explain.

         My name is Scott Belger, and I’m currently employed by the marketing branch of Skyler Enterprises, one of the largest high-tech distributors in the country. Largely unknown because of the nature of its merchandise, it’s well-known among insiders as being extremely sound financially, and very generous to well-performing employees.

         Their employment practices are very discrete, and as a result of my peculiar skill, I’d apparently gained their attention, and with a reference from the University staff, I was hired, sight unseen.

         You see, I’d been orphaned at a very early age, and was passed from foster home to foster home until I was about to graduate from high school. For some reason, I found school pretty much a breeze, but managed to really excel in mathematics. I completed all the high school math requirements by the second half of my sophomore year, and was allowed to complete whatever college math courses I chose for the rest of my high school years.

         I chose them all, of course, excelling in them as well. Not bragging, because I realized I had a gift, and had simply decided to run it through to its natural end. Of course that left me with a bit of a math vacuum in college when I was finally admitted under a scholarship, but Brender University had sought me out under the advice of Warren Skyler, the founder, CEO and President of Skyler Industries. How he had come across my name or scholastic record I had no clue, but I was grateful for the opportunity to expand my education, and fortunately the university had filled up that math vacuum with highly advanced courses in statistical analysis.

         Now, my dilemma… The manager of our department, Carolyn Montague, is the proverbial “Witch (Bitch) From Hell!” Her reputation as a ‘man-eater” is legendary, and for some reason, she took an instant dislike to me from the first day I was assigned to her department eight months ago.

         To complicate matters even more, she is ‘knock-out gorgeous’ and knows it. She dresses for effect each day at the office, wearing the least amount of clothing necessary not to be considered obscene, but exposing as many of her physical attributes as she can to ensure that all attention remains focused on her.

         At about 5’8”, she has classically beautiful facial features; strikingly dark brown eyes, full red lips and long black hair that she occasionally pulls up into a bun. To complement this, she has a figure that could bring a deceased monk back to life. Her daily displays of these ‘attributes’ are continually an object of discussion around the office, but never when she is present of course.

         As the apparent object of her disdain, it seemed that I was both blessed and cursed in my day-to-day interactions with her. Dressed each day in either a very close-fitting business suit or dress, she virtually always wore a blouse that contained a deeply plunging neckline, revealing generous stretches of her creamy white tit flesh.

         I could almost predict when I would be summoned to her office however, because she almost never sent for me unless she was wearing a skirt, which would extend only to mid-thigh. This of course, would expose a vast expanse of shapely leg, oftentimes riding up her thighs until I could just catch a glimpse of her panties. Between my total lack of a social life, and the prick-teasing displays of my man-eating manager, I was beginning to feel the strain of some serious sexual frustration.

         The reason for my lack of a social life was the ‘extra-curricular’ workload that my manager tasked me with each week. ‘On the side,’ as she called it, I was required to produce extraordinary ‘statistical trending’ reports for her to present to the corporate officers each week. Since my reports tended to be quite accurate, and the feedback from the officers so positive, she quickly took full credit for the work, and my ‘free time’ became my second, unpaid job.

         As if this weren’t enough, it seemed she made it a point of degrading me in front of the office staff at every opportunity. I had been warned by the friendlier elements in the office that my predecessor had been discharged under accusations of sexual harassment by Ms. Montague, but from their perspective, it was she that had been doing the harassing. No matter though, Human Resources had taken her word over his. With that warning in mind, I could only surmise why she had targeted me for her sexual taunting.

         The straw that nearly broke the proverbial camel’s back however came nearly eight months after my employment in this office. Once again, Ms. Montague had called me into her office Monday morning for instructions relating to my after-hours research and reporting efforts. That day she seemed to be in a particularly ‘bitchy’ mood, and as she passed through the outer office, she merely nodded in my direction and barked out, “Boy! Into my office… NOW!”

         I was not in a particularly good mood either, but swallowing my pride, I dropped the work that I’d been doing, and followed her through her office door. The rest of the office staff tried not to show too much interest in my fate, but I could feel their eyes boring into my back as I closed the office door behind me.

         As I entered the office, Ms. Montague was already standing behind her desk, hands on hips, tight-lipped, glaring at me. Even though she was obviously out of sorts, she still looked beautiful. As expected on my usual day in her office, she was dressed in a snug fitting business outfit; blouse unbuttoned nearly to the waist, and a skirt that just barely came to mid-thigh. There was no doubt that she was bra-less today as well. She motioned me to take the chair next to her desk, and sat down.

         Picking up a small stack of papers, she swiveled herself around to face me, and demanded to know ‘what the hell’ I’d been thinking when I produced the reports from last week. Taking the papers from her, I scanned them quickly, but I knew what she was upset about.

         Using the best information that I could accumulate, I’d written a report that was highly critical of certain routing schemes that had been implemented by the Corporate Dispatching Offices. My analysis showed that what they’d done would cost the corporation hundreds of thousands of dollars over the next few months. I knew the report would not be taken well, but I could only paint the statistical scene as I saw it. Apparently my boss had taken the brunt of the bad news, and had decided to take it out on me.

         Shaking the papers in my face, she gave me an ultimatum; re-do the report to reflect a more favorable view of that department’s planning, or look for another job. While she was pushing the papers in my face, she dropped some of them. While bending over to retrieve them, two things happened. Actually three things…

         She bent over in front of me, spreading her legs to reach between them to pick up the papers which had fallen to the floor. At that moment, I was presented with a miraculous view of her breasts, all the way to her waist. And beneath that, an equally marvelous view of her crotch, complete with a finely detailed ‘camel-toe.’ So given that fateful gift, I did what any man would have done in my place; I looked… Not only did I look, I became absolutely mesmerized by the scene.

         In acknowledgment of this event, my cock suddenly woke up, and pushed out against my trousers, presenting what I must imagine was quite a sight to Ms. Montague.

         Noting my attention to her attributes, Ms. Montague suddenly shrieked out at me, “You fucking pervert! I hope you enjoy what you’re staring at, because it’ll be a cold day in hell before you ever get any of this. Now, get the fuck out of my office and get me that report revision.”

         As I got up and left her office, I’d already made up my mind that I was resigning by weeks end. I was not going to compromise my professional work to make her look good.

         It seemed however, that this Monday was going to prove even more eventful for me.

         Later that afternoon, I received a message from Roxanne, Ms. Montague’s personal secretary, that the CEO himself wanted to meet with me that evening; something about discussing ‘our’ future. What a laugh! Warren Skyler!? Meet with me? Roxanne validated the message for me, as she’d seen them before, so I decided, “What the hell!” I can hand him my resignation as well as Ms. Montague, and I might have even more satisfaction at that…

         The rest of the day went by quickly, and as I left the building I watched as the limo drove up to where I was told to wait for it. The driver exited the car, introduced herself as Susan, and opened the rear door for me to enter. Once on the road, I asked her where we were heading, and she replied, “Mr. Skyler has a corporate dwelling nearby that he uses whenever he is in the area, and we will be arriving in a few minutes.”

         Soon we pulled up to a very nice house, and Susan jumped out and opened the door for me to leave. She simply instructed me to go to the door and knock. Then returning to the car, she got in and drove off.

         I knocked, and in a minute or two the door was opened by a rather imposing figure of a man. A bit over 6 ft tall, wide and sturdy, sporting a rather short haircut, graying at the temples, Warren Skyler could have easily posed for the ‘poster picture’ of confidence and strength. I was almost regretting my intention of resigning that night, almost.

         Grasping my extended hand, Skyler pulled me into the foyer, and closing the door, bade me have a seat in the overstuffed chair in front of the fireplace. After briefly introducing himself and thanking me for coming, he directed me to the entertainment bar to fix myself something to drink. He then excused himself to the adjoining room to finish some correspondence that he was in the middle of completing.

         In a minute or two he returned and went to the bar. After fixing himself what appeared to be nearly a full water glass full of Scotch, he turned to me and said, “I read the report that was presented to the corporate officers last week, Scott. Carolyn claimed credit for it until she discovered that it was not being received very well.” His face was impassive, and hard to read as he sat down in the sofa adjacent to me.

         He was referring of course, to Ms. Montague. I suddenly got a feeling that my resignation plan was a good move, and that this was not going to be a good evening.

          “I hired you, Scott, and placed you into the department that you currently work. You may not have known that, but I had worked closely with the University to see that I had first choice of your services. Now, I want to know exactly what is going on in that department, and who is producing these weekly trending reports. And Scott, please…, no bullshit!”

         As I looked at him, I could see that he was now smiling, so I figured that he probably already knew who was producing those weekly statistical reports. Having figured that out, I decided to present him with the resignation that I’d already prepared and had in my pocket before I lost my nerve. He simply took the folded sheet of paper from me, placed it on the coffee table in front of us, and leaned back into the sofa to watch me, expectantly.

         Admitting my role in the weekly reports, I explained to him that I’d decided to resign this evening as a result, and further, I went on to describe the overall humiliation and sexual taunting I’d had to endure from the manager of that department over the past few months. I probably went on longer than he’d have liked, but I had a lot of pent-up anger and frustration to vent, and unfortunately he was the only target in sight.

         He patiently waited until I’d run down, while nodding his head from time to time, and then he excused himself once more to check on some things in the other room. In the meantime, he again directed me to the bar to fix myself something more to drink.

         A few minutes later, as if the day couldn’t get any worse, I suddenly heard the sound of a key being inserted into the front door, and when it opened, who should I see but Carolyn Montague! As soon as she closed and locked the door behind her, she turned and spotted me sitting in the overstuffed chair, drink in hand.

         Her response was predictable. Visibly enraged, she immediately began screaming at me, “What the fuck are you doing in my house? You mother-fucking stalker! You’re done! You’re history! I’m calling the police!” She was reaching for her cell-phone when Warren came back into the room, drink in hand.

         She stared at him in shock, and a moment later he quietly said, “Ah, Carolyn. I see you and Mr. Belger do know each other. Good.” He continued to the sofa by the fireplace and sat down, looking across the room at her.

         Looking around the living room, Carolyn tried to piece together what was taking place. She’d already gotten beaten up by the corporate officers for the report of mine that she’d presented to them that last Friday, and now she was faced with the CEO and President of the firm in her living room, apparently entertaining the primary cause of her predicament, me.

         Clearing his throat, Warren apologized to Carolyn for not calling ahead, but said that he had been trying to get a grip on a serious company problem all weekend, and it wasn’t until tonight that some things were beginning to make some sense. The reason that he was here, he said, was because of that report that she’d presented to the corporate officers that last Friday.

         Quickly coming to her own defense, Carolyn immediately went into a rant against me, pointing out that the offending report had been compiled and completed by me. She went on to cite numerous imaginary offenses committed by me due to gross incompetence over the past several months, and described, in her opinion, my sinister determination to undermine her and her department. As a parting shot, she insisted that I spent most of my time trying to steal looks down her blouse or up her skirt.

         To say I was pissed at all this crap would be an extreme understatement, and made me more determined than ever to make this night my last with this company. Still, I stared at her, standing by the door, a resplendent witch, but a witch nonetheless. Then, just as quickly I glanced back at Warren, still sitting calmly on the sofa, stroking his chin with his left hand, balancing his drink in his right.

         A few moments after Carolyn’s tirade had died down, he asked, “Is that the same outfit that you wore to work today, Carolyn?” Glancing down at herself, she stammered, “Y-Yes… So?” I noted that she was still wearing the business outfit that she’d flaunted in front of me earlier today; the blouse, unbuttoned to the waist, bra-less, and the very snug fitting skirt that barely came to mid-thigh.

         A sudden impulsive thought ran through my mind at that moment, a quick mental image of her, naked, kneeling between my knees, my cock embedded firmly in her mouth. My cock, as if with a mind of its own, jerked slowly to attention, and I had to drop my hands into my lap to hide my little moment of weakness. I suspected that it was simply the reactions of a condemned man.

         Nodding his head slowly, Warren went on to say, “A pity, Carolyn. If only you’d had the courage of your convictions, you might have been proclaimed a hero in due time. You see, that report of Scott’s turned out to be completely correct! I’ve just spent the entire weekend validating his information, and quite frankly, I’m a bit weary right now.”

         Still standing near the doorway, Carolyn’s mouth dropped open, her eyes wide with confusion as it slowly occurred to her that she’d just kicked a hole in her own professional boat. She glanced quickly back and forth between me and Warren, undoubtedly trying to find a way to respond to his comment.

         Controlling my impulse to walk out the door and escape this surrealistic scene, I decided to wait a bit to see how this strange situation played out. It suddenly occurred to me that I might not be in as much danger as I’d thought.

         Glancing back at me, Warren continued, “You have been a long project in the making, Scott. Ever since old professor Klein informed me of your peculiar gift, I’ve made it a mission to get you into a position in this company to provide the one thing that we lack; the means of predicting the results of certain business decisions, without pride or prejudice getting in the way.”

         Turning once again to face Carolyn, he said, “And you, Ms. Montague, have very nearly de-railed the entire plan, single-handedly. Tell me, Carolyn, just why do you think I placed him in your department?”

         Swallowing a couple of times, she responded, “I-I didn’t know it was you that had assigned him to me, Warren. He just showed up one day from HR, and I thought…” Her voice slowly trailed out into silence…

          “Now I have a much more serious problem Carolyn! It seems that Mr. Belger has just presented me with his resignation,” Warren said, waving his hand at the folded paper sitting on the coffee-table. After that comment, a long silence came over the room.

         To say that Carolyn was stupid would be a serious mistake. Warren Skyler was not known for being a either a fool or a pushover. Moreover, the fact that she was a relatively high level manager in his corporation certainly meant that she served a pivotal role in the success of the business. I was not in any position to make any judgments at this stage in my career, but I was still royally pissed at her, and still determined to escape from this crazy scene.

         Carolyn looked back and forth at us, before remarking, “Perhaps, uhm…, we could make some sort of deal with Mr. Belger, to sort of make it worth his while to stay on with us?” A sense of self-survival was beginning to manifest itself in her right now, and I could see that she was beginning to visualize a life without the nice position and perks that she now enjoyed.

         Warren wearily looked back at me, and after a moment asked, “Scott, just what would it take for you to remain with us?” Both of them stared at me, waiting for my response.

         I had resolved to leave the company tonight, and the outburst from Carolyn this evening had done little to change that resolve. The more I thought of what had transpired over the past 8 months, the angrier I became! Things would have to change impossibly before I’d ever feel comfortable in that department again.

         Feeling that my feet were firmly placed on the edge of a cliff, I slowly stepped over the edge! Looking back at them I said, “No problem…!” I noted a sigh of relief from Carolyn, but Warren began to smile wryly, as if he knew what was about to happen.

         Gathering up what little courage of mine that remained, I blurted out, “If Ms. Montague will strip naked, kneel between my legs, and give me the best blow-job of my life, I’ll stay with your company!”

         As expected, I saw a look of horror and shock on the face of Carolyn, but Warren still had that wry smile on his face. He glanced over at Carolyn, obviously expecting some sort of response. She glared at me, and then shifting her gaze, looked over at Warren, expecting some assistance from him. Seeing none, she said, “Surely you can’t force me to do that…!”

          “I force no one to do anything, Carolyn!” he said quietly. “The man has simply presented us with a simple business deal. I have invested a great deal of time, money and energy in the both of you, and I’d be sorely disappointed if it was all in vain.” At that, he arose and turning to both of us, he said, “I have to go into the next room to complete some important on-line business. When I return, I expect to find either an extremely satisfied employee, along with the manager of my most important department; or, the house empty except for myself.”

          “For you see, Carolyn, without the services of Scott from this point on, your usefulness to me will have ended,” he finished. With that, he strode out of the room.

         For long moments, Carolyn and I just stared at each other. The challenge had been issued; the response was now up to her. She was still standing in front of the doorway, but I figured that I already knew what her response would be. I stood up and made my way towards the door, determined to leave this house and the company forever.

         By the time I’d nearly reached her, Carolyn had figured out what I was about to do, and events suddenly took a turn for the unexpected, at least for me.

         I watched in astonishment as Carolyn reached up, and as if in slow motion, took off her business jacket, slowly dropping it to the floor. She then reached down to the remaining two buttons on her blouse, and popped them open. Shrugging her shoulders, the blouse joined the jacket on the floor as well.

         As I’d noted earlier, she was bra-less! Her tits were magnificent, as I’d suspected since my first partial look at them that morning; full, smooth, white, with the aureoles tightly wrinkled, and her nipples rigid in response to the cool air in the room. Wow!

         My cock, however, was not as paralyzed as my mind, and was beginning to rise in anticipation to whatever this occasion might bring.

         I glanced up to look at her face (a major accomplishment under the circumstances), and I found her staring forcefully into my eyes, gauging my every reaction to her movements. Curiously, I didn’t resent that, but I knew already that this woman was capable of pretty intense passions, however misguided, so I remained on guard.

         She continued on, still looking deeply into my eyes. Her hands slowly went to her waist, unsnapped the clasp, and she unzipped her skirt. Once done, she allowed it to drop to the floor with the other articles of clothing. I stood there, captivated, looking at the beautiful length of her legs, up to where the soft, white thong covered the last treasure of her body that remained concealed.

         Much to my embarrassment, I found myself swallowing, over and over again, as the sights I’d only imagined previously began to unfold before me. The effect wasn’t lost on Carolyn either, as she continued to tease my senses with her slow, tantalizing strip. A simple glance at my crotch was surely enough to convince her of the effect she was having on me. My cock was pushing the front of my trousers out to the breaking point, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

         About then, I forced myself to regain some of my composure. There WAS something I could do to stop the pressure in my cock, and my balls! There was the rest of my ‘business deal.’ As I saw her hook her thumbs into the sides of her thong, I stopped her. Looking at me quizzically, she dropped her hands to her sides, and waited to see what I had in mind.

         I reached out, and hooked my own fingers into the strings of her thong, and lowered them myself. As her pussy became exposed, it released a musky, sensual aroma that shot directly to my groin! A most effective aphrodisiac! There was a narrow strip of trimmed brunette pubic hair, forming an erotic arrow pointing directly to the heart of her sex! The crotch of her thong was extremely damp with her juices, so I knew that the effect of her ‘performance’ was working on her as well as on me. The lips of her pussy were swollen with excitement, and I wanted nothing more right now than to bury my face in it, lapping up those delicious smelling juices.

         Instead, Carolyn pulled me up by my shoulders, and marched me back to the chair from which I came. While I was still standing there, she reached out, unbuckled my belt, dropped my zipper, and pushed my trousers and shorts down to my ankles in one smooth movement. Smooth except for a brief moment of trying to get my shorts over my very erect cock. Pulling them off altogether, she pushed me into the chair, pulled my legs apart, and knelt there for a few moments, just looking at my intensely aroused cock!

         Slowly reaching out, she grasped my cock in her right hand, and cradled my balls in the other, gently massaging both until I was ready to explode! Sensing that I might be getting too close, she pinched the head of my cock firmly, delaying the inevitable. I began to sense that she wasn’t a novice at this…

         In an effort to prolong this wonderful experience, I tried to think of something that would reduce the tension I was feeling in my balls right now. Slime, garbage, crime, wrinkled old tramps, anything!!! Then, it occurred to me. If this were the only opportunity to have my way with the ‘super-bitch,’ I’d better go on the offensive, and fast!

         While she was engaged in attending to my cock and balls, I reached down to take hold of her tits, beginning to massage them firmly, at which point she briskly swatted my hands away! I quietly reminded her that Warren expected to find an ‘extremely satisfied employee’ on his return. I reached out again to her tits, and this time she didn’t resist. Taking her turgid nipples between thumb and forefingers, I slowly tweaked them back and forth. They…felt…wonderful!

         By this time she was breathing a bit heavily on the head of my cock, and it occurred to me that she might be hoping that I’d cum before she’d had an opportunity to ‘seal the deal!’ So, placing my hands on either side of her head, I quickly guided my cock into her beautiful mouth!

         Instinctively, she began a slow, sensual sucking on my cock, moving her head up and down on my shaft, expertly using her tongue to attack the sensitive sides and tip in a maddeningly exquisite massage. Meanwhile her hands cradled my balls, which she gently massaged as well. I wasn’t going to last much longer, as this whole situation had electrified my entire nervous system! I felt my cock reach the back of her throat each time she dropped her head into my lap, and I knew I’d reached my limit.

         Finally, without giving her any warning, I began emptying my balls into her mouth, while holding her head firmly onto my cock. Spasm after spasm racked my groin as I shot streams of cum into her mouth. Strangely enough, she wasn’t fighting my hold on her head; instead she was swallowing my load, gulp after gulp. I also noticed that she’d dropped one of her hands to her cunt, and was strumming it in a heated blur.

         Once I’d finished, I had to pull her head off my cock to make her stop sucking. The head of my dick was a bit tender after that intense workout, and I wanted to make sure that I still had something to take home with me after tonight. The pungent, musky odor of heated sex hung in the air however, and I soon felt my testosterone beginning to take control of my body once more.

         Carolyn had rolled back onto her heels, breathing heavily; her face and chest glowing red from her exertions. The view from my chair was priceless, and provocative. Her beautiful tits were moving up and down with each breath, and her thighs were still spread from the workout that she’d been giving her cunt towards the end. I could swear I could still see drops of her pussy juice shining in the small pubic strip sheltering her clitoris.

         As we both paused in the glow of after-sex, trying to catch our breaths, Carolyn finally looked up at me and gasped, “Well, Mr. Number-boy; how was that?” Not willing to admit to her that it was undoubtedly the best blow-job that I’d had in the past many years, I simply replied, “Eh… Not too bad.”

         As if I’d jammed an electric prod up her ass, she immediately came to life once more! “NOT TOO BAD? You son-of-a…...” But before she could finish her retort, I dropped to my knees in front of her, slipped my hands under her knees, and rolled her onto her back. With her legs spread out before me, I quickly buried my face into her pussy, savoring the warm, wet juices that had accumulated during our earlier encounter.

         She reached down to my head, and briefly tried to pull me away, but as I used my tongue to fuck away at her pussy and asshole, she began to reverse her direction, and began pulling me deeper into her body. I was in ‘pussy heaven,’ and with the ‘Manager from Hell’ no less! Since she had not had her own release from giving me head, I figured that it wouldn’t take her long to come to her own climax from my frenzied ‘tongue-fucking.’

         Sure enough, she began bucking her hips into my face, making it more and more difficult for me to breathe, using my hair for leverage in pulling my tongue even harder against her clit. Finally, she let out a rather sharp squeal, shuddered a few times, and collapsed into a damp, inert shape before me.

         I wasn’t quite done yet, as my cock had come back to life again after my pussy feast, and I was again gazing directly into Carolyn’s gorgeous cunt, now laid out before me. Catching my breath, and allowing Carolyn a brief rest, I thought back over the past 8 months and of the sarcastic remarks and general disrespect I’d endured until now.

         Then, grabbing her by the hips, I urged her to her hands and knees, facing away from me. She moaned briefly, but did nothing to stop me. The view from that perspective was nothing short of awesome! Carolyn’s ass-cheeks were perfectly shaped, white and smooth. Her pussy lips peeked out from between them, still glistening and swollen from my oral attentions just moments ago. The effect that the sight had on my now-revived cock was immediate, and urgent!

* * * *

         Meanwhile, his correspondence completed, Warren packed up his gear and prepared to leave the house. Thinking back to his own college days at Brender University, he recalled old professor Klein’s assessment of his own ‘gift,’ as he called it. Chuckling, he remembered the professor telling him that he was a natural ‘empath,’ having the ability to read people with an ease that seemed almost supernatural.

         No, professor, he thought. People have just made it so easy for themselves to be read; so unguarded, so predictable. Experience had only given him the ‘gift’ of putting the right people in the right place within his company.

         Sighing, he called Susan and requested the car. Walking out into the living room, he had few doubts about what he’d find when he passed through. He was, however, a bit surprised to find the two kneeling on the floor, Scott pounding his cock into Carolyn with a passion that screamed defiance to their earlier hatred of each other. Carolyn had her head resting on her hands, and was moaning over and over, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me…” as she backed into Scott’s strokes. The sweet smell of sex was strong in the room, and Warren suspected that it was going to be a very, very long night for these two.

         Smiling to himself, he crossed the room silently and let himself out, unannounced and unnoticed into the night. He was secure in the knowledge that things were indeed going to be different around that office from this point on, and that his plans for its future were sure to get back on track.

         As an afterthought, he was now quite sure it was time for a substantial raise for Roxanne...

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© Copyright 2010 Hatsuda (jewellr at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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