Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1710164-Virtual-character-creation
Rated: E · Review · Action/Adventure · #1710164
You can create your very own virtual character to be used in the story virtual adventure.
Below you will see the created characters that will be used in the story virtual adventure. Also if you want me to put your character in here send me a message with the exact details of your type of character and i'll put it in here. Also your character will gain a hidden (skill, magic special, etc.) when they reach levels 30, 50, 70, and 100.

Class: sub-human (nine-tail ice fox)
Level: 27
Exp: 39500
Armor: Flame Armor
Hat: Flame Helm
Weapon: Frost Edge (sword), Frost Edge (sword)
Accessery: Flame bangle (x9) one for each tail
Magic: fireball, ice shard, firewall, thunder spear, Blizzaga, Firaga
Specials: fireball barrage, icestorm, fire shield
Limit break: Final Demolition (non-elemental energy attack that attacks all foes).
Hp: 2710  Mp: 845  Attack: 160  Magic: 104  Defence: 133  Speed: 51  Fire Resistance: 120
Items: red potion(x10), green potion(x5), blue potion(x6), revival stone(x4)
Money: 12300 gold

Class: Gunner
Level: 24
Exp: 35000
Armor: Army Coat
Hat: Soldier Helmet
Weapon: Shadow blaster (dark element)
Skills: Snipe, Double shot, Overload, Airstrike, Tank, Plasma Grenade, Carpet Bombing
Specials: Ion cannon
Hp: 1940  Mp: 490  Attack: 170  Magic: 35  Defence: 104  Speed: 69
Items: Hand bombs(x20), red potion(x3)
Money: 18255 gold

Class: Mage
Level: 26
Exp: 38000
Armor: White Mage Dress
Hat: White Mage Hat
Weapon: Seraphim (holy element staff)
W.Magic: Heal, Healmore, Judgement, Revive, Barrier, Regen, Curaga, Full-life, Auto-life
B.Magic: Star Shower, Pulser, Thuderbolt, Iceshard
Specials: Genesis(gives auto-life)
Hp: 2130  Mp: 1020  Attack: 40  Magic: 122  Defence: 100  Speed: 66
Items: green potion(x10), revival stone(x4)
Money: 18000 gold

Class: Druid
Level: 19
Weapon: Quarterstaff
Magic: Heal, Healmore, Judgement, Lightspot, Speak with animals, Tame animals
Specials: Insuflate (lets plants grow)
Hp: 695 Mp: 520 Attack: 23 Magic: 49 Defence: 58 Speed: 32
Items: red potion(x5), green potion(x8)
Money: 750 gold

(Below is reserved for special characters)

Class: Ninja
Weapon: Katanna
Armor: Ninja Suit
Hat: Ninja Hat
Level: 18
Exp: 26000
Hp-1150  mp-230  atk-185  def-150  mag-120  evd-250
Bushido- Quick Slash, Wind Slash, Revenge, Unleash
Skills- Reflex, Protect, Temper
Limit break- Death Strike
Items: Blue Potion(x11), Kunai(x25), Shuriken(x30)

Class: Mage Knight
Weapon: Spell Blade
Armor: Gold Armor
Helm: Knight Helm
Level: 17
Exp: 24500
Hp-870  mp-230  atk-190  def-150  mag-250  evd-145
B.Magic- Blizzaga, Firaga, Thundaga
W.Magic- Curaga, Protect, Shell, Barrier
Limit break- X-Slasher
Items: Blue Potion(x10)

Class: Gunner
Weapon: Glock
Armor: Army Vest
Hat: Soldier Helmet
Level: 28
Exp: 41000
Hp-2085  mp-780  atk-550  def-440  mag-330  evd-380
Skills- Protect, Temper
Shoot- Snipe, Double shot, Unload
Backup- Airstrike, Medipack, Lock On, Tank, Tera Drill, Poison Gas, Debilitate, Bind
Limit break- Weapon Assult
Items: Grenade(x50), Hand Bomb(x100), Blue Potion(x50), Claymore(x5)

Class: Warlord
Weapon: Demon's Greatsword and Plasma Rifle
Armor: Warlord Armor
Hat: Warlord Helm
Level: 34
Exp: 50500
Hp-3215  Mp-575  Atk-395  Def-490  Mag-380  Evd-350
Bushido- Reaper
Shoot- Focus shot, Charge beam
B.Magic- Meteor, Flare, Ultima
Limit break- Warlords Impact
Hidden Skill: Blood Lust
Items: Revival Stone(x10), Elixir(x5), X-potion(x3), X-Ether(x4)
Gold- 9800

Class: 3-Tail Demon Fox
Weapon: Crimson Scythe
Armor: Samurai Armor
Hat: Samurai Helm
Level: 25
Exp: 36500
Hp-2185 Mp-500  Atk-210  Def-255  Mag-195  Evd-250
Fox Skills- Demon Fire, Dark Fire, Dark Fira, Dark Firaga, Dark Fire Cannon, Shadow Fire
Limit Break- Scythe Tornado
Hidden Skill: None At The Moment
Items: Kunai(x25), Shuriken(x30), Megalixir(x2)
Gold- 10000

Class: Spartan
Weapon: Spartan Assult Rifle
Armor: Spartan Armor
Hat: Spartan Helm
Level: 26
Exp: 38000
Hp-2655 Mp-450  Atk-245  Def-235  Mag-200  Evd-190
Skills- Flashbang
Limit Break- Bullet Storm
Hidden skill- None At The Moment
Items: Elixir(x5), Plasma Grenade(x15)
Gold- 7500

Class: Aqua Knight
Weapon: Aqua Blade
Shield: Aqua Shield
Armor: Aqua Armor
Hat: Aqua Helm
Level: 27
Exp: 41000
Hp-2755 Mp-355  Atk-235  Def-300  Mag-275  Evd-245
Magic- Water, Watera, Waterga, Tsunami, Flood, Whirlpool, Waterwall
Skills- Water Slash, Aqua Needle
Limit Break- Aqua Torrent
Hidden Skill- None At The Moment
Items- Aqua Drop(x5), Blue Potion(x10)
Gold- 8000

George the Echidna And Vicious the Echidna
Class: Cykreasian
Level: 100
Exp: 1,000,000
George: Hp-60,000 Mp-5000 Atk-999 Def-999 Mag-999 Evd-999
Vicious: Hp-60,000 Mp-5000 Atk-999 Def-999 Mag-999 Evd-999
Skills-Cykro Crusher, Telekenisis, Cykreasian Bomb Blast, Cykreasian Rock Smash, Cykreasian Shockwave

Hat-Soul Shroud
Armor-Shadow Armor
Weapon-Assassin Dagger
Level: 50
Exp: 82000
Hp-5935 Mp-2955 Atk-495 Def-385 Mag-315 Evd-655
Skills-Psyco Crusher, Telekenisis, Bomb Blast, Rock Smash, Shockwave

Class:Chaos Mage
Hat-Chaos Mage Hat
Armor-Chaos Mage Robe
Weapon-Chaos Scepter
Level: 100
Exp: 1,000,000
Hp-9999 Mp-9999 Atk-999 Def-999 Mag-999 Evd-999
Chaos Magic-Apocalypse

Hat-Bronze Helm
Armor-Bronze Armor
Weapon-Dual Silver and Gold Dagger
Exp: 68000
Hp-4795 Mp-3955 Atk-490 Def-420 Mag-365 Evd-455
Skills-Steal, Smoke Bomb
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