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Rated: 18+ · Sample · Death · #1713147
Helena Snow was found dead in her kitchen. Beleived to have been killed by her husband.
This is wrote in diary form.

Helena's Dairy.

The body of thirty five year old retired model Helena Snow has shocked the country. Described as ditzy and lovable and in a loving relationship with her fiancé, forty two year old Alan O’Brien, who is been held in custody for her murder. New evidence has been found in the form of both their dairies, will they confirm his guilt or clear his name…..

8th.September 2008 .

Finally moved in to my new home today. I thought new home new dairy right. It isn’t what I thought it would be for five hundred grand, old fashioned is the word that springs to my mind. Not the great way to start my new life, peeling wallpaper off the walls and pulling up twenty year old carpets… The neighbours are a set of old fogies to. When I pulled up in my pink Mercedes I saw them all looking from their windows. I can imagine how the conversations in them houses would have gone, slagging us down…. I just got back from a dinner date with my amazing friend Becky. She has agreed to help me do some decorating tomorrow. Well, her and my son will be doing the decorating as I will be sat on a inflatable chair with a fruit drink in my hand, to right.

9th September 2008.

Papers down, took Becky and my little solider hours it did. We did have to stop after we saw strange marks on the wall in the kitchen. About three feet up the wall a small line drawn with a name under it. Looks like one of them growing things that some parents do when they mark the growth of their children as they was some lines and names going up the wall. Henry aged three, Henry aged four up until Henry aged seven. Then it stopped with Henry and started with Joseph aged eight, Joseph aged nine. New family perhaps? But why would they continue from the last family, wouldn’t they start one of they’re own? Whatever it was it has been replaced with a nice green paint…. That damn Becky. The stupid bitch only used radiator paint on the walls didn’t she. The paper underneath is visible, if you want things done do it yourself….. At last, in my cosy bed with my son Benny and My beloved mutt Felix. My new fiancée- My heart skips when I say that- Alan is at work. Did the painting today MYSELF too may I add, only way to get it right. The growth markings underneath was still visible through the radiator paint. I had to get it fixed before my Fiancée -Heart skipping- Alan saw it. He has this idea that women cant do anything right. Becky the stupid mare almost proved him right….

10th September 2008.

Benny’s birthday today. Four years old but at the mental age of someone double that. He is excited and showed it all on my bed covers. Taking him down town today to get him loads of prezzies, the guy deserves them. Took me a while to get the cash of his dad, what’s his is mine so I’m entitled to it…. Sad day today. My beloved Felix was killed by a fox or something like that. Found him in the back garden when I got back from town. Laying on his favourite cover, at least he died like he lived, a lazy fat mutt laying on his cover. I’m traumatized by this, its ruined Benny’s birthday for me. The strangest thing is, when I went to my neighbour for a shovel she told me her chickens was out all day and night and not one got injured or even disturbed, why would a fox target only my Felix? Don’t they enjoy chasing chickens. Whatever it was it best not show up around here again unless it wants a size three stiletto up its backside.

11th September 2008.

Still heartbroken by my Felix been killed. I just couldn’t enjoy poor Benny’s tea party. I just-… Intruder in the house. Paw prints walking up the hall. The thing that killed Felix, its back…Panic over. The paw prints belonged to a puppy that my Alan bought me. Insensitive if you ask me. The last thing I want is a new puppy when I’m still in grief for my Felix… Going back to work tomorrow so I have hired a nanny to look after Benny. Nanny Rosetta. I hate the fact of leaving him but I have a salon to run… Sat down stairs, the time is eleven thirty. Alan was busy doing something on his laptop. The continuing tapping on his laptop was driving me insane, I had to get out that room before his laptop ended up smashed on the other side of the room. I found a old family photo album from the previous owners of this house in the cellar, Man those people was dorks. Like the markings on the kitchen wall, these photos have a young boy in them. Around the age of seven a happy looking boy in a dozen of these photos, smiling and enjoying himself with his parents. Some of these photos also have pictures of another boy. Same parents but a different boy. Nothing like the other boy, this one is miserable and really pale. Is this Henry and Joseph?…

12th September 2008.

Woke up with a stiff neck. A night on the couch is not good for a lady, no wonder its men who gets kicked on them ha ha. A nice relaxing bath sorted that out though. Just waiting for the nanny to get here then its of to work I go. My boy is busy downstairs in the back garden playing with the new puppy. He adores it so at least some good came of Alan‘s insensitiveness.... Back from work and my feet are killing me. Everything seemed to have gone well with the nanny. Benny doesn’t seem to dislike her, and the house is really tidy to. Although I don’t know where some of my things are but its he thought that counts… Woke up by the yapping mutt. Did it want to go out? No. Did it need a drink? No. What got this dog so riled up?

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