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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #1714707
A massacre might lead to something hidden
Not knowing you're dead or alive what does it make you?
who are you ? when you don't know even these essential things ,what is
the purpose of live that is not bound with time? who are you ?

These are only few questions I could ask my self, who am I?
hmm ,truly this is the one thing I don't remember when I was born ?
what was my status ? who were I ? These were things I already
forgotten ,because what reason would I have to remember this. No I'm
beyond that !! I'm already beyond these little things but its all
right to ask yourself ,yes its OK to pose such questions. The eternal
Megacivilisation is the place I'm in right now an civilization that is
so unique and yet normal a big metro-poly futuristic utopia that
crosses the entire galaxies, yes its a town set in space ,to think
civilization would go as that far ! to reach the stars was obviously
not en ought, oh don't ask me about the year? don't give me such
questions this does not matter I'm Immortal I won't age. An eternal
darkness ,night without any day its how life in space looks like, how
can you live in space ? well obviously someone found out how to do it,
scientists these that like to waste their time to develop such
mathematical concepts. They knew the formulas to make this a reality,
they knew how to approach these problems, and turn it into our reality
the reality that is my present day I'm a demon which means I'm
Immortal ,the word „Demonos" means that although in some third graded
worlds: Demons are usually understood as being the soldiers of one of
the Hellish lords .
My world is called by them as the „Afterlife" or „The Netherworld",
hmm well we know how to bring back dead for real, that's sure. This is
the world I live an Cosmic Metropoly where Immortals live a
civilization of the highest technology known in the universe.

The Megacivilisation what is it ?

Its a intergalactic metropoly and federation, which is divided by two
intergalactic states ,also federations Heaven and Hell that are at
perpetual war: called the Eternal war the classic Good vs Evil battle
,short summary the Heaven are the good guys the Hell are the bad guys,
OK so we know that.
Its simple isn't ? or maybe its not quite that simple, you see people
and especially demons or even angels which actually are also demons
,according to our understanding of the word: „Demonos"
From where Demon comes ..well they have a tendency to go grey all of a
sudden or change colors from white to black, after all even here we
exist in a world where society is present. We have: Media's ,politics
and all other things present in so called modernized worlds and boy
isn't that annoying. Now let me tell you, how it looks from a
perspective of an outcast, yes that's a good word why don't we keep
it? Not just an outcast !! but the one deemed by the society as a
monster ,a freak ,as a very dangerous criminal ,insane maybe, but
don't worry I won't kill you not yet anyway ,huh, so why am I a
criminal ?Did I do something bad ?
hmm, Maybe yea, but you don't need to do bad things to be cast outed
by the society. Sometimes standing up especially to the ones that hold
authority and money ,a lot of it prestige, yes it can actually make
you a criminal !! that's how the world works of course ,I raped and
killed and generally deserved that title I deserved to be a criminal,
so that's who I am ,I'm definitely not a hero but sometimes evil can
be beaten by something worse ,sometimes its the only way,

sometimes its how the world works, ad-least the one I live or witness
after all I'm a monster to boot, but this too can have its advantages
,the ultimate freedom that it gives but also the responsibility, I'm
an Immortal Judge that judges and decides and sometimes my decisions
can have consequences for an entire galaxy or planet especially if I
decide to destroy it.
So I need to take responsibility for every action and life I take,
that's what makes me special ,but also kinda ordinary, I look ordinary
,but I'm not ordinary however I won't allow anybody to recognize me
unless, its all the part of my plan or my game.

Because life is all a game and Illusion of perception ,we live in a
world that is actually a game programed by a very high entity , be it
the ancient being we know and refer to as God the all mighty
philosopher or more exactly the source of everything we know ,the
source to which I have access conveniently.
I told you already that,
the world as we know is merely an Illusion of perception, but did you
understand what I meant ? by it did you comprehend, the full meaning
of it ? We live in a world that is an interface, in which we write our
own stories we are the authors of each and everyone life is a stage
on which we play for our audience no more exactly spectator. God is
our spectator ,a witness to our will and desires and to our stories.
I'm also a witness but I do not spectate ,I take part in some stories
and sometimes rewrite it for my own convenience to make a mark I'm
here, I do exist
that Blaze Master is here, and exist so that others will know that
someone called Blaze Master exists and lives that he is here,
everybody wants to be noticed to exist to be seen ,to be acknowledged
in this structure we call society, we all want to be labeled by this
structure, I however like to tease so I do label my self in a label I
created , that's who I am the one I create is me, of course the
question is ....is this message being transmitted to others ,do others
see me in the way I want them to see me ? Do they see me in the exact
way I want them to see me, yes that's very important !! how
successfully am I in drawing this what I am, do I do a good job, do
they understand ? what am I ,acknowledge accept.
So who am I ? I'm still asking my self this question ,because still
all revolves around it, the image I make is because of who I am, so
who am I ?.
I'm walking now ,walking without no real purpose or real direction,
I'm moving forward everybody tells me and themselves : how important
is to move forward, you need to go forward or you'll be left behind is
what they say ,move go go and hurry !! they say these things too, so
I'm moving forward ,yes that's what they say and say.
so I'm walking forward and observing others ,as they walk to somewhere
they want to go its ,an un ending metropoly so there are unlimited
possibilities where these people and demons want to go and they
usually go there. People and demons they all differ and can be
interesting ,some of them are angry ,some happy ,others are calm and
there are some who cry ,they're different cause the ire lives are
different ,these are all different stories that could be told and
interpreted in different ways ,after all understanding and
interpretation is the most important. Its dark but there are many
lights from different neon's and banners advertisements, hmm,
advertisement industry is booming in the entire universe ,everyone has
something they need to show the world and need to advertise us about
it!! a cream ,an energy drink or others are just examples of it.
         Society is full of advertises and advertisers, who's main purpose is
to advertise us and fill our heads with all that knowledge, that we
need to know, in order to buy the right ,the best products so we will
be sure our lives are well branded and what are brands by the way?
the ire labels we pay others so we can be la belled in a way we like
,we drink ,we use ,what is labeled because of the same desire. So I'm
walking ,and going to where ?I'm not exactly sure there's no need to
be sure ,I'm on a bridge of sorts but there is no water below just
depths, unlimited un ended ,I look into that depths to see how below
many spacecrafts are going in the ire own way, they go very fast with
speed of lights. They become light and that's why they go so fast ,so
fast to go there where they want to go ,but sometimes some don't make
it they die cause of that speed.
Yet they still do it in haste die quick, live quick, they're always
hurrying and going of somewhere to schools, the-ires works, and many
other places ,they go ,in reality they do the same I do, they go
somewhere and hope to reach it, but my question is where do they go ?
Its noisy because of that ,because many things happen in the same
space people and demons talk, others advertise there was even a giant
TV screen on one of the buildings and a news reporter was just telling
the news:
„....The Main body of the Megacivilisational senate meet today in
order to discuss recent happenings, on the planet Reigna as we
reported earlier its governing body was attacked by an unknown
individual ,known only from using the name Blaze Master. The
Megacivilisational senate has expressed its condolences for the
victims of that tragedy and have condemned the actions of this unknown
individual, who is the worlds best known and yet unknown criminal.
There are no sources or photographs that exist of him despite our
highly advanced and digitalized world Blaze Master was able to hide
,from any such detection it is a known fact that he doesn't swear any
allegiance to known major terrorist or criminal organization and is
thought to work alone, who is he ?why he does that? is the questions
that fills the head of every citizen of our world. Blaze Master is an
ancient demon that has committed all known offenses and is considered
highly dangerous and armed despite this ,there is no image or
description that we could issue, not many of his victims do speak up
and almost none can remember or recall him, this yet proofs how
horrible and hideous he must be.........."

The TV attacked me despite the fact they knew nothing or more exactly
decided to hide the hideous truth of biogenetical engineery , because
it was too inconvenient to one of theirs sponsors that was involved
in this ,thus they chooses the easy way out to attack the one that
dared to speak up. Because these that speak out despite the
conventions ,should be punished that's how the society thinks and
does ,this is how it works, its all a lie.

Good thing ,I'm not there in that show sitting and being asked, by two
incompetent fools that are paid to attack and show me as a monster
with prepaid witnesses that will state everything that's written in a
script, the glory of modernized television which is used to wipe out
all emotions and subdue the population, however it does not always
accomplishes this goal cause they're many who actually think and
decide to check the facts by themselves ,but I'm not as that
interested in all of this. The society is not what I'm interested in,
I do things I like I'm free to go wherever I want and do what I want
,I'M a BLAZE MASTER the architect of the Universe ,the count of chaos
,the minister of Paradox and the witness to the source Ive seen it
and spoke with it and it granted my wish and allowed me to observed
it, it also created Alpha and Omega ,a girl that is my servant and the
interface to the real beginning and the end a girl I can use in any
way I like cause she exists for me and I'm allowed to do what I want,
well there's no need for repeating my self, well anyways she's not
here, I'm alone now so why I'm thinking of her ,there's no reason for
it at alland still I'm going somewhere I don't know, where I left the
bridge a while ago and now I'm heading forward. Its dark but there
are lights I look in the sky but there is no sky, instead I see
galaxies and stars ,were in space now we can breathe, cause I'm in an
air chimney, inside on a platform bee-tween the platforms and air
chimneys ,there is a vacuum I sometimes went threw the vacuum space
to reach the air chimney and other platforms, on which other parts of
the metro poly are located ,they're unlimited in the ire lenght and
wideness ,they're incredible its incredible when you see two platforms
while standing on the third one. Its an road of light, its truly
wonder full, its yellow, red and sometimes white. It can be so bright,
that its hard to watch like a sun, a sunny road that's how it looks
like and in front of me far away, I see the same sometimes ,usually
the view is obstructed by some buildings and I go threw different
alleys and sometimes I'm even in a park.
That's how it looks like ,sometimes in the sky ,I can see planets on
which the worlds that joined the Megacivilisation are located,
sometimes I visit these worlds which serves as a vacation from these
dark platforms ,because planets have blue skies ,water ,oceans and
many other places that are not present, naturally in the space.
However its interesting that our civilization made use of the empty
space and build this intergalactic metropoly, which is the center. the
capital city and the only city of the most advanced universal
intergalactic civilization I ever known, and is the home of our world.
This was possible by the God called Jachwe, by the creator and the
most influential ruler known to us the ancient Philosopher ,the
dictator and just ruler of our world.
He is the one that made it possible thanks to his will, effort and
research,his wisdom and love that continues since the beginnings of
our times, lasting till this day we live in such advanced world, that
gained power over death and ability to travel to other times and
The ability to rewrite, change worlds, that's what our world is able
to accomplish that kinda power can be scary and beneficial, if that
falls in wrong hands it can destroy worlds, if it falls in the right
one it creates, this is the power of magic and science or more exactly
the science behind the magic. So what is it that we call magic? What
does it mean to be able to perform magic? It means that you know how
to bend rules ,that are suppose to be UN-bendable however its only
our believes, we walk because we believe, were being pulled down ,no
were being pulled down in order to make us believe we are, however if
we want we can fly, go up if we believe we can fly we will fly why ?
Because the world we live is a game that's why!!
An on line role play ,that's what our life is, its a simplification
however but its more easier to understand that way..........

Chapter 01
„The Sexual desires"

Its all about simplifying things so others can understand it ,that's
how it looks like. So to not loose you're self in something like this,
its hard without the right perspective my kinda perspective. I was
still walking and I saw people and buildings ,clubs ,banks, places
where people work and have fun I was passed on the way, by the people
and demons who were either working or having fun ,they all worked ...so
they could have fun later this is how it works with them of course
different people work in different ways and while a young obviously
bank manager was going to have fun with a hooker ,the hooker herself
was actually working.... thought they both did the same thing
interesting. Hookers called also prostitutes are usually described as
being immoral girls without no honor and shame, willing to sell the
ire dignity for money that's the way the world labels them and
understands them ,however while some do that cause they like it. There
are others who are forced into doing that believing they can't live
like others do that its smoothing they do not have the right to ,the
world and society binds them into sexual slavery sometimes they're
young human girls of 15 or 14 years ,but they're still forced and
labeled as prostitutes the society and the so called social status,
can take everything away from these girls showing to her, that these
that don't do this are un cool ,old fashioned and generally losers.
These girls are used and later on thrown out like trash, that's how it
is. That's how humane civilized and well developed world treats them
,not that I should pity them but sometimes I will that's how it is,
its sad to see these children being treated like that, by these that
are superior cause they have power and authority and money, these
think they're above the law and usually they are!! because the law and
establishment protects these that can pay them, that have the money
the establishment wishes to have for itself ,actually its all about
the money these girls get the money and loose dignity the envious
establishment harasses them and destroys them, makes them feel
unworthy ,that they're trash ,that the world is perfect but they're
not cause the ire weak the establishment tells them they need to die
and when theres no one they can rely on, they will kill themselves
however everybody wishing to help them will be harassed as well.
They're cowards ,actually its mob against a weak fragile defenseless
and uneducated life the mob has majority ,they can control everything
and so destroying one or more life is not a hard thing for it the mob
is supported by these that are guilty ,who want to hide the ire
crimes and tell others they forced them to make that crime ,they're
rich, so they're reliable ,people listen when money talks.

That's what I see sometimes I take action, I'm no hero not because
I'm weak I'm not but even I wont see everything ,even I can't save
everybody so I don't try, I save these that I begin to like or I'm
convinced they deserved to be saved. Cause you need to deserve an
other chance in life ,know how to use it and be able to do it
,sometimes I may teach them help them find the ire happiness and this
what I do although I'm not a hero and I can use them as well and than
heal them, in an attempt to pay them for it ...its not repent because I
do not care about my sins I do what I like I'm free to do what I
like, I'm an Eternal Blaze Master that's who I am
and that's my story.

I sited down and took out my laptop from my bag ,the power of
technology the information the web ,I entered it by turning my laptop
and going into it... I surfed the net looking for the information about
something I could do an interesting thing that could be my next work,
give me money and generally help me I was investigating looking for
some story that could interest me, waiting for my entry into some
game that is someones life. This could come as I saw a woman that was
hurrying somewhere. I turned off my laptop and hid it in my bag, that
I was carrying on my arm and followed that woman to where she was
going I was following her in order to get into her life, have fun
with her and find out what secrets... she held she was dressed in a red
leather suit, had blue hair ,she was one of these hookers ,knowing
that you should know what ties she could had and what danger es
awaited me. Yes I in tented to provoke them to war with me that was
my plan and my goal, and I knew what kinda risk and chain of events I
would unleash what hell will be released once these that control her
will be provoked ,they don't like these kinda games ...they don't like
to be teased ,cause they need to be feared and serious. I was tailing
this woman 21, human, blue hair ,dressed in a provocative skirt, that
was inviting me to do my thing...but I needed to know!! I need to pay!!
and what if I decided not to than I would be punished
, but I'm Blaze
Master I can be punished. The woman meet up with a man 45 years, he
could have been married ...hmm, marriage law of humans that they
promise to God ,that they will be with the person they vow and than
ironically they don't obey this vow, than why did they make it?

they're interesting. The man 45 and the woman 21 talked ,I didn't hear
much but I knew what was going on ,after all I was the hunter in this
situation. It was amazingly funny to watch a 45 man trying to behave
like some kinda punk, thinking it makes him cool and worthy of her it
was amusing because the woman while acting was not only unimpressed
,but in fact bored with him waiting only to the part where she gets
to be paid,and so this humanistic spectacle dragged for a while, until
she allowed herself to be persuaded into going with him to his house.
I followed far away not wanting to be seen ,interested in the way the
events might turn out. They went to some apartment area a place where
some apartments were located. People usually live in these kinda
things, futuristic block houses ,that house up to one billion or more
residents, its a fitting place for these that don't want to be left
alone it creates a illusion of being a part of a bigger organization
,even if these neighbors don't really care about each other. Despite
that however despite being there a billion people its really a very
lonely dark place ,a place where humans are putted away like toys in
the ire boxes ,they go there when they're un needed by the system
...they go there because for now there's no need for them. Its like
cemeteries with names, thought here they get out occasionally and go
to places they're currently needed. The hall where the stairs are
located is a very gloomy dark place ,probably that's why most of them
use elevators to get from one floors to the other one. Yes elevators
always go up and down ,and Down and up they're always moving and
sometimes they're the only ones moving ,especially if people don't
come out a very grim place like a tower structure and dark ,this is
the place human live ,some of them these that can't afford to live in
greater place, this is where the so called middle class lives. The
darkness of this place however is obstructed a little by some lights
the old fashion ones where you need to change them once a while, cause
they die, these light give some light on this matter but its not a
bright place to be. Occasionally some youths go out on the stairs to
smoke cigarettes or other weeds, this is typical of these places
,they're always in that kinda places so its us sully a rule to find
them here. Of course its not always wise to approach them, cause
they're usually very aggressive to strangers and ones they deem to
obstruct their way of living ,they don't like invaders from other
places that are not from the ire own. Because these invaders differ

very much from what they know and value to be true, its the difference
what they hate cause how can you be different were all has to be
the same its a rule
, youths smoke weed and cigarettes so these that
don't want to have to be eliminated, that's how this block-house world
looks so its better to be unnoticed if you don't like cigarettes and
weed, cause you might get punished for that. Of course its a rule that
to have fun and sex is fun so the youths do sex with each other,
however sex is not free contra ire to the popular believe you need to
pay and be on the right social status to get permission for it. Its
dangerous to do sex without a proper social status, the society
doesn't like that it doesn't like pests so it eliminates it.
course that's the main aspect of this event ,so I followed my target
couple ,the blue haired 21 woman and a guy of 45 as they left the
elevator apparently the guy didn't want to wait and wanted to consume
the relation to early ,however the woman 21 didn't like spoilers ...so
he needed to wait,ad least until they enter the apartment. The man
lead his guest inside the apartment I followed them in my ghost mode,
so I was unnoticed by them. The man decided to get some glasses and
poured Vodka in it everybody knows that its much easier to get a
woman when she's drunk ,after all his manly pride was on the line he
couldn't afford to loose this one
. The apartment looked like a family
one with some broken toys and a lot of bottles ,empty bottles of alcohol.
The woman 21 wanted to be paid first, thought she was not that stupid
to let herself be used for free,after all she was here to work and
not have fun so she needed to be paid. The man mumbled something but
paid her ,her price after this the woman neared to him and a short
conversation took place:

Woman 21: you're such dirty old man
man 45: you're so beautiful ,unlike my dirty wife
Woman 21:oh thank you
man 45: She is a real bitch, with these two brats of hers I hate her
how long do I have to keep up with them, I kill her dirty pig,she
laughs and laughs and eats like swine..all this is my hard work and
she only sits watching that tv ,how dears she I'm gonna kill that
bitch... I'm sick I'm dying and that bitch sits and sits and buys
food for her brats, she should pay me fucking bitch ! but she's not
like you ,she's a fat and ugly cow, not like you ...BE MINE BE MINE

The woman 21 obviously entertained by the hideous nature of the man 45
laughed and prepared herself to be taken as the man 45 was getting
ready to consume her ,he felt it was his manly duty to get the woman
,he viewed it as the most manly thing to do and viewing these man
that can't do these things unworthy to be man destined to be killed
...erased from what he viewed as a healthy society. The girl obediently
went to the bedroom and lied on the bed ,she knew the place very well
signifying the fact she was here many times, invited by the man who
viewed her more worthy from what he called „his ugly wife", which of
course was
not the truth cause from what I learned as Blaze Master is, to never
believe what humans tell you. The woman obediently like a doll lied on
the bed and for the mans 45 enjoyment started to play with herself, to
increase his desires ,she was preparing herself for what she knew, was
to come . For what she expected to come and happen to her. The Woman
21 provoked the man 45 to make a move on her ,she was inviting him to
start his thing , she was expecting him but I interfered and cut
offed his head materialized my self revealing my presence in that
feral apartment. The Woman 21 was schocked and did not want to accept
the reality ,that her lover who paid her for her job was already dead
and blood was spilling from the corpse I decided to intervene and
have fun with the woman 21 and sited on the bed analyzing my future
victim ,as I looked in her eyes I saw darkness of despair, she was
schocked and terrified on how weak human beings are and how simple is
to destroy something that is so fragile. She knew that we demons
exist ,she lived in that world but could not accept the reality, that
something like that may happen in such a down to ground life. She
didn't think of nothing just schocked looked at me, not knowing what
will happen to her especially since my eyes didn't tell her nothing,
she didn't knew what I wanted while I knew what I wanted to do to
her. I grabbed her and pushed down kissing her in the lips I pushed
my self on her invading all the places ,that were suppose to be
invaded by the man 45, who was already dead. She tried to fight and
screamed a little bit as she realized ,what was to happen now
however I wasn't the one who was desired there I was the pest so
,she didn't want me there and fought with whole her power ,for her
dignity but it was all in vain as she screamed in vain I kissed her
in the lips and told her to be quiet and play a long, if she desired
to be spared of the fate ...the man deserved. She wasn't dumb, but not
happy terrified of having something she was not paid to be done to
her, she screamed in vain not wanting that what I planned to do with
her. She was lying in bed while I was lying on her conquering her
defenses and joining her...she screamed drastically as she felt me
inside when we became one, she felt my warmness spreading inside her
and than everything culminated in a flash ,soon it ended and it was
time to say goodbye I killed her as well, with two strikes of my
laser sword than I used her blood and wrote my sign
and draw a pentagram. After all has been done I left the place
,leaving two bloody corpses behind ,that was my fun for the day. I
returned to the dark platforms, were all was the same despite the
man and the woman 21 ,not being there.

cause no body really cared. In reality they were only parasites for
others like them, who wished to take their place,so despite them not
being any more the society was still there ,quietly minding the ire
own business no one would intervene, no one cared to intervene, it
wasn't their business ,to intervene and everyone knew their buisness.
Life is a fragile thing that can be taken away by these that are
stronger ,its just merely a normal way of life... the stronger usually
are surrounded by supporters and they view themselves as being Gods
however If I would like I can very shortly prove them how wrong they
really are.

I was beginning to feel hungry so I sat on a bench, somewhere far
away from that block house place. I sat there and decided to eat my
synthetic food,food made synthetically is the cheapest and easy way to
provide nutrition's to these infinitive billions that can't afford
real one, cause this is space the distribution from planets is very
insufficient and only rich ones can afford... real natural food, while
common workers rely on synthetic or substitute food. Substitute food
is a food made from left overs, yellow grease with addition of water
and boiled can substitute a fine soup and with a very high quality of
grease taken from the finest restaurants, such soups may be a real
delicately in the ire own rights too. Of course such nutrition is a
common thing in a such developed world were people travel to stars
and bee tween them. Synthetic food on the other hand is made by
molecular engineering that allows rubber to become cheese ,yellow
cheese for example, such food is also a way to get ridd of industrial
trash. Of course we can also refresh spoiled food allowing for it
consumption even after its period already passed, this is done by
molecular engineery as well.
Which helps the food industry as well I was just consuming
synthetically made food were the soup I eat ed before its
engineering was used out motor oil, however after engineering it
became chicken soup with noodles a very tasty one by the way. So I
eaten it all up ,not wasting a drop and hid the empty container for
future use.

As I ended my meal and went on my way I was beginning to think what
will be the reaction to the things I done in that block house place.
I knew what will happened, once the body will be discovered and how
afraid these that have power ,yet not know who to attack with it are.
Cause most of them know nothing of me I don't exist in the ire
records, don't belong in the ire social structures they create I'm
just a shadow ,now the question is, how to fight with a shadow ?
that's a good question indeed.
Its hard to fight with something that does not exist or has no right
to exist, than again, with what threaten someone who has nothing
who's values can't be destroyed, its a very hard task or even
Impossible one for that materialistic establishment. Cause these that
posses rich spirits are hard to destroy ,even if the ire the most
hideous monsters like me, thought physically I look very nice and
attractive, a 16 years old boy, with glasses and white hair ,that's
how I appear to them,of course it too serves as my advantage who
would think someone looking like that is capable of doing such
things. Someone looking as me, to have such incredible and dangerous
powers ,the ability to rewrite ones lives is the power of the Eternal
Blaze Master ,the count of Chaos and the Architect of the universe.
That's what my powers are
,that's what they are. Anyways it was calm
as I walked, passed these that were going somewhere as well,they
were talking bee tween themselves, as I was passing them noticed by
them,they didn't even care to notice me that's what kinda people
they are. Not noticing ,ignoring the facts, they allow for the ire
lives to be controlled by others ,sometimes it leads them to the ire
deaths ,cause if you don't have a will to decide about your life you
will die.

That's only natural you know when you can't decide, you stand still
that's how it is. I was walking threw a dark tunnel and there were
some pipes which had boiling water in them, the tunnel itself was
abandoned. The Boiling water was being send to these block houses and
other places were humans and demons lived ,so they could warm
themselves in the deepest colds of the society and this black space,
in a place where human hearts are frozen... they look for artificial
means to get some warmth, everybody needs warmth the desire of being
loved is a natural programmed thing since our childhood. But with
being loved ,is a funny thing ...sometimes just like in fairy tales
you're loved for nothing and sometimes even if you're the most nicest
person around you'll still won't be loved and everybody will leave you
or erase you ,just because you're not wanted by the society that
surrounds you. Life can be cruel for these that are unwanted, these
that are outcasts ,are deemed to be parasites. Society can be racist,
not wanting to acknowledge good things if it finds one tiny speck
that somehow offends it purity, that it does not posses anyway, which
is perhaps the most ironic thing.
This is the civilized world we live in...were a thief can be treated
in a better way than an oh nest worker ,just because the thief has a
bigger supporting group but whats forbidden is the most desired I
should know something about it. Yes, I should know something about it
,its true that I know, I picked this road cause I wanted to do these
things that are forbidden...that's what I desired ,that's what I wanted
to do.
That's why I'm Blaze Master that's who am I and I will be like that,
that's what it means to be Blaze Master.
The pipes them self were very rusty ,old build billion eons years
ago when these platforms were build, obviously it was visited
regularly by different organizations by youths and etc, cause I
could see graffiti on these pipes. Of course since, they were old
they were leaking in some parts, were rust was so already eaten up
by the boiling water that was able to get free. If the boiling water
will eat to much of the rust ,the pipe's might explode which
wouldn't be a pleasant thing which serves as an explanation... why
barely no one uses these tunnels. However it was a risk I needed to
take in order to get to the place I wanted to get which possibly
couldn't be reached by normal means, well it could have been to
expensive and maybe risky as its better sometimes to simply disappear
from places other people and demons can see you.
Normally these tunnels are used for service people ,that go down once
a while to check the pipes and repair them if the boiling water
eaten them to much. Of course they may cause some problems if they
are meet here but you can reason with them, usually and sometimes
offer them help,which they may accept. However people are usually not
the biggest problem its usually the demons that constitute the
problems. The immortals are often the main trouble, I need to deal
with as they feel and regard themselves to be something much more
better than human beings. Theres a need to show them ,how things
really work of course its more entertaining when they're involved,
cause its just simply so much more fun when you have to actually
think you're way out of a peculiar predicament ,analyzing you're
weaknesses and these of your foe the rules of combat is to find,
you're enemies weaknesses and use them to your advantage, however for
now I peacefully walked in old service tunnels to my next destination
,for now there wasn't anything particular to be afraid of. In that
area there weren't any demons and I had my fun already in that block.
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