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Rated: · Other · Children's · #1724307
Written in 7th grade. Not finished. My intentions was to have all the girls meet.
Chapter 1
I was running for a Bus, because of the nasty weather, i had encountered, I just couldn’t walk home. The weather you got when you moved to New York. It was the only thing I hated about New York, in the winter it was the yucky snow, and the muggy December air pressing in on your lungs. And in the spring it was always rain, and just like it always was in May it was raining. I found a bus, and ran out of the rain, which was beating hard on my back. Ten minutes later I was sitting in an overly crowded bus and had unusually started a conversation with the person next to me. We were talking about some stupid topic when an annoying sound started coming from my pocket. It was my cell. And lucky for me it was my mom. Just the person I needed to talk to (not), here goes the damper on my day. I silently thought of all the things I had done wrong today, because somehow I knew that was the reason why she was calling me. Because the second I picked up the phone I knew something was wrong. And even though we were miles apart I knew she was crying. And I knew the color of her face was the color of the pasty chalk know one ever wants to use. I was mentally preparing my self for anything, and thoughts were flowing though my mind of what could possibly be wrong. But I was not ready for what my mom actually said. Because when she said the words “ Daddy died”

I left this world. I got off at the next stop and I ran from the bus, and I felt the rain hard on my back, but I also felt my own tears streaming down my face. And I was grateful for the rain because it hid the blanket of shining tears beneath. I knew I wasn’t far from the hospital so I ran. Endless possibilities were crossing my mind now, what happened, is he all right? When I came to the hospital I pushed open the heavy glass door that’s all fogged up because, of the muggy air and the rain showing it whose boss. When I got inside I went over to front desk I tried to calmly ask the front desk which room my father was in. All they would do was gasp at my dripping hair, my soaked t-shirt and give me a sorry look. I felt like I was trapped, everyone looking at me, and nobody would tell me the information I needed. Finally I got a new intern to tell me he was in room 152A, which was an office. I quickly scanned my mind and remembered that the A hundreds were in the east hall on the second floor. I ran over to the stairs and immediately started running up them by two’s. When I came to the hallway I started walking, down to the east hall. And I soon found room 152A. I walked in and immediately felt like an intruder, because in that room was my mother, another doctor, and a businesswoman discussing something in sharp hushed tones, even though there was nobody in the room. The hushed tones they used when they wanted to look important, which meant it was only for adult hears. The tone they used when something was wrong but they didn’t want you to know. But there tone gave it all away the second I heard them using it anyway. As soon as my mother saw me she jumped up from her chair and rushed over to hug me. I was immediately engulfed in her mousy brown hair. But I loved it and all I wanted to do at the moment was hug my mom.

Chapter 2
I just didn’t understand why we had to move to “Loserville,” what ever the name was. I had a great life, great friends, well I had no intentions of just picking up and leaving without an explanation or a good reason! Her mom had just told her three weeks ago that they were moving to Los Angelos, California, and they were leaving Miami in the dust. She just needed her beautiful Mercedes to complete her perfect life. She was tired of Mackenzie having to drive her home from school. At least school was out tomorrow and that meant no more riding in the passenger seat. I just wish summer would come much slower, because instead of saying hello summer I would be saying goodbye Miami and my perfect life. And it felt like I was diving head first into a sea of unknown. My mom decided she wanted to move after school was out. So I would also greet a summer all alone. When the Mackenzie stopped at my house I could already see the boxes for the move and the huge mess. I walked in the kitchen to find it worse then I had left it that morning there were boxes everywhere in my moms attempt to get everything packed. When I found my mom it looked like she had experienced another stress filled day. And I knew she was trying look brave for my sake, but deep down I knew she was just as scared as I was.

“How was you’re day mom” I ask eager to cheer her up.

“Fine I suppose” that’s how her days are everyday since she had made the decision to make the move. And that’s always the answer every time I ask.

We exchanged schedules, she had a meeting at 4:00 and I was just going to pack. So we agreed to meet at Applebee’s for dinner because it was just down the road and I could just ride a bus there. But I knew why she wanted to go to dinner so we could “talk.” We were having a lot of these talks lately. After we left I ran up to my room, to finish my packing. My room was messier then usual and there was boxes all over the floor. I have moved before, and I hate the packing part because I always cry.

I slowly began to pack my things, laughing at pictures, crying over scrapbooks, feeling ashamed over something’s, and throwing out others. And before I knew it, I looked at the clock and it was 5:45 I had to meet my mom at 6:30 I got up to find the most amazing outfit in my closet so I could show I was fine with this move, or at least make people think that. I held my head up and shoved my shoulders back as I stepped out the door. When I arrived at Applebee’s my mom was already there and I knew we were having another argue of the moving. It always started with my mom being cheerful and then it really gets intense and emotional. This would definitely be interesting. I settled down at the table, ordered the Caesar salad, and that’s when she started.

“Lindsey why are you so shook up about this”

“About what” was my stale reply

“Lindsey Ann you know perfectly well what I am talking about”

“Well lets think I have to leave all my friends, go to a new school and meet new friends, during My Year. This is the year that was going to change and determine everything. And I have to say goodbye to my friends 4 years earlier then I planned.”

“ What do you mean you’re year, it’s not like it’s you’re senior year. And it’s not like you won’t keep in touch with you’re friends and it’s not like you will never see them again.”

“ I know but I am going in to high school and you perfectly know that I have been waiting for this year for a long time. And just when it’s time and I am full on excited about it and everyone always says we’ll keep in touch and we’ll visit you but you know nothing ever happens. ”

“ Well this can still be you’re year” she argued against me.

“ How mom how? It can’t happen without my friends” I argued right back even though I felt bad about it because I knew she was doing what she thought was best and I was just making it worse.

“You know there are plenty of other kids your age. I’m sure there will be lots of them that aren’t freaks and are ‘cool’ enough for you,” she hissed at me. I felt a stab in my gut. Did my own mom just call me stuck up?? My own mom!!!! How could she?

“Excuse me! Well I’m sure there are, but they aren’t the people I want to spend my year with! And what am I suppose to do about my new job,” I argued back.

“You can always find a new job. There are plenty of jobs everywhere that hire sixteen year olds. Besides, you know how important this job is to me. I don’t want to have to have this conversation with you again. Do you understand me?? If you bring it up again we are really going to be fighting. Because you have absolutely no idea of what I did, or gave up for you. I gave up my dreams to give you what you wanted, not what I wanted. And you don’t even want to know why I gave all that up for. Because I thought you’re dreams were more important than mine. And that was my mistake for not following my dreams, because my dreams matter to. But you would think a daughter, who’s mom gave up everything for her, would support her mom if she you got a chance to go back and live her dream and change her rescission. Especially after that mom has given her daughter everything she has ever asked for. ”

“Well mom it’s not my fault you didn’t get to live the life you wanted to live, because I am not the one that got pregnant at eighteen. And I wasn’t the one that trusted a jerk, who was just like all the other guys, who you knew it would only be a matter of time before he stood you up. But you couldn’t face reality; you were scared.

“Don’t you ever talk to me like that! After everything I have done, this is how you always are going to repay me. By reminding me of my mistakes. Well you are lucky you are here. If I hadn’t made all those mistakes, you wouldn’t even be here in the first place.”

“Are you considering me a mistake?! I can’t believe it. My own mom thinks I’m a mistake. How can I trust any woman who calls me a mistake? You and I both know very well that I am the best thing that has ever happened to you, and the best thing that will ever happen to you.

“ No, me living my dream and having you believing in me, and cheering me on while I am doing it would be the best thing that would ever happen to me. But the way you’re acting I doubt that wish will ever come true. And this is the exact reason why you are paying for you’re new car. Because you don’t have any responsibility, and you need to learn how to handle some. Because I don’t want you to just come to mommy when you need money. But for you to be successful. But mostly I believe you can do it if I just give you a little push, and thanks for believing in me too!!

“ Mom I do believe in you…. But you’re to blind to see that I can’t follow you down this road. I don’t want to move to stupid Los Angelos. I don’t want to move anywhere!”

“Well, you are really stupid if you think I am going to let you stay here by yourself.”

“Well I was thinking, and what if I stayed here with someone else and then came to see you during the summer. I mean… well… I could always stay with Dad.”

“Yeah… stay with a man who hasn’t talked to you in two years. I’m not doing that. The only way you could be here for part of the year, is if you stayed here during the summer. You can live with me during the school year. I have made up my mind, it is either that or you just live with me!”

“I don’t want to stay here just so I can leave in the fall. That is so unfair. I get completely uprooted from my amazing life for your selfish needs.”

“Alright young lady, you just made my mind up for me. You are staying with me all year long.” Mom said. The words rung in my head over and over again. No, no that couldn’t have just happened.

Chapter 3

I was sooo excited… I couldn’t wait for the move. I didn’t understand why we had to move but I didn’t care, because I was ready to be a new person. Starting with a new life, a new town, new stores, a new school, and most of all new friends. Hopefully a new job, and I was even hoping for a new enemy, to spice things up when they got boring. My parents had just told me we were moving three weeks ago. And I absolutely couldn’t wait.
This was my chance. I didn’t want to be known as the book smart girl who was always quiet. Not anymore. I was going to be the girl that everyone else wanted to be. I was going to show the world just how Kosha Bilens could be. Where better to be glamorous at, then Los Angeles. It was perfect. No, amazing! I felt like a little girl on Christmas who had just gotten the most perfect doll from Santa. There was nothing that could make me happier.
I was sitting on my bed across from my mirror brushing my long red hair. While I was silently trying to decide if I should where my hair on the last day of school; up or down??? I slipped on my specially saved “Last Day of School Outfit” and, had just started to apply my makeup when I heard my dad’s faint voice.
“Kosha, come down stairs for a moment please,” my father yelled down the hall. My light steps on the stairs were the only sound I heard. Where was everyone?
My left foot stepped onto the oak wood flooring. I felt a chill run down my spine. I couldn’t wait to get to Los Angelos to soak up all that warm sun. I’m sure having a tan would help me get to the top of the social ladder. I could also use a haircut, new make-up, and of course, a whole new wardrobe!
I pushed on the backdoor leading to the patio. I watched the patio fold out in front of me. On top of the pattern were several pairs of feet. I looked up to see decorations, food, and all my closest friends and family. I didn’t have to many friends, but the ones I did have were great. I loved them; I just wanted, well… cooler friends that were more popular.
“SURPRISE!!!” They yelled. I felt my eyes tear up. This was the perfect touch to my leave for Los Angelos.
“Oh my gosh, you guys are awesome! How did you do this? I mean keep it a secret. I mean… oh my gosh!!” I stuttered.
“Uhm… Kosha, can you come around to the front yard with me,” Dad said.
“Sure Dad. What do you need?”
“Well, I need you to come look at the car,” He said with a sparkle in his eye. Was he joking with me? He was great with cars. I felt the disappointment settle into the bottom of my stomach. I just wished he was going to show me a big new present. Preferably one that takes gas and you can sit inside of.
I slowly turned the corner to find a baby blue convertible sitting in the driveway. The key dangled from my father’s fingers. The moment I saw it, then looked up and saw the twinkle in my fathers eye I knew it was mine. I felt my jaw practically fall off. I was completely stunned. I was one step closer to my dream.

“ Now Kosha, remember this is an early birthday present, but it is also a present for being so great and helpful about the move.”

“ Oh my gosh….Thank you…so much” was all I could manage to say. I turned to see my mother, grandmother, and brother all standing behind me. I was just in absolute shock.
And to make it even more perfect I was going to drive it to school on the last day with my friends sitting next to me. And I was going to show, just how much Redline High was going to miss me, but only after I left. We all laughed and had a mini party, until it was time to leave for school. I piled as many of my friends as my parents and my would allow, (which was only 5, but that was pretty much all of my friends…except three who piled in their own cars. As I drove into the parking lot, I felt a kind of power because I wasn’t some senior riding the bus or their mom’s car, but I was driving my own car. But I started loosing that feeling as I pulled into a parking spot because; I knew I was ready for a new life, and for the move. But I didn’t know if I was ready to say goodbye to my friends for more than the summer, I knew I could do that. But to say goodbye to them forever, I didn’t know if I would ever be ready to do that.

Chapter 4

I felt like I was going to start crying at any moment, I laid down on the floor, where my bed used to be, and listened to the music which was blaring across the street. Thinking about why we had to move, why we couldn’t just stay here forever, and most of all what would my life be like without my friends? My mom explained why we were moving, and where. We were moving to Los Angeles, because mom had been offered a new job at the local hospital. Plus she wanted to start over without Daddy. Because she didn’t know to get up, and rebuild it, but only to start over and use different blocks. So we were packing up and just leaving, my mom as done that all her life, and the scary thing is she is starting to get good at it. At running away from her troubles and facing them when she is ready. She told me we were moving three weeks earlier. We were leaving in 2 hour; we had already packed and said most of our goodbyes. But I couldn’t believe I was actually leaving. The last three weeks had been horrible, because I was crying every five minutes, and my dad was sick of calling “Brianna” every 20 minutes because, one of my friends were calling. I was sad everyday, because my freshman year was going to be my year. And my friends and I were going to have the craziest friendship in high school and be their for each other, and make sure no one was ever down, or always help them though their troubles. And now it seemed like I was going to have to say goodbye to my friends 4 years earlier than I planned. And I had worked all though jr. high to get what I had. And it seemed like I had just accomplished the whole list. But suddenly I have to erase the whole thing and start over. I had my friends, my job, my grades, and I had just made the cheerleading squad, tryouts had just happened and I made Junior Varsity. And now I had to rebuild all of that. Suddenly I heard several people come in, and heard my mom’s gentle voice calling me and telling me it was time to go. I walked across the room to the door, took one last look at my room, saw all the little detailed hearts my mom and I did when I was 11 because we were bored. And saw how much I would miss not just my friends, but everything. I walked across the hall, and down the stairs, I looked up to see every single one of my friends, I immediately started crying, especially when my dad told me they hadn’t planned on a party but when all my friends showed up at the doorstep, well they couldn’t refuse. All my best friends engulfed me in a hug, my face was streaming with tears and I felt like a baby. But when I looked up I saw their faces matched mine. I couldn’t believe I was leaving not now, not the summer before my year; my freshman year. Somehow my dad struggled me out of the hug, and I said all my final goodbyes and I gave all my last hugs. I got into the moving truck only after everyone else did. I closed m y eyes as we left my driveway, as we left my town. While I silently pleaded, and told my self that I would see it again. I told my self not to think that I would never see my friends again. But I couldn’t convince myself and I silently cried to myself while I tried to hide my tears from my brother Luke, across the seat.

My face was shining with fresh tears when we arrived in Los, Angeles. I walked into my “my new home” As mother called it, but to me it was just a house. Because a home was a place where you actually wanted to live there. And you had all those little memories you could say happened in this house. And this was not a home, well not yet. But maybe, if I actually tried it could be. I walked down the hallway and decided I would take the first room I found. I took one step into the first room and was, just appalled. It had yellow trim, with orange flame walls. It had an old dresser, and an old vanity in it. I went to see the other rooms and found them worse then mine! And I master bedroom was even a crème with lime green trim`. I could already tell we were going to have transform the house. And as I heard my brother yell “I Love My Room” I knew I was going to have to do it all alone. I decided I wasn’t going to pack until; I painted my room, and transformed my room. I went downstairs and walked around the yard. When I saw another moving truck outside and I looked up into the window I saw another teenage girl. Her red hair was beautiful and flowly, and I Alicia was actually jealous of someone. I suddenly had a rush to go meet her and we could be the new kids together maybe we could be friends. And go though all the new kid stuff together.
And before I knew it I was walking over to her house, and talking to her parents, I asked them, her name and her age and that was all I needed to know I wanted to meet her.

Chapter 5
I was still in shock I couldn’t believe I had actually gotten in a car that I knew would take me to Los Angeles, California. A car I knew would take me away from my life. I was starring out the car window into the rolling hills that seemed to go on forever and ever. My mom kept saying, “Enjoying the scenery are you?” :Or think about it this is a great opportunity to see the world” But in my opinion we were in the middle of nowhere. And I was just looking out the window for something to do. I tried to tune out all thoughts of what. Tons of thoughts of being the new kid swarmed in my head. Who would I hang out with? Or whom would I talk to? I tried to tune it all out. It didn’t seem like this car ride was going to be very talkative. And it was a three-day drive! I had no idea how I was going to survive this. I pulled out my cell phone and began to text my best friend, Anna. When unexpectedly the car lurched to a stop. My mom who had been busy talking on her phone, hadn’t notice the Flashing E, indicating that we were out of gas. And perfect enough we were in the middle of know where. But for the moment to become even more perfect, I looked up to see a sign, which said gas station: 5 miles. Did my mom really expect me to walk?? Well her question was answered, because five minutes later she was walking on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. Awkwardly trying to start a conversation with her mom, who again just kept talking aloud to her self ignoring me or talking on her phone. But never just talking to me. Because I guess I just wasn’t good enough for her right now. Because she had more important things to do, like talking to her friends, and worrying about how long this would take because we had a schedule. I suddenly felt like we had a role switch, and suddenly I felt like I was the mother, and she was just being ridicules. I felt like screaming at her to look at me, and just talk to me. Why would she rather talk to her stupid friends, then me her own daughter? And I had nothing else to say to her right then; because she had nothing to say to me. Why did I even have to be in this situation to begin with?? I was about to die…literally my feet hurt; I was hungry, and really thirsty. Trust me if you were walking to a gas station 10 miles away. Because you, and your 45 year old mother, were out of shape. Then you here all over the news about all the athletes walking 12- minute miles, and it make you feel horrible, because it takes you a forever to walk 10 miles. I felt like fainting right then, so that we could call 911 and they could just take me to the hospital now. I would at least be near a gas station. I was even starting to daydream that the gas station was right in front of me, even though when I turned back to face reality it was no where in sight. I was finally there and I just didn’t care. I ran into the store, the air conditioned store that had water, and restrooms, and gas….for my car!
Chapter 6

My heart was racing as we pulled into the driveway of our new house; it felt like I was driving into a new life. I couldn’t believe I was actually here; my new life had finally begun. It felt like I was opening a book, a book with a brand new cover, and no writing inside. The kind of book you bought at Barnes & Nobles, the one that you had to bend back the cover because it wouldn’t stay open. That’s the book my life was going to be like, a brand new book you had to make your own. And the best part Kosha was the author. But unlike most authors she had know idea how the book was going to start or end. Even though the adventure begun today, she would write the first page tomorrow. My mom was hassling me to get out of the car, and go pick my room; but I was already out of the car and running up the driveway. I bounded up my room. Our new house had 6 bedrooms, leaving the master for Mom and Dad I got to pick first of the five, because I was the oldest. My brothers Adam 9, and Robert 11, and my little sister Lilly 4, were all down stairs silently waiting for me to choose my room so they could pick theirs. I slowly searched all 5 rooms, and just when I thought they were all the same, I saw it. The minute I saw it I knew it was my room. It was uniquely different; with a built in window bench and a canopy bed already put in I already loved it. I had my own little loft, that’s what it felt like a loft. It already had a white trim, so I would only have to do the walls. I was so excited to get started. I was thinking about doing a pale pink to match my bed spread and new dressers. I heard my brothers and sister scrambling around down the hall fighting for rooms. And just when I thought the move couldn’t get any better, she walked in. I knew from the moment she walked in the door, that she was exactly what I wanted to be this year. She was like me, and I wanted to be her friend. Being her friend would be a start, and I absolutely had to start somewhere! Her blonde hair shined and flowed behind her, carelessly. And she had picture perfect skin. When she gave a dazzling white perfect smile, and said:
“Hi my name is Brianna.”

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