Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1725182-A-few-days-in-my-shoes
by Lynn
Rated: 18+ · Non-fiction · Ghost · #1725182
This is true and actually happened to me.
I had a lot of issues. I have worked at them over the years and gotten myseslf all sorted out, then this ability to hellp the dead came along with a mark on my face and a voice in my head I had no way of turning off. I had had a few things happen when I was younger, but nothing like this. Then all of a sudden I had this voice in my head who told me he was a 17th century man by the name of Franklin. He had a very french accent, called me Ma Belle, and refused to shut up or go away. Took me about 6 months to figure out it was for real. I only got to have him as a spirit guide for about two years. He has since moved on to help some other poor soul with issues like mine. I learned a lot from him about the spirit world. What happens after you die, Where you go, what needs to be done to get a spirit there. Lots of other useful information about things that I have to do also. I also have this great storage of knowledge that just is there. Like how to do the whole process that needs to be done for the ghost I ran into last Saturday. He needs help really badly, and so do the other spirits who have been burried there since he died, because he found a way to hold them to him until he gets the help he needs. I don't know how I know, I just know the knowledge of what to do is there. I know what to do for him and for the spirits he is keeping. I know how to free them all. So, how?? I have no idea. Sometimes I scare myself...

Had a deaf spirit of a little girl follow me around for 8 months once and had no idea what she needed. One day I went out on my front porch and there she was on the driveway across the street. I had no idea at the time she was deaf. But in that moment, I knew exactly what to do to help young Stacey. She wanted to wait for her mom, and mom couldn't see her. I signed to her to wait for me. I went upstairs. Laid down on my bed, closed my eyes and concentrated on her. I could literally feel my physical self laying on the bed, but I was suddenly getting up, going down the stairs and holding Staceys hand. I took her to her house. We went inside and left her mommy a note that she would be there waiting for her when she left this earth. I stayed with Stacey, who also had lukemia when she died. She watched as her mom read the note. She watched until her mom lifted both hands and signed the bedtime song Hush Little Baby, all the way through. Then we turned and left the house and went to the cemetary where she was burried. She was sad. She clung to me, but I helped her not be afraid. When I called down the light she walked into it with her head held high. I came back home and climbed back into my body and slept for 11 hours. Astroplaning is exhausting. And it was my first time. I don't know how I knew how to do it, I just did. I knew where to go, how to call the light. How to help her and it was already in my head.

Sometimes I get ferocious headaches and don't know where they come from. they seem to pound from my spine into my shoulders and up through the back of my skull. They are blindingly painful and I hate when they come on. But I often wonder, is this the price I pay for the gift I have?

Went for a drive with my daughter and her fiance the weekend of Halloween and had a few issues with some spirits. They tried to drag me into a cemetary on the way home. Lucky for me I wasn't driving. Dawg gone things can make me astroplane like a big dog. Hate that feeling. Summer solstice. ON a SUNDAY!! For petes sakes crying out loud. I love Halloween, hell I got married on Halloween. I was even having a good weekend with my daughter and almost son in law until they jumped me en mass

I have to go back to that cemetary and help those spirits. There are too many to leave for someone else. I am not even sure if any one else can help. Do people out there have abilities like mine? And if there are Why don't I know about them? It's not easy. We could help each other. But I know no one who can do what I do.

Saw the wife of the crazy payciatrist outside the other day when I was out in the back yard with my daughters puppy. I saw the shadow of death above her like a cape blowing around her in the wind. I could smell death on her when I came closer to the chainlink fence that seperated us. I grabbed Lilly Mae by the scruff and attached the lead in my hand to drag her across the yard to my property. I offered up a prayer to the Goddess to make it quick and painless for her. She has to be miserable over there with the two of them. The grumpy old man and the criminal. I prayed that she would be taken care of before she goes. That someone would be there for her to talk to other than me. I asked the Goddess to help her find the light so I won't have to. I asked Brother Moon to look over her shoulder as she crosses into the light so nothing can stop her.

When I came in with the puppy there was a man in the mirror in the room where my laptop is. (Used to be my daughters room, but now I hang out in there... Here.) Anyway he's in the mirror but not in the room. He could not talk to me so I could hear him but I could project thoughts of mine to him. He eventually signed he couldn't hear and so I told him to sign. He signed for a while. He was shot in a robbery, a police officer. He wanted to make sure his partner was okay. I looked up the robbery online. Found his partner. Asked how he became a police officer if he was deaf and he explained he was a homicide detective. His partner was with him. The robbery was on his off duty time. He was a big burly fella. I could see him like he was in the room with me only he was in the mirror, not the room. I read the report to him. Projecting the words from the computer into his head. Not as easy as talking but doable. When he found out his partner was okay, he seemed to fall into himself for a minute, almost disappearing. He suddenly signed that he was ready to move on but scared. I explained the process of what would happen to him when he reached the next plane of existence. He sighed heavily. Then proceeded to look at me closely, eerily closely. Never had a spirit do this before. He placed his hand on the glass of the mirror and waited. I know that I have issues with glass and so I stepped closer to the other side of the mirror and looked back, but did not touch it. He took his hand back and signed for me to place my hand against the mirror. I sent words into his head that I could not go with him, He had to go and he had to go alone. There were people waiting for him but I couldn't go too. I sent him warm feelings of comfort and called down the light into the mirror for him. He glanced back to it, but didn't move. Instead placing his had against the mirror again, briefly. He signed Thank you and he was gone.

I continued to catch up with the threads on the forum I belong to, I am alread posting to there and about an hour later Molly, the 18th century spirit who sometimes heps me bringing me an update on the spirits in the cemetary in Mt. Jackson I have to help on the Saturday after Halloween. I told her they will have to wait for me until after 4 because I have two boys all day Saturday. She looks at me with those pale see thru eyes of hers and then begins to get snippy with me about the time it will take me to drive there. It will be dark by about 7:15 she tells me. She doesn't want me to be stuck there in the dark. Suddenly I smell cigarette smoke and know that Derrick is nearby, another spirit who has gained my trust. He suddenly snickers, becomes visible in the small rocking chair next to me and begins to laugh heartily. 'Hey there lil' filly,' he says to Molly, 'Ya aughtn't ta git yer knickes 'n a twist, hon. We'll protect her. She's gonna need us anyway. I always get a little time warped to see them together. Her with the white hair in a bun and her long dress with the bustle in the back. Her slightly british accent, the dears she always says. She's so sweet, usually. Him, I have to laugh. I've nicknamed him the Marlboro Man. He has the cowboy hat, the boots with the spurs, the walk like he just got off a horse. His constant handrolled cigarettes. His horse and buggy midwestern accent. They died about 400 years apart. Usuallly she's nagging me and he's trying to placate her for me. This was one of those times. They make me laugh out loud and my husband comes running in to see what I'm laughing about. I tell him it's one of the threads. He leaves, they continue to argue over me. I continue to post on the threads here.

Such is an evening in my life. Never a dull moment.

Finally the next Saturday rolls around... My daughter had issues with me doing it by myself so I asked a friend,(one of 3 who know about my abilities) to come with me. She was intrigued as I had never invited her to come and do something like this with me, she was eager to go. So I dropped off the 8 year old boy with grandma at her work after the 1 year old got picked up and then picked up Carolyn to take with me.

We got to the cemetary about 4:45pm. I was being pulled in sooo many directions that I didn't know where to go first. There were more than 200 graves there. I knew which one was my guys' before I got out of the car... I pointed to the mini cript where he was burried with three other immediate family members. His was top right with his wife under him His mother and father on the left. I told him I had come to set him free, then continued on to the rest of the spirits he had held to him over the years. I called them to me and they couldn't leave their graves. I had to open the portal, call down the light and go to their individual graves to set them all free.

When I had cleared most of the cemetary, saying a prayer over each one I headed back to his cript. It was cold. I was freezing, colder from having to touch the grave stones with my bare hands. As I walked along he kept pushing my right shoulder. I'd take about 3 steps and he'd push me back. Ernest was his name. Ernest Green. Carolyn held on to my right arm as I wallked and he kept pushing me still and as she was holding on to me she got pushed as well. Finally I returned to his grave site. I placed my hand on his crypt, told him he had somewhere to be. A better place to be. A place where he could rest. I sat on the ground and pulled my consiousness out of my body. I feels like I am literally stepping out of my physical being. I don't feel the cold anymore. And now i can see him. He is clinging to this world with everything he has. He closed the doorway again, he'd done it a couple of times as i was freeing the others. I sat on the top of the crypt and waited.

Finally he came to me. We gazed down on my physical body and Carolyn standing next to me protectively.Go away, he said, I don't want to leave. Why not, i asked, Where you are going is sooo much better than where you are. He looked at me and asked why i wasnt there. I looked back at him and said that if I were there then there would be no one to help him here. I noticed a motion out of the corner of my eye. Naughty, naughty, I told him and hopped down and went back to my physical body, I came out of it with a jerk that startled Carolyn and she screamed. I stood up and turned around my hand on the crypt.

Derrick beconed me from around the crypt. I circled it with my hand still on it. Derrick began to point to several headstones where I needed to set more free before I could move him on. He closed the doorway to the next realm so I had to reopen it. I took my hand off of his crpyt and could hear the others calling to me to help them too. Demanding to not be forgotten. Begging for me to move faster, not to forget them. I moved on to the closest grave to me where the closest spirit waited. I opened the doorway as I walked, and laid my hand on the tombstone as I got closer. It was warm. Like it had been setting next to a fire. All the stones on the side I touched were warm, some hotter than others. I said the prayer over them all.

Blessed are those who walk in the light. Blessed are those who seek rightiousness, Bless them and keep them for all of their days. Bless them and keep them and allow them to worship with you in your home. Blessed are those who walk in the light.

I said this over each of the warm and hot tombstones as I moved through them weaving my way back and forth not to miss any. Each one I touched had been a man and had died in the last 50 years. A doctor, a veterenarian, a lawyer, a judge, a school teacher, a sunday school teacher, and the list goes on. When I finished with the graves that Derrick had directed me to I headed back to the other side and to good ole Ernies crypt. He was not happy with me. Birds suddenly flew up all around my friend Carolyn and I. She was totally freeked out. It was almost dark. It was to be done now.

I explained to Ernest Green that his wife had not sold the land, it had been taken from her. Back taxes, the cost of his burrial, and several other financial difficulties had resulted in reposession of the land, since his family's crypt was there they decided to take the pasturland and make it a cemetary. He didn't have to like it I told him. He needed to be somewhere very badly. I stood in front of his crypt and placed both hands on either side of his name. I reopened the doorway, called down the light and said the words that would help him return to his rightful resting place. I had to hold his hand and lead him. Wish I could have stayed myself, but it is not my time. I have lots more craziness and so I came back to my physical self and smiled. The cemetary finally felt peaceful.

I turned to Carolyn with a smile, linked arms with her and said, And the cemetary is clean, let's go home. She told me she was totally freaked out the whole time and I'm very very scary, then she proceeded to tell me that she was having trouble at her house. When I took her home i went in for a while. As I walked up the walkway it felt like i was walking thru quicksand. Evil quicksand. I knew right away it was demonic, whatever it is. She has gifts too. And an energy feed like I've never felt before.

We get inside and there are two spirits in the house. One is her protector, i've had a few runins with him as I visit her often. The other was new. A female. She said her name was Charise. She was supposed to be there to help Carolyn's son but couldn't find a way to communicate with him yet. He's pretty young, Just turned 19. Greg kept muttering about annointing the door and fixing Carolyn's energy feed. Meanwhile Carolyn has a menagerie in her home. Several dogs of various sizes breeds and colors. Also about 4 cats, three of them persian. I sat down at the top of the stairs and let the dogs get their greeting out of the way. Her husband went out and when he opened the door I fell backwards for the weight of the demonic force trying to enter the home. Both Charise and Greg were standing at the doorway, and since I could see only the outline of them I knew Carolyn and he husband could not see them. I told her to annoint the door, Say a prayer, and do it daily, I need to find a way to fix the way her energy feeds so they aren't attracted to her anymore. And yeah, that demonic presence needs to be warded away, so I got some research to do...

Yeah the not normal. I think I got the market cornered. But I'm glad you find me unique and not mental like most people who meet me. The spirits are just there for me, sort of like the trees are there, they just are. The sky is blue, the grass is green the clouds are white and there are spirits who when they really have to can be just as solid as you or I. As real to me as the chair I'm sitting in. Not everyone believes. I don't have a choice. The Cherokee in my blood demands I do as my ancestors did and help wherever and however I can. I don't have time to be scared anymore. I need to help quickly whenever I have time and move on with the ebb and flow of life when I'm not being asked for help. It's an interesting existence. Just remember everyone has a higher purpose. When it's time for you to fulfil that purpose you will move on.


© Copyright 2010 Lynn (wonkadog at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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