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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Young Adult · #1726186
immortals trying to make peace with humans
The room was gray although no sign of a window, light seemed to fall from the ceiling. Long and sturdy tables were the only true furniture in the large room. The floors were tiled with grayish white tile that connected the room as if it were a beautiful outdoor garden. Lizor stood ready to attack anyone who thought they could hurt me or my daughter. I still did not feel any securer even with my true love protecting me. In large antique chairs sat all the world leaders. From kings to presidents from dictators to a small council of people. They came from South America to Africa. From the U.S. to Australia. From Canada to Russia. And all countries between. They all sat in the chairs. They all were uncomfortable to be with us. They know what we are now. They know why their people sometimes disappear at night. They know that those few taken wont be seen again. I can feel why they would feel uncomfortable. They were each surrounded by two body guards. It felt ironic. I was fearing a species that could never compare to mine. I knew I could kill them all single-handed. Their weapons wouldn’t even harm me. They would not even see me before they died. But fear still drowned my thoughts. Alzura, my daughter was not as invulnerable as I was. She could be hurt. She could die. The thought made me even more cautious. I growled in anger out loud. My thoughts were a flurry of snow in a blizzard. How could our Lord Hoshirre demand that I bring my defenseless daughter. I knew I could not disobey a command from our lord. He had to force rules and demands to be listened to. He had the right to command us, he was our leader after all. No reasoning my mind made could make me not be tense. There were seventeen of us. The humans thought of course that they had an advantage. We had the advantage. We were immortal. We would not die by their force. Each of us stood silently while Lord Hoshirre tried to negotiate a peace treaty with the humans. I knew humans pretty well and knew how they were inside. They all were unreasonable. They eventually became traitors to what they agreed to. “We wish to only make sure that all humans are safe” Lord Hoshirre spoke “If I commanded it to my kind none would be harmed ” “But we will appear in public.” Lord Hoshirre’s voice turned cold and disappointed “we must hunt and kill those who wish to dominate instead of worship.” A tall Korean man stood up. He seemed overweight and seamed to need a shave. But I remembered that humans cant see as well as vampires can. “Why should you ask permission from us, if you really are what you say you are then the only reason that you would need to make a treaty is if you felt like you were in danger” he ended accusing our lord in a sour note. We all hissed in anger. A pathetic and weak human would not talk to our lord that way. He should have been bowing in recognition of his greatness. Our lord showed no difference he raised his hand and signaled us to calm ourselves. “Peace” he coaxed to us and the humans. “We did not come here to fight “ he had intended that to us. The human guards raised their guns higher to show a warning. I laughed to myself inside. No mere weapon would harm our master or us. He began his conversation with the humans. I felt the urge to leave again. But then again Lord Hoshirre did say he needed my daughter. I still did not feel comfortable with the idea that my daughter was near so many guns. “We are not going to stand here and beg for you to sign the treaty. We only want to make sure you are aware of the consequences of our tracking through your lands. We wouldn’t want an incidents to happen. We of course don’t mind if you do not agree with this treaty” he continued “You may of course leave at any time you feel the need to without a single change. But we must warn you we will appear in your cities and towns. We might not need to be as careful in your country than in others who signed this agreement ” he paused and began again but with more edge “we only desire fair treatment. Not equal I presume but fair. We would also be very pleased if we were not blamed for incidents caused by dim humans.” whispers spread at the resentment for our lords insult. I thought that they had understood the basic meaning of my lords speech. I stood up straight and quickly walked toward him. He of course had heard me although the humans hadn’t noticed I had moved yet. He extended his hand out so he could hear my thoughts. I touched the palm of his hand and quickly let go. He had heard what I was thinking and pondered my fears in his mind. In a low voice that only we could hear he stated “There is nothing to fear Dear Iriza, but if you feel your daughter threaten here you of course may leave.” The humans started noticing that I had appeared next to Lord Hoshirre. Detrix touched him lightly on his hand and let go. In a loader voice so that the humans could hear he explained “ Our beloved Iriza just wishes to leave this council ” I didn’t like the idea that Detrix could hear everyone’s thought at that moment from afar. He smiled and winked at me. Irritation filled me why was he listening to me when he had a whole council of humans he was suppose to be listening to. He smirked at my annoyance. I waited till Hoshirre let me leave. He steeped to the left and I ran out. I was in the forest in less than two seconds. I loved to be able to run fast. That meant of course that you would never get lost because you always follow the scent left from whoever came from the Mortri, our home. I felt cowardice for leaving the council. My daughter could put thoughts into others mind from far away. Hoshirre wanted her to help him convince the humans that they needed to sign the treaty. The treaty would help him expand the search for Volcado and his guards world wide. He was a menace. He wanted to rule the world. And as a vampire he probably could if it wasn’t for us. I didn’t like humans but I knew we were better off being beneath them than above them. I ran. Then I smelled it ….

Lord Hoshirre kept reasoning with the humans while I felt relief. My daughter was safe. She was out of dangers way. T tried to ignore the defensive feeling. I wanted to make sure they got to Mortri, our home safely. Then I remembered why I was here. I had come on the pretense that I was to protect my wife and daughter. I had no reason to be here. My thoughts weren’t heard by just me. Detrix had also heard my thoughts. He stepped up and quickly tapped Lord Hoshirre’s palm. Lord Hoshirre ignored the thought while he tried to end a conversation with a Chinese man. Our lord had lived from hundreds of years ago. He knew how to speak most languages in the world. He motioned for me to come forward. The movement was almost unreal. The speed of it made me wonder if we were the normal ones and the humans were extraordinarily slow. I stepped up. Hopefully as fast as his movement. “You may leave if you wish. Protect your mate.” he changed his voice, it sounded cheerful “Make sure that little Alzura is safe also.” I left quickly. I wanted to catch up with Iriza. Something wasn’t right. Her trail was strong with her scent. But I felt something dangerous around me. My defense was in full alert. Then the smell changed. I growled. I didn’t think it was possible.

Lord Hoshirre was silent while he listened. The humans were now fighting against themselves. He did not feel like reasoning with humans. But he had responsibilities. He was the Lord of the vampire species. Vampires had originated from a cursed human prince. The parents had resented to having a demon, as they called it, as a child. The prince grew up abandoned in the forest. He married. His wife knew what he was but still loved him. They had had three boys and one daughter. They were more like his father than their mother. One of the sons felt that they shouldn’t hide in the forest just because they were different. But his father commanded him to not do anything with other humans. He became angry and killed his father and mother. The other children were furious and killed him also. They split up in the world intent on obeying their fathers last command. Liophina was the only royal daughter. She was killed by her brother Volcado who seemed to be seeing the same way the first brother was. Hoshirre was the last remaining pure royal son of the first vampire. Ever since then vampires were born from their mothers half human and vampire. These new breed could change from human to immortal. They had special abilities they acquired by themselves before their transformation to full immortal. Lord Hoshirre knew he had to finish his last sibling. Humans would soon know we could die in their form. They would kill. They would have no mercy. They needed the humans to keep them in check. They were powerful. But lacking in control of power. They needed to learn that they can’t control the world without destroying it. Lord Hoshirre began to worry that this discussion would just lead to war. He shook the thought and began to pay attention to the meeting again. Detrix seemed occupied with his own thoughts. He was evaluating his lords thoughts. He suddenly gasped, everyone turned to him. He looked terrified of something everyone else did not know. Delina had appeared in front of the exit. Her face filled with horror. She was scared and all of us knew it. Delina could see the future. She would never have come frightened without a reason. Lord Hoshirre stood next to her. She grabbed his hand with urgency. He would not believe there was no hope. his thoughts became a tornado. He began shouting orders. “Quickly, all of you. To the forest. Follow Iriza’s and Lizor’s path. Delina will get all of the Mortri guard. Help them.” his voice broke at the end. He hadn’t realized that he was speaking loud enough for the humans to hear. Anyone could feel uncomfortable in the presence of this council. “Beg pardon, for the inconvenience but there has been a situation. My full attention is required. If you would, please wait until I return if you can. My two partners will attend to any decision you may choose.” he finished and two guards appeared. He was gone.

I was outnumbered. There were seven of them. They were Volcado’s guards. They would not show mercy for me or my daughter. I showed my teeth. I positioned Alzura so she was clinging to my back. I recognized the chief of the party. Erique. They were intent on killing today. Anger filled my body. My daughter would not die this way. I knew I would think of a way. “Erique, please don’t do this.” I pleaded lowly. He snickered at my begging. My anger intensified. I heard more rustle ling. Lizor appeared from the thick vegetation. Hi skin shone at intensity of the rising sun. I felt pain. I would lose another in this battle. We would at least die together. He growled at Erique. “Now isn’t that nice. The whole family reunited forever. Lets make sure it stays that way.” I hissed at Enrique’s remark. I wasn’t giving up until he was for sure dead. A girl her name Greeb “we need to go” she paused “there coming” she spat out quickly looking worried. “Not. Just. Yet .“ Erique commanded. His hand raised. “Lets have a little fun first.” He sneered at me. I heard a thud and Lizor was on the ground. They had pinned him down. He was being held down by two of them. I was knocked of my feet the moment I noticed Lizor’s fall. I flew through the air quickly. I hit a pine tree. Alzura was gone. I hit the tree with such force it broke vertically. The sound would tear human ears without protection. I jumped up as I realized they were attacking me. They all were on me before I made it to the ground. I was hit again. Harder. I fell to the floor. An imprint must have been left on the ground. That knocked the air out of me. I had changed back to human. I was vulnerable again. I was too exhausted to be able to turn back. I knew what would happen if he struck again. My last thoughts were on my daughters face. I fell into darkness. I was unconscious.

I smelled enemy trails heading directly where Iriza was going. Something was wrong. She was in danger. Or is. Iriza held Alzura on her back ready to attack. I saw pain flash through her expression. She knew we couldn’t win alive. But we would try. She was surrounded by seven. Erique mocked us with enjoyment in his eyes. I knew I would kill him first. I needed a chance. My anger distracted me from the others for a second. that’s all they needed. I was on the ground faster than I would expected possible. They held me down strongly but firmly. They weren’t planning to let go. Then it struck me. They weren’t attacking me. They were going to attack Iriza. I shouted for her to run. She didn’t hear me. She had been hit. She landed on a pine tree. She broke it in half with the impact. She was all alone. And was fighting five. I struggled harder to get free. I heard a heart beat. She was back to human form. I knew what would happen. Erique had hit her again across the field. And now she was defenseless and alone. She must have been to weak to change again. “Iriza!” my shouts were in vain. I was filled with frustration, anger, and fury. I would kill all of them. Then all of them were gone. I jumped without thinking and headed toward Iriza. She was on the ground. Her heart beat was slow. She was hardly breathing. I knew she was gravely hurt. The Mortri had arrived. The please of the girl were now clear. My mind filled with anger. Erique would pay. He would pay with his life. Lord Hoshirre took one look at the field and began giving orders. “A group of ten go and follow Volcado’s guards trail. Iliana take Iriza to the closest human hospital possible. Take Raldo with you” he spoke to Iliana quickly and sternly. Then directed at me “ Go, find Alzura. Her trail leads away from the fight. She must of escaped. “ he sounded unsure. He didn’t think Alzura was safe. As much as wanted to go with Iliana I knew I had to find my daughter. Her trail lead me far away from the field. Iliana would care for Iriza. But my daughter might be hurt or dying. The thought made me more intent in her safe find. My daughter stood three feet five. She was barely a child. Only 2 years old. She had long straight dark brown hair. It reached her shoulders. Her eyes were deep chocolate brown. When I found her she was sitting in the meadow. She was looking out toward the sun. She looked like she was a young four year old. She didn’t notice my presence until was behind her. Her face quickly turned around. Her face flashed many emotions. Fear, surprise, sadness, and disappointment. ”are you all right ?” I asked her as I gave her a hug. She seemed stiff. I looked closer and noticed she had been crying. “are you hurt ?” she sill did not respond. I became angry at Volcado. Fear was struck on my beautiful daughters face because of him. She began crying. “Is mommy okay… she told me to run. I didn’t want to… but, but she was scared. And… and .. and” ” I put my finger on her mouth. She was quiet. “honey, you did the right thing. Listening to your mother is the wisest choice. And don’t worry no one is mad. ” “your mom was trying to protect you “ I explained to her. She began drying her eyes. “Is mommy okay?” she asked again more sure of herself. I felt a complete urge to lie to her. But I knew that wouldn’t help. She touched my cheek and asked again in my mind. Although after a while I should have gotten use to it. It was hard trying not to sound surprise when she put thoughts into my mind. All vampire children can put thoughts into other peoples mind by touch. She was special though. She could put the thought inside your mind from afar. ”she’s okay for now but we have to catch up with Iliana, she’s taking her to the hospital. ” I picked her up. And held her in my hands. I felt relief. I had her In my hands. She would be safe for now. I ran through the forest quickly. I followed Iliana’s scent easily. We reached the hospital and just ran in. we entered the room Iriza’s smell came from. Iriza was just laying there. The doctors were shaking there heads to each other. I couldn’t hear a heart beat. She wasn’t breathing.
© Copyright 2010 Calil flower (lilaccalil at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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