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Rated: 13+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1740494
"You go where the wind takes you, just like in golf." That was his favorite saying.

If only thing turned out the way we wanted. Sometimes it seems like it's all great, the BAM! Something out of the ordinary and your life goes spiraling downwards. You can't control it, no matter how much you want to.

You pray and wish and hope that it'll go back to normal but what does it mean if you being miserable meant everyone else happy?

*Beep. Beep. Beep. Wake up Isabelle. I love you. You get to see me today. Only if you wake up. Beep. Beep. Beep.* I turned over and my clock read 6:34. I sat up and listened to my alarm a couple more times through. It was Carson's voice. It was so soothing and made me want to call him to hear his voice for real. 6:36 and my phone rang. Carson's picture showed up on the screen and the voice in my head said "yes!" I pressed answer and his iPod could be heard through the speaker. "Good morning beautiful." he said and I blushed even though it was over the phone. It was just another regular morning for us. He played his iPod while we talked, prayed an got ready for the day.

I gathered up all the stuff to put in my backpack. My journal was sitting next to my school stuff and I dated what all I wrote last night. Then I put it on my pillow. Today was Friday, the house cleaner was coming and I needed to put it in an inaccessible place. I just set it next to my purse without thinking. That was my book I was working on. I was writing a day to day 'diary' of what I thought would have happened if Carson never asked me out.

Carson was showering so I went and got my breakfast. I started listening to the music and thinking about the past 10 months.

I had been the looser nerd with a couple of friends and hardly ever talked to guys. All I did was study. I never went out. I was a freshman, as was Carson. He came up to me at lunch one day in the cafeteria. "Uhhhhhh... Isabelle, can you take a break from studying to talk to me for a bit?" I was indeed quite shocked. "S-s-s-ure." I finally stammered out. He smiled and pulled up a chair from the vacant table next to me. "Sooooo... I was wondering if... you wanted to maybe go see a movie and Uhhhhhh.... Go to dinner sometime? Imeanifyouwanttoandall..." he kept looking away and scratching his head as he said it. "Sure." I said. I could feel myself blushing. I knew this had to be a dare or something. I mean, he was a freshman on the varsity basketball team, totally single and the guy that I'd liked since 6th grade when everyone else had started dating. We exchanged numbers an he pushed his chair back to the other table. " I'll call you later Isabelle." he said. "bye." I quickly said before he could get out of earshot.

On our first date he took me to a scary movie, The unborn. We held hands and then took me back to his house for dinner with his family. His parents fell in love with me and I knew this right away. We had spaghetti and meatballs with green beans and a caesar salad. Crazy, but that was my all time favorite meal. How he knew, I'll never know.

But his dad took me home, Carson and I in the backseat. When we pulled up in my driveway, Carson rushed out and opened up my door. He held out his hand and helped me out. I took it and stepped out of the Tahoe. He let his other hand slip around my waist and guided me to my front door.

Once there, he grabbed both of my hands and sighed. I wasn't sure what was coming next because I was totally new to these sorts of things. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" he finally asked, looking me dead in the eyes. This time, I knew I turned bright red. "I'd love to Carson." I said and smiled. Then he leaned in and hugged me. He pulled away and said "My dad's waiting for me." "Okay." I said reluctantly. But he leaned in and hugged me again and this time it was a better hug than the first time. This time when he pulled away, he kissed me lightly on the lips. Then I could see he started blushing as his dad honked. I was freezing considering it was December, but yet, I was warm and fuzzy on the inside. I pushed open my door ad he climbed back in his dads Tahoe.

I walked back into my room and suddenly, it hit me. Carson Bailey Shepard had asked me out.

"Baby, you there?" Carson asked. I quickly snapped back into reality. "I'm on my way over to pick you up for school. Be ready in 5." he said.

"Kay Carsie." I replied, jumping up and rushing into the kitchen. I washed the dishes and ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I was rinsing my toothbrush when I heard his car horn.

It made me jump and I ran down the hall and grabbed my backpack and purse and everything else on the pillow and I ran back down the hall. "BYE MOM!!" I yelled as I rushed out the door.

I opened the passenger door on Carson's car and set my stuff in the backseat as I crawled in.

"Good morning Iz." he said and smiled gently. He leaned over the console and kissed me. "So what did you end up doing last night?" Carson asked. Now, I must let you know that I have insomnia so I sleep a max of 6 hours every 2 days. "I wrote." I responded. That was a pretty common answer too.

Carson pulled up to a stoplight. "So guess what I was thinking about this morning hon." I said. "What??" Carson replied. "When you asked me out and our first date." I said grinning ear to ear. The light turned green. "Oh really now??" he said jokingly. "Remember how nervous I was asking you out at lunch that day?" he added laughing. We joke about that all the time.

It was 10 months later. Sophomore year, October and I could never imagine living without Carson now. He completely changed my life. I was once the nerdy kid who no one liked to talk to and now I was going to all the parties and with the best guy at school. Life was amazing.

We sat and talked for about 10 minutes before the 7:55 bell. One it rang we grabbed our bags out of the back. Be gave me a quick kiss and we were on our way into the building.

We both had honors English first period and he was in class, sitting At his desk talking to Lucas and Dustin, his two best friends. I took my seat next to him and Lucas and Dustin chorused a "Good morning Belle." to me. "Morning guys." I said back. The 8:00 bell rang and Mrs. Phillips took her place at the podium.


I made it through the rest of the horrible school day. I was grabbing Iz's things out of her locker while she was in the restroom so we could get out faster. I was getting all of her homework in and out of her backpack when I pulled out a green notebook. I had never seen this before. I cracked it open and read a couple of lines. Iz had written this. This had to be what she did all night. It was amazing. I couldn't believe she had never told me about what she wrote.

All she had told me was she wanted to be a novelist. But as I kept reading I realized it was a diary of a day to day basis of what her life would be like if she wasn't with me. And boy, was it good!

"Watcha got there love?" a voice said startling me. It was Iz. "Why haven't you ever shown this to me? Or read it to me?" I asked. " Well ya see ... I always think everything I write is horrible so I didn't want anyone to read it. I've been working on it for quite some time. And every time I write I feel like I ruin it more and more." she said. "But it isn't bad honey. In fact, it's amazing. Do you mind if I take it home and read it all tonight?" I asked. I wanted to read it all and I was afraid she wasn't going to let me. "Fine lovely. But you have to call me as soon as you finish and tell me what you think and if I should finish the rest of it or not." she said. "Agreed." I said back while smiling. I pulled her in for a hug. "I love you Iz." I whispered into her ear. "I love you too Carsie." she said ad she grabbed my hand and I picked up her backpack.

It was Friday. Tonight was date night for us. So on the way home I asked, "So for date night, want to go to dinner then back to my house to read your book?" "I'm not sure If I want to be there when you read it..." she said. I could tell she was nervous about reading her book. "Honey, it's fine. I'll read it, fall in love with it and fall in love with you even more. Okay? Okay!" I always ended it like that so she couldn't change her mind.

"But where are we going to go for dinner?" Isabelle asked me. "You choose." we said at the same time. "I'm taking you to and from so you choose" I said. "Fffiiinnnuuhhh!" she said drawing it out.

I pulled up in front of her house and she reached in the back of the Tahoe as I got out to go open her car door. I did this every time I dropped her off.

I took her backpack and grabbed her hand and walked her up to the dark blue door. I kissed her softly. "I'll be back at 7:30, Iz. Text me and key me know where you want to eat and well go there. I love you, see you in a few hours baby." I said as I hugged her again and kissed her one last time.

I went back out to my red Tahoe and watched her as she unlocked the door and stepped inside. "Bye Carsie! I love you." she yelled, blowing a kiss.

I saw her notebook laying there. On the green cover, in blue sharpie, it said Isabelle Jane on her cursive writing. I wanted to start reading it so bad. But I was going to keep my promise and not read it until she was there.


Carson picked me up at 7:30 sharp. He rang the doorbell and I stepped out in my jeans, favorite long sleeve blue plaid shirt with my grey boots. "you look beautiful Iz." he said as he kissed me on the cheek. He walked me to the car and I climbed in. "Where to babe?" he said. "Olive Garden." I replied. And he started the car and headed towards the local Olive Garden.

I looked around the car for my notebook. While getting ready, that was all I could think about. It wasn't in there. I started panicking. "Calm down Iz. I took it inside earlier. I didn't want anyone to steal it or read it." Carson said winking at me. Whew. I let out a sigh of relief. I was still nervous he had read it. Tonight wasn't going to be all I thought it would.

At Olive Garden, I was so nervous I was getting sick to my stomach. Carson didn't even notice though. If he did, he was totally playing it off. At one point, I thought I was going to throw up so I went to the bathroom and calmed myself down.

When I got back, there was a girl who wasn't our waitress standing there. It was Brenton. She was the snotty, stuck up bitch of the school. "Oh, helllooo Isabelle." she said as I was sitting down. "Hi Brenton." I said looking down at my plate. Brenton and I use to be friends. Then she decided guys, parties, drugs and clothes were the most important things in life. So we grew apart. And ever since Carson and I had started dating, she'd been trying to steal him. Luckily, he didn't fall for any tricks.

" Well, I have a party to get to. Y'all should like totally come. There's gonna be awesome booze and some great pot. See ya there?" she asked. I refused to look at her. " Thanks for the invite but we already have plans. We'll just see ya around. Bye." Carson said. He knew how I felt about her and her parties and such. "Bye." she said coldly. "What a bitch." I heard her mutter under her breath as she was walking out.

"Carson, you know how I feel about her. Why'd you even start talking to her?" I said, wanting to cry. "She talked to me first and it was all just small talk. I promise." he said." Now let's order." he added, flashing me a million dollar smile.

After dinner we got in the car and he said, "So, my parents are at a party until the wee hours of the morning so we basically have the house to ourselves. We can run by and rent a movie and grab some jammies from your house and then we'll read and watch the movie and talk and then I'll bring you back home. That alright Iz?" he asked. " It's perfect. Just like you." I said and smiled.

We drove over to blockbuster, where we rented a scary movie. I had never seen one until our first date and now that was pretty much all we watched. And then we went and got some clothes from my house and I told my parents Carson and I were going to be at his house for the night and that he'd bring me back later. They said okay and we left.

Once we returned to Carson's I went to the bathroom and changed into my Nike shorts and t-shirt I had packed. I threw the other things back into the bag and washed my make up off. I took out my contacts and put on my black rimmed glasses. This was movie watching style.

I walked out of the bathroom and set my bag up in Carson's room. It was a long hike up the spiraling staircase. His parents were filthy rich and his house was amazingly huge. His house was on the outer skirts of town but overlooking the golf course where all the rich doctors played every weekend.

I suddenly had a flashback to the first time he had brought me home with him. It was about 3 weeks into our relationship. I had been there for parties and all, but seeing it without people was absolutely starting! The big crystal chandelier in the entry way was enough to make me feel completely out of place.
© Copyright 2011 Bethie Lou (bethielou20 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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