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by eliz02
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1744440
\Chapter 4 : Plane Ride.Bella, Carlisle, and the twins on the way back to Forks.
Chapter 4

Carlisle stayed for "dinner" with us. Apparently he's been around somewhere near Italy for 2 days before he went here.

Of course, Aro, Caius, and Marcus and the rest of the Volturi don't eat - only my girls does but I always stay with them when they eat human food. Jane and Heidi joins us often but they think that they shouldn't "interrupt".

Carlisle sat at the top end of the table watching Nessie and Carlie eat. He seemed like he's observing everything they do. I shook my head with a smirk.

"Carlisle they are going to melt if you stared a them another minute."

"Sorry." he smiled. "But they are truly...fascinating."

"Yes. I know."

Then confusion cross his features. "How long were you pregnant with them?"

I grimaced. "A month. I think. It's very fast you see. Even their growth."

"A month! So they're only a year old?" I chuckled at his wide eyed expression.


"Interesting." he muttered as he shook his head. Just then the two finished eating their food.

"We're done, momma." I grabbed their plates then load them in the washer.

"Okay sweeties. You can go to your room now."

Carlie came to me and touched my hand.

Is Grampa staying here?

I shook my head. She frowned.

"Don't worry, Carlie. He'll be here again tomorrow. We're going somewhere." I smiled at her. Renesmee tilted her head to the side with a confused expression.

"You'll see."

Carlisle got up and crouched beside the twins. "It's a surprise. Go and rest now. We have a long flight early tomorrow. Good night, Renesmee and Carlie." He hugged them and kissed their heads. I felt so happy seeing my twins with their grand father. I hope they'll be accepted by the rest, too.

~~~ ~~~

We we're inside the airport saying our goodbyes to Jane, Heidi, and Alec. Aro let us borrow one of their private planes - I didn't even know they have one, let alone 5.

"You'll be visiting us soon, right?" Jane asked with a tearful expression. I hugged her again.

"Of course, Jane. We'll miss you guys!"

"Take care of the twins, Bella. And yourself, too. If there'll be any problems, just come back, okay? We'll always be here." Heidi said. I hugged her, too.

"Bye Bells! Take care! Oh, and tell Edward that he's done good, will yah?" I glared at Alec. Jane slapped his head.


Jane tsk-tsked and she smiled at me. "Ignore him, Bella. But do take care please. You're too clumsy for your own good." I ignored the insult because I'm glad Jane was back to herself again. Then sighed.

"We'll be going now. Please tell Aro we'll miss him, too. Bye, guys."

The twins ran back to them again. "Bye-bye Aunt Jane, Aunt Heidi, and Uncle Alec. We'll miss you."

"Aww. We'll miss you,too, kiddos. Don't worry, we'll be seeing each other soon." Alec wiped the tears of the twins. "Take care of your mommy."

The twins nodded then went back to me. Carlisle carried Carlie while I carried Nessie. With one last look and wave to them, we entered the plane.

~~~ ~~~

The twins were fast asleep on the seats while Carlisle and I sat across them. I was so nervous that I can't help fidgeting. ( I know, right? Who knows vampires can fidget?)

"Bella, please stop worrying."

"But Carlisle, what if they didn't like me? Well, I can endure that but what about Renesmee and Carlie? I won't be able to take that if they weren't accepted by them!"

"Hush, Bella. They will love you."

"But you all left, remember? Then here I go waltzing back in your lives again - and with children!" I began hyperventilating. "What will Esme think? I bet Alice will hate me now. And Rosalie will hate me even more than before! And then..then..him! He left me. He said he didn't want me...." Tears formed in my eyes but didn't fall. I sobbed. "I can't do it, Carlisle."

He hugged me and comforted me. "Bella. Please calm down. They won't hate you. Esme will be so happy that you're alive and that she now has grand daughters. Alice will even be more happier now that she'll have some whom she could shop for - " I groaned while Carlisle chuckled. He continued, "Rosalie...I'm not really sire but I think she'll be thrilled.

"As for him, though..."

"You don't have to say it, Carlisle." I leaned back to my chair again. "He hates me. He'll hate me more." I closed my eyes and stop the sobs that welled up again.

"You don't understand, Bella. He-"

"Save it." I took a deep breath to calm myself. Then I opened my eyes and looked at my daughters sleeping peacefully. "All I want is for them to have a family. And to be accepted."

He sighed. "They will, Bella. We're here."

Yes, they are here. But that's what frightens me more.

I don't want to be left again and worse, for my girls to feel the same way I felt a year ago.
© Copyright 2011 eliz02 (eliz02 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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