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Rated: E · Poetry · Comedy · #1751007
Does wisdom come with age? Perhaps ... (Humor)
The Wisdom of Years

With age, they say, comes wisdom.
Is that another name for scarred?
No, I'm not trying to play dumb,
just dismissing a canard.

Perhaps there is a grain of truth
I do have some expertise.
It turns out that I'm quite a sleuth
predicting weather with my knees.

My hearing's not what it used to be,
so when someone seeks advice,
my first response is "Let me see..."
then "Please repeat that," often twice.

It seems my arms are shorter now
though my eyes still have a glint.
Everything thing I read, somehow,
has become "fine print."

As I journey up the hill of time
I find my panting now is deeper.
While I won't stop my upward climb
the slope has gotten steeper!

As I review my history,
there's no scar that I'd forsake.
They say the best is yet to be ...
if I can only stay awake!

An entry for February's "Senior Center ForumOpen in new Window. [ASR]

canard ~ a false or baseless story, report, or rumor

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