Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1755136-Lorccan-Juda-Fire-and-Ice-Part-2
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1755136
EU Star Wars Fanfiction
Please see the intro on Part 1 before contiuing*Smile* . You can find it here: http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1755126-Lorccan-Juda-Fire-and-Ice-...

Early in the morning, Bastila Skywalker decided to try out her new lightsaber. Temporary saber she thought to herself. This lightsaber was far heavier than her old training one, but she quickly got used to it. She held the shining, (highly complicated as she had just earlier discovered), cylinder before herself, and pressed the activation switch. A long sword of red light shot from the handle with the characteristic snap hiss of a lightsaber. Which was hardly surprising. She moved the saber around, listening to the comforting hum of the weapon as it moved through the air. The only quality of her lightsaber that unsettled her was it's crimson blade, but that could easily be changed by a different crystal once she returned to the Jedi.

The thought of the Jedi brought with it thoughts of her brother. She had thought about him and Ania and Obiwan much over the past days and wondered if they were worrying about her. She hoped Anakin was being rational for once. She knew he was prone to brashness when something he cared about was threatened. When anything was threatened for that matter.

She sighed, trying to focus her mind on the task at hand. Dooku had taught her new fighting techniques, which she almost found herself feeling grateful for. After all, even Yoda said that Dooku was one of the best fighters in the galaxy. Even though Bastila didn't relish fighting to wound, she knew that these techniques may just save her life if it ever came to that. She listened to the lessons Dooku gave her and the nineteen other students at the academy, although she gathered they probably knew most of it anyway. She comforted herself with the thought that although she learnt their techniques, she would never have to embrace their philsophies. It was always good to know the way the mind of the enemy worked. But she often found herself feeling sorry for these beings, especially Lorccan. He was so lost and confused. He never really had much choice in the matter of the direction he would take, and she saw him battling daily with himself, trying to keep himself on this trail. Bastila could sense his desperate need to remain on the only path he had ever known. Any other was unexplored territory, and a frightening prospect for someone brought up the way he had been.

There was one other among the apprentices who drew Bastila's compassion. A girl about two years older than she named Sheeba, who had a temper fiercer than Lorccan's and eyes as empty and hollow as his. The other seventeen older students seemed truly consumed by the dark side, without any remorse. This had been their choice to join the Acolytes. All the apprentices were forever at odds, goading each other and never a kind word passed between them.

Dooku entered the dueling chamber and smiled as he saw Bastila practising the new lessons he had taught her. He was very pleased with her so far, as she had embraced his teachings. Soon he would begin her training of the dark side of the Force.

"Excellent parry Skywalker." Dooku praised. Walking to her in his proud way, he brandished his own lightsaber. Turning to face him, she moved into a fighting stance. Dooku did a slow slice movement which Bastila easily caught with her saber from underneath, turning his lightsaber up and around. Dooku pushed her weapon back around, the force of the movement flinging her arm wide leaving her front exposed.

"No, Skywalker. Never underestimate the power of defensive counterattack!" he admonished. "Keep your blade arm firm but flexible. Never leave a point exposed!"

Bastila nodded, immediatley modifying her technique. They dueled for a further standard half hour, Dooku reproving Bastila for false moves and praising her when she heeded his advice. Dooku deactivated his lightsaber and said,"You are dismissed, Skywalker. I have matters to attend to."

"Uh, Master, before you go, there's something I really have been dying to know...About the Sith."

"Make it quick." Tyranus waved her on.

"Well, I've always heard, well...that the Rule of Two meant there could never be more than two Sith at any one time. How come you are training so many of us? Has the rule been abolished?"

Dooku seemed to think for a moment as if debating whether or not to tell her. "You are perceptive Bastila. I suppose it is right for you to know. You have been training in the ways of the Dark Acolytes, a sect of Force Sensitive beings. Since you and they shall never be taught the secrets but only the ways of the Sith, it is not in violation of the Code."

Bastila swallowed convulsively, but tried to put an accepting expression on her face. "Thank you for induldging my curiosity my lord."

Tyranus nodded and turned to leave. Bastila was confused. Here she was, being trained by a Sith Lord in the ways of the Dark Side, and yet she found that she had accepted his teaching, even found herself feeling grateful for them. She noticed that instead of looking on Dooku with anger and rebellion, she found herself filling with compassion. He fell to the dark side out of disillusionment and grief out of the death of his former Padawan, dear old Qui Gon Jinn. Maybe she could reach these "Dark Acolytes" ,of whom she had just learnt she was a member, and help them on their path back to the light. Tyranus had been one of the greatest Jedi, admirable in his education, manner, Force-adeptness, and dueling talent. And yet even he, having followed the Jedi faithfully for so many decades had been seduced by the dark side of the Force. It must have been terrible grief and anger to have driven him from the only path he had known. Much was the same for Ventress, whom it was rumored was trained by a Jedi stranded on her homeworld. When he had been killed, she let her anger dominate. Obiwan had often said that she was probably simply misled and dangerously disillusioned, but not entirely evil.

And then there was the young man named Lorccan. He had never known any other path than this. He said he didn't remember his family. Sometimes she felt as if she might get through his walls, and see the real reason he acted the way he did, but every time it seemed as if she may get through to him, he would give her the look of daggers and retreat back into himself. He must be going through terrible torment to have had such nightmares. Occasionally she would glimpse a different side of him, a gentler side, and could see the person he might've been had he been a child of love and not hate. But those moments were too few and far between. Oh, how she wished she could consult Ania or Obiwan, and be comforted by their wisdom. How she wished she could laugh with her brother and have him give her one of his crushing bear hugs. They were the people she knew she could always count on, the one's she would always love.

She wondered were they were and what they were doing.


"This is ridiculous." Anakin Skywalker growled under his breath. "Six days, and so far every one of our leads has turned up nothing!"

"Anakin, I understand you're frustrated,so am I, but you need to calm down!" Obiwan Kenobi urged his Padawan. "We need to stop and think about this rationally, or it will be even longer before we find her."

Anakin closed his eyes and took a deep breath before expelling it slowly. Six days. Six days they had been here on Kashyyyk, asking around for anything suspicious, following trails that seemed to lead nowhere. But Anakin forced himself to pause and calm down. "I sense a dark presence here, Masters." he said, looking around. "I have felt it for the past two days."

"I have sensed it too. It does not bode well." Obiwan looked at Ania Nors, who nodded in agreement. He felt a wave of compassion for the Togruta. She was so worried, she had barely said anything over the past week. Obiwan understood how she felt. He had felt the same on the number of times Anakin had disappeared. It was a sense of failure and desperation.

"There is definately something more at work here. Whatever the presence is, it's good at cloaking exactly what it is. One of these leads has to give us some sort of information."

"Unless," Anakin piped up, "This whole thing is a huge farce. Master, I don't feel my sister's presence. Not here. I haven't for all this time as I've already told you both. Maybe she's not even here! Shouldn't we be trying to find leads elswhere, maybe go back to Coruscant? Maybe there's something we missed."

Obiwan looked thoughtful."You may be right. Ania?"

"I haven't felt her presence and neither have you. And if Anakin hasn't then it pretty much points in one direction."

"Perhaps. But I vote we stay here one more day. Just in case. Then we'll head back to Coruscant to see if we've missed anything." Obiwan raised his eyebrows at his fellow Jedi in question.

Ania let out a slow breath. "I agree."

Obiwan looked to his Padawan, who was clenching and unclenching his fists in indecision, looking out over the railing of the high wooden platform. He put a hand to his face, then looked back at the knights. "Alright. One day." Ania and Obiwan nodded, as they began to walk again along the platform that wound it's way high between the gigantic Kashyyyk wroshyr trees. Anakin bit his lip and called out to them uncertaintly.

"Yes Anakin?" Obiwan asked as he turned around to listen to him. Anakin came forward.

"I just wanted to thank you for allowing me a say in your decision. I know that you didn't have to, you, know, with me being a Padawan and all." Ania's eyes softened at the young Jedi and Obiwan grinned. He put his hand firmly on Anakin's shoulder.

"And you didn't need to thank us." he said with a wry smile. It was times like these, when Anakin's wall of often quite arrogant youthful self confidence dropped and the humble and gentle young boy he had met on Tatooine surfaced, that Obiwan really admired his Padawan's character.

Watching the master and student with a soft smile, Ania felt a pang of guilt that she had so foolishly allowed her own apprentice to come to harm. Well, they were going to find her. They would find her and bring to justice those who had her abducted.


Asajj Ventress watched the Jedi trio from above in a giant wroshyr tree, and smiled in satisfaction. They had followed all her leads, all right. And all of them came to a dead end. She could already see the boy growing more agitated and annoyed, as every bit of evidence they found, or rather, was put in front of them, turned up no answers. Tyranus was indeed right about Skywalker. Keeping him searching in vain was quickly eating away at his patience, and she sensed his self control waning. Just let her play with them a little bit longer.

So, she thought wryly, they are going to head back to Coruscant? She snorted.

Not if she had anything to say about it.

Tomb of Ancient Sith Lord, Marko Ragnos-Korriban

Lorccan Juda followed his master through the gigantic granite door and into the dark tomb of Marko Ragnos. The Sith Lord's tomb seemed to emante the dark side and Lorccan felt the power, and danger, of this great structure. Many had passed through this tomb, this trial, in order to prove themselves as Sith over the millenia, and Lorccan felt in awe of it's immense age and power.

Darth Tyranus stopped him in the entrance hall. "This is where I will wait, Apprentice. At the far end of this corridor is the burial chamber and final resting place of the great Marko Ragnos. In a seprate compartment attatched to his sarcophogus is a lightsaber. You are to retrieve it and bring it back here to me." the master commanded.

It sounded simple enough, but Lorccan knew that it would be anything but. The Valley of the Dark Lord's was a place of a great many dangers and mysteries, and he knew better than to underestimate them.

Lorccan bowed low. "Yes, my master." He straightened, took a deep breath and cautiously moved down the darkened corridor. This was it.

The tomb was cold and dark, and was filled with the stale musty smell of badly circulated air. After two minutes of walking on the hard stone floor, Lorccan's danger alert rang in his head like a bell. He whipped out his lightsaber and the red blade sang into the air with a hiss. Although he couldn't see anything ahead of him, he felt the creatures presence, sensed it's heartbeat and intent.

Lorccan took another three slow steps forward, then made a lunge and swung at the air in front of him. The Hssiss' shrill cry broke through the eerily quiet depths of the tomb as it's natural camoflouge disappeared, and Lorccan had a good look at the inside of the incredibly large animal's reptilian mouth and the rows of jagged teeth. It threw it's heavy head in his direction, attempting to tear at him. He ducked under it's head and brought his lightsaber straight up into the underside of the reptile's thickskinned throat. It shrieked in fury and used it's powerful legs to haul itself at Lorccan. He summoned the Force and pushed the animal onto it's back before it landed on him. Before it could turn itself right side up again Lorccan Force leaped into the air and placed his saber in a postion so that the blade faced downward. The lightsaber plunged to the the soft underbelly of the furious animal as Lorccan landed lightly on the ground beside it. It let out one last cry before going still.

Lorccan sheathed his lightsaber and gave a salute to the valiant creature. He opened the door that the hssiss had clearly been guarding into an interleading chamber. Lorccan frowned. The room was covered in a pool of acid. No going through that without having a number of limbs burnt off, he thought wryly. Now that would be a cruel anticlimax. But the burial chamber was through the door on the other side of the pool. He was going to have to find another way around it. He backed up, retracing his steps, and took a by-corridor to the left. Maybe he would find something in there.

At the end of the short corridor was another stone door exactly the same to the others in the tomb. He sensed immense danger behind it and steeled his will. Breathing deeply, he drew his lightsaber and opened the door. As he stepped into an enormous hall, the door shut heavily behind him. Surprised, he spun around, but there was nothing there. He felt a chill run down his spine. He cautiously turned back around then his eyes narrowed as he glimpsed two hulking creatures at the other end of the dark hall. He used the Force to enhance his vision in order to discover what manner of creature he was to battle. The two animals were incredibly large with glistening skin, bipedal with massive torsos, and thick arms that hung below their waists. On hands and feet they had long, powerful looking talons. One turned around, as if suddenly realising that they weren't alone. It's face was grotesque, large and round, with massive tusks protruding from it's mandible and rows of small but sharp teeth in it's mouth. Terentatek, Lorccan thought grimly.

The monstrosity focused on him, and gave a low, guttural cry. It's mate then also turned. Lorccan set his feet into a defensive stance, his crimson blade shimmering in front of him. The terentateki cried again in rage, rushing towards him with amazing speed for such an enormously bulky creature. The ground shook as their heavy feet hit the floor. The terentatek who had intially seen him reached him first, bringing it's arm back in fury, ready to smash him off his feet. Lorccan ducked and brought his lightsaber back round to connect with one of the giant's strong talons. It used it's claw to turn his saber back around, slashing him across the stomach as it did so. Lorccan cried in surprise and pain, but quickly recovered. He dodged and ducked again as the second terentatek reached him and raked it's claws across his back. Biting against the pain he rolled between them with lightning speed. He got to his feet a few metres behind them before they had time to register what had happened.

Lorccan summoned the Force to him. He levitated two metres into the air and curled into a ball, drawing and confining the energy within him. The ferocious beings turned, snarling their rage, and began their frontal assault again. When they were no more than three metres from him, he curled himself slightly tighter, and then, when his power was at it's peak, he released it, flinging his arms wide and throwing his head back, a movement which tore at the gash across his abdomen. The powerful Force wave that flung from him hit into the stunned creatures, flinging them in different directions and sending them smashing into walls.

Lorccan's feet touched the ground, and he used the Force to keep the fiery pain in his torso at bay. He then strode towards the first terentatek, which was still inexplicably stunned, spun his lightsaber in his hand, and sent it plunging into the creature's chest. It made an angry, guttural roar as it fought to stand again. Lorccan stabbed it again, and the life force left it.

Lorccan turned as a feral shriek peirced the stale air as the second furious hulk raced toward him. Holding his lightsaber to one side, he held up his free hand. The Force served him again, and bolts of lightning escaped his fingers, hitting the terentatek in it's charge. The creature's taloned hand turned into fists and it's head turned upward to shriek it's agony to a sky that was nonexistant in this dark place of death. The electricity ran up and down the dying animals massive body, creating what seemed to be a shield of blue fire around it. Finally, it collapsed. Lorccan flipped into the air, and brought his blade to bear down into the terentatek.

Panting, he deactivated his lightsaber and looked down at the dead creature. He felt a strange pang of remorse at having killed these animals. This had been their domain afterall. They had simply seen him as an intruder to their territory. Then he laughed at himself. If only the other apprentices could hear what he was thinking.

He pushed his sweat drenched hair back from his face then placed an arm across his bleeding abdomen. Now that his Force strength had been depleted for now, the pain returned, strong and fiery.

He turned and limped his way to the far end of the hall where there was a door with a lever in front of it. Lorccan pulled the lever and the ancient door opened with a haunting groan. In the small room were two ancient triangular pillars covered with runes. Lorccan couldn't read the letters, but thankfully, there was a single line in Basic. It read, "Pillar of Fire". He reached into a hole in the pillar and pulled out a round object that looked much like a large red grenade. He looked at it curiously before hitching it to his equipment belt.

The second pillar was very similar. This one read, "Pillar of Ice." The pillar's "grenade" was much like the other, except that it was a pale blue colour. He was sure that these would help him get across the acid. But which one?

Lorccan exited the room and hall, and made his way painfully back to the acid room. Standing at the entrance, he wondered which grenade to use. Taking them both from his belt he held them in each hand so he could assess them subjectively.

Fire and ice, he thought. Which would be more likely to get him across the pool unsacthed?

He studied the red one from the Pillar of Fire. If the names of the pillars were anything to go by, the red grenade would produce fire. Fire though, would surely just react with the acid and fill the place with a noxious gas of some sort. Lorccan didn't exactly favour the idea. That would then mean that the blue grenade would produce ice.

Lorccan tossed the ice grenade once in the air, then hurled it into the acid pool. Almost immediately, the liquid froze over. He stepped lightly over to the "pool" and tested the ice's strength. Judging it sound enough to step on, Lorccan limped across and right through to the burial chamber of Marko Ragnos.

He stopped in the chamber and bowed slightly in respect for the great and powerful Sith Lord. He had died almost five thousand years ago, and yet his legacy still remained. Which was something to aspire to. Or, at least, that's what Tyranus always said.

Lorccan shook his head, breaking himself out of his reverie. Just as Tyranus had explained, there was a compartment in the sarcophogus. Lorccan reached into it and pulled out the ancient lightsaber.

Suddenly a vision came completely unbidden into Lorccan's mind. It was so real, it was if he was watching it happen in front of him, right here in this room.

Flashes, pictures. He saw a lush green field, flanked by mountains and forests and heard laughter. Sweet, happy laughter such as he had never heard before.

Then fire seemed to burn through the image, wilting the long grass and turning the sky black. The laughter turned into horrendous screams. Once again the murdered people sprang into his sight, and Ventress and Tyranus were there, mocking him.

Lorccan put a hand shakily to his throbbing temples. Just when he thought the waking dream was over, another picture came into his mind.

It was a baby, a baby with dark hair and eyes and a beautiful smile. And he heard laughter again, different from the former, but with the same calming qualities.

Then, from the depths of his vision came a soft, gentle whisper. "Lorccan."

"Master, I have succeeded." Lorccan held out the retrieved lightsaber ceremoniously for Dooku to take. Smiling his approval, Dooku took the offered weapon.

"You have proven yourself worthy. Kneel, Lorccan Juda." Lorccan knelt on one knee, his head bowed. The movement aggravated his wound, but he tried to ignore it. Tyrannus activated the trophy lightsaber's purple blade. He brought it down to Lorccan's left shoulder, stopping just before contact, and did the same with the right. "You have now become a full Dark Jedi. Congratulations."

Lorccan stood shakily. "Now," Tyrannus continued, "As you have now completed your trials, this lightsaber shall be your reward." he handed the black cylinder to Lorccan, who nodded in reply.

Lorccan had awaited this moment for so long. So why now, at the time his work paid off, did he suddenly feel so empty and confused?

Were the visions he experienced of a past simply forgotten, or of a future never pondered?


Academy on Korriban

"Skywalker!" Tyranus bellowed as he entered the main hall, where Bastila was practising her acrobatics. She stopped, turned around to face him, and saw Lorccan behind him, clutching an arm across his stomach.

"Congratulations are in order. Lorccan has just proved himself to be a full Dark Acolyte. As you shall too, when you are ready."
Bastila now looked at Lorccan in unveiled surprise. He hadn't said anything to her about there being Sith trials. Although she should've figured that out herself, she supposed. But her heart was slightly saddened by this news. He would probably be harder than ever to get through too, now that he had gone through evidently dangerous trials to prove himself.
His gaze met hers briefly, before flickering away. His expression didn't seem very triumphant. It looked more confused and strained.
But that couldn't be right. Could it?
Nevertheless, she came closer and bowed to him. "Congratulations Lorccan."

"There shall be an official announcement when all the Acolytes have assembled. Juda, get to the medbay." Nodding once again to the newly pronounced Acolyte, Dooku took his leave.

Once he had left, Bastila let her expressionless veil drop and moved closer to Lorccan, her concern clearly written on her face. "Come," she said grimly ,"let's get you to the medbay." Very reluctantly, Lorccan nodded. But when she offered to help him walk, he shook her off.

"I walked all the way here without any help, and I'll do it again."

Bastila sighed. "Alright, if you're gonna be so bullheaded about it." Glaring at her, he followed the little Jedi, grimacing with each step.

The medbay was slightly better lit than the rest of the academy. It had two bunks and a medstation with meager supplies, and an old, broken down medical droid.

Bastila hurumphed, her hands on her slender hips as she assessed the crude little room. "Sure are living in the lap of luxury, aren't we?" she looked at Lorccan, and saw he was wearing an amused smile on his face. "Lucky for you, us at Jedi school learn a fair bit about first aid. Now, sit." she commanded. Lorccan did as he was told, a look of innocent surprise in his expression at her tone as he sat on the bunk. She laughed at his expression.

He stared at her. He had never heard her laugh before. It was sweet and rich like the laughter from his vision and all the anger he usually would've felt at her evaporated. She looked at him oddly, her head cocked slightly to one side.

"Lorccan, I need to see your wounds if I'm gonna be any help."

Lorccan removed his black upper tunic, wincing as pain shot through his torso. He threw the tattered and torn piece of clothing to the floor as Bastila gasped. "What did this to you?" she asked softly, coming closer with ointment and bandages.

"Terentatek." he gave a bitter laugh.

"A tera-what?"

"It's an ancient, gigantic beast. Very angry. All the time."

Bastila almost smiled. Not unlike someone else she knew, she thought wryly. "Here." she handed him a towel. "Press this to your stomach to stop the blood escaping." Most of the blood had dried, but some still managed to seep through the deep gash. Lorccan did as she said.

Bastila knelt on the bunk behind him, and began wiping the blood away from the four parallel slashes from his back as gently as she could. As she worked, she talked. "You never told me you were going to trials. What is it like?"

Lorccan paused, sucking in his breath as the ointment touched a wound, stinging violently. "Trials are held within one of the Sith Lord's tombs."

"Sith Lord's tombs? Where?"

"Out in the Valley of the Dark Lord's, a few klicks west from here."

"Oh." she replied softly. No wonder this place felt so evil. Gathering her voice again, she asked,"What else does a trial consist of?"

"I can't tell you more than that. It needs to be impromptu. The only planning is the planning that you are doing now. Lightsaber training, Force chanelling. When you undergo the trials, you mustn't know what to expect."

She leaned closer to his ear. "Do you really believe I'll be here that long?"

Lorccan laughed harshly. "Sky, you won't get out of here. Not in one peice."

She wanted to protest, but knew it would be futile. She finished bandaging his back, and Lorccan looked down at himself and laughed softly. "It looks like you're preparing me for burial."

Bastila moved away from him. "Lie on your back." Lorccan looked at her, not looking like he was going to comply. She rolled her eyes. "Unless you want that wound to bleed you to death."

He glared at her. "I can deal with it. It's in reach."

She looked at him disbelievingly. "You're gonna stitch yourself closed?" She gave a wry smile. "Alright. Good luck." she stood up and looked to move out the room.

Lorccan swallowed his pride, knowing it was unlikely he would be able to stitch his own wound. "Wait."

She turned to look at him and came back to the bunk as he lay down. All her sardonic humour left her as she saw the pain deeply etched in Lorccan's face. She sat down on the side of the bunk and set to work trying not to cause him more pain, aware of how he watched her with uncharacteristically open curiosity. He obviously didn't realise that she noticed. His attention made her nervous and she tried to block it out. She didn't need trembling hands right now.

When she had finished, she used the towel to dab away the last traces of blood.

"Thank you." he said softly. She looked at him in surprise. It was the first time he had said anything like that, anything kind,and she realised something. He had changed since he came back from his trial. His expression no longer looked arrogant and hard, but seemed confused and rather bereft. Looking at him, she frowned. "You have a fever." As she got up, he pushed himself up into a sitting postion with some effort.

"I can't have a fever." he glared, though he knew that what she said was true. But this fever brought on by open wounds was nothing like the one inside him brought on by this girl. Angry at himself, he looked away.

"Well," she said as she placed a cold gel pack on his forehead, "You do." she took a clean towel and lightly dabbed the perspiration from his face.

Her touch was so gentle, he wanted to draw her into his arms and hold her. He tried to shake the urge away, but it wouldn't leave. He couldn't remember any other being ever showing him any sort of tenderness. Not that he had ever expected it. And he had never found himself longing for it. Until now.
What was happening to him? What was she doing to him? Was this simply one of the tricks the detestable Jedi had taught her? He set his mind on believing that, but something inside of him cried out to the opposite.
She took her hand away, her expression mildly confused. "Lorccan," she asked tentatively, "Dooku told me that you and the others...and me, I suppose, were what he called 'Dark Acolytes'. Are there anymore out there or are you, we, the only ones?"

She's hardly a Dark Acolyte. Surely Tyranus can see that he will never turn a heart such as hers to darkness?

"No, there are more."Lorccan answered. "We were scattered so that the Jedi wouldn't find us and annihilate us all at once, I suppose." he gave a wry grin, but Bastila noticed that his smile was pained.

"Were you friends with any of them?"

Lorccan's eyes narrowed. Why was she asking this? He searched her large, fathomless eyes, and detected no ulterior motive in them. Maybe she simply wanted to know. He almost laughed at the thought. "Acolytes are not encouraged to make friends." he replied. "We are encouraged to compete with each other. To betray each other. Builds up vengeance seeking and fuels the dark side. So you'd better start learning." he sneered bitterly. "Although...' he paused. "There was one. Years ago."

"What happened to him?"

He gave her a look that made her stomach drop. He decided he'd tell her the truth. Scare this little Jedi out her boots. "I killed him.." He should have been pleased to see a Jedi squirm in reaction, but found he wasn't proud at all when this one did.

The girls eyes widened. "Why?," was all she could say.

Lorccan shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant. "We were forced into a duel. Dooku goaded us on, until we were so angry we forgot who we were. We fought. With relish. But I was stronger, so I was the one to deal the death blow. That's the way of the Sith and the Acolytes. The strong conquer the weak." He grinned at her maliciously.

Bastila thought she was going to be sick. Finding her voice she stood and said, "You need to get some rest." With that she turned and left.

Lorccan sighed and closed his eyes.


Jinkarna City, Toribha

Obiwan found Anakin on the wooden balcony of the apartment he Anakin and Ania had shared since being on the planet. He had both hands on the rail in front of him, his shoulders hunched and his face hidden. He looked up as he heard his master aproach. He turned to face him, and bowed dutifully. "Master."

"Good evening Anakin."

The tall Padawan shrugged half heartedly. "Not exactly."
Obiwan understood too well. Four days ago, they had followed a lead they had found rather conveniently on Kashyyyk to come to this Outer Rim world of Torihba. Obiwan had never heard of the planet until now. But he was finding himself rather suspicious of the trail that lead them here. It had seemed almost too obvious. But what else had they to go on?
They had only arrived on the planet a matter of hours after days of travel, before but already Torihba worried him. He could feel the dark side aura here. It made him uncomfortable to think of Bastila in such close proximity to such a place. Let alone Anakin.
The planet had only one ancient settlement called Jinkarna, for most other places were too dangerous to settle, as the planet was covered in geothermic activity. Even so, despite his misgivings, Obiwan found Torihba, with it's vast grasslands and incomprehendibly high mountains, quite beautiful. In a warped sort of way.
Obiwan sighed and moved to his frustrated Padawan's side. Neither said anything for a long while, but instead just stared out at the vast plains of this dangerously beautiful planet turned blue by the night sky, both lost in their own reveries.

"Master?" Anakin eventually asked, tentatively. "What happens if we...don't...find her?"

Obiwan sighed, looking out over the rail once more. "I don't know, Apprentice."

Anakin shook his head, turning away in anxiety. "We have to find her. I have to find her. I promised my mother..."


Anakin closed his eyes. "That I would protect my sister. I can't let them down."

"We can't keep searching forever, Anakin." Kenobi explained in his most understanding yet logical tone. "The Council can call us back at any time for a mission."

Skywalker clenched his fists. "Then we'd better start searching harder." he turned back to Obiwan. "I wont give up on her." he scowled slightly.

"You aren't the only one worrying Anakin. I am, as is Master Ania. She is terribly anxious."

Anakin's face immediately lost it's hard look and turned to one of concern and self beration. "I...I am sorry. Forgive me master. Sometimes I forget that other's feel the same as I do."

Obiwan smiled. "I'm sure we all do that at times. Especially times such as these."

Ania Nors sat alone in the apartment, meditating. Her hands were clasped tightly on her lap, and her eyes were squeezed shut. Calm. Breathe. She felt like a new mother who had just lost her child. Grimacing, she caught herself and repeated the chant in her mind. Calm. Breathe. There is no emotion; there is peace... She replayed the Jedi Code and all the lessons of emotional training she had been given over the years, emptying herself of negativity and allowing calming thoughts to enter her mind.
Her thoughts were interrupted as she sensed another presence enter the small room. She turned slightly to see the troubled young Skywalker standing in the doorway, a sheepish look on his frowning face.
He bowed slightly. "Master Ania, forgive me for interrupting your meditations."

Ania stood slowly, brushed the dust off herself and shook her head. "It's alright Anakin. What's on your mind?"

"I...' he paused, then proceeded, "I just wanted to know how you are. I mean, I know you are also worrying about Bastila, so I...am sorry for being so self centered." he bowed his head.
It struck Ania that such a confident and sometimes arrogant young man could turn right around and be so humble and unsure of himself. She suspected there was much about Skywalker that she would never understand. He was almost the polar opposite of his sister. Where Bastila was dark in hair and eyes, he was fair. Where she was small and skinny, he was tall and well built. Bastila was calm and rational and hated to fight. Anakin loved the lightsaber and was often frustrated and impatient.

But despite their considerable differences, Ania saw a startling similarity between the Skywalkers. Both had an honesty about them, and a playful and loving nature. She almost shook her head in wonderment.
"Thank you for your concern Anakin. But I should really be asking about you."

"It's difficult, but I think I'm holding up ok."

Ania smiled. Anakin wasn't all that much younger than herself, so she still understood how teenagers tell little white lies to convince their elders that they are indeed alright.

Early the next morning the three Jedi set out to scout out the ancient city of Jinkarna. Alien creatures of at least a dozen races passed by them in the streets. As this was the only settlement on the entire planet it was expectedly crowded, and Anakin had to curb his annoyance at being pushed passed every two seconds.

"So,' Anakin said, hurrying to catch up with his master, shoving his way through the bustling crowds, "Where do we start?"

"Well," Obiwan replied without turning around,"We'll start at the Information Bureau. That's the most likely place, as they will probably be very tuned in to the goings on around Jinkarna."

Anakin nodded, hurrying to catch up to Obiwan and Ania. But his efforts were thwarted once again when he felt a gentle tugging at the end of his robe. Spinning around, Anakin found himself facing...nothing. He frowned, then another tug and he looked at his feet. There, standing rather sheepishly was a raggedly dressed young boy of about seven or eight, and a much younger little girl peeking out from behind her brother's back.

"Excuse me, Mister Jedi sir," The boy stammered, "We heard that Jedi were kind, and we...we were wondering if you could give us some food?

"Sure." Anakin dropped down to his haunches so that he was at eye level with the blue eyed children. Reaching into the folds of his robe he brought out his ration for the day, and handed it to the boy. "Sorry it's not much." Stammering a thank you, the boy took his dark haired sister by the hand and began to scamper away.

Anakin frowned. He felt the Force tugging at him to stop the children. Standing, he exclaimed, "Wait!"

The children turned around, their eyes wide with fear. Moving towards them Anakin said, "Don't worry. I wont hurt you." he began to pour calm feelings into the Force, trying to reassure them. Presently, Anakin felt his master's curiosity in the Force and turned to find him and Ania about a hundred metres down the crowded streets, looking at him in question. He held up a hand, then turned back to the two street children, asking them, "Do you two have a mother or father?"

"Um," the boy replied ,"We have Mama, but she's very sick. That's why I have to come and beg for food for all of us."

"She's sick?" Anakin replied, thinking of his own mother. He turned back to face the two masters, and waved them over. Speaking once again to the boy he said, "Take us to her. Maybe we can help." As Anakin set off with the children and Obiwan and Ania in tow a way behind he thought, These children deserve to have their mother as long as possible.

Sith Academy, Korriban

The next day Lorccan was up, the Force having sped up the healing process. He shrugged on his robe and stepped somewhat gingerly out of the medbay, making his way down the corridor. His wounds obviously hadn't completely healed, and he still had a slight fever, but that wasn't going to stop him leaving that dreary old room. He passed one of the other Acolytes, the girl named Sheeba, who sneered at him on his way past.

"I hear you've had your very own little nurse maid seeing to your wounds." she mocked. "Seems to the rest of us you've got a thing for that pathetic little Jedi." she snarled..
Lorccan could feel that heat of anger rising into his face. He had never liked Sheeba, or the rest of the apprentices at the academy, but this one always knew how to push him to the edge. Not that it took much.

The girl cocked her head to the side, her green eyes feigning innocence. "Oh, dear Lorccan. You've gone soft."
"Watch it Sheeba." the flame was building.

"She's really getting to you isn't she?" she said, pressing the point, goading him on.

Lorccan unhitched his lightsaber, his eyes blazing. "Try it," he said dangerously. "Say it again, you pathetic little witch."

Grinning sardonically, the girl drew her own blade and it ignited at the same time as Juda's with a sharp snap-hiss.
"Come now. I wouldn't want to hurt a fellow student."she replied

Lorccan hated her. He had always hated her, but now he was finally going to snap.
Their sabers clashed with a spine tingling buzz. Lorccan spun out of the lock, ending up three metres away, in the dueling ring, conveniently. As Sheeba closed in, he rushed at her. She blocked his first blinding flurry and continued to goad him on. The blades clashed again, Lorccan spinning his saber away at impact and flourishing it in his hand, before bringing it into a defensive stance. The anger he had felt before was now a raging white hot hatred deep within his gut, fueling the dark side energy around him and making him feel powerful and alive.
He threw Force wave after wave into the girl, some of which she barely managed to block with her own Force energy. But still, she continued to push him, laughing, as if in some sadistic glee.
Screaming a battle cry, Lorccan rushed at her, bringing his lightsaber to bear down on her again and again, connecting with her crimson blade each time. Finally, she lost her balance and fell over. Even as Lorccan came at her to deliver the death blow, she never cowered. Her face simply became emotionless, opening herself up to his blade.

"Lorccan!" screamed a vaguely familiar voice he barely registered through the red hazed tunnel vision that was urging him to murder the girl in front of him. Before he could bring down his blade, Bastila was there, her own lightsaber locked with his, her voice gradually becoming clearer as the battle vision he was in began to fade and his mind to refocus.
As Lorccan's eyes finally came to rest on her, he glowered. He could kill her right now if he wished. Instead he used the Force to try and shove her aside. But his dark energy simply collided with her calm aura, putting them into a pointless stalemate.
Bastila closed her eyes briefly, gently shaking her head and lowering her blade. "No, Lorccan."
Sheeba was still on the floor where she had fell, too stunned at what Bastila had done to even make a comment.
Lorccan opened his mouth to speak, but felt the flame inside him simmering down. So instead, he grunted in anger, spun on his heel and stalked out the room. It was only now, that the dark side energy inside him was dissipating, that he realised he had reopened his wounds in the battle.
Bastila turned to look at the older girl on the ground. "Are you alright?" she asked gently, holding out a hand. Sheeba's expression went from stunned to angry. Refusing Bastila's hand, she stood, brushing the dust off her robe, and glared.

"Why did you do that?" she asked dangerously.

It was Bastila's turn to be confused. "He was going to kill you."

Rolling her eyes in annoyance, Sheeba sauntered away, flicking her hand in Bastila's direction as if dismissing her. Watching her leave, Bastila sighed, realisation dawning on her.
She turned and followed Lorccan, guessing where he went. Sure enough, she found him in the medbay, looking completely exhausted as he lay on the bunk.

"Opened your wounds again?" she enquired softly. He gave her a harsh look.

"Barely. They'll heal by themselves."

Bastila came to sit on the stool beside the bunk. She opened her mouth to speak, but Lorccan raised his hand.

"I know what you're going to say Skywalker. But that girl is a little conniving witch. She goaded me into that fight, probably to prove herself to the others." he shrugged.

"She wanted you to kill her." Lorccan looked at her in surprise. "You didn't notice?" Bastila continued. "She barely tried to defend herself at all. At the end, she could've easily rolled away, but she chose to stay and await her death blow. Lorccan," she said taking his hand. He surprised her by not pulling away. "She is in pain. As much as you are. She wants to die. That's a terrible kind of desperation."

Lorccan knew all too well. He had tried to take his own life more than once. He looked down at their hands entwined and closed his eyes. It was as if cool water flowed from her fingers into his blood, smothering the last burning embers of rage in his gut. Peace? No sooner had he thought it, the old Sith mantra shoved it's way back into his mind. Peace is a lie; there is only passion.

He let go of her hand as if it was covered in poison. And perhaps it was. He didn't trust himself to open his eyes to look at her, lest he fall into that trap again.

"Go. Please."

He could almost feel the emptiness she left in her wake.

© Copyright 2011 BoadiceaHaru (boadiceaharu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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