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a little storey about dreams |
The Shadow Master The man walked as silently as he could, his padded shoes making no sound on the damp cold paving stones of one of London’s many neglected streets. He looked at the shabby houses with their windows boarded shut and bared doors. He pulled a small knife from inside one of his many concealed pockets. He made his way towards a house. He knocked sharply on the door. It opened with a disconcerting creak. “So glad you could come”the man inside said. He was a small man and rather overweight, quite a contrast to the other man who was tall and muscular. “Come in peach”. The tall muscly man entered the room. It was obvious that he was the man with the authority as he sat before he was offered a seat and poured himself a whisky. “So, do we have a deal” Peach said “you give me the boy, I give you the money, it’s a strait forward operation”. “Yes, it’s a deal” the overweight man said, “I’ll get the boy. He walked down one of the many side corridors, leaving peach waiting for several minutes before he returned with a boy of about 16 bound and with a bag over his head. “Here he is. Now for my part of the bargain, “3000 pounds” he said steching out his hand. “No chance” said peach and jabbed the knife he had concealed up his sleeve though the mans hand. He let lose a wail of intense pain as Peach quickly pulled his knife loose. A gush of dark red blood spilled from the mans hand, he fell back clutching it. “I thought this was a straightforward deal” he stammered. Peach let out a deep laugh. “Nothings ever straight forwards with me He gave a wave off his hands and the shadows from the dark corners of the room and began to swirl around him the overweight man looked on with a mixture of awe hatred and fear when the shawdos stoped swirling the man was gone. He went to banage up his wounds but it was to no avail once u where cute by a knife made from shawdow the bleeding will never stop unless u have magical propitious of own. The men slowly bleed to his death over the corse of the next day or so. Peach by then not even in the country Peach and the boy had travelled through the night until at last Peach had to stop and rest. He bound the boy with ropes of shadow to stop him escaping. After only a few hours of rest Peach was on the move again. After several days of travelling the duo arrived at the cemetery. It was one of those cold dark cemeteries with an abandoned church at its centre. The whole place reeked of evil. Peach led the boy to the entrance of the shabby church. There where no priests in this place. Peach opened the old and rickety door. “Potent” the man addressed the boy “this is to be your sleeping, eating and working quarters, this is where you will train to be a necromancer”. “But that’s not my name” protested the boy, meeting Peaches stony gaze. “It is to be your necromancer name” Peach replied. And so it was that potent spent the rest of his teen years training to be a necromancer. Peach taught him in the ways of pain and despair. He taught him how to embrace the shadows, to live off other people’s fear and pain, to use them to hide and to move without beening seen. One day as Potent was taking a walk around the graveyard he saw a mound slowly forming above one of the graves. Out of curiosity he went over to it. A black skeletal hand reached out followed by the body of a long dead necromancer. The skeleton launched its self at potent. He didn’t have time to call the shadows to his aid. The skeleton stood over him a black knife about to take his life, just before the knife pierced his throat, he awoke in his bed. God dreams are funny things |