Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1758422-Guys
Rated: · Other · Other · #1758422
I was full of emotions put me up to this.
Guys use you for your body, they don’t give a fuck.
They don’t see what’s in your heart, they’re all smucks.
But when they even fall for you they get scared and run away.
Why do us girls always fall for them? it’s important what we do or say.
I never knew a true guy until I got sent away.
It was just a crush but I still listened to what he had to say.
A month ago we had sex, and i though he cared.
But little did I know he had a fiancé and two kids they shared.
Now I may be pregnant, and I don’t know what to do.
I know I should tell him, he doesn’t have a clue.
I’m trying to move on, but this next guy is taken.
People say we flirt but I bet he is faking.
Is this how guys treat us, like shit?
I don’t think guys are fit.
They always think about sex, they just want a slice.
They sweet talk us, so we think they’re nice.
They just talk trash, they don’t know how to treat.
Boy craziness is a problem I need to defeat.
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