Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1758527-DemiGod
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1758527
A young girl is thrust into the world of the gods.
I concentrated on the tiny patch of bare earth and willed the bulb to take root and grow. Suddenly I felt the strange tingle I got whenever I used my powers as a tiny green shoot poked through the earth. I smiled and kept going, picturing the daffodil growing in my mind. The tiny shoot, pushed all the way up and stated to grow thicker and stronger and before long the yellow petals of the flower unfurled and welcomed the morning sun.

This was my garden, well my aunts garden anyway, I spent all my free time here growing things and just soaking in the energy from the earth. Its not surprising considering my mother is the goddess of the earth Aurelia. I have know I was a demigod since my Dad told me when I was thirteen. I have never meet my mother but Dad always told me she loved me very very much but the rules of the god forbade her to see me until I was sixteen, only a few days away now. Before he died later that year he had told me everything he knew. I would have some form of powers but I would not reach my full potential until I joined a special school that would help to train me. I couldn't wait, I had never really fit in with other people, they all thought I was strange, and they were right I guess, how many other people could control the earth? I bent down and drew in the sweet smell of the daffodil 'soon' I thought 'soon I will meet my mother and take my place with my fellow demigods'. I smiled and left my garden to join the normal people in the world.

Stealing Thor's Hammer

I still couldn't believe I was finally here, surrounded by people just like me, special. We had been here for a few months but already it felt like a lifetime. I was in the schools vegetable garden with Maku the resident herbalist and spiritualist he was showing me which herbs he wanted grown. We had already planted a dozen or so different types and I was beginning to feel very tired. I yawned as the mandrake root grew to its full size. Maku nodded in satisfaction 'perfect' he said, he was a man a few words outside of his classes but I found his company very pleasant, he loved the earth in the same was I did. The school had allowed me to grow whatever I pleased in the garden and I was so pleased to be able to grow my own food. I could not bear to eat as the others did, after you have spoken with a baby lamb you find that the thought of eating meat repulses you. Talking to the animals or nature speak Cherion called it was a talent I had gained after turning 16, I still could not hold a full conversation with all the animals (a humming bird for instance talk so fast I have no idea what they are saying) but I was improving each day. 'done' Maku said and indicated that I may leave.

We had been in this village only a short time as we moved around every few weeks or so helping people whilst improving our skills. It had been thrilling to grow an entire crop of corn for the last village and although I had been exhausted afterwards I couldn't wait to try again. Cherion said that the stronger our powers became the easier it would be to use them without tiring.

I came across an apple tree as I left the garden and quickly grew a large apple for my lunch. Its was sweet and juicy and I was only half way through it when I heard the clop of Cherion approaching.

'Ashalia, I here your assignment' he said handing me a scroll. Each demigod was given a task to complete in order to advance through the various classes, it ensured that each demigod was prepared for each level of education. I unrolled the scroll and gasped 'You want me to do that?' I asked in horror.

Cherion just smirked and said 'you have a week to complete your trial' he walked away leaving me gaping. I didn't know why Cherion was especially hard on me it seemed that when ever a test or trial was involved mine were tenfold more difficult than the other students. Strangely though I had a feeling Cherion liked me more than the other students, it was almost like he was keeping a secret from me. At first I thought it might just be that I was a Forest and Earth major but I wasn't so sure now.

I reread the scroll again, I had to steal Thor's hammer! Thor was only king of the gods and had the worst temper out of all of them.

It had taken me a full day of thinking to formulate my plan but now I was ready to put it into action. I had been down to the lake that was hidden in the eternal forest and spoken with the swan maidens who lived there. If they would help me I promised to grow them a swing from the weeping willow that hung over the water to use when they had removed their swan skins and were in their human forms. I knew that if I could get Thor to this lake he would be instantly smitten with the beautiful swan maidens frolicking in the water, it was the perfect distraction while I took the hammer.

Thor's chariot was drawn by two goats so I had crept  into their stable to talk with them. They agreed to take Thor to the lake in the eternal forest in exchange for a strawberry patch that would grow strawberries all year round. It took a great deal of effort but in the end I succeeded.

Now here I was, dressed in my own forest armor. I had asked a tree to grow it for me so it fit perfectly, I had used a thick bark I had grown in place of leather and had completed it with a soft billowy fabric made from the soft moss I had grown out like a sheet of fabric. It was comfortable and helped to blend in with my surroundings perfectly. I was in a tree near the place where the chariot would land, I had asked the tree to bring its branches up to further conceal me. Suddenly I could hear Thor's voice thundering in the sky above me 'where are you taking me you stupid beasts' he roared in fury. I coward, I really hope he didn't catch me. He suddenly feel silent as the swan maidens in all their unclothed glory paraded themselves on the lakes surface. I could see Thor face break into a wide smile,'well now my clever friends' he said to the goats stroking them lovingly 'this is indeed a treat'. Just as I had expected he approached the swan maidens leaving his hammer behind. Not willing to leave the safety of the tree I concentrated on forming a thick vine to come down from the tree. Slowly the vine reached forth like a slick tentacle, winding around the handle and lifting the giant hammer back up to me. Once I had the hammer safely in my grasp i lost no time in fleeing as fast as I could whilst leaving no trail. I heard a crash behind me thinking Thor was coming to kill me I willed myself forward faster and faster. I felt the tingle start in my back and spread though my legs in a sudden burst of power everything changed................


I closed the earth over the grave and felt the tears rolling down my cheeks. With barely a thought I grew two trees one on each of my friends, the boughs grew up and leaned toward each other, entwining and forming a canopy of thick lush leaves. These two trees were like no other in the world I had created them just for Cherion and Maku.

It had been only a few months after stealing Thor's hammer that she had struck, Cherion explained to me that I had been given the task because Hera had been trying to steal it herself. It was decided that because of Thor's weaknesses it was no longer safe in his hands, but he refused to give it to anyone for safe keeping. None of the other gods could steal it because Thor had his spies watching each and everyone of them. It was Cherion who had suggested I should be the one to steal it, as I was not on Thor's radar.

The hammer was safely out of Hera's reach now but my two dear friends had paid dearly for it. The greatest magic users had come together to weave a spell so strong it would stop Hera from being able to reach the hammer. It had been sealed tight inside a storm cloud and only Thor who could wield lightening and not be killed could retrieve it, the magic insured that any one else coming in contact with the cloud, even another god, would die instantly. Hera was desperately searching for the cloud but it had been well hidden.

Everyone thought the plan was fool proof, that was until Hera had convinced Magni to join her, being Thor's direct son he too had the powers of his father, albeit to a slightly lesser degree but enough to break the magical seal and steal the hammer for Hera.

I wiped the tears away and stood with grim determination at the grave side. Hera had made a terrible mistake not killing me along with my mentors, she refused to think that a simple demigod could be a match for her. It would be a mistake that would send her to Hades, I would make sure of it.

I adjusted the pack resting on my back and bowed my head in a silent farewell. With a swish of my tail I turned to leave.

It felt so natural now walking round on four legs, I vividly remembered the instant I had come into my full powers. I had been running from Thor after stealing his hammer, convinced he was chasing me I had pushed myself to run even faster, without realizing it I had 'willed' my self to go faster and without being fully aware of it had used my power to transform. I remembered the sudden burst of speed shocked I had stopped short and fallen in a twisted heap of limbs and legs that didn't fell quite like mine. Looking down at where my legs had moments before been now were two long brown limbs ending in hooves, I stood up, realizing that I had not two legs but four. Now I understood why Cherion acted the way he did around me, I too was a centaur.

It had taken me days to get used to walking without stumbling but now I walked with the graceful ease of all centaur. Not that I technically was a centaur Cherion explained, I could change between my human and half horse form at will. My mother had often taken this form when she came to earth and apparently I had also inherited it from her Cherion called me a centaur halfling. When I  was in my halfling form I could run faster than I had ever known and I could bound around, jumping and sprinting over nearly any terrain. The world had opened up to me in a way I had never imagined and finally I felt whole and complete.

I was off to climb Mount Tempest an active volcano to meet with Vulcan the god of fire. I need the help of Mogie Magnis brother, I knew I could defeat Hera but I had no hope of killing Magni. Mogie would hardly need and encouragement to kill his brother but one problem stood in my way, he was with Hades in the underworld and as a god one of Hades most prized possessions. He would not let him go without some sort of compensation. I knew if I could reason with Hades greed and offer him tow gods in place of the one he would be interested, but when he found out one of them was Hera herself it would be an offer he couldn't refuse.

But getting to see Hades was only possible in two ways, firstly die. That was not really an option so only one method was left to me. Present two golden coins forged in the fires of Mount Tempest by Vulcan to give to the ferryman and he would grant me safe passage across the river Styx and into Hades.

Once I had reached Mount tempest I ascended it with relative ease using my my hooves to gain a grip between the rocks and boulders. As I approached the cave where I would find Vulcan I could hear him complaining about something. 'Vulcan' I called out changing into my human form and approached him as he walked out. I bowed low to the ground and said 'oh mighty Vulcan, king or the all consuming fire I humbly approach you magnificence and offer you that which is most precious of all things to you' a strange look passed his face as he contemplated my words. I bowed lower knowing that being a petty god he was prone to flattery. I didn't have the time to calm him down if he were to get angry so instead I had decided this was the best course of action. 'this precious thing' he said in a haughty voice 'what do you ask of me in return?' I knew this was a precarious moment and if I faltered now his anger would blaze against me. 'I want to stop Hera and punish her for her evil ways oh Vulcan mightiest of the mighty, I cannot hope to prevail without two of your golden coins.' I raised my head and looked him in the eye 'I plan to descend into hades and free Mogie'. I flinched as Vulcan let out a mighty roar and I feared all had been lost, but I quickly realized he was laughing, at me. A tear of mirth ran down his cheek and he slapped his knee as the laughter subsided 'you? A little girl......plan to go......to Hades!' his laughter started anew 'ok, ok' he said when he had calmed down I will give you your coins, you have made me laugh more than I have in centuries, that is payment enough.' he fished around in his robe and tossed two golden coins to me. I bowed again and thanked him for his great kindness and quick as my human feet could carry me I descended the mountain. I stood at its base and concentrated on the earth beneath me a great tearing sound reverberated through the ground and a fissure appeared beside me. Getting in I commanded the earth to take me to the Underworld.

It did not take long to get to my destination and I landed with a soft thud on the giant mushroom I had grown to break my fall from the ceiling of the underworld. It shrunk back down to nothing and I stepped off onto the shore of the river Styx. Advancing to the ferryman who waited at the dock he held out his rotting hand and I dropped the coins in his upturned palm. A wicked grin spread across his lips as he gestured for me to come aboard. The mists of a thousand souls swirled upon the surface and if I dared look into its black waters I could see the ghastly faces of the dead floating there. In no time at all the ferryman docked again and I disembarked, standing like a stalwart mountain of black spires and tall walls was Hades castle. The faint forms of the wraiths that inhabited the underworld floated aimlessly around, they felt nothing here no joy no pain, they simply existed. Of in the far distance across one of the five rivers I could see the glow of the elysian fields where I knew Mogie would be residing. I could try and get there and sneak Mogie out but it would only be so long before Hades would come for him. In order to prevail against Hera I needed Hades to free him. I was making my way to the colossal doors of the castle when a wisp of smoke appeared next to me it bubbled and swirled and there standing next to me was Hades himself. 'You seem to have lost your way young one' he said tipping his head to the side 'why have you come?' I had no fear of Hades though he was the ruler of the underworld he posed no real threat to me I had come to make him an offer 'I have come to parley with you Hades, I want Mogie freed and in return I shall deliver Magni to you' he cut me off 'why would I swap one brother for another? I have no patience for you' he waved to dismissed me and started to billow into smoke again 'I offer not only Magni, but Hera herself' Hades quickly solidified again and studied me 'your quite serious aren't you' he smiled in pleasure 'and what happens when you fail as many before you have?'

'Then you take Mogie back and I will come of my own free will to you' his wicked eyes sparkled 'You may be young and beautiful my dear but of what value are you?'. I breathed in and let the change happen, swishing my tail I said 'I am Ashalia Rose daughter of  Aurelia, demigod' I bowed dramatically. Hades clapped his hands together in delight, 'Yes that will do quite nicely. So be it' he boomed with a flick of his wrist the most handsome man I had ever seen appeared beside him 'I present Mogie, you are free on the condition that you deliver Hera and Magni to me by the end of  seven days. I will be waiting' He flicked his wrist again and suddenly we were outside again.

Mogie looked around in wonder and suddenly sprang at me and scooped me up in his massive arms and spun me around. I squealed in fright and he put me down 'sorry, I just cant believe!' he scooped me up again and spun me around again in pure joy. I laughed this time and we were both still laughing when he finally put me down. It was so hard trying to get Mogie to calm down and focus on our way back to the village but I could hardly blame him. Trapped in the underworld for who knows how long he was thankful for everything around him. The moon, the stars, the wind and even the rain. I aloud him the first whole day to go and reacquaint himself with the world as I sat down to formulate the rest of my plan.

When Mogie finally came to me the next day he was still full of mirth but he was excited about having the chance to battle and kill Magni. He listened attentively to my plan and helped me to fine tune it. The beauty of my plan he said was the sheer simplicity of it. Divide and conquer.

The light filtered down through the forest and cast a thousand tiny diamonds of light on the surface of the lake. I stood in my halfling form wearing a girdle of my natural leather and my favorite green top with diaphanous drapery on the arms, I had oiled my hide and was looking my very best. I knew I would insight Hera's jealously looking the way I was, it was all part of the plan. I called out in a loud clear voice 'Hera! I demand you come and face me. I will make your death quick Hera. Come out and play. Poor ugly haggard Hera are you so frightened of me you tremble at the very thought of looking upon me?' I raised my voice high as my taunts rang through the air. I knew she would be listening to my words ' Hera, by your silence you leave no doubt that I am your better in every way. No one will worship a useless goddess like you, I say to all the earth Hera is impotent and worthless' I ducked to the side as an arrow materialized from the clouds. 'now now Hera, you'll have to do better than that' I called laughing. The sky darkened for a moment and standing on a cloud was Magni and Hera together. Faster than a flash of light Mogie charged at his brother and took him down. The sky thundered as the two gods fought one another. Seeing the trap Hera screamed in fury and flew at me. I turned and ran as fast as my legs would carry me, the ground was a blur as I traveled my path staying just out of her reach, in vegetation this thick she had no hope of striking me with her arrows. I darted side to side leaping over fallen logs 'you wont outrun me forever' she screamed as I pulled away from her even further. The sound of the brother gods fighting ended in a brilliant flash of lightening and a giant clap of thunder. Mogie had won, Magni was no more. Hera screamed even louder in fury as she tried to close the distance. I stopped and turned to face her. 'stop' I commanded 'in confusion the burst from the forest and into the small clearing where I was standing. I took advantage of her momentary hesitation and trust my arm up into the air. A thick root burst forth from the earth and grabbed her arm she pulled it free easily but before she could move again another root wrapped around her leg 'Stupid fool' she spat 'you'll run out of power before you can stop me'

'As I well know Hera' I responded 'but you fail to realize I don't need to be more powerful than you to defeat you, I just needed to be smarter' I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath concentrating deep down in the earth, bringing my hands together in front of me I curled my fingers up to sky and slowly raised my hands. Pulling the magic up from the earth, I tingled all over and sweat broke out on my face. Hera began laughing at me 'Pathetic child, I will kill you' Almost to the limit of my power I pulled harder. Slowly a tiny shoot appeared on the ground below Hera, then another and another until a hundred tiny shoots broke free, they grew up and slithered over the goddess like thousands of tiny serpents, spreading and growing over her porcelain skin. 'No' she shriek at me, realization dawning on her. The vines covered her whole body and grew thicker and stronger, she was powerless against them. Small thorns grew out from the many steam and pierced Hera all over 'she screamed in agony 'No' she screamed again thrashing as much as she was able. Small pinpricks of blood appeared on her body. The thorns continues to grow longer and thicker pushing though her body like she was not even there. '

'Magna.....Mag.......Magnal' the word died in her throat as the last of her life ebbed away.

'Magnoliopsida' I finished for her. Mogies hand was on my shoulder and I turned and embraced him. 'we won, Ashalia, we won' he said

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