Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1758530-A-fairy-Tale
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1758530
A fairy tale about an assasin
Lady Airianna step from the door way of her Manor and into the bright sun light. To any onlooker she was every inch the lady but beneath the calm facade Airianna was checking her surroundings with the trained eye of an assassin. Her hand reached for the dagger hidden in her belt as she saw movement from the corner of her eye and turned to see a woman emerge from the darkness of the stables.
'please Lady, I beg of you, help me' she managed to croak before collapsing on the cobble stones.
Jamiahn the gardener came around the corner and looked down, 'not another' he said in disgust.
The woman stirred, 'I take care of that for you' he said with a gruff voice.
'No please....I' she said pleading to Airianna.
The old woman reached up and grasped the hem of Airiannas dress ' I beg of you, please, I swear I can repay you, I can grant you great power, greater than you could possibly dream, I.....I' the womans breath came in great gasps.
“Quick Jamiahn' she called to the gardener 'help me carry her inside'
'Milady, she is touched, she cannot possibly pay you for food'
“what need have I for payment' she snapped at him 'I want for nothing and have more than any one person has need of. Carry her inside I say and put her by the fire on the divan, I shall prepare a restorative broth and bring it to her directly. Stay with her until I return' with that she turned and headed for her garden.
As part of her training with the Alunyu Airianna was well schooled in the art of medicines. She selected the herbs she needed and within a moment had them steeping in boiling water from the hearth. Taking the broth she went to the woman . Jamiahn had propped her up on some cushions and drawn the divan right by the fire in order to warm her. “thank you Jamiahn. That will be all for now'.
The woman looked up at Airianna and smiled weakly ' I shall repay you greatly for this' she whispered in exhaustion 'thats enough of that now, drink this and rest you need not worry yourself with payments. Consider yourself among friends' Airianna said firmly as she took the spoon and gingerly ladled the broth into the womans mouth. Whoever the beggar was she had seen hard times. Her paper thin skin was white and pulled across her bones like a taunt white cloth. She drank the broth greedily and a little color returned to her face. 'Thank you for your kindness' she said looking Airianna in the eye 'and repaid you shall be, you shall have your reward in full'.
Airianna recoiled in fright, the old woman had simply disappeared leaving nothing behind but a pile of rags and a black ruby pendant strung on a silver necklace.


Airianna stepped through the secret door to the meeting place of the Alunyu and instantly became Shadow. No outside names were used here, though many of the Alunyu knew one another outside of these walls. Shadow had come here to face the challenge. It was the method by which one became Shadow, leader of the Alunyu. Anyone could demand a challenge of the current Shadow and if they were strong enough to be victorious would claim the title for themselves. Airianna had become Shadow by this means and when she was no longer the best and strongest another would take her place in the same way. It was Raven who had brought the challenge to Shadow, she was a young headstrong girl who had shown great talent very early on in her training. But time had not yet brought her wisdom, it was foolhardy to challenge a Shadow whilst they were still in their prime. But Raven would not be dissuaded from her course. Shadow would not enjoy killing Raven, she derived enjoyment only from killing evil but she had no choice in the matter. If she wish to remain alive as the head of the Alunyu kill Raven she must.
As Shadow walked to the training arena where the challenge was to take place her hand wandered to the black ruby around her neck. It had been over a twelve month since the mysterious pendant had come into her life and it had proven invaluable to Shadow.
She remembered the first time she had discovered the symbol etched into the back of the pendant, so tiny as to be almost invisible to the naked eye. After extensive research she had discovered the meaning if the symbol, freyila. It was an ancient language of magic that had been all but lost to the world. Upon uttering the word whilst wearing the pendant Airianna discovered she became invisible to everyone around her. Keeping this new talent to herself had proven invaluable and the task of dispensing targets had become all to easy as it was there were no targets to be had. This being the case Shadow had devoted herself to the guild extensive library. This, she believed may be what had prompted Raven to invoke the challenge. No marks to take out and Shadow devoting herself to book rather than honing her skills. True she had let her skill slacken slightly, but what need of such skills does an invisible assassin have. Raven believed Shadow was going soft, it was to be her first and last mistake.
There were no real rules to the challenge, each party had a week to try and dispatch the other in whatever manner they saw fit. If after the week both were still standing the contests would begin.
After numerous attempts to poison or assassinate one another the week had passed. Invisibility was no tactic against a barricaded door. Poison also had failed as Raven would feed her rat some of her food before eating of it herself Shadow had tried several times anyway but aside from needing a new pet no ill had befallen Raven.
There were to be three contests in all, the first being weapons play which happened to be Ravens strongest ability. The second was a test of stealth and the third was a test on herbal lore. Once two contests had been won the victor was decided and the loser was put to death with the victor assuming the role of Shadow.
Shadow entered the arena to find Raven waiting for her. The ceremonial cups were laid out ready for the traditional toast. Loosening her belt and removing her decorative mantle she push her skirts to the side to reveal three daggers strapped to her shapely legs.
'Let us begin' she said. Scarcely the words left her lips than Raven lunge forward dagger at the ready. She made a stab at Shadows waist which was deftly avoided with step to the side. Shadow counted the next attack and whipped her own dagger around to defend against the second knife in Ravens free hand. To those looking on the two women were a blur of motion as Raven aggressively attacked again and again and Shadow countered. The longer they fought the more apparent it was that Shadow was being outmatched slowly but surely by her challenger. Seeing a gap in Ravens attack Shadow lunged forward falling for a classic trap. With a quick slice from Ravens second blade across Shadows arm, first blood was drawn. The first contest was over, Raven had won.
Stepping away from one another they bowed respectfully.
'For the first contest I declare Raven the victor' called the Arena master 'lets us toast to our health, bring forth the wine'. The drinking of the wine after a contest was part of the tradition, an unopened bottle of wine was brought forth and poured into the two goblets. The arena master then lifted both goblets high and said 'to show our loyalty to one another both must drink' so saying he poured the wine from one goblet into the other, then back to the first before dividing it equally between the two. This method of pouring wine had been established back when the challenge was first instituted to avoid poisoning attempts. Both women would be drinking the same twine together.
Taking a goblet each they tipped their goblets in salute of the other and drank to the last drop.
'I take no pleasure in killing you' said Shadow to Raven. A look of confusion spread across Ravens face before her hand flew to her throat. 'poison!' she gasped 'but how, you drank also'
'indeed' she answered 'I did. What you are now feeling is the effect of the LeDoxia plant. A curious weed I came across in my studies. The leaves when eaten on their own are completely harmless, as is the LeDoxias flower. Its when you have taken both that they become deadly. The wine was poisoned with the distilled flowers, I slipped a few drops of the distilled leaves into your tea this morning.'
'You.... couldn't have...... thats impossible....no one was ........with me this .......morning' she gasped
'I'm sorry dear, but this is how it has to happen'. Ravens breaths came in short sharps bursts and the color leeched from her lips before she fell into eternal slumber.
Shadow gently closed the girls vacant eyes and left the arena.

Part 3

After Raven had received the proper Alunyu death rites and been laid to rest Shadow decided to take some time to visit the city of Altos, she had never been before but it was said to be much larger than the town Shadow called home. She had traveled as Lady Airianna and was staying for the summer, leaving her chapter of the Alunyu under the care of her second in charge.

She smoothed the front of her best gown down as the hostess of the ball introduced her to another person she had no hope of remembering later.
'this is the Lady Grace and her husband Sir Frederick' Lady Georgianna said. Airianna smiled and curtsied as each new person was introduced to her. She had meet Lady Georgianna in the first few days in Altos and she had been determined to make Airianna her new best friend. Not that she minded, it was nice being fussed over like this. She had decided to take some time off to come visit the city after Raven had been laid to rest. Her chapter of the Alunyu was currently being cared for by her second in charge Elfrida.
'Lady Airianna, this is Lord Claremont and his wife Danella'. Airianna had decided to summer here in Altos and was enjoying her stay thus far.
'and this is Sir Garus, my dear brother' Georgianna said. Airianna looked up and felt something strange in the pit of her stomach, the man standing before her was the handsomest man she had ever laid eyes upon. His strong manly features were accentuated by his startling blue eyes. He smiled at her and her heart skipped a beat, she felt the heat of a blush color her cheek as he laid a delicate kiss on her hand. 'A pleasure my Lady,' he said bowing to her 'the pleasure is all mine' she responded automatically. It sounded so silly she immediately wished she could take it back. But he only smiled and said 'may I get the Lady some wine?'. 'I...ah....yes, thank you.' she wanted to slap herself on the head, what was she doing? This was not like her at all! She wasn't some foolish love struck puppy. No she was Shadow, a killer and a strong independent woman. So why did she feel like a silly school girl when he looked at her? She hated herself for feeling this way yet she was unwilling to break her contact with him. Why did she want his company so much?
She kept asking herself this same question over and over during the next three weeks she spent with him. They were practically inseparable, no one had ever made Airianna feel this way and try as she might she could not help but develop deep feelings for Garus.

It was a warm day as they picnicked on the grounds of his estate a blanket had been placed under a large apple tree and Garus was employing all of his worldly charms on her. Airianna sipped her wine and listened to Garus reading sonnets when suddenly he stopped and put the book down.
'Airianna, I can bear this no longer' he said dropping to her side and taking her hands in his.
'You must know that I have fallen for you these past few weeks, can you deny you feel the same?' she was unable to answer, she wanted to tell him yes, that she loved him too but she couldn't. She was shadow, she had a whole other life he could never be apart of. Although it pained her greatly she could not tell him what she knew to be true, they could never be together. She looked up into his eyes and saw the hope and love that lay there 'Garus,....I' suddenly his lips were upon hers and she could not resist the kiss, nor did not want to. His kiss was soft and gentle and filled with a world of longing and passion. She felt his hand cradle her head as his kiss intensified and became more urgent. Airiannas world spun in a moment of pure bliss, an explosion like a million butterflies in her stomach filled her with an emotion she had no name for. Abruptly she pulled away from him 'No' she said her voice choked with emotion 'I cant....I' she could not find the words to explain to him, instead she stood and fled.

Airianna could not sleep or eat the next day, her heart and mind were at war and she was the only casualty. She could no longer deny her feelings for Garus, her heart imagined a life together as husband and wife, of children and a world full of happiness. But her mind told her it would all be a lie, a pretense hiding her true dark nature. Could she truly love when she was an assassin, when taking lives was her vocation. No her mind said, she could not.
Hour after hour she went back and forth between her heart and her mind until she could stand it no longer and fell into a deep sleep.
In her dreams she dreamt of him and she was happy, content and when she woke the next morning she knew what she must do. She would leave behind her life in the Alunyu and take her place with Garus, she knew it would be hard to cut off that part of her life but she knew that without Garus life would hold no meaning. Filled with determination and a sense of relief she went to find him. Knowing he would be in his town house this early she speed to him without any further hesitation.

The door to the house was closed and no one answered her knocks so she went to the back of the house where she knew a key was hidden in the garden under the lavender bush. She quietly made her way down the narrow ally that lead to the back garden but stopped when she heard voices.
Holding the pendant she uttered the magic word and became invisible before going to see what was happening. Garus was talking with another man Airianna did not know, he back to where Airianna was standing, he must have heard her coming. He kept looking a moment longer before turning his attention back to the old man. She could not make out what they were saying but the tension in Garuss' shoulders was unmistakable. She took another step forward in time to see a blade whip out from Garuss' coat and plunge into the old mans throat. He gurgled and gasped for air, blood flowed freely from the wound. Airianna stifled a scream and retreated away from the terrible scene. How could it be? how could she not have know Garus was a killer, for without a doubt he had killed before judging by how he had handled the knife. Tears streaming down her face she ran back to her apartment terrifying people as she pushed them out of her way, she had not become visible again.
How stupid I am she though cursing herself, hating that she had let her guard down so much she had been blind to the true nature of the man. She knew he must be dealt with, that is the code of the Alunyu that code was all she had now. Hastily draping a cloak around her shoulders and becoming visible once more she headed out to the meeting place of the local Alunyu chapter.

After the proper words had been spoken Airianna was admitted. As was the tradition everyone inside had donned their cloaks to conceal their identities and she could be sure that they each had a weapon readily available in case she was not who she said she was.
'I am Shadow of the Damark chapter brother' Airianna said to the one who had admitted her 'I request an audience with your Shadow' The cloaked figure bowed and directed her to a room where the Shadow awaited her. Bowing before the Shadow she announced who she was and bowed showing her submission to the chapter. The figure seated behind the table, lowered their concealed face and said 'please sister come sit, and tell me what you have come to say' she sat in the chair.
'you may leave' he said to the others. They filed out shutting the door behind them.
'Thank you for seeing me shadow' she said trying to keep her emotions under control 'I have witnessed the murder of a man by the hand of one Sir Garus' her voice broke as she mentioned his name ' I come here to ask that his death be taken off my hands and given to another' she said feeling tears form in the corner of her eyes, she tried to blink them away. 'Why?' Shadow asked simply
Airianna cursed herself for still loving Garus but she knew it was futile to deny it to a fellow Shadow. 'because...' she faltered 'because I love him'. She closed her eyes fighting against the tears that fought to burst forth. Suddenly she felt her self swept up in strong arms as the shadow lifted her up and kissed her mouth, she pulled back in shock to find herself staring into the eyes of her lover.
Garus gazed into her eyes a moment longer then kissed her mouth again and holding her close.
'I love you too my darling' he said, emotion thick in his voice 'Garus?' Airianna said unable to believe what was happening 'Yes darling, its me. We have much to discuss'


Airiannas cream and gold dress swirled out behind her as Garus spun her around and around, they were as happy as two newly married lovers could be. The song finally ended and Airianna was swept up by her new husband and taken to the coach that was awaiting them to take them on their honeymoon. They had really been married a few years ago but this wedding had been planned for their real selves to show all of the curious neighbors in the town that they were man and wife. The Alunyu had their own ceremony that wed a couple and that had been preformed almost immediately after Garus' revelation. For the rest of the world a marriage was inconceivable until the couple had been courting for at least a year. They had had great fun pretending to court all over again and the wedding today had been a fantastic affair. The happy 'newly weds' were seated in the carriage and all their guests gathered outside to see them off. Waving and laughing the carriage pulled away and drove off down the road. Without any hesitation they quickly removed their wedding regalia and changed into outfits of black leather, no second honeymoon was on the cards for Airianna ans Garus this time. As the two most sought after Alunyu they were off on a highly specialized mission. To track down and kill a serial killer who had taken a liking to killing men as they left the tavern in a drunken stupor. The coach ride was not long and as they departed they said their farewell to the Alunyu driver and descended into the main street of Camus.

Before long they found the local tavern and requested a bed for the night from the surly tavern keeper. The room was ill lit and smelt like stale beer and old pipe tobacco. The floor was strewn with rushes and a smattering of tables and chairs were strewn haphazardly around the floor space. Selecting a dark both in the corner of the tavern Garus seated himself down while Airianna ascended to their rooms. One she was out of sight she used the power of the pendant and turned invisible before returning the main area of the inn. She approached Garus and playfully flicked the foam from his ale into the air. He smiled knowingly and tilted his head ever so slightly toward a table of men in the opposite corner of the room.
This was a tactic they almost always employed, though Airianna was herself a master of disguise and stealth no such steps were necessary once the powers of the pendant were activated. Walking carefully to avoid disturbing anything that might give her position away she approached the table full of men. There were three of them sitting their and all though they seemed to be making merry she could see they were actually watching everyone around them cautiously.
'another ale?' one of the men asked the others. They all shook their heads and another said 'two enough for me with some vagabond running around' each man nodded his agreement
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