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Rated: E · Article · Community · #1770692
A Call To Action.

Are you looking at a diminishing income and higher bills? Is your job becoming impossible due to cut backs? Is inflation and low interest rates destroying your assets? Are you watching your hard earned savings and/or pensions get gambled away on the stock market? Do you run a small business with less coming in and bigger bills? Are you looking forward to massive university debt? Do you have two jobs and no family life? Do you have a Job? Is your job under threat? Is the stress of making ends meet making you ill?

Have you been on a demonstration? Signed a petition? Sent a letter to your member of parliament?
What else can you do?

The Blame Game

It's the immigrants fault. It's the previous governments fault, it's this governments fault. It's the bankers fault. It's the work-shy unemployed fault. It's the Americans fault. It's belonging to the EU. It's everybody else’s fault except our own, and somebody should do something about it.

The Blindingly Obvious

No matter who we blame, or what we think is wrong, there is one thing we can all agree on, it is too expensive to live in this country.

The middle income brigade cannot make ends meet without a paltry sum of child benefit to top up their forty thousand pounds  plus per year. Multi millionaires are moving abroad to save a bit of tax. No one on minimum wage can afford to pay their rent without a government subsidy. 

Handing It Over Without A Question.

There is a war going on, and it is happening on the streets of our country. Not just our country, but round the world, every city, town and village, every shop, every home, every factory. What ever walk of life you come from, whatever education, income or aspiration, we are all engaged in battle.

Are you going to be quiet and make the most of your life, or are you eager to fight back?


The Powers That Be.

Although the banks are not a cartel, they might as well be, they spy on each other so closely, that when one clever banker thinks of a new way to make more money, the others copy it with such speed, you can hardly tell who thought of it first.

Like the idea that if you offer the young a dazzling life style, you can get them into debt early, you could have them paying for the dream for the rest of their lives. Massive mortgages, including all modern conveniences. Loans for holidays and life style accessories.

Stand on the coast of the UK, and look out to sea. On a clear day you can see a row of oil tankers, each parked up and waiting for the price of oil to rise, so the owners of the oil can make a profit.

The cost of living is on an upward spiral, this means wage rises will follow, and company’s will send more jobs abroad to country’s with cheaper labour.

We’re Doomed

Ever increasing costs, a government that desperately needs to cut costs, many people so far in debt, all their spare cash is going into the banks pockets.  A world beginning to want its share of  the good things in life. A growing population. Civil unrest.

The leaders of some unpleasant regimes are seeking nuclear weapons. Pollution is probably causing climate change. Record volumes of traffic is now jamming our cities. Unemployment is becoming a multi generational problem.

Violence has become a way of life for so many children. Slavery is still part of the modern world.

Is There An Alternative?

You bet there is.

Some of this we can do ourselves, some will require a change of government policy.

What can we do?

We can club together, and form a  cooperative which will enable us to generate our own power. We can and must stop using oil. We can  do this without resorting to nuclear energy. Making our own energy will stop big business from exploiting our dependency on fossil fuels. I call this;

'The Greener Convention.'

It is a simple way to turn every house hold in the country into a power station,  cutting bills, and creating a new revenue stream for every one. There are some side effects, less pollution, improvement in the balance of payments, no more wars in the middle east over oil.

Local Government

Cancel the council house discount, if you want to buy your home, you pay full market price. Bring all the housing association property back under  the councils umbrella.

Now we own a few banks, getting long term loans at a reasonable interest rates should be easy. Using long term loans to build more rent-able property and renting them at half or less than the market rate will bring down the ridiculously high cost of housing. Cheaper housing will encourage the economy to grow, and reduce state subsidy’s. More tax and less expenditure.

National Government

As the home energy generating scheme grows, you could start moving the economy off oil and onto hydrogen as fuel for transport.

The amount of home brew energy will become large enough to provide industry with plentiful cheap fuel,  adding to the attraction of setting up manufacturing business's over here.

The few easy changes needed to reboot our economy can be copied by every other country, making the global economy so much more active, and making our market place much more extensive.

How Angry Are You?

Are you just going to watch the country go to ruin? Or will you do something practical about it?

Discuss this with your family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, teachers, members of parliament, and everyone else.

For a more detailed look at the 'greener convention' idea, go to
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